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Chapter 1160 The big treasure in the basement

After being so cute to Bailang, the little cat finally got excited and returned to normal from lying on its back, looking around furtively, and then uttered human words in a whispering tone:

"Brother Lang, please stop touching me!"

"Huh?" Lang, who was not satisfied yet, stopped his claws, looked at Maomao who was sitting cross-legged like a dog, and said regretfully, "You're awake."

"Yeah, yeah, if you weren't careful, you would have messed up her soft fur."

The kitten licked its paws, scratched the top of its head a few times, smoothed the scattered hair, and then released a good momentum from the body. Its feet gradually lifted off the ground, and it floated like a cat. At the same time, it opened its arms and let the world

Feel the pain.

"Let the great Force Cat figure it out for you!"

After saying that, the kitten, which had been stretched to more than 20 cm under its own weight, closed its eyes and stopped talking. It just floated and moved in the air at a constant speed.

Bai Lang was stunned. He didn't understand what this meant. Didn't it mean fortune-telling? You should speak.

Just when the three fathers and daughters of the Bai family were waiting for the great cat to give a prophecy or some kind of prompt, the kitten's tail suddenly curled up and twitched at the white waves twice, just like a human's index finger making "you"

Come here!' is the same action.

Jack pushed the male mother: "The tower seems to be asking us to follow it?"

Fufu nodded: "Yes, that's right."

Bailang thought about it and said: "Something like Fuguiwan's fully automatic grave-guiding function, let's go!"

Although there were still doubts, Immortal Meow's actions at this moment were probably to personally guide him to the key to solving the problem, right? So Lang followed him with anticipation. This was the first time for him to observe Gawain's divination up close, and he was very interested.



The Force Cat, which was floating with its eyes closed, had only moved six or seven meters before it hit the door of the closed room and stuck to it like a liquid, its little tail stretched straight and furry.

Then, Immortal Meow did not enter the state of prophecy and divination, but relied on the force to tear himself off the door, and then...Bia chirp!

Hit it again.


Bailang was just stunned. Seeing that it had no intention of stopping after bumping into it five times, he quickly stepped forward and grabbed the kitten's tail to make it stop its head-on behavior.

"How stupid! Fufu opened the door for her."

Little Fufu stood up on tiptoes and turned the door handle open. The cat, in a state of divine clarity, was finally able to float out and continue to guide the waves.

This time, Bailang took out a rope and wrapped it in the middle of the floating cat strips. It was like walking a dog or holding a balloon, preventing the cat from flying away and always keeping a meter away from him.

Doing this can effectively prevent it from hitting walls, doors, and floating on the roof...

Next, Bai Lang endured the doubtful looks of young wizards of all grades and wandered around the castle with a suspended cat. Because the cat in the divination state did not know how to press the elevator, he could only climb the stairs.

The little wizards along the way whispered:

"Which one is the levitation technique?", "It's so powerful!", "Is there a possibility that it is actually animal cruelty?", "It's so cute!", "Let's secretly report to Vice Principal McGonagall that someone is abusing cats!


The cowardly girl was not afraid of rumors, and cast a V-shaped force in front of her to separate the crowds blocking the road. Finally, she led Bai Lang to just below the auditorium, bypassed the Hufflepuff lounge, and stopped at Hog

Watts' kitchen front door.

It was only then that the Force Cat regained its consciousness and said, "Human, the answer you want is inside!"

After saying that, Gao Wen, who was in a milk-cat state, looked around and realized that he was in a public place, and suddenly became shy.

Bailang noticed something strange about her and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

The cat hesitated: "Well, Brother Lang, I have finished the divination and want to end the Meow Immortal form."

"Then you change back!"

"She has no clothes on. I'll go ahead and contact you later in the evening." After that, she activated the Flying Thunder God Technique and disappeared from the basement.

When they were promoted to the ninja world and tried, both the girl and the tower got the [Flying Thunder God]. Now the girl has the 'Flying Thunder God Technique' engraved on her [Gun Fighting Technique Bullets], so she can locate her bullets at any time.

'Complete transfer.

After the Force Cat’s endless ‘divination + running away’, Bailang could only push open the kitchen door and continue looking for the so-called ‘answer’.

As a result, as soon as he entered the door, a rich mixture of more than a dozen different styles of aromas greeted him, making his eyes light up. Fu Fu and Jack rushed to take a deep breath.

It's fragrant! The taste is very rich! He instantly identified more than a dozen dishes that he had tasted at the opening ceremony. Looking closely, he saw that this was a space with a high ceiling, the area was as big as the auditorium, and it also had '

The Traceless Telescopic Spell' expands the space again.

It's not so much a kitchen as it is a huge factory. All kinds of house elves who have been transformed by magical machinery shuttle through it. Industrial cauldrons that are larger than the cauldron used to stew a living person are placed on the rocket jet.

Roasting on the fire like a tail flame... while the house elves stepped on the three-meter movable angle iron frame, controlled the gantry crane above the crucible, and continuously poured baskets of prepared ingredients into the crucible, and then the giant

Insert the spatula into it and stir it back and forth.

The underground kitchen of Hogwarts is a half-industrial, half-witch doctor factory that has been enchanted. The elves release various spells and cooperate with each other in an orderly manner to cook dishes one after another in an assembly line style.

After seeing Bailang, the elves who were relatively close to him were flattered, and looked like patients with Stockholm syndrome. They greeted him humbly + self-criticism + self-abuse + self-PUA... and asked him what he wanted to eat?

There was even an elf who was holding a tall pile of cabbage and couldn't see the way forward. After hitting the white waves, he knelt on the ground and apologized in fear. Within ten seconds, the chef teleported and swung an axe.

Cut off both hands to apologize to the waves.

This crazy and brutal scene stunned Lang, but fortunately, Fufu subconsciously sent the other party a bill, and then activated the Holy Light to repair her hands.

This little elf was even more grateful and pushed the little angel to kowtow crazily. He didn't even think of his head as his head, and smashed it on the ground crazily to show his gratitude.

Humble! So fucking humble! It also comes with a strong tendency of self-mutilation, self-abuse, and self-destruction.

How did the wizards of Hogwarts PUA them?

Bailang watched hundreds of elves not forgetting to greet him while they were busy, nodding and bending to accept the leader's inspection. Every one of them was ugly, shriveled, thin, thin, with huge triangular ears, and a long Pinocchio nose. and bulging eyes the size of tennis balls.

But it's not as cute as blingbling eyes should be, instead it's very scary.

These house elves generally had their arms or legs amputated, and more than half of their bodies had been modified.

Those enchanted prosthetics are often equipped with axes, electric saws, flamethrowers... and other messy tools, but they are cleverly used on the kitchen assembly line.

For example, cutting ribs accurately and efficiently, waving scissor hands to remove vegetable roots, spraying large amounts of water to rinse, using a spray gun to burn the hair on the meat... What's more, the defendant created the structure of a centaur, but the lower body was not a horse, but a horse. A four-wheeled pickup truck was speeding along the four lanes of the kitchen, pulling a load of vegetables.

The elf was flashing, the prosthetic limbs without energy devices roared crazily driven by magic power, and a large amount of magic fluctuations took effect on the kitchen equipment... This noisy and chaotic scene gave Bai Lang an epiphany.

"You are indeed a force cat, I understand!"

He wanted to find a kind of 'fuel' that was stable in source, cost-effective, and could sustainably support the operation of the [Little Holy Bowl]. The dragon was good, but it was somewhat unrealistic. However, the 'house elf' in front of him gave him Open a window.

House elves seem to have a low social status. They are a group of "intelligent slaves" who have been self-involved for thousands of years, willing to degenerate, and are proud of being enslaved by humans.

However, in the original book, this group of ugly alternative goblins possess powerful magical talents that even adult wizards cannot match. They are born without a wand to cast spells, they can apparate as easily as drinking water, and they master a large number of household spells.

Many adult wizards are unable to defeat a lowly house elf throughout their lives. However, the entire magical world ignores this group of fighting power and enslaves them as the lowest level of domestic slaves.

However, the house elves are also surprisingly cowardly. They have been trained by wizards for thousands of years and are full of servility. They are even lower than the "untouchables" in India and accept their fate. They cannot think of any resistance at all.

Well, we went both ways.

If Voldemort in the original world line could organize three thousand elves and use spiritual PUA to enslave them to be loyal to him. This group of fanatical Stockholm patients would fearlessly shout "Avada chews the big melon", and flash the crazy snake skin, in order to The master's mission emits a green light full of miraculous forgiveness.

At that time, Dumbledore, the Phoenix Shooter, and the Aurors were all rubbish. They could only lie at the feet of the 'Avatar Elves' and eat their food. Who needs the 'Shit Eaters', a group of people who have little success but only failure? Rubbish?

Directly turned into "The Dark Lord and His Household Stupid Pink Elves".

Bailang stopped a few panicked elves and called them to a secluded corner.

These humble little guys didn't dare to resist. They followed Lang obediently and forced themselves into the corner. They looked up at Lang, who was two meters high and dressed in suits and ties. They were "elegant and easy-going" and couldn't help but tremble.

The irrepressible [Fearful Dominance + Villain Charisma] only leaked out 1‰, making their limbs stiff and frightened. At first glance, they looked like little fives from the good camp.

Behind Lang, there is a little Jack who can fly with two butterfly knives, and Silly Fufu, who is wearing a black cat-eared helmet and looks very mysterious and majestic, but is actually in a daze.

Bailang suddenly felt a bit like a scum adult who extorted pocket money from kindergarten children after school, so he coughed twice, took out his [Refreshing Menthol Cigarette], and comforted him: "Here is a Huazi, calm down.

Don't be nervous, I'm not a bad person."

"Nick knows that Mr. Outland is the professor of Hufflepuff and our master. Nick is willing to serve you, but he dare not smoke for fear of tarnishing the noble gentleman."

"Stop beeping and smoke one. I've added a large dose of a tranquilizer to make you bolder. It makes me feel uncomfortable to hear what you are saying."


Little Jack put the knife against Nick's neck and forced him to take a blow.

Soon, the three elves all smoked the menthol leaves provided by the white witch doctor. As expected, they calmed down a lot, no longer trembled, and their speech became bolder. They answered all questions, allowing Lang to learn a lot of information.

The number of "house elves" in Hogwarts exceeds 10,000, and the annual attrition rate is about 1/10. Currently, there are about 2,000 senior elves, 6,000 active elves, and 2,000 intern elves.

The specific distinction is that active elves have received a full set of training to serve all teachers and students in the school. They are not visible in the castle on weekdays, but they can be found everywhere. They clean classrooms, wash clothes, raise animals, cultivate farmland, and serve demons.

Medicine... is all done by them.

The so-called trainee elves are the kind of amateurs with sound hands and feet who are bought by the school from the major 'house elf breeding bases' in Europe. The active elves, according to the work projects they are responsible for, have been transformed at Ravenclaw College and become more sophisticated.

Professional and efficient elf.

We are veteran elves who have worked for more than 7 years, are familiar with all aspects of the school, and have certain management capabilities. They serve as foremen, team leaders and other positions.

After some interrogation, Lang confirmed that the 'house elf industry' is very popular all over the world. They are not as difficult to reproduce as in the original work, and only serve the nobles.

On the contrary, today's production of 'elves' is gratifying, and all major magic academies are in demand. Wizarding families, and modern human families that work closely with wizards, have all ordered such intelligent pets (laborers).

About 80% of the elves at Hogwarts are Hufflepuff's assets and work in the kitchen. However, they are also Ravenclaw's favorite consumables.

After all, there are so many dangerous advanced topics, and you can't just use junior students to do experiments, right? Under the protection of the death indicator, most dangerous experiments are still attempted by elves, so more than 1,000 are consumed every year.

It is worth mentioning that the status of 'house elves' in the new era is still underground. They also have no spirit of resistance, accept the situation and enjoy the life of being ruled by slaves.

For those companions who died in the Ravenclaw laboratory, elves generally regarded this as an honor, a great sacrifice, and a sacred return.

The pain of the experiment purified their sinful souls, and their own death was to add a cornerstone to the great magic research. Although they died, their souls are still with the new magic results! This is a kind of sublimation, just like what the scholars of the Celestial Dynasty pursue.

'go down in history'.

Although they are very afraid of pain, the elves in the kitchen are still proud of their own degree of transformation and compare with each other. It has a sense of cyberpunk. Whoever has a higher degree of transformation has a higher status.

After investigating the forgotten elves in Hogwarts, Bailang's biggest doubt was: why were such great oxen and horses not developed into 'magical biological weapons'?

However, he has found a solution to the shortage of fuel in the Holy Grail system. Sacrificing elves to charge the [Goblet of Fire] not only replenishes a large amount of magic power, but also adds soul and flesh and blood raw materials.

Think of the [Goblet of Fire] as a crusher, and what is eaten is the elf, and the 'heroic spirit' is sprayed out! This thing is cost-effective, with a high conversion rate and a wide range of sources. It can even be purchased in large quantities, sacrificed, and made more

'Heroic Spirit' is even popularized to every little wizard.

Bailang had already thought about the specific gameplay. He used his [Third Method] to use the whiteboard 'Elf-Elf' as the initial pet. In Slytherin's school magic network, he downloaded the corresponding 'Digital Recipe' to select attributes and skills.

, and finally evolved with Hufflepuff’s gourmet cell system...a heroic spirit development game.

Harry shouted: "Dobby, use Cruciatus to cut out the bones! Use Soul Out of Body! Use Avada Kedavra!"

Ron roared: "Scabbers, stand up! Start the Spring Cry!"

This chapter has been completed!
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