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Chapter 84 Relief with Work

At this time, Xu Miaoqing next to her was holding an abacus and starting to flip it.

"According to the current capabilities of the Datong Chamber of Commerce, King Su can probably get 20,000 taels per month. Of course, if King Su can repair the official road to Datong Mansion and control the bandits on both sides of the official road, this number can be increased.

Thirty percent."

"Twenty thousand taels? That's so much?" Zhu Mei lost his voice and said, then he immediately realized something and coughed twice to relieve the embarrassment.

"Well, there is no problem with the memorial. If the acting king can take the initiative to help me solve such a big problem, I will also explain it in the memorial. However, road construction and fighting against bandits are still a bit tricky. Even if

The Mongols have retreated, and Ganzhou's current military strength is only about one-third of its previous strength. It's really..."

Zhu Kai said with a troubled face.

Zhu Gui nodded and said: "I have thought about Brother Wang's situation, so in order to solve Brother Wang's situation, I have thought of countermeasures. As for the money for road construction, the Prince's Palace will bear it, and even the Prince's Palace will send troops to clear it."

Bandits, as long as Brother Wang agrees."

"You paid for the help?" Zhu Kai looked at Zhu Gui in surprise.

To be honest, he came today mainly to cause trouble for Zhu Gui, but with the development of things now, he has almost forgotten his original purpose.

It's not that he is weak-willed, it's just that the other party gave him too much.

But under the current circumstances, he really didn't know what Zhu Gui's thankless, costly, and labor-intensive offer was for?

It would be understandable if the relationship between the two brothers was very good, but everyone with a discerning eye knows that among the Zhu family brothers, except for the "brother-protecting madman" Prince Zhu Biao, no one can talk to this generation of king Zhu Gui.

Zhu Mei was still speculating on Zhu Gui's purpose.

The other party directly took a stack of silver notes from Xu Miaoqing's hand and pushed it in front of Zhu Mei: "Here is one hundred thousand taels, which is regarded as a deposit. As long as King Su nods, it can be regarded as a little bit of my heart."

Zhu Kai looked at the banknotes in front of him, his hands trembling a little.

He had been operating in Ganzhou for a year, and he had tried all kinds of methods to search for land, but he had not made so much, yet Zhu Gui casually took out one hundred thousand taels?

"King Dai, what are your plans?"

In the end, Zhu Lai couldn't hold it back and asked while putting away the banknotes.

Zhu Gui sighed and said: "Brother Wang, you and I are both ordered by our father to manage the territory of the Ming Dynasty. What I have done is just to revitalize the Ming Dynasty."

Revitalizing the Ming Dynasty? Zhu Kai would not believe it even if he killed him. However, this ‘excuse’ is so high-sounding that even if it is used in a memorial, there will be no sense of violation.

"Okay, I believe in your sincerity. As for the victims, is the Prince's Palace really willing to take action?" Zhu Kai asked the last question.

Originally, even if the Mongols did not attack Ganzhou, there would already be tens of thousands of victims in Ganzhou due to natural disasters.

And now, because of the war that has continued in recent months, the number of victims has increased to more than hundreds of thousands. If it is not handled well, once a civil uprising occurs, it will be something that can cause serious consequences.

That's why Zhu Kai asked this question. It wasn't because he was so diligent and caring for the people, but because he was unwilling to pay money.

Zhu Gui nodded and said: "If Brother Wang allows it, I am willing to recruit these refugees to build roads and use work as relief. This can be regarded as killing two birds with one stone."

Zhu Kai's eyes lit up when he heard this, and he said: "Work for relief, it's good to give work for relief. King Dai really has the means. Naturally, I am willing to do such a good thing. I will go back and draw up a plan to present it to you."

The imperial court and my father have made this matter clear, so the king can rest assured that I will spare no effort in this matter."

After saying that, he immediately left with two generals.

Zhu Gui arrived outside the military camp and happened to meet Xu Yingxu who was returning from his inspection tour.

"Has Prince Su come? Is he looking for trouble?"

Xu Yingxu asked with a serious face.

Zhu Gui didn't speak, and Xu Miaoqing chuckled and recounted what happened before.

Xu Yingxu looked at Zhu Gui in surprise: "My lord, I didn't expect you to be able to understand this King Su. I will admire him."

Zhu Gui smiled faintly and said: "It's nothing, it's just a small profit. By the way, what's the situation outside the city? Are there any unusual movements by the Mongols?"

Xu Yingxu said seriously: "A small group of Mongolians left the large army and headed towards the grassland. Most of the Mongolians are still stationed in the same place."

Zhu Gui nodded, then called his soldiers, compiled a letter and handed it to the other party, ordering him to send it back to the Datong Prefecture Chamber of Commerce, transfer food from Yunzhou, and appease the Mongols first.

Then he ordered people to go to the major grain stores in Yunzhou City to buy all the grain they could buy at high prices, and then set up porridge shacks throughout the city to provide relief to the victims.

At the same time, civilian laborers were recruited from the victims to repair residential buildings behind Ganzhou City and resettle the victims.

This series of measures soon attracted disaster victims from other cities to flock to Ganzhou City.

Food prices in Ganzhou suddenly increased dozens of times.

If this were in Datong Prefecture, Zhu Gui would probably immediately lead people to arrest all these profiteers who are trying to make a fortune for the country.

But this is Ganzhou City, and even if the price is higher, he can only endure it. He can only wait for the caravan of Datong merchants to arrive to alleviate the current predicament.

Zhu Gui's move soon spread throughout the streets and alleys of Ganzhou City.

Those squires and nobles did not understand his behavior and sneered at it. They felt that he was a supervisor and was not in his own territory. Doing these things to win people's hearts was just a thankless effort. He was just stupid and had too much money.

The King of Su, Zhu Kai, also received the news. Some people even suggested to him that King Dai's move was actually harboring evil intentions and wanted to take his place.

But since Zhu Gai accepted the money, he just laughed it off. What's more, he knew Zhu Gui's position in Zhu Yuanzhang's heart, so it was naturally impossible for the vassal kings to exchange the favor.

Moreover, he delivered a batch of food in a decent manner, which created a wave of goodwill, and the turmoil in this matter also subsided due to his operation.

However, a week later, the food in Ganzhou City had been exhausted, and Zhu Gui could not buy it even if he was willing to pay a high price.

The caravan from Datong Prefecture is still on the way and will take about a week to arrive.

As for the food provided by the court for disaster relief, it is also missing because the disaster relief censors from various places have not returned yet.

Xu Yingxu came several times a day to seek solutions from Zhu Gui.

Finally, Zhu Guixin said: "Go and contact the Mongols. I am willing to do a business deal with them first."

"Mongols? But the imperial edict hasn't been issued yet. Isn't it a bit too risky to do this?" Xu Yingxu asked in surprise.

"If there is any problem, I will take full responsibility for it. If it continues like this, I am afraid that not only will the previous work be in vain, but it will also cause a civil unrest."

Zhu Gui said in a serious tone.

This chapter has been completed!
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