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Chapter 29 You Are So Cute

Chapter 29 You are so cute

After saying goodbye to Su Hexiang, Jiang Li went back to the dormitory to catch up on his sleep. When he woke up, it was almost time for dinner.

He turned on his mobile phone and sent Jun Cixue the reservation for the launch party. Then he simply packed up and went to the restaurant to meet with the big dog owner.

"Classmate Jun, you should be the one to treat me to this meal..." Jiang Li looked serious as soon as they met, and immediately said: "I didn't bring anything with me when I went out today, and my phone is almost out of battery. Do you understand me?"

Jun Cixue said lightly: "I generally understand. There is a power bank at the entrance of the store. If Mr. Jiang wants to treat you, I can scan one and lend it to you."

"No need, it's too troublesome for you. Besides, my mobile phone is very specific like me. If you plug someone else's power bank into it, it will be uncomfortable..."

Jiang Li didn't even open the menu, and directly ordered the dishes he had prepared before. The restaurants near the school were relatively economical, but this one was already the one with the highest quality and the most expensive price.

The theme that Master Jiang has set for tonight’s opening banquet is the proletarian small and poor peasants’ fight against the exploitative capitalist eldest lady.

Huh? What’s going on with this full sense of cp?

Jun Cixue had never been here before, but she didn't resist coming here to eat. She kept looking at the young man who was ordering.

"Why are you looking at me?" Jiang Li was embarrassed by being stared at, so he took the initiative to hand out the menu, "Take a look and see if there is anything you like. Today's launch banquet is open to everyone."

"No need." Jun Cixue pushed back, "I believe in Classmate Jiang's vision."

"Hey, don't be polite to me."

"Classmate Jiang, do you really want to treat me? I can satisfy your request."

Jun Cixue poured herself a glass of water, held the cup and said, "Also, how did you and Su Hexiang meet?"

"Oh, she's my neighbor. She just moved in and came to my house to borrow a shower room without hot water."

Jiang Li ordered the food, "We met again later when the club was recruiting new members."

"So you haven't rejected her before?"

"Huh? Join the company? Of course I refused." Master Jiang looked distrustful and heartbroken, "It's not like you don't know that I work seriously and responsibly."

"This sentence is not convincing." Jun Cixue took a sip of water, "I can give you another chance to quibble."

"What quibbles?" Jiang Li said he didn't understand, "I tell the truth every time. If you eat one bowl of noodles, it's the price of one bowl. If you insist on two bowls of noodles, isn't this bullying an honest person?!"

"I have wronged you." Jun Cixue said calmly, "Then she still wants to join the society after being rejected. Can you explain it?"

"Who knows..." Jiang Li said helplessly.

"She interrupted my reading today."

"Then what happened?" Jiang Li blinked.

"I hate people interrupting my reading the most." Jun Cixue said expressionlessly.


"You know the person, so not refusing is simply a mistake on your part. Doesn't Mr. Jiang want to take responsibility?"

"Is it irresponsible? Don't be so ambiguous. I'm not a scumbag." Jiang Li didn't want to take the blame and considered: "This is an irresistible factor in work. A qualified boss should give appropriate tolerance to employees, and

It’s not just harsh criticism. Student Jun, do you think I’m right?”

Jun Cixue snorted coldly: "She made me unhappy."

The girl looked at Jiang Li coldly, as if she wanted to ask for an explanation. Jiang Li always felt that this sentence was like a girl who was angry and asked her boyfriend to comfort her when they were in love.

Illusion, it must be an illusion...

In Jiang Li's impression, Jun Cixue comes across as cold and venomous but not untouchable. How could such a thing as a little girl happen to her?

And my younger sister is more coquettish and willful. From her point of view, that's the right thing to do.

Putting aside the thoughts in his mind, Master Jiang diligently poured water for the girl.

The top priority is to appease his big benefactor. What if the big boss leaves unhappy? Leave him here washing dishes?

Jiang Li thought about the amount of the order he just ordered and did some mental calculations. He had to spend two days and two nights without sleep. His hands were used to fulfill a girl's dream, how could he use them in a place like this?!

"Jun, please calm down. Sister Su is more straightforward in her work. You, sir, have a lot to take care of."

"I'm sorry to disappoint you, I'm a villain."


Master Jiang was speechless for a while, and then said: "How could it be? Student Jun, please don't belittle yourself..."

He persuaded him earnestly, but the cold girl opposite him was unmoved.

Jiang Li admitted that his eloquence was slightly inferior to that of the big dogs. If he got along with Jun Cixue and the system kept popping up options, would he be so passive? The straight man doesn't care what vicious-tongued and cold-blooded beautiful girl is opposite him. He will do all he can.

Press it!

"How about we talk while eating?"

The restaurants around the university pay attention to the speed of food delivery. The two of them chatted for a long time before the first dish was served. The alluring color and aroma tantalized every taste bud of Jiang Li.

Jun Cixue took the clean chopsticks handed to her, glanced at the dishes on the table, and frowned slightly: "It looks spicy."

"Eh? Jun, don't you like spicy food?"

"I can eat a little." Jun Cixue said calmly, taking a bite of the dish to taste. The spicy taste in her mouth rushed straight into her nose, and she seemed unbearable. She opened her mouth and exhaled, then picked up the cup and rinsed her mouth.

Every move of the girl is full of cuteness, adding a sparkle to her cool temperament.

Jiang Li couldn't help but laugh. He really regretted not turning on the camera just now, otherwise he would have found material for the screensaver he had been thinking about.

Seeing him laughing out loud, the corners of Jun Cixue's mouth fell completely.

death stare.jpg

The air pressure was a little low, so Master Jiang quickly held it in and said slowly: "Classmate Jun, do you know how many kinds of spicy food there are in the world?"

Jun Cixue picked up a tissue, wiped the corners of her mouth, folded it and put it on the table, and then replied: "How many kinds?"

"There are five kinds in total."

Jiang Li stretched out his finger and waved it in front of the girl: "It's divided into mildly spicy, medium spicy, extra spicy, and abnormally spicy."

"Is there another one?"

"You are so cute~"

"Boring..." Jun Cixue glanced at the young man coldly and replied calmly: "But I still want to thank you for the compliment."

"Classmate Jun, you really have no sense of humor..." Jiang Li took a bite of the food and said with emotion: "Obviously you are the one who can't seduce me the most, why do you call me an orphan in school?

Jiang Gou? How can it be repaired?"

"Have you ever thought it was your fault?" Jun Cixue sneered.

"What reason can I have? It's because my posture of rejecting people is not handsome enough~" Master Jiang said angrily, "Call me Jiang Gou instead of you Jun Gou. What is this? This is sexism!"

"Jun Gou?" Jun Cixue frowned, "What an unpleasant name, don't get involved with me."

"That's called...Big Dog?" Jiang Li asked carefully. He had wanted to give Jun Cixue this nickname for a long time, but he never dared to say it to her face.

Jun Cixue put down her chopsticks, made a crisp sound when hitting the bowl of noodles, and said calmly: "If you want to die, you can just say it, no need to beat around the bush."

"Hey~" Jiang Li slowed down his eating speed, "So, Mr. Jun, you don't have a sense of humor."

"Jiang, please don't change the subject. Please continue the conversation before dinner."

"What topic?" Jiang Li looked confused.

"About styrax."

"My eldest lady, what else do you want?" Jiang Li sighed, "Spiritual beauty is also a kind of beauty. I have to say that you, Mr. Jun, are lacking in this aspect..."

"I've recently been very interested in the different stages of interaction between opposite sexes, and Su Hexiang is a good subject for observation."


There are so many flaws, I don’t know where to start...

"speak English."

"I want to change the script, and the heroine will follow her example." Jun Cixue raised her face slightly.

Jiang Li discovered that whenever a girl gets arrogant, she will do this.

"The launch party has been eaten, and the video shooting is about to start. Isn't it inappropriate to change the script again?"

"It doesn't matter, I have the ability to make money."

"I'm sorry, classmate Jun. I take back your unfunny words." Jiang Li said seriously: "I stand firmly on President Jun's side and obey all your commands."


Jun Cixue glanced at him indifferently, the corners of her mouth raised slightly and said, "Is it okay to let you chase Su Hexiang and then reject her after she falls in love with you?"


A sneer appeared on the corner of Gou Dahu's mouth: "She persisted even after being rejected."

Don't offend anyone, don't offend a big dog... But Senior Su is not guilty enough... Jiang Li sighed silently.

By the way, has a relative of the big dog owner come recently, and is he so angry?

Master Jiang, who had had a free dinner, left the restaurant feeling refreshed. Jun Cixue wanted to go home, and he wanted to go back to school.

So, the two parted ways at the door.

Jiang Li took out his mobile phone and walked slowly towards the dormitory under the bright moonlight.

Someone sent him a message, it was Su Hexiang and Lu Zhu.

Jiang Li first clicked on the little rich woman's chat box.

Xiao Lu Ran Bang: [Classmate Jiang, are you free on the weekend? I would like to treat you to dinner.]

Jiang Li thought about the arrangements for the weekend. He would definitely accompany his sister on Saturday and supervise her study. He was going to shoot a video on Sunday. He didn't seem to have much time, so he replied: [I have something to do on the weekend, so I can only make an appointment next time~]

He clicked on Su Hexiang's chat box again. The girl's words were very simple.

【Come back in the evening?】

It sounded like a wife at home asking her husband outside, but Jiang Li knew very well that this was not the case.

He is just a self-propelled long-term humanoid water ticket~

Master Jiang has always been very precise in his positioning.

However, Jiang Li didn't want to go back and forth today, so he declined politely:

[I’m not going back. If you want to use hot water, there is a spare key under the flower pot in the corridor.]


Master Jiang also didn't forget to add an expression. He couldn't be allowed to bear the emotional contamination of this expression alone. Sooner or later, he would have to get rid of Su Hexiang's bad habit of wearing random expressions.

Soon, the little red dot appeared again in the dialog box.

Su Hexiang:【Oh.】

Seeing that there was no news, Jiang Li put his cell phone in his trouser pocket, tightened his coat that was blown by the night breeze, and walked into the school.

A 3,000-word chapter should be counted as two updates...right? So I updated two updates today, no need for women's clothing (I'm sure)

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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