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Chapter 48 Fortification

Under the protection of the garrison of Datong Prefecture, the mighty young team passed through the gate and left Datong Prefecture.

The team spread for more than ten miles, with soldiers on bicycles patrolling back and forth on both sides. They attracted the attention of the migrant workers.

But those soldiers did not relax at all. After leaving the tall city wall of Datong Mansion, they were already under the threat of the Mongolian cavalry.

According to past habits, the grassland people did not have any good impressions of the Han people. Except for horse bandits, few people usually moved in the area that Datong Prefecture thought.

The merchants and officials of Datong Mansion were also on the city wall, looking like they were enjoying the show, discussing how long the Prince's Mansion's operation could last.

They didn't know about the gambling fight between Zhu Gui and Hei Muhan, let alone the turmoil on the grassland.

However, based on their experience of living in Datong Prefecture over the years, they felt that although the Mongols suffered twice at the hands of King Dai, they would not let go of this slap in the face this time.

Many people even set up a gambling bureau for this purpose, and only one tenth of the people who managed to do this for more than a week.

When Hu Shidao reported this matter to Zhu Gui, not only was he not angry, but he privately asked someone to place a bet.

So overnight, the gambling odds were evened.

This has led many people to speculate who is so optimistic about Dai Wangfu.

The team of 7,000 people finally arrived at Hujian Gorge.

Scar, from the Wild Wolf Gang who was originally entrenched nearby, sent a team of guides to assist the people in the Daiwang Mansion to complete the exploration of the surrounding terrain.

The Hujian City that is about to be built is the key to connecting Heimu City and Datong Prefecture. The Mongols naturally understand this, so it must be built very solidly.

Although the Blackwood Tribe has migrated away from its original place, the movement here also caught his attention.

While reporting the matter to the Golden Account, he sent out many scouts to get more detailed information.

However, Zhu Gui had already prepared. The soldiers of the Prince's Palace and the cavalry of the guard station had set up several interception nets. In addition, the hidden sentries sent by the Wild Wolf Gang prevented the Mongolian scouts from approaching the Hujian Gorge.

They just noticed the smoke rising from the direction of Hujian Gorge from a distance, indicating that a lot of people gathered there.

This makes Hei Muhan a little strange.

The place where the two sides agreed to fight was where the Blackwood tribe used to be. What were they doing gathering so many people in Hujian Gorge?

There was no news from the Golden Account yet. Although Hei Muhan felt a little uneasy, all he could do was to find more tribes with whom he had good relations to borrow troops.

So in this weird atmosphere, the city walls on both sides of Hujian Gorge became higher and higher.

This is not only due to the large number of workers, but also mainly due to their high morale.

Not only can I have enough to eat every day, but I will also be praised by my neighbors when I return home. They are all proud of working for the king.

A week later, Hujian City finally rose from the ground. When the Mongolian cavalry saw from a distance that the towering city wall was filled with soldiers holding three-eyed blunderbuss and Hongyi cannons, they all fled in horror.

Hei Muhan could not wait any longer and went directly to the Golden Account in person to find Tian Khan who was presiding over the grassland meeting and report the matter.

"Tian Khan, Hujian Gorge is the main route to attack Datong Prefecture. Now the Ming Dynasty has built a high city. If we want to attack Datong Prefecture in the future, this city will be stuck in our throats like a bone.

There will be many prairie warriors dying because of this."

Hei Muhan said in a deep voice.

Tian Khan frowned slightly and finally realized the seriousness of this matter.

"Let's do this. The grassland conference will end in three days. I will allocate three thousand cavalry to you. You have to pull out the new city before the decisive battle. If you can't do it, there is no need to talk about other things."

"Thank you, God Khan, I will definitely win the battle."

Hei Muhan finally had a happy face.

Tian Khan's tribe has the most cavalry on the grassland and is also the most elite Mongolian cavalry.

Although they are both cavalry, the cavalry of the Blackwood Tribe are just infantry on horseback.

These three thousand cavalry are enough to crush the entire Blackwood tribe.

If he had had this power in the previous two battles, he wouldn't have suffered so badly.

Of course, this is Heimuhan's own idea.

He returned to the Blackwood Tribe with three thousand cavalry. This time he didn't waste any time. The cavalry didn't even take a night's rest before heading straight to Hujian City.

When Zhu Gui received the news, warning bells had already sounded from the city wall.

Zhu Gui was neatly dressed and came to the city wall. He first saw Xu Yingxu, who was looking into the distance with the 'clairvoyance' he gave him.

"How is the situation?" Zhu Gui walked over and asked.

"They are all cavalry, numbering around three thousand, and they are wearing iron armor. They are quite different from the Mongolian cavalry we encountered before."

Xu Yingxu said with a frown.

"So they are elites? What I fight is elites."

Zhu Gui was not worried at all.

What is the difference between cavalry siege and infantry?

And this time, in order to resist the attack of the Mongolian cavalry, he asked the craftsmen of Datong Prefecture to make defensive weapons such as horse-stopping horses.

Besides, compared to the 20,000 Mongolians who signed the petition, he naturally preferred the other party's method of saving his grandfather.

The first priority now is to eliminate the opponent's vitality.

After destroying these three thousand, the other party will only have seventeen thousand left.

"Your Majesty, the city has not been completely built yet, and the defense measures are not perfect. There are only three thousand defenders in the city, and the rest are farmers."

Xu Yingxu reminded.

"Don't worry, this place is not far from Datong Mansion. As long as we send out a signal for help, reinforcements will arrive within half a day. Moreover, there are not ten times the number of troops and siege weapons for the siege. I want to see how they attack.


While the two were talking, the rumble of horse hooves had already approached the city wall.

Since there are high mountains on both sides of the Hujian Gorge and the passage is long and narrow, the Mongols could only launch an attack from this side.

It would take them a long time to get around to the other side.

This is very beneficial to the defenders.

However, Zhu Gui was not happy for a long time when he saw these Mongolians all taking off their long bows from their backs and starting to throw them.

Three thousand people fired a volley, and arrows rained down from the sky.

The defenders on the city wall were poorly prepared, and some fell down one after another after being hit by arrows.


Zhu Gui was startled. This was the first time he had experienced the terror of the Mongolian cavalry.

But the opponent hadn't finished yet and immediately started the second round of volley.

"Everyone took down the city walls and looked for bunkers."

Zhu Gui shouted loudly.

As a result, his shout attracted the enemy's attention, and the arrow rain on his side immediately became denser.

Xu Yingxu pinned him down, but at the last moment, Zhu Gui turned around and pushed him behind the battlements.

This chapter has been completed!
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