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Chapter 37: First Appearance of Natural Disasters

The experience value required for the three-eyed gun is indeed lower than that of the flintlock gun, only about one-third. However, if Zhu Gui can take out so many so easily, it will make Zhu Di think that he still has a lot here.

So one month is also Zhu Gui's strategy.

King Yan's envoy left with many thanks.

The next day, Zhu Gui went to the countryside.

It was almost the autumn harvest time, and he wanted to see how the experimental crops he planted during this period were growing.

In addition to the land that was allocated, the Dai Wangfu also held thousands of acres of fertile land that had not been allocated.

Half of this area became a place specially used for his experiments, and all of it was taken care of by the militiamen who were transferred from the salt dealer.

The growth of potatoes and corn is very gratifying, but the people of Datong Prefecture are very indifferent to these new crops. They still prefer wheat.

In desperation, Zhu Gui asked if he should publish a recipe book to specifically introduce how to eat these new crops?

But before he could start, something happened.

The excessive rainfall for half a month has severely reduced the yield of most crops throughout Yunzhou.

Suddenly, food prices across Shanxi began to skyrocket.

Letters asking for help from all over the country flew into Prince Dai's Mansion like snowflakes and piled up in front of Zhu Gui's desk.

Zhu Gui knew that the natural disasters unique to the Ming Dynasty had begun.

Butler Wang on the side said: "Your Majesty, Sheriff Zhang has been waiting in the side hall for a long time."

Zhu Gui nodded and said, "I understand."

After Butler Wang left, Zhu Gui began to think.

Historically, the Little Ice Age of the Ming Dynasty appeared in the middle and late Ming Dynasty, which was also one of the objective factors that indirectly led to the demise of the Ming Dynasty.

I don’t know if it’s because of his appearance or the early signs of Little Glacier have appeared.

Originally, he wanted to combat this natural disaster by promoting high-yield crops such as corn and potatoes.

But he didn't expect that before he could implement this plan, the natural disaster would already begin.

Now he can only hope that other grain-producing areas of the Ming Dynasty will not experience natural disasters.

While he was thinking, the study door was suddenly pushed open.

Xu Yingxu walked in from outside.

"Your Majesty, please, a famine has broken out in the past two weeks. What are you going to do now?"

"Does General Xu also know about this?"

Zhu Gui stood up and did not answer the other party's question directly.

"Yes, the troops stationed at the garrison are all locals. I learned through them that many soldiers have already taken leave to go home to provide disaster relief."

Xu Yingxu said seriously.

Zhu Gui nodded and said: "I did not expect that Yunzhou would encounter a once-in-a-hundred-year natural disaster. Currently, only half of the official roads connecting various places have been repaired, and they are not yet in use."

"Then I should lead the people to transport the grain, right? Datong Mansion currently has enough grain reserves, right?" Xu Yingxu asked.

"The food reserves can last for half a year for the time being, but the garrison at the garrison cannot move. This disaster will also have an impact on the Mongols, and they will probably take the opportunity to loot."

Zhu Gui reminded.

When it came to the Mongols, Xu Yingxu didn't insist anymore.

After all, no matter how great the natural disaster is, the Prince's Palace is there to withstand it and the impact can be controlled, but the Mongols have to guard against it.

"Instead of being passively defensive, it's better to be proactive."

Zhu Gui said suddenly.

"Take the initiative? But without military orders, the garrison at the garrison can only be used for defense."

Xu Yingxu's eyes lit up at first, then he shook his head and said.

"How about I give this military order? I am one of the kings of Sai, but I don't have military power yet."

Zhu Gui said.

"But..." Xu Yingxu was still hesitant.

"If we don't hit the Mongols hard, we will have a hard time this winter."

Zhu Gui said calmly.

"Okay then, I will be at your disposal."

Hearing this, Xu Yingxu finally nodded and said.

Two days later, the heavy rain in Yunzhou finally stopped, and many small roads were completely submerged.

Fortunately, the official roads that had been repaired before were still usable, which made many people understand the foresight of King Dai.

However, the damage caused by this heavy rain is still difficult to estimate. Preliminary estimates indicate that this year's grain production will be reduced by at least 30%.

Fortunately, the king reduced one-third of the taxes so that the common people would not go bankrupt.

Coupled with the recent series of recruitment policies, ordinary families have some money.

But food prices continue to skyrocket every day.

Until the Imperial Palace announced that the Datong Chamber of Commerce would sell grain at various grain stores in Yunzhou to the people of the state at fair prices.

This move quickly stabilized grain prices, and at the same time prevented other states and counties from wanting to resell grain.

However, this time the food provided by the Prince's Palace were all new staple foods such as corn and potatoes.

Many people are still somewhat resistant to this new crop.

Fortunately, local governments have promoted new crop consumption methods.

This series of measures taken by the Dai Wangfu were quickly recognized by the people of Yunzhou.

However, many businessmen feel that they have missed a good opportunity to make money.

At the same time, Zhu Gui also learned through the relationship network of the Chamber of Commerce that half of the grain-producing areas in Daming had been affected by natural disasters, resulting in large-scale reductions in grain production.

Zhu Gui immediately sent two caravans to the unaffected grain-producing areas to buy grain, and at the same time petitioned the court for disaster relief.

The Mongols were also having a hard time, as long-term heavy rains affected their grazing.

According to the Mongolian practice, at this time, they will go hunting.

But this year, because they had just suffered a defeat in Datong Mansion, they were much more cautious this time.

A dozen tribal chiefs sat together for a meeting.

"Let's go hunting elsewhere. Akito's little prince is very difficult to deal with. The firearms and cannons in his hands are really powerful."

"The Ming people took over our land with the help of firearms. We should take it back now."

"What are you trying to rob? Have you forgotten what happened last time? More than three hundred of our warriors were killed by the cunning Akito."

"But it's not easy for Akito now, so we should take advantage of this opportunity to kill them."

There was a quarrel in Hei Muhan's tent.


His voice immediately attracted the attention of all the chiefs in the tent.

"I have sent people to investigate. There were only a hundred people under that king's command. As long as we can capture him, Datong Mansion will be our Mongolian pasture."

Seeing someone still talking, he immediately stretched out his hand to stop them.

"Three days later, the young prince will take people to Yingzhou to provide disaster relief. Yingzhou does not have a fortress like Datong Mansion. When the time comes, we will gather warriors from all races and kill the Ming people by surprise."

There was a cheer in the camp.

From beginning to end, these Mongols felt that the reason why they lost to Zhu Gui last time was because of the high walls and firearms of Datong Mansion.

But this time, they planned to bypass Datong Mansion and attack Zhu Gui as he walked out of the fortress.

This chapter has been completed!
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