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Chapter 1444 [Fishman]

After sending Feng Ying away, only Mr. and Mrs. Bai, who was deep in thought, were left in the private space, leaning together in a tacit understanding.

After suddenly learning a large number of secrets, Bailang naturally began to plan the next development path. How to avoid many traps and maximize his own advantages.

The same goes for the elf girl sitting next to him. Although her configuration is inferior to that of Bai Lang and she started later, she still stands proud of 99% of the contractors at the same stage (Level 3). She is fully qualified to consider her own high-end evolutionary route in the future.

"Brother Lang, I have decided to focus on [Private Law Projection Type] in the future. As for grabbing territory and developing territory in different mission worlds... it sounds too troublesome and not suitable for me at all. I will still use my own laws

, implant it into your territory!”

After Ophelia thought about it for a while, she decisively chose to rely on her husband.

Bai Lang nodded with deep approval: "It should be like this."

According to Feng Ying, if you want to become a top tycoon, you need to work hard to build a foundation (territory) for eternity in different [mission worlds], and use 'private laws' to penetrate deep into the core of the world, leaving your own mark and transforming into a 'world'.

'The underlying logic of operation.

And similar 'successful cases' need to be replicated again and again without failure. In order to reach the peak of level 6 step by step.

Not only that, if you want to go one step further, you need to replace the heart of heaven with your own heart, from penetrating the depths of the world's roots to 100% controlling this mission world, completely twisting it into your own shape.

Similar 'successful cases' must be guaranteed at least once, preferably three times, and there is no cap. Only then can they be qualified to form a prototype [multiverse].

The above-mentioned gameplay sounds too difficult for even him, one of the top ten outstanding young people of the year in Chuanhuo Paradise, to complete it. According to what she said, there are simply not a few level 7 players, which is completely alarmist.

In such a big 'Paradise Alliance', besides him, how many other people can do it?

Sure enough, after being exposed by Lang, Fu Loli gave another different answer, that is: To be crowned 7 giants, the above conditions are still the same. But the contestant has transformed from a single contractor to a team


The same multiverse collection with an erosion rate of >60%, but the park allows multiple teams of contractors, or even several teams to cooperate, and the difficulty drops sharply.

The weakest [Multiverse Set] can also support several seventh-level contractors. This is very scientific and reasonable.

After getting this answer, Bailang felt relieved. This is the correct way to open the park for high-end players. Otherwise, if he has to meet the above harsh conditions by himself, he is simply making things difficult for me, Fat Tiger!

However, if we use the power of a team to occupy a [territory] in the mission world, implant a number of 'private law' images to interfere with the operation of the world, and then set off a frenzy that affects the change of the world structure, we will take the opportunity to capture the 'mission world' less than 10

% authority, completely established.

In the future, I will use this foundation to establish a company in the [Paradise Alliance], expand its scale, recruit fresh graduates (low-level contractors) to work in the new mission world, open up new markets, and seek expansion in the lower-end world.

In the end, after several years of development, after putting together a (1/3) piece of the jigsaw puzzle, and teaming up with two other teams of the same specifications, we can create a 'multiverse'. Let's step into the new world of Level 7, hand in hand and heart to heart.

Become a 'superior person'.

What Ophelia decided at this moment was this team model.

She worked hard on her core intellectual property and always developed and expanded her mom-and-pop shop around Bailang. Every time Lang opened up a territory, she would insert [Private Rules] into it. This not only improved her B-level, but also further strengthened Lang's control over the territory.

There are many impacts and benefits.

Not only Elf Girl, Silly Fufu and Jack will also use the same method in the future to help Bailang enhance the dominance of his own [territory] in every mission world.

Finally, we created the [Bai's Multi-Seafood Universe] that matched the [Fung's Multiverse].

Bailang nodded, approving the elf's choice, and responded: "I also plan to take the [Multiverse Law Mapping Route]."

Ophelia suddenly opened her eyes wide and asked doubtfully: "Huh?! Don't you plan to focus on developing the [Greek Universe] and continue to cultivate the [territory]?"

"The value of [Greek Universe] is self-evident. It is the core of my future projection and consolidation of [Private Laws]. However, I have a great advantage and have the ability to open up [Window to the World], so I will not follow the traditional path."

The Law Projects 'Routes..."

In Feng Ying’s previous introduction, there are several difficulties in the ‘traditional private law mapping route’.

In addition to the difficulty of the contractor's 'private laws' adapting to the power system of the mission world, they also have to face problems such as internal competition among laws of the same attribute, suppression and coverage of superior laws... etc.

To put it simply, a 'fire-based private law', in order to be implanted into the root of a mission world, requires various harsh prerequisites and hard targets.

All gods and powerful men within the mission world related to [Fire Concept], as well as contractors from outside the world, will be your competitors.

The more universal the 'law concept', such as earth, fire, water, wind, time and space, life and death... the more contractors will gather, because the scope of application is extremely wide, but the more intense the internal competition will be.

With just one [Fire], a bunch of related 'Variant Private Laws' can be smashed out. Think of them as seeds, which can easily take root and sprout in the soil, but if they want to grow vigorously, they need to spread their roots throughout the 'world'.

They have to fight fiercely on the same track.

A contractor who follows the 'Law Projection Route' is destined not to concentrate on one world, but to evenly distribute resources to thousands of worlds, winning by quantity.

The elf girl here naturally wants to have sex for nothing. If Lang can open up [territory] in each mission world, it is equivalent to driving away many competitors, getting an exclusive fertile land in the world, and protecting it deep in the roots.

Live a 'law of the world'.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! However, Lang has a special ‘Private Law Planting Technique’, which is [The Way of the Fish, the Window of the World, the Door, and the Root Principle]!

After some analysis by Feng Ying, Lang realized that the more popular the 'law', the deeper the water.

A [Glutton Sect Sequence] can involve many 'Buddhist' competitors. Although his [Glutton Sect] seems to be developing well, looking at all the major paradises, the laws related to 'Buddha, Zen...' are absolutely

It is an extremely involuted track.

He had a good time in [Greek World]. Firstly, there was a lack of contractors in the same field. Secondly, his style of painting was naturally not suitable for the 'Greek World'. He also caught up with the world that was seriously ill, so he succeeded in taking root. Look at [Mountain and Sea World] again,

The 'Gan Sect' was easily kicked out of the 'Third Xinling Mountain' ancestral court.

It was Feng Ying's on-demand broadcast that finally made Lang realize his next path, how should he go?

That is [Fish], we must vigorously develop and promote [The Way of Fish]!

If Lang chooses [Swordsmanship] as his personal law, there are countless swordsman masters in the paradise. It would be even more ridiculous to choose [Buddha (Glutton Sect), Martial Arts (Qi and Blood), Spiritual Pollution...] these categories. Although he is excellent,

But the 'Private Law' is uncompetitive in the park. There are too many seniors, strong players and laggards in the same track.

The more potential a law has, the less chance it has to get ahead. It is very difficult to do "law mapping", so it is better to delve into a "mission world".

But Bailang was pleasantly surprised to find that if he gave up on the lofty things of 'qi and blood, Buddhism, swordsmanship, wailing (spiritual pollution), graves...' and instead focused on a mere [carp], the whole world would be completely different!

But the pure [fish concept] ranks last among the many popular law concepts in the park, and it is an extremely inferior and unpopular low-level major.

It is usually used as a supplement to fill the private law library, and is controlled by a small number of contractors. And there are even fewer contractors who seriously cultivate, optimize, and dig into the [Fish Law].

On the other hand, in the [Mission World], whether it is science fiction, magic, fantasy...or fairy tales, fairy tales, martial arts worlds, the high-end laws, myths, and extraordinary elements related to [Fish] are all very scarce, and even if they exist, they are still on the same level.

Therefore, if Bailang uses [fish] as the 'law' to launch parasitic worlds with different missions, the survival rate will be very high! Because of niche tracks, unpopular majors, and garbage laws... dogs are not wanted!

And those competitors who really choose to compete with Bailang in the [Carp Track] in the mission worlds must also be the garbage contractors among the garbage.

Those who are capable are all competing for the top positions. Who cares about this kind of ‘junk law’? (Bai Lang: “Me!”)

And Lang only needs to infuse Buddhism, martial arts, swordsmanship (fish diagram), star tombs...all into the "Way of Fish" and show it in the form of "Fish", he can avoid the Buddha cultivation and sword cultivation in the world.

Cultivating formations and cultivating tombs, achieving the highest fruition status in the 'fish cultivating world'.

Moreover, the cost of placing the 'Law of Fish' in each mission world will also be reduced to a limit. With the minimum cost, you can defeat competitors in the same field, successfully implant it into the root of the world, and maintain sufficient advantages.

core competitiveness.

A mere [Law of Fish] is already such an advantage, and Bailang also has the title of [Principle of Origin Gate], a set of props that illegally invades the ‘Dao of Heaven/Root/World Consciousness’.

With the [Principle of Roots Gate], he can even skip the steps of opening up the 'cave heaven paradise, world fragments, territory' and other steps, and get it right in one step, implanting 'private laws' into the deep layers of the world.

The last [Window of the World] completes the connection between the ‘Laws of Fish’ and the [Greek World].

A normal contractor needs to regard the [Paradise Space, Main World Sanctuary] where one is located as the core point of binding the 'Private Laws', and use the power of [Paradise] to regulate different worlds and different painting styles (power systems).


If you do this, a large amount of income will be lost to [Paradise].

However, Bailang is directly connected to [Window of the World], and does not have the 'Fire Transfer Paradise' to make a difference. By importing all the nutrients into [Greek World], he can further cultivate and enhance the erosion of the 'Quest World'; it can also enhance his ability in the Mission World.

proportion and gradually privatize it.

Therefore, compared to plowing the [territory] in a carefully selected 'mission world'; non-stop entering into highly erosive worlds, briefly staying to watch the flowers, and implanting bugs into [The Way of Fish]...

…He can achieve the highest results with the lowest expenditure.

After hearing Lang’s plan, the elf girl looked confused: Are you playing this seriously? I advise you to be kind.

Lang was suddenly startled: "Wait a minute! After all, the number of my missions is limited. I must cherish every mission plan and not waste it too much. Instead, I can recruit and hire a group of low-level contractors and use them as media carriers to transfer [Fish of the Fish]

The seeds of Tao spread to more mission worlds, taking root and sprouting... Even if the 'Law of Fish' is occupied by others, I am confident that I can come back with dignity on this track!"

There were too few and too weak competitors on this track. The more Bailang thought about it, the more promising he felt, and he became more determined to delve into the 'fishery' industry.

"Then I..."

Ophelia was about to ask, 'If you raise fish in the sky, what should I do?' When she was suddenly interrupted by Lang: "Don't worry, we will be separated for the next round of tasks. You and Feng Ying go

Rescue Fufu and Jack, and I will participate in what Feng Ying calls an 'internal trial' alone. After I grab the second [territory], our family will start to shape the [Bai's Multiverse]."

The elf also felt that he was only at level 3 and was thinking too far ahead. It was more important for mother and daughter to reunite as soon as possible, so he nodded: "Okay."

This chapter has been completed!
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