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Chapter 1112 Fuyuki is hopeless, but I can save myself!

"What's the situation now?"

"The pollution level of [Singularity. Fuyuki Battlefield] continues to soar, and it is now in the [Pollution Surge Period]. Unless the Paradise Alliance directly intervenes, or the [Moon World] behind the 'singularity' we hold takes the initiative to stop it,

In order to effectively contain it. Otherwise, we can only wait until the 'void pollution' reaches a certain level and enters a relatively stable maintenance period, and then we can consider how to recover the losses."

"Gan!" the team leader yelled angrily. He couldn't pay attention to this kind of thing.

If this 'singularity' is regarded as a company or factory, then he is just a professional manager invited by the lord. On weekdays, the company is managed and operated by him, and he will eventually receive salary and dividends based on the year-end profits.

Now that he has blown up the 'Singularity Point', whether he asks the largest 'Paradise' to take action to kill the virus, or asks the [Moon World] behind the 'Singularity Point' to send out emergency police, it is not his decision.

[Black Pharaoh] This wave of operations is equivalent to a low-end version of the mission world being invaded by pollution.

It's just that the scale has been downgraded from the vast 'mission world' to the 'private domain (singularity)' of high-ranking lords; and the [source of pollution] responsible for the invasion has also been downgraded to a 'salary king, descendant, and black pharaoh'.

This level of pollution invasion is undoubtedly the end of the world for the 'singularity', a crisis of devastating magnitude.

But for the larger 'Paradise Alliance', it can be said that it is subject to daily attacks every moment, including wind and rain and mosquito bites.

The small private world that the 'lords' have worked so hard to develop is not only an asset of the paradise in a broad sense; it is also part of the 'moon world' to which it belongs; and finally, it is the sacred and inviolable private property of the lord-level contractors.

The three are not in conflict.

Just like the land of the ancient lords and landowners, it belongs to themselves; it also belongs to the country where it is located; and it also belongs to this planet. But the management rights are yours, you can do whatever you want and pay taxes on time.

(The birth of 'Singularity. Fuyuki Battlefield' is the result of the lord applying to the paradise to open up a private world. After passing the application, he then uses the [Second Law] rules of the 'Highly Corrosive Moon World' to create Stud's own 'territory world fragments',

Create a small parallel time and space/singularity point independent of the 'Moon World'.)

So theoretically, when the 'private world' is invaded by [pollution sources], you are not the only one who loses money.

The 'Moon World' behind it is also at risk of being eroded and polluted due to the breach of the portal (singularity); the paradise to which the Moon World belongs will also suffer losses.

Therefore, they have reason and necessity to take the initiative to help the 'Singularity' calm down the crisis, clean up the pollution, and eliminate risks.

But in fact, it's just the opposite. Both the larger 'Moon World' and the 'Paradise Camp' behind it all chose to do nothing and just watch with a cold eye.

With this level of pollution intrusion, Paradise and the Moon World will certainly suffer some losses, but they are only a drop in the bucket.

In particular, this private world is still in the form of a 'singular point', separated from the main world (moon world) space-time axis, and is an independent parallel small space.

Then the risk of the 'main world' being contaminated will plummet.

This is just like during a naval battle, if a certain cabin is penetrated by a torpedo, it will not cause the entire cabin to sink. As long as the cabin is completely sealed and the seawater is allowed to pour in, it will not be greatly affected.

The same goes for [source of pollution]. The worst thing to do is to abandon and isolate this contaminated 'singularity'. The Moon (main) world still has this ability.

As for the paradise? You can accept it in the "main world", and it doesn't matter to me. I am impacted by many "pollution sources" at the same time every day. What kind of crisis have I not seen? Have I never experienced? Just this little thing?

On the contrary, this kind of pollution is a fatal blow to a certain lord! The savings from struggling from the first level to the fifth level are ruined in one moment. If the stud fails, the family will be ruined, and the rooftop disco, wouldn't it be fun?

Even if he is as rich as Bai Lang and owns more than one 'territory'. Even if he goes bankrupt, he still has the [Seafood City] with him and a piece of 'World Fragment. Nightmare' stored in the safe, so that he can make a comeback.

At the very least, his vitality will be severely damaged. Once he returns to before liberation, his blood mother will suffer.

Therefore, when this kind of private lord-level world is invaded, the usual approach of the Paradise Alliance is to never intervene hastily and just sit back and watch the explosion. The logic behind it is heartwarming:

First, a certain lord paid a protection fee to the paradise and the main world respectively, and applied for the [Second Law] to open a 'singularity'. Then he used the 'private world' as collateral to obtain management rights.

From then on, he took the lion's share of the income earned by this 'world', but the expenses including the 'firewall' were also borne by the lord. (The main world continues to earn various service fees)

If the plan is successful, you can make a name for yourself by organizing the [First Holy Grail Reality Show]. Earn income from 'Paparazzi Paradise' and other channels, and transform it into a hit show in the future. In addition to continuously earning income, you can also compete with high-quality contestants.

Players build connections.

At the same time, the lord will also continue to pay high dividends for the ‘Moon World’ and ‘Paradise’. This is a win-win situation.

It's a pity that it's gone now and there is no way to recover. If the lord is present, in order to stop the loss, he will continue to pay a second huge sum of money to the 'Paradise' and hire wage earners from the [Cemetery] to clean up the source of the pollution and recover the losses as much as possible.

The paradise camp makes another profit.

Behind this, there is a second layer of logic hidden.

After the high-level lord breaks through the third level, the control of the paradise will become weaker and weaker, and he will gradually be no longer at the mercy. From a chess piece, it will become a 'subordinate and symbiotic' cooperative relationship.

The paradise still occupies an absolutely dominant position, but the lords have their own selfish motives and have the strength to make some small moves. When their own interests are inconsistent with the paradise, they often put their own interests first and dig into the corners of the paradise.

Therefore, when the park encounters a high-level lord whose investment fails and goes bankrupt, it will never take the initiative to help. Instead, it will sit back and watch as the private property is destroyed, and the lord will be burdened with huge debts again, and has to come back and work again.

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The last layer, [Source of Pollution], whether it invades a large-scale mission world or a small private domain like this. It does not mean that once 'pollution' successfully arrives, it can 100% destroy everything and take away all material and energy from the hands of 'Paradise'.

[Pollution Source], like [Paradise], also adheres to the Basic Law.

[Paradise] To develop the mission world, it is necessary to gradually erode distortion and improve authenticity. During this period, the enthusiasm for labor of the lower-level contractors is stimulated, and the enthusiasm of the middle-level lords to expand their territory is built to build the "mission world".

On the contrary, when the [pollution source] invades the mission world, resources also need to be invested for consumption. Could it be that the energy belonging to the 'pollution source' comes from nothing and is endless? Didn't the dead Salary King grow and cultivate step by step? Will the paradise's

If the assets are slightly polluted and distorted, don’t you have to pay the price?

Therefore, when [the source of pollution] snatches food from [the paradise], robs the indigenous people, plunders materials and energy, and occupies the fragments and origins of the world, it is also investing money and consuming energy.

Therefore, a successful "pollution invasion" can only take away part of the "paradise", but not 100% complete plunder. That is unscientific.

Often a world is eroded by pollution to the point of 'doomsday, world destruction, world collapse and fragmentation'. The contractors of the paradise camp are completely defeated, and the origin of the mission world is deeply polluted, and after it is completely hopeless... the [source of pollution] can only be taken away.

About 40%.

The Paradise Alliance cleans the battlefield and collects the leftover leftovers from the [pollution source]. By piecing together here and there, they can still recover about 50% of it.

Of course, the park is always losing blood. After all, these "mission worlds" have come into existence from scratch, and from the erosion level of 0 to more than 30%, the park camp has unilaterally invested resources. If you seize the source of pollution, you will make money.

So don't talk about recovering 50%? Even if it is only 0.01 less, it is a heartache, a loss of blood, a loss of a universe.

In the same way, when these 'private little worlds' that were stolen from 'Paradise' by high-ranking lords are polluted.

If the paradise cleans up and eliminates pollution in time, the world that is saved will still be the private property of the lord.

Let us slow down the pace and let the pollution fly for a while. Soon, this private world will be deeply polluted, beyond the lord's processing range. At that time, the entire world will be completely out of control, completely eroded by the pollution source, and fall.

When Paradise takes action again, it will not be to kill the virus for the lord; rather, after the lord loses his territory, [Paradise] will fight bravely with [the source of pollution], snatch food from the mouth of the 'source of pollution', and restore the loss of Paradise camp.

In the worst case scenario, [the source of pollution] is completely victorious, and [the paradise] can still clean up 50% of the residue and have it recycled by the authorities.

Then, the high-ranking lord's investment went bankrupt and he owed a huge debt. He temporarily extinguished his ambition and worked as a dog in the paradise, selling himself to pay off the debt. After he had saved enough capital to turn over, he would find another way out and repeat the second round of tragic stories.


Faced with the gradually deteriorating 'singularity', the project team had no good solution. The only thing they could do was to pass the final authority and issue branch tasks outside the main line to the two 'Fire Paradise Salary Hunters' with a sincere attitude.

The promise of generous rewards beyond normal tasks drives them to act according to their own intentions.

After the team leader contacted the Boss again to no avail, he could only bear the huge psychological pressure alone.

If you can reach the third level, you must not be rubbish. After having to accept that he would probably be retaliated to death, the team leader tried hard to calm down and began to study the new data fed back by the 'singularity point'.

The most proud thing among them must be the crazy soaring 'viewing ratings'.

The live broadcast channel has exploded at this moment, and a large number of melon-eating people have come here to see the "pollution coming" and gain experience.

Although the reputation of this round of 'Holy Grail Reality Show' has been in avalanche, and has been scolded by countless old viewers as worthless. But you have to admit that this show is really good-looking! It is exciting and exciting, far beyond the many fans.


Especially in the past two days, various operations have taken a turn for the worse. It is clear that they don’t want to film the second season, so they directly ordered the film and television base. This is a live broadcast education on 'pollution source safety accidents' at the risk of death, to warn

Warning everyone?

If the tripartite balance was deliberately maintained in the past, Ruler operated in secret, forced the release of tasks, interfered with the process and other shameless methods, the audience's appetite was not satisfied. In this way, the popularity of the program was maintained, and gambling services were launched to continuously make money, which will not affect the future.

If you make a plan.

So the live broadcast content after the collapse of word-of-mouth can only be described as letting oneself go and plummeting. Although the abuse is constant, the various unpredictable plots are also more attractive than ever.

This is using the destruction of a ‘singularity’ as a gimmick, using the sacrifice of a ‘potentially popular program’ to attract the ‘source of pollution’ to come, and perform a suicide performance.

Of course the audience is happy to see the news.

In this ordeal, the project team leader, who has rich experience and worked his way up from the bottom of the contractor ranks, keenly grasped the key points of self-rescue!

Relying on his own operation to save this destined 'disaster' is destined to be impossible for him, a mere senior level three.

Then, the Boss could not be contacted no matter what, and he became the top manager of the 'Singularity Point. Fuyuki Battlefield'. Other subordinates also took the blame and kept silent, focusing on executing their own orders in an attempt to shirk responsibility.

So, why not take advantage of this opportunity and do the opposite?

Since it can't be undone, double it! Further intensify and expand the "pollution coming", use this trial that is destined to collapse to further stimulate and increase the ratings and achieve your own reputation. It can be regarded as a change of direction, isn't it?

Next, we only need to cooperate inside and outside, manipulate the 'singularity' behind the scenes, and cooperate with the [Black Pharaoh] to expand the invasion of [source of pollution. Void] with an even more exaggerated effect, using the destruction of the 'singularity' as a gimmick to stage a top-notch live broadcast

For everyone to watch.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! By doing this, can you establish a new personality for yourself? Become an expert in this field?

Then, before the Boss reacts, run away first and jump to [Destruction Paradise] to attack the fourth level.

Since there are "mission worlds" that are born, upgraded, and eventually die. [Destruction Paradise] is specifically designed to carry out professional and efficient destruction and recycling of those "mission worlds" that have lost their potential and value and are on the verge of collapse.

And his operation of "welcoming the arrival of the pollution source" this time is in line with the purpose of "Destruction Paradise".

Therefore, from now on, he must seize the opportunity and show off a wave of otherworldly 'destruction skills' in order to win the favor of [Destruction Paradise].

Because simply "inciting the pollution source to invade" can be done by one person. But how to play with the "pollution source" and maximize the results according to your own wishes, and achieve all kinds of incredible effects, can you experience the skills and talent.

Playing with [pollution sources], and [Fire Transfer Paradise] is the most proficient in this aspect.

But what [Destruction Paradise] focuses on is not how to deal with [pollution sources], but to grasp the relationship between the ‘mission world, paradise, and pollution sources’ from a more macro perspective.

[Destruction Department] is more like a 'destruction team', which involves directing the destruction of a world through explosions. The 'fire team' is more like a 'cleaner', responsible for recycling radioactive materials, dealing with poisonous gas leaks, collecting corpses, garbage, and rags... and then

Take it and burn it. The graveyard is often used to maintain a sick mission world, or to cooperate with the 'demolition team' in destruction mode and use the 'contamination source' to cause trouble.

The team leader, who clearly understood this, tried his best to put himself into the perspective of the "destruction team", and how to skillfully use the two ready-made "junk guys (Bai and Zhuang)" to lead a beautiful "singular point destruction" and get the

An offer from 【Destruction Paradise】?

"Not bad! That's what it looks like!"

The team leader has clarified the logic of his behavior. This [Black Pharaoh Pollution Incident] was not a vicious accident caused by his mistake, but a premeditated crime.

He shed tears and tried hard to hypnotize himself. From the beginning, he expected to gain the favor of [Destruction Paradise] and complete the sprint and transformation to the fourth level. (If life allowed, who the hell would go to [Destruction] and [Cemetery]

】Working? 【Witch】Isn’t she delicious?)

Therefore, he lurked in a low profile, gained the trust of a lord, gained control of the 'singularity', and used this as a stage. He wanted to complete his mission by sacrificing and destroying a lord's territory (same thing)

Graduation project, please [Destruction Paradise].

In addition, no matter what the reason, a lord can destroy his private property, force the other party to go bankrupt, and become a dog to the paradise. Even if it is an illegal act, at the level of unspoken rules, the murderer can gain the recognition and favor of the 'paradise'.

What's more, there is also competition between the paradises. What he destroyed was not the 'private world' of [Destruction Paradise], so naturally it would make 'Destruction' happier.

For this reason, the team leader even contacted [Paparazzi Paradise] to broadcast the entire event live, in order to present a wonderful show in front of everyone, and at the same time make himself famous and increase his legend.

Now, the plan has reached a critical step, and [Black Pharaoh] has induced the [Source of Pollution. Void] to come as he wished.

Next, he must perform more exciting and exciting operations, prove himself through all means, and rise to the top in one fell swoop!

"How to break it?"

Suddenly, the team leader pinned his hopes on Bai Lang, who had always been very coquettish and always exceeded his expectations. He had deliberately suppressed the man behind the scenes before, and he was able to come up with so many coquettish tricks. Now, if resources are deliberately diverted to him, will the other party

Can you get unexpected surprises?

With no way out, the team leader had no choice but to throw his limited chips at Bailang, hoping for a miracle to happen.

This chapter has been completed!
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