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Chapter 1349 The Noble Phantasm Trial is Successfully Completed

After the ‘White Sea Emperor’ rubbed the [World Fragment (Remnant)] and sublimated the Noble Phantasm [Unlimited Fish System] into a sword tomb star realm that inherited the rules of the tomb battle, this ‘God Ascension Ceremony’ is gradually coming to an end.

Regardless of the second upgrade of [Rabbit Army]; or the division of 'Old God Adon', the birth of the new godhead [Sea of ​​Stars], the canonization of [God Demon. White Sea Emperor] (Heavenly Way); and [World

The refining of "Fragments (remnants)" and the fusion with "Unlimited Fish System"... are all consuming the energy released by the ritual itself.

If Bailang didn't engage in these frivolous operations, he would have secretly taken the benefits of ascending to the gods for himself.

Then after a [Seven Seas Unify], he will completely gain a foothold in the [Grave Dou Continent]. He will become a powerful figure in the circle of middle and third-level gods and demons, comparable to a level 4 supernova. He will even be able to mix with [Lords] in this world.

And is far ahead in the new track of 'Ocean'.

However, the 'short-sighted' Bailang finally gave up on the longer-term interests (Doufen Continent) and chose to put the benefits in his pocket and settle down in order to prepare for the next 'escape plan'.

Therefore, [Ksitigarbha] and his partners, who were paying close attention to "Xiaobai's ascension to the gods" throughout the whole process, all showed smiles of satisfaction.

This handsome guy is very smart and eye-catching. Realize the money in time and run away as soon as possible. It’s a smart choice.

The water in the [Raleye Comprehensive Project] is too deep and the waves cannot be controlled. It is great wisdom to give up the position early and let experienced old people like us handle the operation. Everyone will be happy. This is great wisdom.

At the end of the [White Sea Emperor Ascension Ceremony], Bai Lang thought for a moment and decisively used the last bit of power burst out from the ceremony to condense the [Private Law].

In fact, there is nothing to condense. His previous [Star Sea. Godhead], [Title: King of Artificial Star Sea], [Noble Phantasm: Unlimited Fish System. Star Sword Tomb] are all elaborations of different aspects of [Private Law].

Therefore, the [Private Law] was easily forged by him without consuming any divine power [The Way of the Fish 01: Artificial Star Sea. Involved elements: fish embryos, stars, array diagrams, sword tombs (gods’ tombs), Qi and Blood Acupoints]

At the same time, Lang also created his third [Great Source] with [Fish] as the core. (1 Qi and Blood, 2 IBM Mental Pollution, 3 Fish)

(The third [Great Source] comes from [Occupation Column. Master of Secret Treasures] and is not controlled by [Bloodline Column].)

The ‘godhead title’ at this time represents that Lang himself has the authority to create and control the ‘artificial star sea’, which corresponds to his own person.

[Noble Phantasm: Unlimited Fish System] is a factory that produces unlimited quantities of 'artificial stars' and sells artificial stars to the outside world. It corresponds to the outside world.

The final [Rule: The Way of Fish 01] is equivalent to a complete set of technology authorized patents.

Any world that is implanted with the law of [Fish 01] will obtain the corresponding power system. After Bailang's authorization, the indigenous people and contractors in the mission world have the ability to learn, imitate, use, plagiarize... and

It is possible to derive various versions of 'artificial star sea'.

For example, in Salfu's [Niuniu Baotou Township], there is a group of alien stars, Xingjun. They have separated from Bailang's original 'Star Fish Sea', but they still operate perfectly and form their own group. (Fushi Star Sea)

This is how Salve magically changed the rules of [Way of Fish 01] after receiving the authorization from her biological father. On the [Way of Fish 01 System], she programmed her own 'Mushroom Star Sea'.

In the future Doufen Continent, as Bai Lang withdraws (runs away), [Ksitigarbha] takes power. The 'artificial stars' produced by [Raleye Group] will definitely be magically modified, modified, and re-magicized by various contractors.

After changing it, it completely loses its "fish flavor" and becomes so changed that even Mr. Bai can't recognize it.

But no matter how they change, they still run on the "open source operating system" called "Fish Way 01".

When Bailang is weak, it will be difficult to beat down the contractor bosses and world wills in other worlds, force them to buy the self-produced 'Star Fish Tomb', and force the entire universe to abide by (use) the standard rules of [Fish Way 01]


Therefore, at this stage, Lang will promote [Fish Way 01] at cost price, or even for free. Fortunately, it takes root in a strange world, integrates the roots, and expands influence. Step by step, from condensing the cave (foothold) to becoming a lord, winning words


With the emergence of users and pirated manufacturers one after another, his ancestral law [Fish Way 01 System] will also expand and become an indispensable part of the world's will. (Law Base)

And in the more distant future, after Bai Lang has achieved great success and becomes a top boss, he will be able to close all authorizations of [Fish Way 01] and switch to a paid model. Those 'competitors' who dare to copy their own rules will all use 'The Way of the Great Dao'.

Zheng' launches a decisive battle of cause and effect and kills them all!

Then force the major mission worlds to forcibly promote the 'genuine carp satellite' and strengthen [Fish Way 01]. It has evolved from a 'private law' to an unshakable 'cornerstone of monopoly world law' in the mission world.

As for why this law is called [The Way of Fish 01]?

Because the new source of waves [Fish] is all-encompassing and different from [Qi and Blood] and [Spiritual Pollution].

[Fish] is a carrier that best embodies his profession (Master of Secret Treasures) system, which covers and associates elements such as 'flying swords, apertures, stars, formations, tombs, dragon transformation, forging...'.

From [Raleye] to [Salted Fish], from [Soul Coffin] to [Fish System]... Only [Fish] as the great source can encompass everything and make them perfectly compatible.

Apart from [Fish], Bailang has no other ability that can take on this important task.

So: "[Fish] Brother, Bull B!"

Today's [Artificial Star Sea] looks crazy and cool, as if it is about to open a new version of [Doufen Continent]. But it is just an extreme form of [Dayuan. Fish], and it is by no means the only one.

The future [Dayuan. Fish] will definitely derive [Fish Way 02, Fish Way 03]... This is also the [Dayuan] that belongs exclusively to Bailang himself and is not tainted by [Jidu].

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! (A real man must have some private money. Lang decided to focus on developing [The Way of Fish] in the future and will not be controlled by [Jidu].)

After acquiring the Private Law [Way of Fish 01], the ceremony of unifying the seven tombs has officially ended.

The newly born [God Demon. White Sea Emperor] became the co-lord of the Seven Seas (Tomb of the Seven Gods) and the king of more than 1,500 'artificial stars'. He had a place in the [Tomb of the Gods].

But the 'initial divine power' transmitted to Lang by the will of the planet only ends here.

From then on, in addition to the shabby guaranteed tomb power every day, his "Poseidon Divine Power" needs to be extracted and synthesized from seven divine tombs. Only by combining the seven tomb powers into one higher-quality "Star Sea Divine Power" can he

Demonstrating the dominance of [White Sea Emperor].

Very impressive! But also very expensive.

Lang couldn't afford to burn him. He even lost the exclusive palace (God's Tomb) of [Poseidon Emperor], so he could only continue to stay in his younger brother's grave until he ran away and returned.

On the eve of making money and running away, Bailang, who returned to a low profile, began to complete the Noble Phantasm trial mission in the paradise.

So far, he has achieved all the conditions for making a [Noble Phantasm]: completing the trial of the Seven Seas Ruins, completing the God Ascension Ceremony, getting a title that matches the Noble Phantasm, creating his own "Underworld Immortal Ability Refining Method", and adding [

Ability Column] Innovate to reach a new realm.

So the Noble Phantasm synthesis formula is:

[Ability Column 1: Qi and Blood. Underworld Immortal Aperture Refining Technique, Level 5. Quality: Orange. Aperture Fishing Tools = (7 108 360 1000 X) x 1m3 Underworld Fragments]

[Qi and Blood Martial Arts. Underworld Immortal Star Fish Tomb Refining Technique] [Title: King of the Artificial Sea of ​​Stars. White Sea Emperor] [Godhead] [Priesthood. Sea of ​​Stars] = [Noble Phantasm: White Sea Emperor Zhoutian Artificial Star Sword Tomb

Immortal Dharmakaya]

Comes with a paradise-certified god-level skill: [Sea Emperor's Orifice Refining Technique: Quality, Purple. Practice Requirements: Qi and Blood, Fish Embryo, Sword Tomb, Stars]

This [Noble Phantasm] forged by the hands of the 'cemetery' is not an equipment in the traditional sense. It is more similar to the Yangtze River Knight's [Immortal Unarmed] or Hercules's [Twelve Trials]. It is Bailang's whole body of energy and blood.

The ultimate sublimation of martial arts.

The so-called [White Sea Emperor's Immortal Dharmakaya] looks more like a highly accomplished body. Of course, as the waves continue to open up and add new acupoints, [White Sea Emperor's Dharmakaya] will continue to be in a new 'perfect' state


In other words, his 'Star Immortal Body' is always in a state of progress [99.99%], and he never worries about perfection. Therefore, he avoids the risk of 'immediately breaking the standard when the body is perfect'.

The specific functions of the 'White Sea Emperor Dharmakaya' are not complicated, covering all the past energy and blood abilities, and can still be used normally today. In addition, his physical body is outside the [Armed Colored Vajra Barrier], and at the same time is superimposed with another brand-new


The final defense power, attack power, strength, and physique all need to be calculated based on bonus points.

The strength of [Poseidon Dharmakaya] is not directly reflected in the hardness of the physical body, but is calculated based on the 'acupoint sword tomb' opened up in the small world within the body.

The greater the number of star acupoints, the stronger the [biological field] connected to each other. Thousands of apertures (worlds) in the body resonate and continuously increase each other, condensing the terrifying 'power of the world'.

In addition, you can continue to add the 'death damage (grave power)' attached to [Grave]; the sword intention and sword energy damage attached to [Fish Blade]; and the 'Gangsha Karma Enchantment' refined by countless carp resentments.

The above are just the basic functions of [Poseidon Body]. They are the power that human immortals unleash by tapping into the potential of the small world within their bodies.

On top of the basic functions, there is another ‘optional’, which is whether to turn on [Godhead]?

Entering the [Star Poseidon] state?

When Bailang activates [Godhead], he directly obtains the state of a [god]. There is 'divinity and priesthood' in the physical body, but there are no believers and no need for believers.

At this point, Lang no longer relies on [Evil Spirit Transformation]. He is a physical god and demon walking in the world by himself. The basic damage of the power of Qi and blood is regarded as the strength of divine power.

However, the [God of the Star Sea] has no believers, no kingdom of gods, and specializes in the physical body. He is the kind of primitive god who is only associated with natural celestial phenomena (artificial stars) and derives a small amount of divine power from them.

In the [Godly State], Baihaihuang can further liberate the [Noble Phantasm] and resonate with the external mission world for a second time.

If concepts such as ‘stars and constellations’ exist in the external world itself, then [divine personality and priesthood] can resonate with the celestial bodies (stars) in the external universe. Use the ‘acupoints’ to leverage the power of the stars and explode your own strength in two stages.

Even if the external world does not have stars that match its own, according to the law of [Fish 01], the wave can artificially create stars and create a 'Sea of ​​Stars' environment suitable for its own explosion.

If there is a world without stars, Bailang is prohibited from disseminating the law of charity [Fish 01] for free.

Then it doesn't matter, his [Infinite Fish System (World Fragments)] is a 'small world of stars' that he carries with him. It is enough to complete the second stage of resonance with [Noble Phantasm. Poseidon Dharmakaya].

If this world allows the power of stars to exist, it will be a stronger three-stage explosion: Noble Phantasm x Noble Phantasm x World.

I kept a low profile and put away the [Noble Phantasm: White Sea Emperor Dharmakaya] that I was satisfied with. Lang was completely satisfied. From now on, I will be invincible at the third level, and I can easily destroy it at the fourth level.

So he had to fall into the sage mode of having no desires and no demands.

Try to appreciate the wonderful feeling brought by this 'paradise treasure' every day, fight against the suppression of this 'grave-fighting continent', constantly use the 'Sea Emperor Dharmakaya' to provoke the 'God's Tomb Rules', and forcibly extract the power of the 'artificial satellite'

, test the bottom line of this world with the power of 'human beings'.

As a result, his accumulated world affinity dropped sharply, and he finally had to give up. This world allows [Fish Way 01] to exist, but it resists his own 'human, immortal, star and god' model, and instead supports himself with [Tomb of the Seven Gods]

Synthesize 'Hai Huang Tomb (God) Power'.

To sum up, no dog will be tolerated in this rubbish world of "emphasis on the tomb of gods and suppression of everything else"!

[Column 1: Poseidon Dharmakaya] is the core part of the [Great Source of Qi and Blood], but it is also closely connected with its own [Great Source of Carp].

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! While this wave of inspiration has not dissipated, Lang seizes the time to take out the 'fish-type treasures' of Kate, Holland... and several others.

His [White Sea Emperor Dharmakaya] is made of the finest materials and synthesized by the hands of the cemetery. Its mystery can only be understood by the [Master of Secret Treasures] himself.

So in the next few days, Bailang was very lucky, and he kept making out one piece of [Fish Noble Phantasm]. By the way, he also refined an 'Ocean Demon' captured by 'Rich Druid Barr' near Hokkaido into his opponent [

[Occupation Column], becoming the fourth natal summon.

The 'divine demon' captured by Baal is a wonderful [Kappa]. Imagine it is a middle-aged bald 'Dutch red-haired ghost' with a turtle shell on its back and pale skin.

Probably because of the Age of Discovery, a certain Dutch colonist drowned in the neon sea. His resentful spirit did not dissipate. Instead, he transformed into a local ghost and became a "red-haired kappa".

Because of Mr. Yang, the other party had a high status among the kappas in the local sea area and became the "Kappa King". He was favored by Barr and integrated into the "Summoning Module".

Simply summoning [Dutch Kappa] does not have many outstanding features. In addition to the toxicity and strange power, the turtle shell is extremely hard. However, when Baal enters the 'transformation form', he will have a kind of relationship with this Kappa King.

A new 'combination'.

Baba Yaga is a 'driving combination', Princess Catfish is a 'double cultivation combination', Sea Tamer Yaksha is a 'fusion combination', and the fourth combination of Baal and the Kappa King is not enough for outsiders to understand.

In short, this combination requires the consumption of a 'foreign sacrifice', and then obtains a 'kappa egg'. After hatching, in addition to summoning the [Kappa King], an additional 'Kappa Soldier' ​​can be produced.

The number of these 'kappa soldiers' is limited by the types of foreign sacrifices. Depending on the race, Baal can get '1 Ansa Kappa, 1 Slavic Kappa, 1 Persian Kappa...1 Nicohei Kappa'


In the end, he formed a "Cannon Fodder River Boy Soldier Corps" to accompany the dancers. This was his "way to wealth".

What can Lang say about this? I can only give full support!

There are three elite routes with different functions and one cannon fodder army route. Bailang originally thought that Barr's qualifications were average, but now he suddenly felt that he was the one with the most terrifying potential among the three newcomers.

This chapter has been completed!
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