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Chapter 264: The Ultimate Mission of the System (The Finale)

Xu Miaoqing's figure appeared in front of Zhu Gui, and an expression of surprise appeared on his face.

Zhu Gui immediately dismounted, hugged Xu Miaoqing and said, "Don't do this again. I won't allow you to take any more risks."

Although Xu Miaoqing was 'reprimanded', her face looked happy. Not far behind her, Concubine Guo Huifei and Zuo Erniang both showed happy expressions, but Zuo Erniang's expression showed a hint of loneliness.

At this time, a man with a bandage on his arm walked over. It turned out to be Hei Muhan. He said to Zhu Gui with a dark face: "Your Majesty, you are here."

Only then did Zhu Gui realize that there were other people beside him. He immediately let go of Xu Miaoqing and said, "Ah, yes, I am here. Reinforcements will arrive soon. Thank you for your hard work during this period."

Zhu Gui wanted to pat the other person's shoulder, but if he wasn't sitting on a horse, he couldn't reach it. This was a bit embarrassing.

Fortunately, other people around him did not realize this. Hei Muhan even raised his weapon and shouted: "Brothers and sisters, the acting king has arrived, and the reinforcements are outside the city. Everyone just needs to hold on for a while."

, victory belongs to us.”

Hei Muhan's voice was quickly drowned out by the noisy noise around him, but news of the impending reinforcements soon spread, and the faces of the surrounding Mongolians had a trace of blood.

Only then did Zhu Gui have time to ask Hei Muhan about the specific situation here.

It turned out that the Tatars arrived shortly after Blackwood City was captured by Lan Yu. They originally wanted to recruit warriors from several surrounding tribes and then launch an attack on the Wazi tribe.

But although the Heimu tribe had just been attacked by Ming's army, and many people in the tribe were already resentful, Heimu Han still ignored everyone's opinions and did not agree to the other party's request.

But he never expected that this messenger did not come alone. Soon, Blackwood City was attacked.

"According to the current intelligence, there are about 5,000 cavalrymen in this Tatar tribe. If the city wall had not been destroyed and there was a sudden attack, we would not be in such a mess."

Kuroki Han explained.

Zhu Gui nodded to express his understanding.

After all, Heimohan and several surrounding cities have a population of hundreds of thousands. As long as they are well prepared, they are not afraid of these five thousand Tatar cavalry.

However, because several surrounding cities were attacked by Lan Yu, and the Tatars had very good opportunities, other tribes did not dare to move out easily.

However, although the situation has been clarified, it has no effect on the current battle situation.

And although Zhu Gui's personal guards will arrive soon, reinforcements from Datong Mansion will take at least half an hour.

If the enemy cannot be effectively blocked during this period, Blackwood City is likely to be completely captured.

At that time, all the young and old in the city will probably become innocent ghosts.

Zhu Gui looked at the frightened and expectant eyes around him, took a deep breath, and then said: "Today, the King of Japan will advance and retreat together with everyone."

Having said that, he didn't wait for anyone else's reaction. He turned around and exchanged two divine cannons from the system store and placed them behind the third line of defenses.

Then he turned around and asked about Zuo Erniang's situation. After all, her financial support had brought out many people this time, which should be able to take a lot of pressure off Zhu Gui.

But after asking about it, I found out that after leaving Nanjing, the Money Gang started with more than a thousand people and now only has more than 200 people.

Just when Zhu Gui was getting ready to fight the Tatar Mongols, he suddenly heard a system prompt.

[Congratulations to the host for completing the main mission, obtaining the steam engine design drawings, and now unlocking the advanced store]

This sudden sound surprised Zhu Gui. He had no time to think about how he completed the task, but directly opened the system mall and started a wave of large purchases.

He had already left enough points to deal with the "drama" of the Battle of Jingnan, and now it was up to these hostile Mongols to appreciate the power of technological crushing.

With a loud rumble, a metal tank suddenly appeared at the front of the battle formation. Just when everyone was surprised, Zhu Gui had already rushed into the enemy formation.

There was no longer any suspense about the answer to the duel between tanks and cavalry. In half an hour, the Tatars were driven out of Blackwood City, and they started cheering throughout the whole process for this incredible victory.

But Zhu Gui hid alone and began to analyze the contents of the system information.

Finally he finally understood and the Battle of Jingnan broke out.

Then Zhu Gui became ecstatic. It seemed that King Zhu Di of Yan had raised his troops and started an uprising. After today's battle, Zhu Gui's thoughts had changed.

Since even tanks, a technology that is five hundred years ahead of the current era, can be redeemed through the system store, all the problems he was worried about before will no longer exist.

What he has to do now is to use its strength to build an army of steel torrents, and then conquer them before the European Age of Discovery has even begun.

Then came the whole world.

Zhu Gui had already rehearsed this entire set of strategic arrangements hundreds of times in the study room of Prince Dai's Mansion.

So in the next few days, after Zhu Gui received the exact news from Yanjing and Nanjing from Hu Shidao, he finally began to issue announcements and massively expand his army.

Although Zhu Gui did not express his position, Zhu Di and Zhu Yunwen were both very nervous, and both sides sent envoys to ask what he meant.

But Zhu Gui gave them an unexpected answer. In just one month, Zhu Gui recruited 100,000 troops, including 30,000 Mongolian cavalry.

Zhu Gui then began to build the Iron Torrent troops, including mobile troops and armored battleships.

He first pointed his troops directly at the grassland, and then exchanged a batch of flintlock guns for the eunuch Zheng He from Zhu Di. Then he gave him the sea chart and asked him to lead his troops from Shanghai to start a four-way march into South America in later generations.

North America as well as Australia and Africa.

Zhu Gui did not place any hope that Zheng He's ten thousand people could conquer four continents.

His goal for Zheng He was simple, that is, to establish several bridgeheads at several key locations on the sea map, then conduct trade with the locals, and at the same time promote the Ming Dynasty's culture and ideas to them.

Zhu Gui did not want to follow the path of primitive accumulation of capital that was destined to fail in the Western triangular trade.

He wanted to make the aborigines of these continents a protected nation under the influence of Ming culture before they awakened their racial and civilizational consciousness.

What Zhu Gui has to do is to keep drawing circles on the map, and then accumulate store points, and then continue to redeem various supplies to support the front line.

He wants to build a global empire in the shortest possible time and cannot repeat the fate of the empire falling apart after the death of Genghis Khan.

The key factor to achieve this is to use the ideas of later generations in his hands to quickly build an industrial era empire that tightly connects the seven continents.

While Zhu Di and Zhu Yunwen were fighting over a small piece of land in the Central Plains, Zhu Gui's men were already gradually encroaching on several other continents.

The local indigenous residents had no power to resist Zhu Gui's Iron Legion.

It took Zhu Gui three years to conquer tens of thousands of indigenous tribes, making them identify with and adhere to the banner of the Ming Dynasty.

So Zhu Gui began to ambitiously build cities according to the planned route, build railways, reward births, establish businesses, and promote Chinese as Mandarin around the world.

Zhu Gui believed that as long as he was given twenty years, he could bring the strength of the Ming Empire to the world's total industrial output before World War II.

At this time, Zhu Di had just arrived in Nanjing.

With the support of Zhu Gui's flintlock guns, the battle went much smoother than expected.

Many people within the Ming Dynasty also knew that King Dai had opened up a lot of land outside the Ming Dynasty and conquered many ethnic groups.

Just when Zhu Gui summoned hundreds of subordinates to hold a meeting and formulate the first ten-year plan.

He heard the system beep.

[Congratulations to the host for reaching the standard of world civilization hegemon. You can make a choice below. 1: Return to the original world and erase all memories after traveling. 2: Based on the civilization of the Ming Empire, engage in a higher level of imperial hegemony.

Competition, please make your choice within ten seconds]

"Erase memory and return to the future? Imperial Civilization Competition?" Zhu Gui was confused by the system's prompt tone.

【Ten, nine, eight...】

The system will not give him more time.

Zhu Gui looked at the gentle eyes of Xu Miaoqing sitting next to him and the eager and expectant eyes of all the soldiers in the hall, and he immediately had the answer.

"Choice 2, I want to participate in the Empire Contest."

Zhu Gui said loudly.

Suddenly the earth began to tremble and the mountains shook.

A soldier outside the door came to report: "Your Majesty, there is suddenly an extra moon in the sky."


Zhu Gui was surprised and led everyone outside the palace. As expected, he saw a huge star in the sky, but it was much bigger than the moon and actually covered two-thirds of the sky.

However, Zhu Gui also noticed that there were other stars in the sky, but they were blocked by the huge star in front of him, and only a corner was exposed.

"Is this the imperial civilization that unified the entire planet like me?"

Zhu Gui murmured to himself.

Zhu Gui's adventure through the Ming Dynasty is over.

But his new journey is about to begin.


This chapter has been completed!
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