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Chapter 59 Where is my big melon?

Chapter 59 Where is my big melon?

The weekend passed quickly, and the free time passed by in a blink of an eye, and it was Monday.

It was nine o'clock in the morning, and the bed in Yu Yourong's room was empty. Jiang Li quietly went out after washing up. The only thing he didn't see was the girl hanging clothes on the balcony next door, which made him a little regretful.

He probably went to school... Jiang Li rubbed his cheeks to make himself more awake.

This Wednesday is the Beginning of Winter, and the breath you exhale has turned into white mist and can be seen, but there are many elderly people in the community who get up early to exercise.

The day before yesterday, I made an appointment with Xiao Bai and the others to play black today. Master Jiang was deeply afraid that his reputation would be ruined in Xiao Bai's hands, so he raised the score overnight.

He walked past energetic middle-aged and elderly people with dark circles under his eyes, and couldn't help but feel sad.

Some people are alive but already dead, and some are still young but have wolfberry soaked in a thermos cup, and their livers are no longer moving at such a young age.

Should I find a partner of the opposite sex to regulate my life? Being addicted to games every day, to be honest, is a bit... harmful to my health.

While he was sighing, he was lightly tapped on the shoulder. Jiang Li turned around in surprise, and saw the indifferent face of Su Hexiang.

The girl is holding the light behind her, and the morning sun shines on her short hair, which is slightly yellowish and perfectly blends into the warm tones of late autumn.

"Morning." Su Hexiang greeted lightly.


The boy who was severely sleep-deprived responded feebly, and then asked: "Senior, haven't you gone to school yet?"


Jiang Li was stunned for a moment, then realized what he was doing and complained helplessly: "I was asking senior why she hasn't gone to school yet..."

"That's not what you asked."

Su Hexiang corrected him seriously with a straight face.

"If you ask why, I will tell you that I am doing morning exercises."

"I'm sorry, my question..." Jiang Li didn't want to waste his life on such meaningless arguments, so he took the initiative to admit his mistake and apologize.

He noticed the fine sweat on the girl's forehead and her slightly pink cheeks after exercise.

"You are so self-disciplined..." the young man said with sincere appreciation: "Senior sister, do you have to exercise every morning?"

"Yeah." Su Hexiang thought for a while: "With them."

The girl's eyes turned to the middle-aged and elderly people who were slowly doing Tai Chi.

Master Jiang: Avoid thirty years of detours and successfully break into the neighborhood committee?

"Senior sister is really doing things as always...unique..." Jiang Li said sarcastically.

"Are you going back to school?" Su Hexiang asked calmly.

"Yes," Master Jiang sighed: "My family is unfortunate, there are three unfilial sons waiting for me to feed them..."

The reason why he stayed up so late and got up so early was, of course, not to go to class, but because his roommate promised to compensate them last time.

It will never be the alarm clock that wakes him up, but the responsibility on his shoulders and the deep fatherly love for his roommates.

"Wait for me and I'll take you back."

Su Hexiang tied her hair into a ponytail and turned around neatly to go upstairs.

Jiang Li pursed his lips and looked at the girl's back. After all, he couldn't say the words "No need."

The girl cleaned up quickly. In less than five minutes, you could see her figure running down the corridor from the window at the corner of the corridor.

A woman like the wind~

The young man sighed slightly.

"Let's go." The girl said coldly..

The two of them walked side by side outside the community. They talked about few topics on the way. Jiang Li briefly explained that girls were not required to be heroines. Su Hexiang had no reaction to this.

He still wanted to ask the girl about her recent condition, but he was afraid that he might seem to have other intentions and trigger the option, so he had to give up.

Su Hexiang was not as silent as usual, and asked a few questions casually. They were nothing more than why Jiang Li was famous in the whole school, and why he had to find all kinds of strange reasons for rejecting girls.

Master Jiang: OK, don’t ask, but you just step on my sore spot?

Su Hexiang, you have no heart!

Why am I famous throughout the school? It’s because I’m handsome. They’re jealous of me!

Why do you have to find all kinds of weird reasons to reject a girl? Speaking too directly can easily hurt the hearts of school girls. Having a reason can make them feel a little bit of the warmth of being given a good guy card.

Who do you think is the prettiest? Of course I am the prettiest. Don’t be so restrictive about gender.

After a conversation, Su Hexiang didn't get any effective information, and only understood one sentence from the boy's answer.

Even if you beat me to death, I won't tell the truth.

Jiang Li kept his mouth shut and did not reveal any information, and kept confidentiality to the extreme. How could you know that I am the Chosen One?

Then they walked in silence for a while until they arrived at the spot where the motorcycle was parked.

Su Hexiang asked if he wanted to drive. Master Jiang stared at the intermediate driving skills for a long time and finally refused.

For no other reason, the front needs to be protected from the wind to make it colder.

He sat comfortably in the back seat. Occasionally, the cold air leaked from the side and hit his face, bringing with it the fragrance of the girl. The girl's hair also playfully wrapped around the tip of his nose, making the boy a little bit agitated.


They soon arrived at the school, parked the car, and walked into the campus together.

The campus seems very quiet during the school day, and there are not many vehicles or students walking in a hurry on the road.

Soon, the bell rang and students filed out of the classroom.

Su Hexiang is an old senior who has dropped out of school. Not many people know her, but many classmates who have met Jiang Li often look at him sideways.

Jiang Li may not be worthy of what they do, but if a straight man who is not close to women suddenly appears next to a girl with outstanding appearance one day, it will be different.

What? You said Jun Cixue and Jiang Gou often hang out together?

How can it be the same? The goddess is a goddess and Jiang Gou is Jiang Gou. One is an iceberg and the other is steel. When they meet, they will only become colder and colder, and there will be no spark of passion.

Relying on Master Jiang's popularity, some of the little guys who run campus gossip got wind of this. They first checked with familiar classmates to see if the melon was still ripe. After receiving a positive reply, they followed the scent like a shark smelling blood.

Paparazzi: Dagua, where is my shocking giant?!

red eye.jpg

Master Jiang, who didn't know how many times he would top the campus hot search list and other major lists, was unaware of this and continued to chat with Su Hexiang intermittently.

Even if he knew about it, he would probably smile scornfully. He is just a little kid with weird teeth. He has appeared in various forums and media in the school more than once. Every time he is faced with the slander and rumors from the UC Department, he can handle it calmly.


Big melon? Come on, let me, Jiang Hua, chop one up!

Something delayed me today, chapter 1~

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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