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Chapter 20 The Dream Partner

Chapter 20 Dream Partner

There was once an opportunity that made me rich but I didn't cherish it. I regretted it until the end. The most painful thing in the world is this. If God...

No, no, no if!

Master Jiang shook his head and tried to remember the days when he was a social beast in his previous life. Have you forgotten all those days when you were so exhausted?!

Surplus value is the difference between the value created by labor and labor remuneration, that is, the labor created by workers and occupied by the bourgeoisie for free. The main way for capitalists to exploit workers is to force workers to extend their working hours...

As a top student in the Accounting Department of the School of Management, Jiang Li knows this political economics lesson by heart.

The primitive accumulation of capital is to separate producers and production materials through violent means. Today's harmonious society cannot do this, but this million can just be used as primitive capital, starting the legendary life of a generation of financial tycoon Master Jiang.

Even if you are a capitalist who is hanged from a street lamp, it is better than being a social beast!

Back then, Chen Daozai could win 37 million with 20 yuan. It is not a problem for me, Jiang Li, to win back a small goal with 1 million!

Bet on it!

Jiang Li took the card solemnly and said attentively: "Thank you, Mr. Lu, for your kindness. I will take your kindness with me and work hard to realize my dream as soon as possible!"

Lu Zhu looked at him with a gentle smile, then found a pen from nowhere and stretched out his hand towards the boy.

"What for?" Jiang Li didn't know why. He was still thinking about how to maximize the utility of the funds. Although this behavior was somewhat shameful, Master Jiang had honed his temperament through the options time and time again.

"Reach out your hand." Lu Zhu stuck out his tongue, and it looked so cute that his pink little tongue was slightly exposed.

Jiang Li stretched out his hand, not daring to neglect this cute little rich woman.

Lu Zhu drew a circular pattern on the boy's wrist: "Classmate Jiang, I now officially give you the Order of the Earth's Ball Commander. Go fight for the Milky Way."

"Childish ghost." Jiang Li said disdainfully, but still allowed the girl to draw on her wrist.

Lu Zhu's movements were very gentle, and the pen tip rolled on the skin without any discomfort. For the convenience of drawing, the two of them were very close.

Sitting on the sofa, Jiang Li was half a head taller than the girl. The girl exhaled like blue, and the warm and moist air hit the boy's neck, making his Adam's apple squirm.

"Has the painting been finished?" he urged.

Jiang Li was afraid that he couldn't help but hug her. The feelings he had secretly loved seemed to be resurrected from the dead, and those forgotten beautiful memories were like hammers chipping away at his mind.

"Okay." Lu Zhu took his hand and waved it twice under the light, very satisfied with his masterpiece.

"Classmate Lu, I now officially appoint you as my dream partner."

"What's the benefit?" Lu Zhu poked his chin with a slender white finger, tilting his head and looking at the young man doubtfully.

"When my dream comes true, I can share half of your small goals."

"But my family has dozens of small targets..." the girl said matter-of-factly, clasping her fingers.

Jiang Li: "..."

Damn it, why am I surrounded by rich women and there are no ordinary girls who can let me experience the joy of being a millionaire?!

In response to his thoughts, the bathroom door opened, a cloud of mist dispersed from inside, and Su Hexiang walked out with long legs.

She glanced at the two people who were very close to each other on the sofa, thanked them calmly, and then walked out of the door.

"How could she do this..." Lu Zhu rarely speaks ill of others, but this person's behavior is too impolite...

"Don't say that, Senior Sister Su is quite pitiful."

Jiang Li told what happened to Su Hexiang. He was sure that there must be other reasons behind the girl's indifference, but the fact that her mother and brother died one after another was enough to arouse Lu Zhu's sympathy.

After hearing this, the girl wrinkled her cute nose and said sheepishly: "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that..."

"It doesn't matter."

Jiang Li smiled and said, "I'm going to wash up."


The boys washed up very quickly. After Jiang Li finished washing, he urged the girl to go to bed.

She was very tired today, but Lu Zhu didn't want to sleep yet. She covered herself with a quilt and lay on the sofa. She put her hands on the edge of the quilt, revealing her big watery eyes. She stopped Jiang Li when he said good night and turned off the lights.


"Classmate Jiang, can you wait until I fall asleep before leaving, please~" Lu Zhu said timidly.

"Okay." Jiang Li said helplessly, "Let's talk for a while."

"Okay." Lu Zhu's eyes narrowed, he was very satisfied, and asked again: "Did Mr. Jiang meet anyone interesting in college?"

Jiang Li thought for a while and first eliminated the three roommates. Apart from calling him daddy when they wanted to bring food, they had no future.

Then, he sadly discovered that he didn't meet anyone in college and made very few friends. There were many girls in the University of Finance and Economics, but there were very few girls who could tolerate his 30% straight male skills, so almost no one was willing to contact him.


As for the boys, they are just a bunch of LSPs who only know how to yell.

Only Jun Cixue, as the heir to a certain large conglomerate, has been tolerating his many suicidal behaviors and even invited him to make a movie together.

From this point of view, Jun Cixue is quite special.

"Let me tell you, there is a senior in my club who has an iceberg face every day and often shows off her wealth in front of me..."

Jiang Li complained endlessly about Jun Cixue, but since she and Lu Zhu didn't know each other, he wasn't afraid that she would hear him.

Curious baby Lu Zhu couldn't help but ask: "What does it mean to show off your wealth?"

"Classmate Lu, I seriously doubt that your identity as an international student is compromised. Investigate it carefully, you must investigate it strictly!"

"Classmate Jiang, why do you say that? I applied based on my art~"

"What art? Serious?"

"It's time to draw."

"What kind of painting did you learn? I'm not talented, but I know a little bit."

"The Skagen School of Painting is a very niche painting method. It is mainly influenced by the French Impressionism and Realism movements. It is a very unique artistic style~"

Jiang Li said he didn't understand anything, but he gave a thumbs up.

After explaining, Lu Zhu continued to ask: "You haven't said what showing off your wealth means..."

"Showing off wealth refers to a bad habit of deliberately revealing one's wealth. We must resolutely resist this behavior. Just now, classmate Lu showed off twice!" Jiang Li said righteously.

"Ah? Do I have one?"

"For example, when you handed over your bank card, you also said that your family has many small targets. These all hurt my heart..."

"But that bank card is my remaining pocket money. It's true that I have many small goals at home." The silly rich woman said honestly, her eyes full of innocence.

"Quickly apologize, you just showed off again." Jiang Li said expressionlessly.

"Really? I didn't mean it." The girl stuck out her tongue.

"Classmate Lu, I suspect you are pretending to be stupid on purpose."

"No, classmate Jiang." The girl explained gently.


As the night gradually deepened, Lu Zhu's eyelids became heavy, and finally slowly closed at a certain point, and then he let out a steady breathing sound.

Jiang Li covered her with the quilt, turned off the light, said good night, and went back to his room.

I really feel reassured...

Jiang Li thought about the girl's sweet sleeping appearance and sighed.

Does Jiang Li seem so honest?!

However, if it were anyone else, Lu Zhu would be so undefended, right?

He speculated carefully.

That's why, like Mr. Da, he hates gentle girls.

Didi the last train

(End of chapter)

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