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Chapter 155: Wearing white clothes with a loyal heart, forgetting to show your spirit in life and death (please subscribe)

 "Outland, you have been working for 7 hours continuously. Take a break and eat something!"

In the makeshift emergency room, a blond girl with a tired look on her face looked worriedly at Brother Lang, who was concentrating on sewing the wounded man together like a piece of clothing.

Although Bai Lang's stitching style and movements look quite unprofessional and run counter to the mainstream medical school, the visual effect is also highly similar to sewing clothes.

But all this does not affect his suturing effect: it saves ropes, sutures quickly, has little impact on wound healing, and the whole set of movements is smooth and smooth... but the only disadvantage is that 'one section breaks and all threads fall off'.

This technique, named by Bai Lang as the 'Wave Style - Battlefield First Aid Suture Method', has fancy movements, messy threads, and flying hands at high speeds, but the effect... is quite adequate.

And that's enough!

At least he was wandering all afternoon, and the old doctor who was in charge of him only glanced at him a few more times. After watching him sew three patients with his own hands and making no big mistakes, he stopped paying attention to him and allowed his wandering to continue. This is

The romantic romance.

Every 'suture method' will be questioned and criticized when it first comes out. But when this method is widely accepted, it can be included in textbooks. The doubters, like well-known celebrities, become

He opened his mouth and began to praise and praise.

Although Bailang's suturing method has not been widely spread, its patient processing speed of 20+ per hour has blocked everyone's mouths. Disinfection, cleaning and suturing have driven countless "Paradise Priests" to death who want to come to the hospital quickly.

(Brother, are you going to cut off people’s livelihood like this?)

At this time, another little nurse with blond hair also came up and said with concern: "Otlander, come and have a drink of water."

Bai Lang, who was concentrating on his work, pushed away the girl's hand that was wiping his sweat, and angrily shouted: "Ni Zuokai! You don't understand the meaning of time to us at all! I am constantly saving other people's lives through my experience and hands. Don't

Stop me from saving lives and healing the wounded! I am a sewing machine with no emotions, I am neither thirsty nor hungry! Even if I am exhausted, I will die on the workbench!"

The little nurse was criticized, her face turned red and tears were about to flow out.

Brother Lang was indifferent and continued to work on his new job. At the same time, he taught: "We must have firm beliefs, be persistent, loyal, and have a spirit of dedication. It's just dinner, don't eat it, start work, offer sacrifices, bah,


The aggrieved silly girl nodded dully, not understanding the joy of prostitution at all!

Bai Lang, whose physical fitness has exceeded 11, is full of energy at the moment, his obsessive-compulsive disorder breaks out, and he is working hard. He gradually finds his hand condition and keeps rising. He forgets the turmoil around him, as if he is back in the slaughterhouse, and is in the peak state of being careless with the little rabbits!

Hearing the constant +1, +1, +1 camp contribution prompts, he didn't feel tired at all, and his points were already so high!

At this moment, he just wanted to criticize: "You superficial woman, you don't understand the joy of operating on patients! You can cut them with a knife, prick them with needles, sew them with threads, and listen to their screams."

, looking at them wanting to kill me, but they had no choice but to do anything. After finally recovering under my superb treatment, they had to thank me for their expressions. It was so flattering!'

While Brother Lang let himself go, forcing the hungry nurses to offer him patients one after another, the assistant doctors who had had dinner also looked at this monster with curiosity, who had not stopped to rest after sewing all afternoon!

What a fierce man!

"Teacher, Otterland's technique always looks familiar to me? It's like... the grumpy instructor from the veterinary department next door was demonstrating on the spot?"

At this time, another person joined in: "No, I think it's more like the crappy tailor next door to me who is rushing to work..."

"Shut up and watch! Outland's suturing technique not only pursues speed, but is also flexible and adaptable to local conditions. It can always choose the most suitable, economical and precise construction technique according to the shape of the wound, so it seems to be unconstrained.

It’s ugly, but the effect is not bad and it saves materials. You should learn more. Although he is a nurse, he has rich experience!"

"It's too ugly to learn from."

Just when everyone was talking about it, in sharp contrast to the attentive Lang Ge, the old doctor who was responsible for managing him walked in. The old man was old and lacked energy. In addition, it was already dark and his eyes were dim, so he was no longer able to continue the operation.

Therefore, he stopped what he was doing and began to conduct on-site tours to provide guidance, constantly giving advice to other doctors.

After seeing Bailang's contribution to the camp after 7 hours of hard work, without pain or fatigue, he broke 100 with his strength and moved up two places in the ranking. The old doctor was also moved by his attitude and perseverance.

As for the medical skills...it's hard to describe them in one word. They are so good that they are so ingenious that they even surpass the professional level. This is the only case he has seen in his life. He is a genius!

When the old doctor saw that Brother Lang had finished handling another living sacrifice, he showed an expression that said, "I can still save him." He couldn't help but nodded with satisfaction. This is the spirit of "saving lives and healing the wounded." This young man has a very upright outlook on life and is a qualified nurse.

Now, let's test him again and train him into a 'medical soldier'.

So he called out to him: "Otland, you take a rest first. Come over and be Gower's assistant later, and I will guide you in the emergency surgery."

He arranged for Bai Lang to be an assistant to his disciple, with the intention of promoting him.

Bailang, who was bored with just suturing wounds, also came over with great interest. He is best at surgery and so on! And this will give you more points! Not only that, this is also an opportunity to show your strength to the little boss, so you must take advantage of it.

Seize the opportunity, impress the other person with your outstanding medical skills, and escape from the misery of being a nurse.

"Sir, I'm not tired, I can go straight to work!"

"Eat! This is an order. Do you want to disobey the military order?"

Ten minutes later, Brother Lang, surrounded by two young nurses, happily snatched the few pieces of meat from their bowls, ate it by himself, and showed a satisfied smile: "This rice is delicious!"

From a 'handyman' in his infancy to a 'ruthless sewing machine' to a 'surgical assistant beast', it only took Bailang half a day to gain the appreciation of his superiors for his strength and complete a series of super evolutions.

This is also because the military camp lacks available manpower and dares to put all kinds of goods into the basket, which gives him the opportunity to thrive.

The new chief surgeon is Gower, who is the youngest disciple of the old man Feng. Apart from him, the three others have already left the army and become excellent military doctors, serving in different military departments. Gower is the youngest one. Previously, he

I have been working as an assistant for Feng, but now that I have joined the team, I am starting to try to complete the surgery independently.

Unfortunately, the first dish that was just brought to the table was a hard dish! This soldier was hit by artillery fire on the front line. His wounds were blurred at the moment and he looked particularly miserable. However, he still maintained consciousness and was somewhat agitated by excessive fear.

He lost his mind and cried crazily on the operating table, looking like a madman.

Gore has a slightly weak personality. When he saw the beast-like wounded, he was frightened by his misery and madness. He looked fearful and indecisive, and his hesitation could be clearly felt... At this time, he was asking Brother Lang for anesthetics with a trembling voice.

His teacher stared at him, frowning a little, slightly dissatisfied with the young disciple's performance. But he could also understand that every field doctor came through this way, and this is human nature... "Ni Zuokai!"

At this moment, Bai Lang was angry!

"The patient is so critical? But you are so hesitant! Go away and let me do it."

Brother Lang pushed Gao Er away, faced the soldier who was screaming and waving his arms to prevent others from getting close. Without saying a word, he slapped Gao Er with a crisp sound, hitting the opponent's face with half of his face.

It was distorted and deformed, waves visible to the naked eye rolled on the face, and the head snapped and deflected, followed by a blood-red five-fingerprint that quickly swelled on the face.

“Obide by authority in urgent matters, I’ve offended you!”

The patient was stunned. He felt that his gums were starting to bleed. There were stars in front of his eyes. Who am I? Where did I come from? Where am I going? The scene was completely silent. Even Old Man Feng was confused. What was going on? Gao Er

He watched blankly as Bai Lang raised his knife and dropped it, blood flying in the air.

After the wound was cut sharply, the injured screamed again and was about to attack Bailang and stop him. When he was glanced at by Lang Ge, a predator at the top of the food chain, he immediately froze and did not dare to move rashly, and then continued.

The screams and moans reveal the sad eyes and helpless moans of the antelope after its throat was bitten by a lion, but it was unable to fight for its life to come to an end.

Then, Brother Lang quickly disinfected, cleaned the wound, sutured layer by layer, and then bandaged it... When everyone recovered from the shock, most of the operation was completed.

Because of his ruthless style that did not consider the patient's feelings, and the treatment philosophy of overcoming short-term pain and long-lasting pain, this patient was tied with a bow in the style of white waves as a last bit of warm care.

"Done, time is tight, next one!"

Old Man Feng's mouth wriggled for a moment, not knowing what to say? Well, this is a fairy!

Faced with Brother Lang's overstepping, the old man did not refute and motioned to serve another dish. Did he really want to see how deep Bai Lang's skills were?

Soon, another sacrifice was placed on the operating table. After Brother Lang washed his hands again, he gave a sincere salute, and then became rude again. He performed ultra-fast disinfection, and then used quick hands and feet, quick knife skills, and afterimages to appear like others.

While he was still having trouble cleaning the wound, Brother Lang had given up thinking. With experience and instinct, he opened the rotten meat without hesitation and cut off everything that should be cut and what should not be cut... At the same time, he opened the rotten meat with two knives.

The power of 'ripple' is secretly running to seal the blood vessels and stop the bleeding.

Although the patient was in great pain and screamed like a pig being slaughtered, the entire operation process was more than ten times faster. It didn’t matter whether the operation was done well or not? As long as it was fast!

For the patient, this is considered a short-term pain rather than a long-term pain. Compared with other doctors who toss around the wound, cut it bit by bit, and then suture it bit by bit, the 'Wave Therapy' is full of kindness and romance of the battlefield.

Taking into account the shortage of manpower, there were still a large number of injured people lining up at the rear, so Bai Lang was admitted under special circumstances. It was like an assembly line, with one after another lying down to be stabbed.

Because Bailang was unreasonable and slapped anyone who screamed without saying a word, the patients were forced to shut up obediently and accept the trial (treatment) quietly.

Brother Lang single-handedly infected the entire operating room, as if the atmosphere at a construction site was solemn... This score increase lasted until 11:30 in the night. Under the urging of the little nurse, Bai Lang reluctantly left the operating table and gave

I made myself a cup of 'Nutritional Milk Powder for Little Cats - Children's Educational Type', and then fell into a deep sleep.

On the personal panel, the influence caused by his actions in the camp today is being condensed bit by bit by the paradise, and a 'related title' is slowly taking shape and emerging.

This chapter has been completed!
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