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Chapter 456 I'm Generous, I Don't Care

After digesting the energy stone on the spot, Gai Ya regrouped and went after Yin Lei again.

These thunders must be related to Master!

Gai Ya transformed into a rainbow and flew into the vast universe without a trace...


Golden Demon Emperor Silkworm Clan, Academy.

After solving the most difficult-to-find creation dust among the three main medicinal materials, Xie Feng continued to look at the elixir, "We still need ten thousand years of dragon horn and the blood of the python king!"

Kong Qiusu's eyes were indifferent and he said in a deep voice: "I have studied this world before, and the two medicinal materials you mentioned come from earth-born monsters."

Xie Feng raised his brows: "So, doesn't it mean that you can't find anything after wearing iron shoes?"

Kong Qiu explained in detail: "In the Yuan Realm, the earth-born monsters whose bodies are dragons include the Blazing Demon Dragon, the Shadow Dragon, and the Yunting Heavenly Dragon. Those whose bodies are pythons include the Heavenly Gu Emperor Python and the Roaring Purple Python. These are the Yuan Dynasty monsters.

There are powerful monsters in the world, it depends on how you choose."

Xie Feng thought for a while and shook his head: "Are you trying to attract hatred again? Hiss... It's not good for me to offend such a powerful force when I first arrived... It seems that the only thing I can do is trouble Gu Yuan. Anyway, the reputation of the demon clan is already very bad.

, what does it matter if I offend a few more?"


"Also, the purpose of my coming to the Golden Demon Emperor Silkworm Clan is just to find the golden tomb. Now that my purpose has not been achieved, I have to do it so personally, which is a bit of a disadvantage..."

Xie Feng frowned and thought about it.

He doesn't want to be a bad guy!

You must not suffer any loss!

Xie Feng turned around and left the academy, went to the Grand Elder's Courtyard in the underground city, and went to find Xin Zhong.

"You, you want to trick me again?!"

Xin Zhong raised his head and backed away in fright.

Having suffered losses from someone twice, he has a psychological shadow!

Xie Feng asked: "Where is your clan leader?"

Xin Zhong instantly became alert: "Why are you looking for the clan leader?"

Xie Feng said: "Discuss the princess's physique."

Xin Zhong pouted: "I am the Great Elder, am I not qualified?"

Xie Feng looked him over, shook his head, and uttered two ruthless words, "Not enough!"

"...You are so cruel!!"

Xin Zhong was so angry that he gritted his teeth.

Xie Feng said coldly: "Don't be nagging, where is your clan leader?"

Xin Zhong rolled his eyes at him, cleared his throat, straightened his clothes, put on a proud posture, curled his lips and asked, "We, the Golden Demon Emperor Silkworm Clan, have two clan leaders, which one are you looking for?"

"Who's in charge?"

"Everyone is in charge!"

"Who is the princess's biological father?"

"Chief Yuxiu!"

"Okay, let's find him! Lead the way!"

Xie Feng nodded. He put his right hand behind his back and looked at the great elder, waiting for him to lead the way.

Xin Zhong snorted angrily: "This elder really can't stand your hypocrisy and hypocrisy!"

Xie Feng smiled: "You are narrow-minded and you can scold me at will. I am generous and I don't care!"


Xin Zhong was so angry that he quickly pinched the person to prevent him from fainting.

"Our priest was injured yesterday, and the clan leader is visiting her at the sacrificial temple. Come on, follow me!"

After calming down, Xin Zhong led Xie Feng to the priest's temple. The buildings here were flawless in white, the number of people coming and going was sparse, and the holy bells were ringing, making it a peaceful and tranquil place.

Xin Zhong took Xie Feng into the side hall of the main temple, where the priest lived. At this moment, she was lying on the bed, dying.

Standing next to him was a middle-aged man with sharp eyes. He was Yu Xiu, one of the clan leaders of the Golden Demon Emperor Silkworm Clan!

"Clan leader, the princess teacher wants to see you!"

Xin Zhong reported loudly.

Yu Xiu put his hands behind his back and turned around to look at Xie Feng.

At the same time.

The priest's gray face glowed with a faint brilliance. She suddenly opened her eyes and stared at Xie Feng. Suddenly she spat out a mouthful of blood and passed away before she could speak!

Xin Zhong was furious. He pointed at Xie Feng and his face twisted with anger: "Why did the priest die when you came?!"

Xie Feng said: "Hey, don't touch porcelain! From the look of her, she will be dying soon!"

Yu Xiu remained silent.

He bowed three times to the priest, his face solemn.

Seeing this, Xin Zhong stopped talking and bowed three times.

Xie Feng stood still, and Xiaojian's voice sounded in his mind: "I'll go! It turns out that the nerd is attacking her!"

Xie Feng was distracted and asked quickly: "What's going on?"

Xiaojian said: "While you were going through the tribulation, someone was detecting you! The nerd discovered it and attacked him!"

Kong Qiu traced back: "Before you overcame the tribulation, you plundered the energy of the cocoon of the Queen of the Golden Demon Emperor's Silkworm Clan. The priest is a member of the Golden Demon Emperor's Silkworm Clan. There is some kind of connection between them, so they detected you."

No wonder the priest was so excited when he saw him...

That is to say...

He really killed her!

She could have lived for a few more minutes!

After learning the ins and outs, Xie Feng shrugged his shoulders secretly. Now he needs to be extra cautious and not betray him in advance.

The primary goal: the golden tomb!

Yu Xiu walked out of the priest's room and came to the main hall. He calmed down, stared at Xie Feng and said: "Just now the great elder said that you are Qianying's teacher? What is your name?"

Xie Feng said the name.

Yu Xiu didn't think he was suspicious. He lowered his head slightly and looked at Xie Feng without any trace. Suddenly his expression changed slightly.

Nirvana state?

Did he read that correctly?

The person in front of me actually only has the cultivation level of the tenth level of Nirvana?!

Yu Xiu was startled.

He frowned and said: "You, how come your strength is so low? Great Elder! Is this the teacher you found for the princess?"

Xin Zhong was also shocked.

He looked at Xie Feng and blinked in disbelief.

Xie Feng said calmly: "You are wrong."

The two investigated again and found that Xie Feng's cultivation had been obscured by Beiming's phantom fire!

Yu Xiu's frown deepened.

Xin Zhong muttered in a low voice: "This guy is really evil! Where did he come from? This elder must find out your origin!"

Xie Feng said coldly: "Elder, I suggest you say bad things behind your back. If you say it in person, you will easily get beaten!"

Xin Zhong immediately shut his mouth.

Yu Xiu asked with cold eyes: "Why did you come to me?"

Xie Feng glanced at the great elder: "I want to talk to you."

Yu Xiu moved his fingers slightly, signaling Xin Zhong to step back. Xin Zhong glared at Xie Feng and reluctantly left.

"Now it's just you and me, we can talk!" Yu Xiu said.

"I can solve the problem of Princess Qianying's lack of dantian!" Xie Feng clenched his right hand into a fist and placed it on his abdomen. He smiled lightly and looked determined and leisurely.

"What did you say?!" Yu Xiu's eyes trembled.

"There is a Dao-level elixir, the Linglong Dantian, which can open up the Dantian after taking it. I can refine it!"

"Is this true?"


"How can I trust you?"

"If you don't believe me, it's enough for your daughter to believe me!"

Xie Feng smiled faintly.

Yu Xiu's face changed rapidly. If there was a hint of indifference and fear toward Xie Feng just now, now after hearing about this incident, there was only urgency and expectation in his eyes!

No matter how cold-hearted a man is, there will always be a soft spot in his heart!

To him, she is his daughter Qianying!

Yu Xiu turned his eyes and asked eagerly: "What do you need?"

This chapter has been completed!
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