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Chapter 1273 Noodle Murder Case

In the noisy and bustling open-air market, there are a large number of pirates with rusty swords hanging on their waists, shabby clothes and stinky clothes, cursing and shouting, creating a smoky atmosphere.

The vendors yelled loudly, the ugly Aunt Nico solicited customers enthusiastically, and stolen goods, weapons, and tobacco of unknown origin were openly peddled.

Pirates from different races around the world either bargain for bad wine and brag about it, or barter for junk black magic items produced by different [gods and demons], or gather in groups for gambling, on-site theft, or

After being discovered, they tore their hair, bit their ears, and beat each other...

There was also a physical demon king with blood-red eyes and severe alienation (bloodline pollution) symptoms. He stripped a thin slave naked on the spot and checked his French language in broad daylight, which attracted bursts of cheers from the onlookers.

In this chaotic, crowded, lively market where demons danced wildly, a horrifying scream pierced the sky: "Sarilang! Killing people! Noodles killing people!"

At a newly opened open-air food stall, a thin Persian boy with a mustache looked at the third curry boy lying on the ground across the table in horror, his hands frantically tearing and pulling at his face, and his body was shaking violently and struggling.

On the face of this third brother, there is a horrifying "noodle-like monster" clinging to it. Some are like the facehuggers ejected from the alien eggs, and some are like the vascular tentacles growing from the neck section of the decapitated Dio.


Dozens and nearly a hundred 'noodle tentacles' were densely kneaded into a ball, squirming violently, clawing out their hollow tentacles one by one, trying their best to penetrate into the skin of Asan's eyes, ears, mouth and nose, and making 'squeaks' with their bodies.

'The strange sound is extracting blood, life, and bean curd from the diners' bodies...

Not long after, the third curry brother stopped struggling, and his body was sucked dry at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At this time, more and more onlookers gathered. Suddenly! Several short but nimble animals, wearing yellow robes and writing "Are you starving to death?", and [Spicy Spicy Little Skeletons] carrying scholar boxes and cages suddenly teleported over.


He grabbed the "Spicy Sliver Blood Ramen" that was backing the diners with all his hands, pulled hard, pulled it out of the guest's head, and put it back into the "red soup pot" that exuded the aroma and continued to cook.

Several other low-level spicy little skeletons who were not worthy of owning the 'cage', in the manner of the Six Immortals of Peach Valley, lifted up the choking guest, flashed forward, and came to the 'sacrifice (garbage) recycling place not far away'

', and threw it to the scavenging slaves.

The frightened Persian trembled when he thought that he had just eaten the same thing, fearing that the 'noodle monster' would burst out of his body.

Nervous and frightened, he tremblingly pointed at the small skeleton in his hand and shouted at the evil-doers: "Kill people, these monsters are killing people maliciously! They are using us to feed those tentacle monsters!"


At this moment, a surviving sailor of [Hundred Demons] stepped forward and angrily shouted: "Stop talking nonsense here! The delicacies provided by my young master are specially provided for [gods, demons] and great practitioners.

The 'Food of Gods and Demons'! It opens today and is provided free of charge, but it is clearly stated that ordinary people can only eat food at the mortal level. Only powerful practitioners can taste forbidden food. What is 'forbidden food'? No

Those who do not overestimate their own strength will naturally be killed by food! This guy is just a mortal who wants to taste the tributes of gods and demons, so he deserves to be eaten by food!"

"I, I..."

The sailor said disdainfully: "What are you? The bowl you ate was only a spoonful of soup. Strengthening your body is worth practicing and worshiping [gods and demons] for ten days. Get out of here. Who's next?"

If you want to eat taboo food, be prepared to die here. Did you see this sign? [Three bowls to win the grand prize] Whoever can eat three bowls of taboo food without dying will receive the grand prize of 50 gold coins."

Another stall full of gimmicks appeared on the island, attracting a crowd of meddling people. Soon, the name of [God of Red Soup and Spicy Noodles] quickly spread among the pirates.

A [Demon God] involved in 'noodle food' is said to be able to cook the ultimate taste, which is characterized by being extremely spicy and refreshing. It can stimulate potential, gain powerful strength, and irreversibly damage the spirit. But if

If you carry it over, you can obtain indescribable mysterious knowledge.

The most important point is that this newly emerged force has the shadow of the organizer of this conference behind it and cannot be provoked.

In the circle of contractors, Feng Ying and Jack's "Catering Expansion Plan" was even more successful. Almost everyone knew that an evil "dark cuisine chef" came to the island, providing a series of anti-humanity delicacies, which was harmful to the third level.

Also helpful.

The publicity method of live performance of "a large number of diners dying suddenly" is also unique, attracting a steady stream of indigenous pirates and people with abilities to come to die, making "The God of Spicy Tiaozi" famous.

At this time, the 'United Fleet' on the island is in a state of assembly, and there is still some time before entering the 'underworld'. However, Intelligence King Feng Ying has confirmed that the first batch of exploration fleets has already sailed into the underworld and is about to complete the initial survey.

This is done mainly for the sake of ordinary humans on the island.

This time the underworld joint fleet has investment and participation from many contractors, and it is very ambitious. It intends to invade and occupy the [underworld] for a long time with the power of the human world. If the plan goes well, it will even 'immigrate to the underworld, create a territory, and develop for a long time' in the later stage; and

It’s not like just grabbing a vote and running away.

Therefore, the accumulation of large and small broken ships has reached three digits, and the total number of people (main force) exceeds 10,000. In addition to the elite sailors equipped on each ship, there are also a larger number of African farm tools and South Asian natives accumulated in the cargo hold.

Under normal circumstances, human beings cannot adapt to the [Underworld] environment. If we want tens of thousands of pirates to pass through the kingdom of the dead smoothly and ensure that tens of thousands of natives do not die, we naturally have to come up with corresponding countermeasures.

Jack and Feng Ying joined late and did not have time to organize the "Colonial Exploration Team". They only wanted to make a fortune by contracting a private canteen, so they seized the time and used any means to become famous.

After hanging out on the island for so long, Feng Ying and Jack figured out several ways to cultivate and strengthen [Gods and Demons (Tomb of Gods)] in this world.

First of all, it is natural to search, lock, strangle, and devour those [gods and demons] that have not yet recovered, as well as their [Tombs of Gods] in advance.

In mythological novels, it means that when other 'innate gods and demons' are still in the gestation period, they will come directly to devour them and inherit everything they have, including power, laws, authority, spiritual treasures, cave heaven and blessed land...etc.

It just so happens that in the underworld of Greek mythology, there are ownerless [gods and demons] large and small waiting to be devoured.

The second way to strengthen [Gods and Demons] is to select spokespersons in the human world, establish churches, and continuously open branches to expand the scale of power, spread corporate culture, and expand international influence.

The [gods and demons] in this world are not suitable for the 'belief system'. The number and piety of believers do not directly bring power. The power of the gods and demons comes from their respective [Tombs of Gods].

However, [gods and demons] (and their spokesmen) work hard to expand their beliefs in the world, suppress heretical gods and demons, and even monopolize myths (the right to speak in public opinion), which can be effectively reflected in the 'Tomb of the Gods System' to achieve a monopoly.

Tao effect.

For example, as the "Mazu Belief" from the mysterious Eastern Continent expands around the world, the "oceanic demon gods" in other regional myths will be suppressed for a long time.

Another example is that after Hermes in Greek mythology took the lead in reviving, he used Europe as his base to highlight his name as a god, and he touched upon the Olympian pantheon, claiming that he was the successor to the new god king. This led to his rapid expansion and development.

Efforts were made to suppress and suppress the resurgence of other 'gods and demons of the same god system'.

In addition to expanding influence in the human world, which can be reflected in the "God Tomb System", there are many benefits of doing so.

With the emergence of a huge (religious) organization, even in a world without extraordinary power, this group still has the natural instinct to expand and expand, and it can gain a lot of benefits from it by virtue of its size.

Once such a large team forms a connection with [Gods and Demons], it will naturally help [Gods and Demons] recover and grow.

The top [gods and demons] are so powerful that they don’t even need to use any extraordinary power. They can destroy other lesser gods and demons just by their spontaneous fans in the world (the Expeditionary Army of Fanatics), and dig up the [Tomb of Gods] to feed themselves as supplements.


With such a cycle, why worry about not being strong?

Finally, if [Gods and Demons] and the [Tomb of Gods] behind them want to expand and grow, there is another most basic, common, and stable method.

That is - tomb repair!

The Dou Tomb Continent is as its name suggests. Frequent and stable ‘sacrifice activities’ are delivering human, material and financial resources to the [Tomb of Gods], charging and expanding the foundation of [Gods and Demons].

From a macro perspective, the most important thing about God is worship and military service. From a small perspective, during the holidays, who wouldn’t burn some paper for their ancestors and elders?

The cultivation methods of many [gods and demons] in Doufen Continent are so simple and simple! Just offering sacrifices is enough.

'Rong' has already explained that it directly robs the [Tomb of God]. As for 'sacrifice', it means burning people for the [gods and demons] in the underworld, just like sending petitioners to the [God's Kingdom], and sacrificing and refining soldiers and horses to the Taoist lineage.


All the underworld sacrificial activities (blood sacrifices) in the human world will be simultaneously loaded onto the [Tomb of Gods] in the underworld. The more people are burned, the more powerful the [Tomb of Gods] will be. This is why Nanming was keen on great voyages and went to Southeast Asia.

If you look at the truth about Australia and North America, the natives are not enough.

Earth's evil triangular trade is already booming when farmers are eager for cheap farm tools.

The trade activities in this world are directly linked to the practice of enlightenment, immortality, status in the underworld after death, and the game between gods and demons, making it even more confusing!

An emperor in the human world worked hard to build a luxurious mausoleum for himself in order to continue to enjoy such a luxurious life after death and maintain his status after death.

On the physical earth, this is just a vain act that wastes the blood and sweat of civilians. But it is different in Doufen Continent. This is the genuine fruit of the cultivation of an 'Emperor', and it is very scientific.

If an emperor who is a thousand years away may become a [god and demon], and within a thousand years, the emperor in the past hundred years only needs to take refuge in one [god and demon]. Then the act of repairing his tomb before his death is directly an 'act of cultivating immortals'.

And it is the 'Great Way and Dharma'.

This tomb is approximately luxurious. The higher the 'attainment status' after death, the more attention it will receive from the [gods and demons] who seek refuge in it.

The sentence "Comb-making is the primary productive force" reminded Feng Ying of a magical medicine method called "Black Emperor".

The fleet organized a large number of farm tools and natives into the underworld, which can be used to kill the passing "indigenous gods and demons" and make allies; they can also be used as fuel (ammunition) and sacrificed to their own [demons] on the spot to have a hard time with the enemy.

; it can also be used as a tool for immigrants to develop the underworld, giving the team confidence and a sense of security.

Little Jack, who accepted Feng Ying's temporary tutoring, praised full of yearning and desire: "Periodic blood sacrifice of farm tools is indeed the most righteous and peaceful way of practice! Although the progress is a little slow, it is better than stability and sustainable cyclic development."

"Yes, sacrificing African farm tools, South Asian natives, and Australian residents to the [gods and demons]... to strengthen the position of the [Tomb of Gods] is the great road of heaven and earth, and it is what the gods of good fortune and righteousness do."

Speaking of this, Feng Ying's expression suddenly became distorted.

She did appreciate the unique underworld painting style of Doufen Continent. However, the world's will's standards for judging good and evil still somewhat impacted the three views of 'King Yama Luo'.

There is no way around it. Although this world wears the skin of the "Age of Discovery", its essence is "grave fighting".

"The large fleet has been slow to enter the [Underworld], and the atmosphere has been a bit gloomy recently. We might as well take the opportunity to purchase a batch of African farm tools at a low price. Although we can't feed them, we can sacrifice a wave of [Spicy Tiaozi]."

Feng Ying shook her head repeatedly: "No, no, no, you must not take the initiative to do this kind of thing, it's too zzzq! You can only accept it passively while pretending not to know. If you want to sacrifice [gods and demons] to strengthen your origin, you still have to choose

Ocean Monster."

Compared with the gentle-tempered natives who can be domesticated in large quantities on land, it is undoubtedly more dangerous to hunt monsters in the ocean. Although the quality of monster sacrifices is high, they have no fixed residence in the vast deep sea, making it difficult to harvest on a large scale. The losses and risks are not worth it.


In addition, ocean monsters are also one of the firewalls of the "Dou Grave Continent" against foreign invaders (contractors). Excessive hunting will be targeted by "Tiandao (the will of the world)", which will give negative reviews and mark bad karma.

Only the rampant and violent ocean monsters will force contractors who are unwilling to invest in real estate in the underworld to purchase the [Tomb of Gods] and abide by the rules of this world's game (grave fighting).

At this time, Feng Ying began to take stock and asked: "According to my calculation, we will enter the underworld in about a week. Today's advertising effect is very good, how about your 'production volume'? In the future, when we enter the underworld, the supply will be

Are you following?"

Jack broke his fingers and said: "Our [Hundred Ghost Spicy Tiao No.] can now stably support 100 'Spicy Tiao Zi Skeletons'. I let them go to the sea to hunt for blood food, and they can produce (grow) 3-6 pounds every day."

Premium Noodle Tentacle'. The average daily output is about 250kg."

"It's still a bit small. It's difficult to supply the entire fleet. It seems that we can only take the high-end niche route."

This chapter has been completed!
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