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Chapter 158 Temporary cooperation mission starts... (Subscribe!)

 Around 8:00 in the evening, Bailang finished his day's work, packed up his weapons and equipment, and rushed to the camp gate to meet up with the newly joined temporary team.

An excellent doctor stayed up late at night, formed a team with others outside the camp, and tried to sneak into the front line to commit suicide. This kind of thing is full of violation from every point of view.

However, the guards at the military camp turned a blind eye to this and did not express too much concern or questioning. They only let him go after a routine inspection and "transfer order".

Every task issued by the park has related "transfer orders and recruitment orders". Take Bailang as an example, in the eyes of the aborigines, he is likely to have an old relationship with this team, and was taken advantage of. After some coercion and inducement,

, had no choice but to compromise and participate in a highly confidential task.

At this time, three men and one woman had been assembled. Counting Bailang, there were exactly five people, and they were transported by a military truck and headed towards the front line.

In the carriage, the man who was the captain explained to Bai Lang, the only one who was not yet familiar with the situation:

"Since arriving on the battlefield yesterday, the park has released a large number of branch tasks to contractors, which can be collected competitively. It is worth noting that although these tasks overlap with the war camps, the focus is different. After both camps rested at night, the

On the contrary, the battles have become more intense and frequent, and they have broken away from the mortal level."

"I guess that discovering and contacting the forces hidden behind the battlefield is probably the key point of the 'First Ring Mission'. We missed the opportunity last night and were led by several other teams, and even the camp's contribution was greatly squandered. So tonight

The goal is to attack an enemy stronghold..."

The team leader continued to introduce to Bailang the process of tonight's mission and the information collected.

Bailang was also analyzing and comparing it with the information he had collected, and gradually figured out that there were three different forces in the 'Amestris' camp:

The first is the main force in this human war, the Southern Military Region. They are directly led by the 'Great President' and simply invade the 'Kingdom of Arlugo', compete with the enemy for this land, create disputes and kill a lot of people.

The Southern Military Region is also the publisher of various basic tasks, all related to war. By annihilating a large number of enemy troops, you can earn contributions in this area, which can be redeemed through the camp store for: military ranks, titles, temporary subordinates, standard firearms and weapons, and even shooting types.

Skills...the most valuable among them are the 'mechanical armor' unique to this world, and the recommendation book for learning 'alchemy'.

Bailang also came into contact with these products after joining the first aid camp.

Especially the last 'Alchemy Learning Recommendation Book', like the 'Necromantic Doctor's Notes' in his hand, is a trigger item for opening the 'Career Column', and also has the opportunity to learn and solidify 'Alchemy', with a price tag of 3000 camp contribution.

, limited to 5 copies.

The vast majority of contractors do crazy tasks just to get this.

Bailang has also seen the second force, which is the supervising team sent by the central capital.

It is composed of a group of powerful "national alchemists" who have indifferent expressions and keep away from strangers. They do not directly participate in the war, but eliminate internal unstable factors. Their numbers are sparse and their whereabouts are mysterious. It is difficult to approach and gain favor, triggering related


It is said that yesterday a team arrived in advance, successfully left the southern battlefield, went to the capital map, and participated in higher-level trials with higher rewards. It accidentally completed the relevant tasks issued by the 'Supervisory Team', and the chickens and dogs ascended to heaven.

In Bailang's view, the capital is obviously another advanced copy of the 'second stage ↑', and is even related to the 'core plot' of this world.

Although the third force is still hidden, the contractors with keen sense of smell have already noticed it and started to interact frequently... The attack base tonight was announced by them.

Bailang knew very well that this was the 'vampire camp', and many contractors had opened their 'camp stores'. He even suspected that the 'supervision team' might be here to deal with these vampires.

And he imagined a complicated plot... Yames hunted vampires to test the qualifications of the 'National Alchemist', and the successful ones were awarded the title of 'Exorcist Alchemist'.

At this time, there are still 14 hours left before the outbreak of the 'Exclusive Mission'. Although the 'Galette Box' is firmly shielded from detection, the 'Blood Snail Church' still has other means to continuously accumulate some kind of power.

Bailang clearly felt that the lead box was giving him an increasingly heavy feeling of depression. Once the time limit was reached, it would be shocking. He chose to go out tonight just to solve this hidden danger.

During the truck ride, the team leader deliberately created a lively chat in order to help Bai Lang integrate into the team and reduce the barriers. He then boasted: "I have heard about this mission world. The most precious treasure is the 'Philosopher's Stone.'

From the capital of this country, there is the real core area, the second or even third-level world. Our level is too low and our strength is limited, so we can only be assigned to perform tasks on low-level battlefields on the border..."

"No wonder several teams kept gathering around those supervising teams during the day." A team member said, "Captain, have you seen the Philosopher's Stone? What level is that?"

"I have only heard of very high-end props, never seen them...but they are also very useful for the third level."

At this time, the captain looked at Bailang and the others, and added: "You don't have to be discouraged, the park will arrange a holiday for every three missions. If you have confidence in yourself, or are interested in 'alchemy', you can still take a holiday in the future."

You can come again and go directly to the capital, which may trigger the 'Learn Alchemy and Change Job Task'."

During the conversation, Bai Lang discovered that not everyone knew something about the 'mission world', but he was by no means the only one who mastered the 'plot'. Those 'forces' who created blood races, werewolves, and completely polluted and messed up the world, had the information

It will only be more than him, not less than him.

During the bumpy and shaky journey, Bailang got a map from the captain and found that the land of 'Amez' during this period had a circular outline, but many edge areas were still bumpy.

For example, the 'Arlugo battlefield' he was in was missing a piece. So he was able to conclude that the real purpose of this war was to plunder the land of Arlugo, complete the 'circle', and turn this country into a

Forging the formation, marking it with the 'death' of a large number of creatures through war, and drawing an important line in the 'Formation of the Land' formation diagram.

In addition, Ishval’s map also has a ‘missing corner’.

Realizing that Bailang was interested in the map, the captain said a few words casually: "I was chatting with an officer today and heard that there is not only a battlefield in the south of Ames, there is also another war going on in a place called Ishval.


Bailang has determined that it is at least 6 years before the plot begins, so he is no longer in a hurry.

The top priority is to complete this mission with peace of mind. Theoretically, there is still a chance to return in the future and seek more benefits. He is very interested in the world's greatest treasure, the 'Gate of Truth'.

Just as the truck was driving, the driver suddenly slammed on the brakes and stopped on the road. The bodies of everyone in the truck were tilted and swayed. Bai Lang grabbed the seat with one hand to stabilize his body and prevent him from falling.

At this time, a rocket had hit the front of the car, and then caused an explosion. The second captain quickly stood up, kicked the door open, and said: "The enemy is attacking, the battle begins!"

When Bailang jumped out of the car, the two groups of people chased each other and ran towards the burning truck: "Support! Support us quickly, we will share a big mission with you!"

The leader of the desperate escape still had enough energy left to roar while running wildly.

But he didn't need to remind him at this time. Bai Lang could tell that this was a big list. There were more than 20 werewolves, their eyes reflected green light spots, and they were running fast on the ground under the dim moonlight, chasing and killing the escaping ones.

Team. There may be reinforcements further away?

"Unlucky, these scum want to trick us! Let's run away too!" The leader of the temporary team saw a large number of werewolves running towards him, and also received a prompt from the park. His face turned ugly, and he turned around and ran away in another direction.

"Follow!" The leader, who was being chased by the werewolf team, raised his gun and shot at Bailang's team, firing black guns while chasing after him. This typical example of harming others without benefiting oneself makes me happy.

The chasing werewolf soldiers were also ready to make a move. They separated into a small group and began to chase Bailang and the others.

Under this night, there are also contractors from the Argolu camp, who are attacking the vampire stronghold and are being hunted crazily...

This chapter has been completed!
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