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Chapter 105 The Pavilion of Ideas

Shengyun Peak is the eleventh peak of Xuanji Gate.

Rewards from the Genius List!

It stands majestic, majestic and majestic, like a dark blue giant sword, dividing the world into bright and dark, two completely different scenes.

The monstrous fortunes circle the mountain peaks in circles, like clouds and dragons, which is a spectacular sight.

Xie Feng climbed to the top of the mountain.

The billowing luck turned into white mist, floating around him.

“It would be such a waste of resources to leave such a huge fortune like this.

"If it is for people to practice, such a brutal and powerful holy luck, only the constitution of an immortal can withstand it, ordinary people will just explode and die.

"Perhaps we can think of a way to filter the holy luck into a softer form and break it down into more powerful spiritual energy, so that ordinary disciples can absorb it and even practice faster."

Xie Feng stood on the top of the mountain, making a fist with his right hand and placing it on his chin, holding his right elbow with his left hand, thinking intently.


He suddenly clapped his hands.

As if he thought of something, Xie Feng moved slightly, disappeared, and appeared directly in the main peak library the next second.

This is a simple wooden loft.

It is the owner's private study.

It used to belong to Master Xie Feng, but now it has been passed down to him.

The study room is not big, and there are many books in it, which are stored in cabinets in categories.

Xie Feng searched for it and took out an ancient book sealed by Shen.

It has a blue cover, is bound with gold thread, and is overflowing with spiritual power. It is called "Tiangong Shu".

This was done by Sage Lu in ancient times.

Saint Lu is a master of the use of metal and wood elements from ancient times to the present. He created countless divine weapons and sacred weapons, which influenced the second half of the ancient times. His works are regarded as holy scriptures by modern people, and he has created one legend after another.

The "Book of Tiangong" records the making of ten utensils, one of which is "Pingtian Wheel", which is what Xie Feng is looking for.

The book says, "Build a flat heavenly wheel with flat wood, collect the holy luck, and pour it into the wheel like spring water. It circulates back and forth and is transformed into the purest Qi. Cultivation will be easy and the speed will increase a hundred times."

In Xie Feng's words, it uses the principle of wind power generation.

The flat heaven wheel is equivalent to the windmill, and the holy luck is equivalent to the wind.

By using the Holy Movement to drive the blades of the Pingtian Wheel to rotate, and then increasing the speed of rotation through the Pingtian Wheel's built-in speed increaser, the vast Holy Luck can be diluted and turned into pure spiritual energy, which will eventually be supplied to everyone in the Xuanji Sect for cultivation.


Moreover, this kind of spiritual energy will be more energetic and easier to absorb than ordinary spiritual energy.

Xie Feng is preparing to make a flat wheel.

But there is a new problem. The main material for making the Ping Tian Wheel is Ping Tian Wood, which is an ancient sacred plant that grows in glaciers and contains the power of creation.

In ancient times, Pingtian wood was mostly used to make artifacts to assist cultivation, or heavy weapons for war, or weapons. The older the tree, the stronger its energy.

There are many descriptions in ancient books that ten chariots made of Pingtian wood are enough to destroy a large sect!

Precisely because of its heaven-defying ability, it was widely used in wars during the chaotic era. After countless epochs, it has become increasingly rare and has become an endangered species.

But for Xie Feng, being endangered means that it still exists, as long as it is not extinct, that's fine.

The glacier is in Yingzhou in the north. He intends to go there, but he is not in a hurry. He wants to learn more about it and be fully prepared before going.

Fallen Heart Island.

At night, the forest is dark, the wind is strange, and the moon is like a one-eye, staring coldly at the island.

West of the island.

Chang Ying sat on the branch of a towering tree, holding a wine gourd and drinking freely. His white clothes were as white as the snow, and his pretty face was slightly blushing.

She is addicted to alcohol.

In order to avoid teaching bad things to children, I deliberately hid here to drink.

Xiazuo wine is clear and sweet, and when you take a sip, the fragrance will linger on your lips and teeth, making you feel like an immortal. It has a more lasting aftertaste than Xianren wine.

Changying tastes it happily.

When she raised her head to take a second sip, a loud sound suddenly passed over her head.

The storm is sweeping across, the trees are breaking, and the dust is blowing in your face!

Chang Ying shook his little hand.


The fairy gourd hit the branch and fell down.

She raised her little face, and a dark ship passed over her head. The ship was very majestic, carrying strong winds and dust. As the ship passed, large trees fell down.

There are four characters written on the hull of the boat: "A boat sailing ten thousand miles".

Wanli sailing means traveling at a speed of thousands of miles per hour.

In this world, there are two types of ships: sea ships and empty ships. The former travels on the sea, while the latter travels in the air.

The boat is empty!

It rumbled past and then rumbled away.


So arrogant and domineering?

Chang Ying became angry.

The head can be cut off and the blood can be shed, but the immortal gourd cannot be thrown away!

You don’t need to eat rice, you don’t need to drink water, you don’t need to drink wine!

I want to have a drink, why are there people interrupting me?

She even knocked out her favorite wine gourd!

Can this be tolerated?

Of course! No! Can!

Changying Jun frowned lightly, picked up the fairy gourd, and followed angrily.


A huge boat sailed through the air.

The boat has four floors. It is quiet outside with no guards, but the top floor is brightly lit, and hearty laughter can be heard from time to time.

Chang Ying stepped onto the deck, her body as light as a feather, and silently walked towards the fourth floor.

"Come on, come on, drink!"

"Oh, don't worry, drink first and talk later! Elder, don't be restrained!"

"Hmph, I'm not in the mood to drink!"


The sound came from the top floor.

In a certain room, four people were sitting around, drinking and laughing loudly. There was wine and meat on the table, and the aroma was overflowing.

A man wearing golden battle armor with a sturdy back and waist sat in the middle. He raised his glass and laughed uproariously.

General of the Wei tribe!

On his left is a somewhat serious middle-aged woman with half-white hair and sharp eyes.

Elder of the Golden Lion Clan!

On his right is an old man with a gray beard and his eyes are always smiling.

Supreme Taoist Elder!

Opposite him sits a middle-aged man in rich clothes. His eyes are deep, his cheeks are drooped, and his nasolabial folds are like two brackets.

The Great Elder of Xieyang Sect!

They were sitting together, obviously drinking and eating, but the atmosphere felt strangely tense.

"General, is it time to talk about business?"

The supreme Taoist elder stretched out his fingers and tapped on the table. His fingers were thin and yellow, like skull claws.

The general of the Wei tribe laughed and poured his own wine.

The Xieyang Sect elder drank and ate vegetables, pretending that he had no room to talk.

The elder of the Golden Lion Tribe narrowed his eyes and secretly looked at the three of them.

The elder of the Supreme Dao Sect frowned.

These three old foxes!

You obviously care about what he says, but yet you put on such an air of arrogance!

He suppressed the fire and repeated it again.

The Supreme Dao Sect is a medium-sized sect in Central Continent. Although it is not comparable to the Xieyang Sect, Jialuo Holy Land, Qingluan Clan, etc., it is a subsidiary force of the Wei Clan. Many sects are afraid of the Wei Clan and naturally do not dare to provoke them.

The leader of the Supreme Dao Sect is extremely courteous to the Wei people, but he, as an elder, has a lot of backbone. Facing the high-status generals of the Kai people, he is neither arrogant nor groveling.

Originally, the Supreme Dao Sect, the Wei Clan, the Golden Lion Clan and the Xieyang Sect would hardly sit together if it wasn't for a major event such as a sect competition or the end of the world.

Gathering together now is distributing treasures!

This chapter has been completed!
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