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Chapter 63 Peace Agreement

Zhu Gui's quick agreement made the three Mongolians stunned.

Before coming, they had prepared a lot of excuses, hoping to persuade Prince Mingren to agree to their plan.

After all, there is no loss for the Mongols, and they can withdraw their troops calmly.

The most important thing is that they will even get some necessary supplies through Datong Mansion in the future.

For example, salt and iron are both very scarce things in the grassland, and the Ming Dynasty adopted an economic blockade strategy against the grassland.

Therefore, various tribes in Mongolia had to use various methods to smuggle private salt and iron tools.

"On behalf of the king, do you agree?" the Mongolian leader asked in disbelief.

"Yes, but it depends on your sincerity. I need the lands belonging to all the tribes who participated in the attack on Datong Prefecture this time."

"Moreover, if you can provide more land, I am even willing to open up the trade of iron and salt."

Zhu Gui knew what the other party needed, so he threw out a scented bait at the right time.

Sure enough, when the three Mongolians heard his words, their eyes widened.

"Is this true?"

"You have no joke."

"Okay, I will go back and discuss it with the chiefs and ask them to come and discuss the matter with the King in person. But can the King ask your troops to stop harassing our tribe on the grassland?"

"It's natural."

The two sides set a time, and the three Mongolians returned to the camp. Zhu Gui also sent cavalry to the grassland to inform Xu Yingxu.

However, his order was for Xu Yingxu to stand by and wait for his notification.

Once they fail to reach an agreement, Xu Yingxu will harass the undefended Mongolian tribes on the grassland.

In the Mongolian tent.

Several chiefs started arguing again.

After the chief who went to negotiate explained the situation, most of them felt that the plan was very good.

However, some people still feel that Zhu Gui agreed too readily and may be cheating.

I'm afraid Akito is trying to trick them and catch them all.

He also mentioned an example of the ‘Hongmen Banquet’.

These words indeed made other chiefs a little worried.

So these people started to quarrel.

In the end, they finally reached an agreement that they would send five chiefs on this trip, and at the same time, one chief would return to the grassland with a team of people to notify other tribes who had returned to the grassland first.

This way, even if they don't reach an agreement in the end, they won't be too passive.

Half an hour later.

Five Mongolian tribal chiefs came to Zhu Gui's camp without any followers.

After the two sides met with each other, they began to talk directly about the "peace agreement".

Zhu Gui was even more prepared. He even took out a map of the grassland and laid it on the makeshift table.

"You can draw the location of each of your tribes, and then calculate the area of ​​​​the land. Finally, I will estimate it."

Zhu Gui said.

These chiefs looked at each other and thought that the land was only in name. What difference would it make if there were more paintings and less paintings?

So they casually marked on the map the locations of the dozen or so tribes that participated in the attack on Datong Prefecture.

When they finished the painting, Zhu Gui's eyes lit up. This was equivalent to one-third of the area of ​​Inner Mongolia in later generations, and it also included part of the land of Outer Mongolia.

This business made him very satisfied.

Perhaps for the nomadic people, they have no concept of land, and since the Mongolian nobles took back the grassland after the fall of the Yuan Dynasty, the power struggle between them also intensified the fragmentation of the grassland forces.

But for Zhu Gui, this was like gaining a large territory for nothing.

Although he, as the titular lord, must also allow the Mongols to graze on this land.

But they can't stop him from building a city on the grassland, right?

As long as he has this right, he can slowly control the grassland in his own hands through cities and roads.

What he lacks is this status.

So after Zhu Gui agreed to set up a market in Datong Prefecture and allow various grassland tribes to purchase salt and ironware according to the size of their tribes, these chiefs immediately agreed to Zhu Gui's plan.

As for the final peace agreement, it was naturally written by Zhu Guilai.

This greatly allows him to make a fuss about the details and comments of these terms.

These Mongolian chiefs also knew Chinese characters, but that was all.

This negotiation lasted only more than an hour, and the whole process was carried out in a very relaxed atmosphere.

However, this agreement will not officially come into effect until all other grassland ministries sign on to it.

Then the Mongolian troops outside Datong Mansion withdrew.

Zhu Gui also returned to Datong Mansion with his people.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Zhang Mao and Sun Shangqing, who were a little embarrassed.

Zhang Mao's face turned gray and black, as if he had been smoked. Zhu Gui later learned that it was because he personally operated the Hongyi cannon.

As for Sun Shangqing, he said with excitement: "King Dai, why did the Mongols suddenly withdraw their troops? Has King Yan's army arrived? Where is King Yan?"

Only then did Zhu Gui understand why Sun Yushi's attitude was so different. It turned out that he wanted to show off in front of King Yan.

He smiled and said: "I disappoint Sun Yushi. King Yan's army is still on the way. The Mongols retreated because they have signed a peace agreement with me."

"What peace agreement? How can you, the King, reconcile with the Mongols privately? This matter should be handled by the imperial court or King Yan."

Sun Shangqing's expression suddenly became serious.

"Oh? Please tell me, I and King Yan are both vassal kings. Why is it that King Yan can do it but I can't?"

Zhu Gui asked with a sneer.

"This, this..."

Sun Shangqing realized that he had made a mistake, and his face became ugly.

Zhu Gui was too lazy to pay attention to him, called Zhang Mao, and together they returned to the Prince Dai's Mansion.

Zhu Gui showed Zhang Mao some of the terms of this agreement.

After all, the salt and iron trade is contrary to the national policy of the Ming Dynasty, so it is better not to let more people know about it for the time being.

After Zhang Mao read it carefully two or three times, he said hesitantly: "Your Majesty, there is generally nothing wrong with this agreement, and it is even more beneficial to us. But what use does Your Majesty want this grassland for? Neither can

Farming, but also allowing the Mongols to graze there.”

"Governor Zhang, you don't know something about this. The grassland also has the advantages of grassland, that is, it can domesticate livestock and war horses. And do the Mongols really think that the king allows them to graze on the grassland, so there is nothing they can do to them?"

Zhu Gui walked to the wall, where there was a map of Shanxi's surroundings, with most of the grassland on it.

"However, the wild nature of the grassland people is difficult to change, so the king should not be gullible."

Zhang Mao still didn't understand what Zhu Gui meant, and always felt that something was wrong with this matter.

This chapter has been completed!
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