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Chapter 421 Xie Feng Yezhu, the second dialogue

Ye Zhu shook his head: "Why...are you so obsessed? The human body is rare, the Dharma is unpleasant, and a person's life is as short as a worm in the mulberry tree. His life is shortened at any time, so why should he regret it in this world?"

Xie Feng asked: "Then what do you think is the best way to not regret it?"

Ye Zhu said: "The most important thing is to yearn for perfection and escape from life and death. The Dhammapada says: As the days pass, life will also decrease, just like a fish in water, there is no joy, and the same is true."

"You and I quote from scriptures, and I have read a few Buddhist scriptures, so I will discuss a few words with you."

Xie Feng said, took two steps forward, shook his fan lightly, smiled leisurely, and assumed the posture of talking loudly.

"You talk about rejoicing in time, but regretting the end." There is a saying in the "King of Wonderful Colors Seeking Dharma Stanza" - From love comes sorrow, from love comes fear. If you are separated from the one you love, there will be no worries and no fear. People have seven emotions and six desires.

, only when you let go of these things will you be free from worries, is that right?”

Ye Zhu nodded: "Yes, there is no worry or fear in being separated from the one you love."

Xie Feng tilted his head and asked: "According to your thinking, what is considered to be free from love?"

"Transcend yourself, purify your desires, or believe in the Buddha Island and let me save you!"

"There is another saying: a sage seeks the heart but not the Buddha, and a fool seeks the Buddha but not the heart. So what should I say?"

"Do you want me to tell you?"

Ye Zhu looked directly at Xie Feng and asked calmly.

Xie Feng smiled: "If you don't know how, I will explain it to you!"

Ye Zhu shook his head: "I won't listen."

Xie Feng shook his folding fan: "If that doesn't work, I will say it. The meaning of this sentence is that stupid people do not know that they have wisdom and spirituality, and when they encounter problems, they go everywhere to pray to gods and Buddhas. When can they achieve transcendence and perfection?


Yezhu replied: "All sentient beings have karmic obstacles since time immemorial. If they cannot discover their true mind, they will be entangled in ignorance and troubles, hindering their pure heart."

"No, this sentence also has the next sentence!"

Xie Feng shook his head.

"Using all kinds of delusions, these thoughts are not true, so there are reincarnations. The people you mentioned have too many delusions and are unable to clearly see the true nature, so they will enter an endless state of inescapability.

"Your Buddhist teachings keep talking about perfecting the shortcomings of people, but who can live without regrets? Isn't pursuing unrealistic perfection a delusion? The reason why people suffer is because they think too much!"

After hearing this, Ye Zhu lowered his eyes, with a calm expression on his face, and continued to speak in a calm voice:

"So if you don't want to be troubled by this kind of pain, you should live a happy life under the Buddha Emperor's bell! For me and them, it is a blessing in the world. Give your body to me, and I will give it to them

Wouldn't it be wonderful to create a pure realm?"


Xie Feng's eyes were slightly cold, "Why are you the creator of the world? Why should you deprive others of their freedom of will?!"

Ye Zhu was indifferent and silent!

Xie Feng adjusted his mood, softened his tone, and said in a deep voice: "To take a step back, you can confuse young people, middle-aged people, and old people, but what about babies? What about teenagers? Their lives are not waiting for them to bloom, and they are forced by you.

Stifled in ignorance, these are people and should not be treated as puppets. You are not qualified to let everyone build your ideal kingdom according to your vision!"

Ye Zhu took a step forward, and his fingers unconsciously touched the Blood Tathagata bead hanging from his neck. A trace of memory flashed in his eyes, but soon, his eyes became cold and ruthless.

Ye Zhu said: "Isn't this what Buddhism is like? To save others and save oneself, I am dedicated to doing good and saving people in the world. How can you blame me?"

Xie Feng narrowed his eyes and smiled coldly: "You will know better than me what the real purpose is."

Ye Zhu asked back: "What about you? Don't you have any regrets? Don't you want to make up for this regret?"

"What if there are regrets at the cost of depriving one's will? A full moon is very beautiful. How about a crescent moon, how inferior is it? When the moon is short of soul, it is easy to be full. Isn't that the case?" Xie Feng said.

"Is that what you think?"

Ye Zhu smiled. His every word and action revealed an incomprehensible weirdness and depth. It is precisely this kind of person who is the most feared!

Xie Feng sneered: "Do you know how ugly you look now? You are not a pure Buddha or a pure devil at all, you are just a different person!"

Being ridiculed in this way, Ye Zhu could still maintain his composure and smiled: "You seem to be ready to scold me?"


"Then tell me, I am all ears."

"You and I are not strangers. We have already talked about this. There is no need to hide some words. You are very persistent. However, another name for persistence is called 'Xiang' in Buddhism.


"You are obsessed with your appearance, but you ridiculously think that you are the savior. You always want to perfect others, and this just reveals the vacancy in your heart!"

Xie Feng took a small step forward, and the cold wind rushed in. His eyes flashed, and the cold light fluctuated.

Ye Zhu nodded: "That's very good, is there anything else?"

Xie Feng smiled: "I'm a venomous person, and I'm afraid your self-esteem won't be able to handle it, so I won't say the rest!"

"This emperor will not get angry easily."

"Do you really want to listen?"

"you say!"

"Well, let me ask you first, Buddha has six realms. Do you know which six realms they are?"

Xie Feng raised the corner of his mouth and asked with a smile, just like a little fox who was setting a trap every step of the way.

Ye Zhu said expressionlessly: "Giving charity, observing the precepts, being patient, diligent, meditating, and prajna."

“What is giving?”

"The essence of giving is giving up and not possessing."

“What is keeping the precepts?”

"Don't be addicted, don't be persistent, have no desires and no desires."

"What is patience?"

"Not angry."

"Then...what is diligence?"

"...Are you planning to ask everyone?"

"You can answer them one by one, or you can answer them together. In short, give me the answer."

"Effort means continuous improvement to make oneself better without falling; meditation means giving up the control of the mind and reaching a state of pure spirituality; Prajna means having wisdom and being truthful. Are you satisfied with this answer?


Ye Zhu took a breath and seemed to be patient. He wanted to continue listening and wanted to see what else Xie Feng could say!

Xie Feng closed his fan, tapped his palms lightly, and said eloquently: "It seems that you understand it very well. In this case, you also know the Six Perfections of Buddhism, which are the basic principles of practicing Buddhism. And as a Buddha, you

Emperor, what did you accomplish?"

Ye Zhu looked directly at him: "Didn't this emperor do that?"

"Being greedy for power and having a strong desire to control is this giving away? Being persistent in being detached from others and controlling the world is this observing the precepts? Starting wars and disrupting the Taoist world is this being patient with humiliation? As a Buddha, he is willing to become a demon and has too many delusional thoughts.

Is this diligence? Letting attachments take over your thoughts and paranoidly trying to unify the Taoist world's beliefs. Is this meditation? You are unwilling to accept the fate of all things. You are extremely stupid. How can you be wise? All of the above are enough to prove that you are completely contrary to Buddhism.

Xiangchi, what qualifications do you have to use Buddhism to confuse people's hearts again?!"

Xie Feng looked over with sharp eyes!

For a moment...

The wind suddenly picked up...

This chapter has been completed!
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