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Chapter 234: Liu Bowen in Fake Death

After hearing Zhu Gui's explanation, Liu Jing showed a slightly thoughtful look on her face, and then nodded and said: "So that's it. Compared with my father's deduction skills, your prince's deduction skills are actually on par. At least my father has never told me about it."

I told you such a detailed matter."

Seeing this, Zhu Gui suddenly asked: "I wonder where Mr. Liu Bowen is now? Is it convenient to meet him?"

Zhu Gui's words made the two people present look surprised.

However, compared to Xu Yingxu's uncertainty, Liu Jing was more panicked.

"My lord, please stop joking. My father passed away in the eighth year of Hongwu. How can I meet my lord?"

"That's right, Your Majesty, the last general also attended Prime Minister Liu's funeral with Duke Xu." Xu Yingxu also testified.

But Zhu Gui smiled and shook his head and said: "You can deceive others with this matter, but you cannot deceive me. When you first came to Datong Mansion, Liu Jing, I was still a little confused. After all, I was there at that time.

It is absolutely impossible for Mr. Liu Jing to defect to Nanjing due to his bad reputation."

"When I thought about this later, I guessed that there must be an expert behind Mr. Liu's back. Later, I also learned some of the truth of the matter through the 'deduction technique'."

When Zhu Gui said this, he saw Liu Jing's expression changed dramatically, and he looked impatient to explain, but Zhu Gui did not give him a chance and continued.

"Mr. Liu, don't worry. I can also guess the reason why the prime minister faked his death. He must have calculated that the emperor will liquidate those who contributed to the founding of the country, right?"

When Zhu Gui said this, he sighed.

Liu Jing showed a noncommittal wry smile, as if she acquiesced to Zhu Gui's statement.

The two seemed to have a feeling of sympathy for each other, but this made Xu Yingxu on the side dumbfounded.

His initial suspicion turned into shock.

If what the young prince in front of me said is true, then this would be a major event that would shock the entire government and opposition parties.

You must know that Mr. Liu Bowen played a very key role in the reason why the current emperor was able to overthrow the rule of the Yuan Dynasty and establish the Ming Dynasty within more than ten years.

However, Xu Yingxu also knew that this matter was really closely related, so even though he had thousands of questions in his heart, he did not ask further questions.

For a moment, the inner room fell into an atmosphere of silence.

After a long while, Liu Jing took the lead and said: "The prince's prediction is generally good. In fact, I was able to come to Yunzhou because of my father's recommendation. Otherwise, based on my thoughts at the time, I would have wanted to go to Yan to join the King of Yan."

Liu Jing's face looked a little unnatural, but she soon felt relieved.

Zhu Gui nodded, indicating that he understood.

But now that the topic has been discussed, he has also got the answer he wants, that is, the god Liu Bowen is really not dead. Whether he can get the other party's advice in the future depends on whether he can meet the other party's expectations.

However, Zhu Gui is still very confident about this.

So he changed the topic to other aspects.

What happened next was just as Liu Jing expected, it was Zhu Gui's instructions on Yunzhou's internal affairs.

Especially in terms of military affairs, Zhu Gui expressed his intention to recruit a group of Mongolian riders and equip them with flintlock muskets.

And this time he wants Xu Yingxu to come to Beijing together, so the training of these Mongolians must be strictly arranged.

However, Xu Yingxu's thoughts on this are somewhat different from Zhu Gui's.

The main reason is that he does not yet have too much trust in these surrendered Mongolians, and does not want to hand over sharp weapons like flintlock guns to these people.

So Xu Yingxu wanted to personally supervise and train these Mongols after returning from Nanjing.

"General Xu, I understand your thoughts, but you have to understand one thing. We are not rich in time. Maybe after returning from Nanjing this time, the situation will begin to be turbulent. From then on, we

It’s too late to start training cavalry again.”

Zhu Gui said.


Xu Yingxu still wanted to stick to his idea, but was interrupted by Zhu Gui.

"Okay, this matter has been decided. This 'White Disaster' on the grasslands has made most Mongolians understand one thing, that is, they can only live a good life by relying on the Ming Dynasty."

"By the way, General Xu, not only the five thousand Mongolians who will be selected, but also all the missing personnel in the escort army must be filled before we leave. This time we go to Nanjing, we don't know how long we will stay.

So everything has to be prepared in advance.”


Seeing Zhu Gui's resolute attitude, Xu Yingxu could only obey the order.

This is how the internal meeting of Datong Mansion ended.

Xu Yingxu and Liu Jing both went back to prepare.

Zhu Gui also came to the main hall, and then saw Xu Miaoqing in the yard teaching Zhu Jixi how to ride a bicycle.

He did not disturb the two of them, but returned to the study and began to analyze the map on the table.

It can be said that Zhu Gui is very familiar with the history of the Ming Dynasty, but he does not know much about the history of other parts of the world during this era.

He only remembers some big events.

For example, Columbus discovered the American continent two hundred years after Zheng He's voyages to the West (approximately), and the Industrial Revolution in Europe also started around 1840.

The Age of Great Navigation in Europe should have been a long time away from this time.

So judging from the time, Zhu Gui's global strategy is actually not just talk. Even without the black technology he brought, the combat effectiveness of Ming soldiers can completely crush the indigenous people in other areas of this era.

What the Ming Dynasty lacked was not force, but a map and transportation. It was like a puzzle missing the most critical parts.

And now Zhu Gui has become the most critical part.

Zhu Gui drew four lines on the map, pointing respectively to India, Siberia, Europe and the American continent on the other side of the Pacific.

Three of the lines are overland, but if he wants to open up these three channels, he must first control this large grassland outside the Ming Dynasty. Therefore, he must resolve the split between Wats and Tatars within Mongolia.

As for the direction of the Pacific Ocean, this reminded Zhu Gui of a person, that is Zheng He.

Although it is still several years before Zheng He's voyages to the West during the Yongle period, Zheng He should still be serving under King Zhu Di of Yan at this time.

In history, Zheng He also played a significant role in the Battle of Jingnan, and only then was he reused by Zhu Di.

However, Zhu Gui felt that even without Zheng He, the outcome of the Battle of Jingnan would not have been changed, so he was now thinking about how to lure Zheng He away from Zhu Di and use it for him.

And this trip to Nanjing to visit the prince is the best opportunity.

This chapter has been completed!
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