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Chapter 1324: Taunt, cheat, sneak attack

The continuous siege of the two 'Rabbit Generals' did not cause much damage to the 'Green Zhibo Minotaur' which had become a god.

Perhaps General Rabbit's strongest attack had penetrated and even severely damaged his body time and time again, but the extremely green body of the furious giant was like an invincible blood lock, healing quickly in minutes.

And the 'power' that keeps emerging in his body is like a bottomless pit with no end in sight.

Even Bai Lang, who was far away in the [Curry Tomb] next door, had to admit that the opponent's defiance was very scientific and reasonable. This 'invincibility' was obtained by using extreme green and extreme pain.

Langdu felt that if the opponent's defense was broken by Tutu, he would be the first to slam the table and scold the author for nonsense.

At this time, the Hulk Minotaur, with the support of [God's Tomb], has fully entered the level 4 realm. And among level 4, it is also the most powerful and invincible one.

But the opponent's "invincibility" is by no means perfect. As the saying goes, "it cannot last forever", and trying to maintain the "green state" with the concentration of the treasure is also a test of willpower.

After all, people are numb, and the pain caused by injuries of the same intensity will fluctuate with the passage of time. When he opened his right pupil, he was furious! But as the astringency continued, the greenness faded slightly.

, because of the pain and numbness.

When the left pupil opened, the Balrog was furious and ushered in the second round of extreme anger that exceeded the limit. However, as time passed, the shame gradually faded and the anger dropped, because it was numb...

At this moment, the two big rabbit generals were seriously injured after being blown up many times in a row. As if they were at the end of a strong crossbow, the attack intensity dropped significantly.

As the external pressure weakened, the Hulk's desire to fight back and the anger in his heart also declined and subsided.

He was still standing in the invincible 'God's Domain', but his sanity came back online. Facing the two rabbit cadres who were about to be defeated, he felt inexplicably irritated. He didn't want to kill them so straightforwardly.

The instant killing was not enough to quell the burning anger at this moment.

My own succubus is fighting with the weak Yasha, and I have to pay such a huge price (the Balrog stands up). The pain he endures is too deep and heavy. Why can you die so easily and painfully? I don't!


So humiliate! Use words to humiliate and belittle the enemy, show off your achievements with a proud and complacent attitude, just like the villain's verbal abuse on the eve of success, express your thoughts freely. Earn your own dignity, and let your spirit gain a sense of superiority and satisfaction.


So the Hulk stopped attacking and fired. He looked at the two Rabbit Cadres with mottled scales, kneeling on one knee, panting violently, and laughed. It seemed that he despised the Rabbit Cadres, but in fact he was scolding the non-existent Rabbit Cadres in the air.

The mastermind (lang??) behind the scenes, in order to gain a sense of superiority in terms of IQ and knowledge.

"A cowardless person cannot shrink away! He abandoned [Sea Dragon's Tomb] and only took away scale clothes, but cultivated such garbage. He only had the key of [scale clothes], but he didn't know the real treasure. He didn't even know how to conquer (xiang) demons.

The magic of descending the gods. Waste! Waste! Waste!..."

At this time, Bailang also received the live broadcast through the [Noble Phantasm: Rabbit's Army]. He listened to the other party's trash talk throughout the whole process, but didn't take it seriously at all.

[Conquer (xiang) Demon] and [Conquer (Jiang) God], he already knew from Feng Ying that there is not much difference in essence between the two. They are both the correct ways to open the [God's Tomb] for the contractor.

The so-called [Conquering Demons] means that after the contractor (or aboriginal) conquers a god's tomb (no level requirements), he will tailor a god that perfectly suits him according to the contractor's own needs (power system).

Demon (concept, authority)'. Through a series of sacrificial and refining rituals, the 'design diagram' was cultivated into one of the gods in Doufen Continent.

Then, project the power, and even the core, of this [god and demon] onto yourself and enter the descending mode. With a mortal body, you can fully bear and experience the 'power of the god and demon', and finally completely surrender this [god and demon].

Take control, become your own tool, and do whatever you want.

Cultivate a god and demon, and contain it as completely as you would a demon, and eventually become a [god and demon] yourself.

After reaching this level, the fourth level (gods and demons form) no longer has any secrets for the contractor. It can be solidified directly, or the [gods and demons] can be taken out again (this is the trial version), and with a superior understanding

level, redesign and improve a better 'Road of Gods and Demons'.

As for [God Subduing] and [Demon Subduing] are similar, the contractor may tailor-make an 'exclusive god and demon' that is far beyond the limit of his own control, or he may not have time to customize it, so he can only hastily find a powerful enough one according to his own attribute requirements.

The indigenous gods and demons completed the worship, and finally induced the opponent's power to come into the body.

No longer 100% surrender and control, you can still experience the joy of 'ascension to the gods', and understand and appreciate the feeling of promotion from this 'power', and then engrave this 'imprint' on the [ability column, profession

Column], becoming a key to the transformation (upgrading) of Dayuan.

Nowadays, an endless stream of middle- and high-level contractors are pouring into [Doufen Continent], in addition to conquering cities and building caves, and condensing [Fragments] or [Territories].

Those who pursue lower goals and have smaller ambitions are eager to use the low-end [gods and demons] to help them complete the breakthrough opportunity from the third level to the fourth level.

The Hulk's route is to choose the low-level [Sea Dragon Tomb (pseudo-level 6)], personally experience the 'Greed of Gods and Demons (Double Pupils)', and control it. This will greatly increase the matching [blood column, ability column]

Transformation. Repeatedly jump across the level 4 threshold to accumulate experience.

What's more, you can also build a private [God's Tomb] in the 'Doufen Continent' and operate it for a long time. From then on, this [Tomb] will be a solid backing for the contractor. He will continue to return to this world in the future, and through the [God's Tomb]'s own

To grow, upgrade the supporting equipment [bloodline, ability, career column].

The contractor's own potential is exhausted and the potential for growth is lost. However, as the [cemetery] in the mission world continues to grow, the 'gods and demons' grow accordingly, and the contractor becomes stronger as a result.

Finally, this [God's Tomb] can also be regarded as a charging station, or a 'nuclear power plant'. Contractors return regularly and use the 'ability/occupation column' as a container to replenish 'disposable power' that far exceeds their own, as a way to explore other worlds

The trump card of time.

In the eyes of the Hulk, this is the true purpose of the [God's Tomb]. And the 'Lang' who cultivated these 'Rabbit Generals' and manipulated them behind the scenes is undoubtedly a fool and a waste of money, and does not even have the courage to stick to [the Tomb of the Gods].

Tomb of the Sea Dragon] escaped early, and now he sent two ridiculous 'scale-clad sea generals' to sneak attack and assassinate him?

He didn't even touch the passing line of [God's Tomb System], but he was forced to show his biggest and most unbearable trump card. You can imagine the anger in the Hulk's heart. If he doesn't complain, he must ridicule! Otherwise, it will be difficult to understand the hatred in his heart.


Bailang didn't have much feeling for [Conquering Demons] and [Conquering Gods] because he had already passed the age where he needed to rely on [Tomb of Gods] to cultivate an [Underworld God and Demon] to experience the 'Domain of Gods'.

In his opinion, [Doufen Continent] is just a different kind of [Eden of Evil Spirits], and it is even far inferior to 'Eden'.

In the Garden of Eden, you also need to find [offerings] to complete the settings, and then breed exclusive evil spirits. It can help level 2 newcomers to get in touch with the super-class level 4 ‘spiritual realm’ in advance, and it also comes with a power of faith system.

Most importantly, evil spirits can be carried with them into one mission world after another.

On the other hand, [Grave Dou Continent] and [God Tomb System] have a similar 'Private Gods and Demons' customized training mechanism, but it has a big flaw. It must be cultivated with corpses (vehicles of gods and demons). It also has to be bound to [Grave] in order to

Thanks to the techniques of corpse refining, it is difficult for the final product to transcend the mission world and be brought back to the paradise.

However, there are gains as well as losses. The advantage of [Grave Fighting System] is that there are many 'small god tombs' and the difficulty of acquiring them is extremely low. Moreover, once you select the 'god tomb', you will get a piece of 'land' as a bonus. It can be easily upgraded to '

Cave Sky', if you manage it carefully, you can develop [World Fragments].

This is very attractive to the third level, and even the mediocre fourth level. If high-level experts take root in the "Grave Dou Continent" for a long time, there is hope even for the [Lord level].

Investing all your heart and soul into the [God's Tomb] will have good long-term returns. As the 'gods and demons' grow, they can not only feed the contractor's [ability column/occupation column] upgrades.

Ultimately, contractors are attracted to invest more resources and energy into the 'grave' to obtain higher returns. As a result, the sunk costs are getting higher and higher, the valuation of 'Doufen Continent' is getting higher and higher, and the world is becoming more prosperous.


Bai Lang, who has seen through everything, is 100% sure that the [God's Tomb System] is definitely a trap for attracting investment in the Dou Tomb Continent.

Use the benefits of [God's Tomb] to attract a steady stream of contractors to join, absorb resources from major parks, and let the mission world hit 60% again.

Tie all your wealth to Doufeng Continent just to cultivate an ‘underworld god and demon’ who cannot move (leave the mission world)?

Bai Lang, who has 9 [Evil Spirits] with him, expressed his disdain to take them. He just plays with them, [God's Tomb] is just a financing tool, and [Scale Clothes] are just for rabbits to wear.

However, the Hulk's verbal output did reveal a lot of information to Lang. Coupled with the previous battles and the intelligence gathered by the rabbits, he had already formulated a new strategy.

The Hulk angrily complained about the guts and black hands, showed off and revealed the correct way to open the [Tomb of the Gods], and other behaviors, which further vented a lot of anger and further reduced his combat power.

So when he was satisfied and planned to take action to kill the two rabbit cadres, the two naval admirals had extremely peaceful expressions, and even looked at each other with pity, as if they had been deprived of their lives, and said in a plain tone: "I don't care what you said.

I understand, but I disdain a mere ‘divine descend’!”

"It's you!"

The Hulk turned his eyes, and immediately relied on the authority of the 'grave owner' to see the changes in Cadre Rabbit. The mastermind behind the scenes got up and took over this cannon fodder.

Immediately afterwards, another rabbit also responded in an extremely calm tone: "Trash [God's Tomb], dogs don't want it, but you are complacent. You pick up the leftovers that I throw away and still eat them so deliciously. You are really pathetic."


"Fuck you!"

After Ertu finished speaking, before the Hulk broke through the barrier again and went into rage, they both disappeared through the psychic technique, and Bailang forcibly took back the [Rabbit's Army].

The 'Hulk', who clearly felt finally comfortable, broke through the defense again in an understatement of ridicule. Lieyan blasted out violently with both hands, but missed the mark and made two dents in the bottom edge of the barrier.

"Impossible! No one can escape my barrier silently!"

The missing Hulk was shocked and angry, unable to understand how the two rabbit cadres disappeared? His barrier was generated by the 'Sharingan' based on the portrayal of the soul. The core is to avoid 'scandal leakage', and has unparalleled power of imprisonment.


If you want to leave his "Magic Mirror Barrier", you must either obtain his consent or defeat him.

"Of course no one left, it was just me who came in." Bai Lang's voice appeared behind the Hulk, "It's just a tomb of a god to conquer demons, a sideline! Let me show you what the real fourth-level power is!"

Having collected enough data, Lang was easily located by [Must Die Rabbit Cadre], and as the former tomb owner of [Hai Long], he forcibly broke into the 'boundary' that prohibited him from leaving.

Immediately afterwards, the White Sea Emperor's tiger body shook, and each of the [acupoints] in his body that had been opened through the 'underworld acupoint refining method' were infused with abundant energy and blood and activated.

In an instant, countless stars were lit up in his inner world. The stars in the apertures were operating in the [7 108 360] mode, turning into 475 star apertures.

Among them, the seven great gods are the core, forming the Big Dipper and doomed to death, setting the tone of the killing of the "Dead Qi Sword Tomb Star Map".

Then, 108 Tiangang Earthly Evil Acupoints were used as the foundation, each suppressing an 'Innate Reincarnation Seeking Tao Fish Sword Embryo', further enhancing the killing power of the 'Acupoint Star Map'.

In the end, 360 Zhoutian star acupoints form the inner world's Zhoutian Star Concept. In the future, Bailang may continue to add acupoint combinations such as 'Sanyuan Twenty-eight Constellations, Zodiac Signs'... but now, it is really

There is no money left.

The current body of 'star acupoints' were all refined in the 'Doufen Continent', forming an invisible connection with the 'external stars' of the mission world.

Corresponding to the [Seven Relics of the Sea General, the 108 Underworld Satellites in the Underworld], and the 360 ​​[Carp (Ocean) Underworld Stars] that have not yet been launched but have been completed.

In particular, [Tianshu], one of the 'Seven Great Treasures of the Big Dipper', is officially the [Sea Dragon] controlled by the Hulk at this time.

Therefore, Bailang and the current God's Tomb echoed each other and were not suppressed by the outside world at all. At the same time, he imposed [Evil Spirit Transformation. Rabbit King Bodhisattva] on himself, suppressing the rules of gods and demons with the rules of evil spirits.

This wave is the former head of the household who has not yet left the house. He suddenly appears and backstabs the current head of the household, a furious tauren.

The Hulk was extremely frightened and furious, feeling a strong threat coming from behind him, but his "even eyes" could not see what was happening behind him head-on.

At the critical moment, he twisted his body forcefully, and half of his body suffered the heavy blow from the sneak attack. He turned his head with difficulty, and with the corner of his 'right eye', he glanced at the corner of Bailang's clothes, barely able to take in this despicable and insidious enemy.

[Stand-in attack. Emerald Succubus] activates!

The irresistible force of rules once again threw the 'substitute succubus' into Bailang's spiritual world, launching a forceful control of illusions.

Pleasure, bliss, and astringent thoughts swept through his heart instantly, powerfully disrupting Lang's thoughts. A succubus lady with a hot figure walked towards him.

The succubus seems to be able to read minds? The appearance even switches back and forth between Jidu, Ophelia, C's mother... one moment, I feel pity for it, and the next moment, it's teasing and bitching... Each one makes Lang great.

My heart is agitated and I gradually forget about the business.

Click, click, click...

Suddenly, the sound of breaking glass resounded in his mind, shocking his spirit. A cool and refreshing feeling swept through his body, and he extinguished the fire and regained his sanity.

At this moment, the ability bar transformed into the [Demon Palace of Thorns], building a huge palace covered with sharp crystal thorns and spikes in Lang's mind.

The moment the 'Emerald Succubus Stand' pounced towards the waves, it was attacked by another 'Evil Spirit Rule'. It was thrown away, and its body was pitifully stuck on the surface of the 'Demon Palace'.

Her whole body was pierced by crystal thorns, her soul suffered a critical blow, and she screamed in pain. Her voice no longer moaned and rejoiced. During her struggle and destruction, a large number of cracks appeared in the outermost layer of the demon palace, and she was destroyed by another kind of 'gods and demons'.

Rule 'break destroy destroy.

This realized scene is a formal 'power showdown' between the two sides, a battle at the spiritual and soul level.

Bailang has the friendly spirit of [Evil Spirit Thorn Lady] on his side, and the Furious Hulk on the opposite side also has a 'god-level succubus substitute' who has 'conquered the devil'.

However, both sides are using Lang's spiritual world as their home court at the moment, and Lang naturally has the advantage.

Unless the 'succubus' is strong enough to crush [Thorn Lady (evil spirit) Thorn Barrier (inherent barrier)], Lang's mind cannot be shaken and is as solid as a rock.

Even though Lang's mind was full of aches and pains at this time, it was not interference from the other party, but just a sincere thought after being aroused by the 'Emerald Succubus', and it did not affect the subsequent duel.

Who doesn’t have a few distracting thoughts when they are concentrating on the big questions in the exam?

This chapter has been completed!
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