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Chapter 1031 Demonic Heroic Spirit-Digital Killer

As soon as Assassin the Clown Emperor invaded the Dragon King's domain, the Magikarp network sent out an alarm. Afterwards, he realized that his domain had been invaded by a virus?

The Clown King lives up to his reputation as an assassin. On the basis of Digimon, he has obtained the 'breath blocking' unique to the heroic spirit Assassin, which is reflected on the data level, which is the more magical 'data blocking'.

His invasion only immediately touched the 'Carp Network' that supports the [digitalization] priesthood.

As the temporary administrator of the 'Carp Network' [Inspiration King], he has no clue about the enemy's whereabouts because he doesn't understand data at all.

If the digitized 'Carp Network' is regarded as a virtual world, the 'Inspiration King' is theoretically the regent of this world, but it cannot be everywhere at all times. Just like you in front of your mobile phone, you are completely in control

Your own computer, but you don’t know how much dirt-free garbage is hidden in each folder of the C drive?

Assassin's rank allowed the 'Clown King' to sneak into the Carp network and escape again and again from the primitive and clumsy inspections of the administrator 'Inspiration King'.

In this regard, 'Jidu', as the owner of the [digitalization] priesthood, also feels troubled.

‘Priesthood’ is just the authority possessed by evil spirits. It can be understood as ‘talent’ max, but the degree of development and control depends on the efforts of the day after tomorrow.

Just like you have a full set of top-notch kitchenware at home, and endless ingredients to waste at will. Theoretically, you can not only reach the upper limit of your cooking skills, but you can also make death dishes that constantly break new bottom lines.

[Jidu]’s achievements in the field of [digitization] can only be described as general.

Because as the 'true head of the family', half of her energy must be spent on real-time monitoring of Bailang's status, management and operation of the 'Healing God System'. The other half of her energy is on the development of her own basic [Life] priesthood, and the remaining energy is on

Devote yourself to the [Dreamland] priesthood.

In the end, the energy left for [digitalization] is very limited, and it is currently only used as a supplement to the 'Nightmare Demon Realm'. Therefore, faced with a Digimon that is proficient in 'data interception', evil spirits cannot do anything to it.

In the last round of missions, the construction and optimization of the "Nightmare Network" in the pirate world was also outsourced to a few "first-level code farmer contractors" who had just entered the park. Most of the healing gods were non-illiterates.


This is specialization in the art industry.

Evil spirits do not need to be proficient in their own 'clergy' field, they only need to have a pair of eyes that are good at detecting wage earners, and then use spiritual means to exploit them to their heart's content.

Bailang also realized at this moment that the eldest wife was not omnipotent.

Facing the invasion of the 'Unknown Virus?', the 'Healing God System' lacks a group of elite bald coders to form a solid firewall. Not every mission can encounter a group of 'Coder Space' contractors who offer their services for free.


But soon, Lang came up with a solution!

In today's world, Internet technology has emerged. As a big country in neon games, can't we find a few outstanding programmers to work in Fuyuki City? No, Fuyuki City is so big, with a population of one million, there are no qualified programmers? Of course

Yes, there might be some among the citizens who came to Yuanzang Mountain to take refuge.

What? The programmers in 2004 were technologically backward and could not support the ‘digitalization. Carp Network’?

Ridiculous! Can’t they be beaten if they are backward? Can’t they be cultivated by severly beating them to encourage them to grow?! Redeem the 3022 programmer teaching materials in the park to help them force their evolution and grow into a programmer with a brighter head.

Then, Lang thought that before this trial, the deputy captain of the "Big Salted Fish", Jia Zhi, had told him to kidnap more cutting-edge scientists from all walks of life to enrich the scientific research team of "Salted Fish Technology".

Capture some cooks and board the ship.

Lang's eyes lit up at this moment, yes! How could you miss a group of high-quality programmers when you come to the modern earth?

Capture elite coders, keep them on boats, sell them permanently, and then transform them with carp factors to infinitely increase their brain capacity and specialize in spiritual intelligence enhancement. Then equip them with personal 'master brain matrix terminals' to train them into full-level programmers, specialized in

Provide services for the [digitization] of Jidu.

This is the correct way to open the ‘Big Salted Fish’!

From now on, we will infinitely optimize and iterate the network technology of the 'Healing God System', and there will be no end! Get on my ship, and still want to die? Absorb the advanced coder technology from all over the world, cultivate the 'God of Programmers', and never rely on it again.

【Coder Paradise】.

Mom no longer has to worry about the 'Carp Network' being hacked by professional hackers.

In the same way, you can also capture more outstanding scientists in Fuyuki City, Neon, and this world to provide technical services for the Healing God System, Raleye Seafood City, and the Greedy Sect!' Da Xianyu Vocational and Technical College

'It's open for business.

Although the unknown invading virus cannot be destroyed for the time being, Bai Lang is not angry, but overjoyed. Because he has found a way to make progress again and become even better.

I am optimistic that Lang is such a positive and outstanding man who makes a little progress every day!

On Bailang's side, there was nothing they could do against the Clown Emperor who had mastered the 'Digitalized Breath Interruption'. But Jidu just used the [Digitalized] priesthood to fine-tune the basic rules of the Dragon King's domain, and instantly cut off the connection between Assassin and Jabba.

I just didn't notice this flaw before. After being invaded by the enemy, Jidu only needed to fine-tune the basic coefficients of the divine domain to completely seal the invisible Clown Emperor inside the barrier.

The more low-key and lurking the other party is, the harder it is to be discovered, but the threat is still = zero, because he does not dare to act rashly, it is equivalent to non-existence. If this 'data Assassin' suddenly acts and wants to destroy it from within, it will be exposed immediately

On its own, it was no match for the [Inspiration King] at that time, let alone the White Dragon King behind the inspiration. And behind the Dragon King, there was the head of the family.

So the clown emperor in the data interception was awkwardly floating in the "carp network", perfectly hidden, in a dilemma, and finally decided to paddle happily. After all, its connection with the master was cut off.

If you (Jabba) take the initiative to expose me, I will die immediately for you to see!

Outside the barrier, after discovering that the Clown King had begun to lay waste to the corpse, Duncan once again humiliated the corpse collector, calling him trash and trash.

Jabba was immediately furious. Although he was temporarily recruited into the Holy Grail War, he believed that his background was no worse than the elites of the red side. He was just an inspirational genius who was unlucky, and his current background was no weaker than anyone else!

All that is missing is an opportunity!

Jabba, who couldn't bear the humiliation, burned the second command spell on his wrist, and completed the second teleportation of the secondary heroic spirit in a way that an amateur master like Duncan could not understand.

In the Dragon King's realm, the Clown King, who relied on "data interception" to hide his whereabouts, suddenly felt a crazy loss of magic power in his body, and an uncontrollable sudden explosion.

Then, just as the Master ordered the heroic spirit to teleport back to him, Jabba used it as a positioning coordinate and ordered the secondary heroic spirit to teleport to him.

It's those damn things!

When the virus that invaded the 'Carp Network' suddenly exploded, more waves of strange heroic spirits appeared inside the Dragon King's barrier again. One, two, three...

Bailang was surprised to find that six enemy hero units appeared inside his barrier at the same time. Each one exuded "heroic spirit level" energy fluctuations, and their status was unprecedentedly unified and each had its own characteristics.

They are all very special, ghost-like special heroic spirits, but each one is not very strong, as if they have been weakened and downgraded?

The next moment, [Inspiration King] fought hard to lock down the initial 'invasion virus', but then the Clown King, who was tricked by the Master, disappeared again and continued to mess around.

At the bottom of Yuanzang Mountain, horrified screams also erupted. This time, someone was finally dead. A middle-aged farm animal was cut in half by a sharp chainsaw. He was not completely dead for a while, but instead let out hysterical screams.

Then, another person's throat was slit open with a dagger, and arterial blood spurted out. A machete was stabbed from behind and emerged from the chest. The middle-aged aunt looked down, and then her neck was broken.

Cheerful laughter rang out from the air, but no figure could be seen making the laughter, and then an old man's chest was torn open from his body by sharp iron claws.

Bailang immediately captured the traces of five weakened versions of the 'heroic spirits'. They did not inherit the unparalleled data hiding ability of the 'invasion virus', and at this time they had full killing capabilities. Therefore, their positions were conspicuous and they were

Barrier locked.

Lang took a closer look, yo? They are all acquaintances!

Crystal Lake Boy, Hockey Mask, Jason Voorhees.

Moonlight is panicked, Kitchen Knife Killer, Michael Myers.

Elm Street Coppermaniac, Nightmare Gnome, Freddy Krueger.

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Leatherface, Hewitt Thomas Tommy.

The Warriors of Silent Hill, Triangle Head,... don't deserve a name!

These five classic murderers were too unified in their identity characteristics. Bailang immediately ruled out the possibility of all the masters on the red side clearing the Liudong Temple dungeon together, and breathed a sigh of relief.

The state of these five 'secondary heroic spirits' is very wrong. Just like the 'Otford' developed by himself, they have the characteristics of heroic spirits but are not pure heroic spirits. They remind him of his pseudo-Holy Grail 7Faker.

But there is still a huge difference between the two. The completion level of these five murderers is lower, and they are far less complete than Faker in the field of heroic spirits. However, in terms of strength, Faker, who crushes him, has the strength of a weak heroic spirit. At this time

It is very cruel to kill unarmed mortals.

Shirou hurriedly shouted: "Saber, stop them!"

Without Rin having to speak, Red A, whose anger level was full, had already raised his bow and arrow, and shot a precious phantom towards Jason below, killing him.

But the next second, the chest was penetrated by the Noble Phantasm, and countless pieces of flesh and black blood were splashed on the ground. The murderer got up strangely. A large amount of data flowed around the wound, releasing strange magic fluctuations, and then the data materialized.

The gap was filled, he was resurrected with full health, and he continued to hunt down the mortals around him.

"???" Bai Lang was confused, "What the hell is this?"

Outside the barrier, Jabba, who was observing Mount Yuanzang through the five artificial heroic spirits, said with a proud smile: "This is the scientific corpse refining technique, the devil-type heroic spirit - the digital murderer!"

This chapter has been completed!
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