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Chapter 236 Returning to the Xu Mansion

After another two days of preparation, it was finally the day to set off.

Zhu Gui's traveling team this time reached a hundred people, and this was without a caravan accompanying him.

However, more people came to see him off. Even in winter, Datong Prefecture achieved unprecedented crowds of people.

I know that there are also many refugees among them.

At first, these refugees didn't know what was happening, but they soon saw the cavalry team traveling.

This kind of spectacle was something they had never seen before.

What made them even more unexpected was that the people along the road were waving desperately to a carriage in the center of the queue, and many even threw flower petals.

What kind of person is sitting on the carriage who is so popular?

It wasn't until the carriage approached that they saw a heroic young man standing in front of the carriage.

He was wearing a scarlet python robe and enjoying everything in front of him very naturally.

Only then did the refugee remember that this was the legendary local vassal king, the acting king.

Although his time here was very short, his ears were almost numb.

Almost all the locals, whether common people or business people, were full of praise for this prince.

Although this refugee also felt some of the warm celebration measures here to benefit the people, for example, refugees like them can live in clean wooden houses, and people distribute various supplies at specific locations every day.

Many people even found jobs.

When the refugees thought of this, they couldn't help but start cheering with the people around them until the carriage gradually moved away.

When Zhu Jixi, who was on the carriage, saw this scene, he felt very excited in his heart.

Although his father was also a vassal king, he had never been so loved by the people of Taiyuan.

Zhu Jixi looked at Zhu Gui with even more admiration in his eyes.

"Uncle Wang, how on earth did you make the people in the city love you so much?"

Zhu Jixi couldn't help but ask.

Zhu Gui did not answer, but looked at Xu Miaoqing next to him with a smile.

Xu Miaoqing was making tea, and seemed to notice Zhu Gui's gaze, so she handed the tea box to Zhu Gui, then hugged the latter's arm and said with a smile: "This matter is very simple. As long as you are sincerely good to the people, they will

They will love you and the people will not ask for much."

Zhu Jixi showed a helpless smile. He grew up next to the King of Jin. He was used to seeing the lavish scenes of the clan's wealthy gentry, and heard too many polite words. How could he not know that although what Xu Miaoqing said was simple, if he really sat up

, I am afraid that in the entire Ming Dynasty, there are not many vassal kings who can achieve the level of Zhu Gui.

Just the word "money" stumps countless people, let alone whether anyone is really willing to spend money on the people.

However, Zhu Jixi did not continue to struggle with this issue. Anyway, he still had time to continue studying with Zhu Gui. He believed that sooner or later he would get the answer he wanted.

Although a long section of official road was built on the road to Nanjing this time compared to the last time, due to the snow, the marching speed was never able to be maximized.

It took Zhu Gui and the others half the time to arrive in Nanjing than last time.

At this time, Nanjing also felt a sense of chilling.

There were twice as many patrol soldiers on the city wall, and there was a steady flow of people coming and going at the city gate, but there was no lively atmosphere at all.

Zhu Gui and the others also got off the carriage and entered the city through another special small gate.

"Is this Nanjing, where my father and Uncle Wang grew up?" Zhu Jixi couldn't help but sigh as he looked at the various buildings on the street that were taller than those in Taiyuan.

Zhu Gui smiled and said: "This is just an outer city. The princes all live in the palace. You can understand it as a larger palace."

Zhu Jixi nodded without knowing why.

The group of people came to the Prince Dai's Mansion. Since there are people stationed here all year round, there is no need to clean up.

It was just a tiring journey, so Xu Miaoqing and Zhu Jixi soon went down to rest.

Only Zhu Gui was sitting alone in the living room, as if waiting for someone.

Almost half a stick of incense had passed when a servant came to the living room with a father-in-law.

When the servant saw Zhu Gui sitting inside, he went down.

The father-in-law first greeted Zhu Gui and then said, "Your Majesty, Duke Xu has already hosted a reception banquet at the Duke's Mansion, hoping to honor the prince."

Zhu Gui just nodded, then stood up and walked out with the other party.

He hadn't forgotten to send someone to call Xu Yingxu.

The two of them got on the carriage and went to Xu Guogong's mansion.

In the carriage, Xu Yingxu expressed his doubts. Why did Xu Guogong ask a father-in-law to invite Zhu Gui?

Zhu Gui had noticed this a long time ago and said, "It should be what Concubine Hui means."

Xu Yingxu nodded.

At this moment, there was a sudden muffled sound from the rear of the carriage, as if something had hit the carriage.

Xu Yingxu quickly looked over and found an arrow stuck in the rear of the car, with a note tied to it.

But the man who shot the arrow was nowhere to be found.

"Your Majesty, do you see it?"

Xu Yingxu had no choice but to pull out the arrow.

Zhu Gui was also a little surprised, but he still untied the note.

There were only a dozen words on the note, but Zhu Gui started laughing after reading it.

"Your Majesty, what is written in the letter?" Xu Yingxu asked with some confusion.

"It's nothing, we met as old friends and just wanted to catch up on old times," Zhu Gui said.

When Xu Yingxu heard this, he did not continue to ask.

Soon the carriage arrived at the door of Xu Guogong's mansion.

There were people waiting at the door for a long time.

Zhu Gui and Xu Yingxu got off the carriage together and walked into the Xu family gate.

Xu Yingxu's face looked a little excited.

Before entering the main hall, I saw Xu Guogong and his wife coming out.

"Prince, Yingxu, you are here, please come in, come in and relax, it's very cold outside, isn't it?"

Xu Guogong, who had always been very serious, now had an excited look on his face.

Zhu Gui felt a little emotional when he saw this.

"The child has seen his father."

Seeing this, Xu Yingxu was about to bow down, but was stopped by Duke Xu.

"Come in quickly, don't let the prince laugh. By the way, prince, Concubine Hui is waiting for you in the side hall."

Xu Guogong held Xu Yingxu with one hand and whispered to Zhu Gui while he was close to him.

Zhu Gui nodded and walked along the corridor of the main hall towards the side hall.

After several turns, I finally saw a place with two palace maids guarding outside. It seemed that I had found a place.

"I have met the prince." Two maids saluted Zhu Gui.

Zhu Gui just nodded and pushed the door open.

"My son, is it really you?"

A gentle and excited voice sounded from the side hall, it was Concubine Guo.

Before Zhu Gui had time to answer, he was pulled into his arms.

This chapter has been completed!
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