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Chapter 173 The arrival of the saint, unparalleled on the battlefield. (Subscribe)

 When the Black Thorn escaped from Jidu's control, he immediately entered the mentally retarded 'self-discipline mode'. Although his strength was not reduced, his IQ plummeted and his threat level also dropped sharply. He was quickly destroyed by the vampires who mastered the rules.

After sensing the collapse of the 'black ghost', Jidu arrived at the door of a renovated barracks. He kicked open the door and rolled in. He was immediately greeted by a warm welcome of gunfire.

Even though she had the extraordinary agility of a 'vampire' and took the initiative to evade in advance, she still couldn't dodge the ruthless stray bullets. She ate several bullets, groaned and rolled into a corner, shouting loudly:

"I am a sergeant of the 7th Battalion, and I am being hunted by a group of vampires. Everyone remains alert and ready to attack at any time! Don't trust anyone."

She said loudly and nonsense that the Seventh Battalion was the nickname of the War Supervisory Team. She didn't care whether these soldiers believed it or not. As long as the pursuers were like her and didn't get any favors, she would be happy.

Then, she crawled forward, turned over and hid in a hidden corner, curled up and took out the Pyroblast Reversal, and decisively swallowed the gun.

She has realized that if she continues to remain in the form of the 'Stone Ghost Face-Vampire', she will eventually fall into endless pursuit. Instead, she becomes a human again and blends in the camp like a fish in water. Not only does it block the vampire's perception, but she can also attack and defend easily.

Become a hunter again.

At this time, the vampire who killed the black thorns left a long claw mark on his face with a cruel expression. He followed the traces left by Jidu to the barracks and said: "The target is hiding in that barracks, let's rush in together!"

Immediately, four new vampire pursuers rushed in at the same time.

"Fire! Shoot."

In the barracks, the soldiers who couldn't distinguish between ourselves and the enemy fired another round of volley. But these vampires were the same as Jidu, and they didn't care about ordinary gun damage. Although the bullets could hurt them, it would only cause severe pain.

The wounds that penetrated the body healed quickly, and the four vampires rushed into the crowd without slowing down, as if they were in an uninhabited land, causing a bloody storm. Once they got closer, this group of ordinary people had no room for resistance in the face of the vampires, just like being invaded by a lion.

They entered the flock and slaughtered them wantonly, and their morale quickly collapsed.

"Ahhh! Monster! Monster!", "Don't kill me! Don't come here!", "Bullets can't kill them!", "I'll fight with you, let's die together!", "Run away, run away quickly.


Several vampires shuttled back and forth at high speed, evading shooting, waving their weapons to kill efficiently, and slaughtered wantonly. At the same time, they searched for the whereabouts of Jidu in the chaotic crowd, but found nothing... The unique and alternative 'cold aura' suddenly disappeared


[IBM particles +7 points.]

When Jidu opened his eyes, deathly silence had returned to the barracks, and the air was filled with a strong smell of blood. There were constant gunshots in the distant camp, and it was chaos.

The remaining survivors had already escaped, leaving only a large number of corpses. The vampire injured by the black thorns was lifting a trembling warrior with one hand, lying on the opponent's neck and sucking blood to replenish his life energy.


The young lady rubbed her chest. It was full of elasticity. It was a sign of great danger. She unexpectedly discovered that after being recast, she was still in 'spy mode' and had not removed her disguise and returned to her true state.

All I can say is... this spy equipment is so professional! Even if his 'immortality' is exposed, he still has to stick to Bai Lang's hidden identity. I give you a thumbs up... (╯‵□′)╯︵┻━┻ How weird!

"The aura of Bichi is gone. The last remaining aura is here! There is no escape."

A voice suddenly sounded, and Ji Du quickly lowered his breathing and listened.

"Search everywhere, there must be a secret passage here... wait! There is a human hidden there."

call out!

The black thorns transformed into werewolves suddenly sprang out and came to the middle of several vampires like lightning.

A vampire warrior noticed something strange and shouted: "What is that?!"

"Be careful, that's an invisible monster! Use your hearing to determine the direction of the attack!" The surviving vampires were experienced and warned, and the next second, the black thorns roared wildly: "Roar!"

A disturbing roar suddenly erupted in the barracks. Several vampires who were listening attentively felt dizzy at the same time. They felt as if they had been struck by lightning and were in severe pain. They were in a trance.

At this moment, the black thorns have selected the nearest vampire as their prey, and they pounce on it, waving both claws.

When the other vampire opened his eyes, he saw with his own eyes that two rows of deeply visible bones instantly erupted on his companion's body, intersecting into an X-shaped wound, and blood and flesh splattered...

Then the vampire suddenly fell to the ground, his neck was squeezed by an invisible force, and it was twisted. Then his chest was sunken, his bones were broken, his skin was torn open, his heart was thrown away, and it hit the roof and stayed there for a moment.

, then fell vertically and rolled.

When the black thorns roared wildly, Miss Jidu also came back from the blind spot.

At this moment, she was fully resurrected. The power of ripples in her body was surging. She was full of energy and was in an extremely excited state. She once again found the feeling of being 'alive'! That line of life and death, every second was full of emotion and trembling, walking on a tightrope to the extreme.


Only the IBM particles are consumed a lot and cannot be recovered, but this is more exciting!


The 'powerful feeling' of being in a vampire state where flesh and blood become stronger through alienation and cross-training to the limit has disappeared. Although there is still some residual flavor left, it cannot be restored with the current body; however, there are a full 30 years of extra ripple energy, and it is horizontal.

After Lian Suo's death, he seemed to transform into an internal combustion engine, full of endless power and squandering it wantonly!

She stepped on the ground, ripples spread under her feet, her body suddenly jumped three meters, shrunk to an inch, and her right fist hit the airflow again!

Armed Color Henglian - Holy Mother Rock Breaking Fist!

The ripple energy pours into the 'Blood Virgin' easily, triggering the vitality of the blood glow. This is the breath of the sun!

Boom boom boom boom!

The young lady waved her arms wildly, moving, attacking, dodging, being flexible and yet without losing her lethality. While several vampires were in a trance for a moment, she started to violently output, and the afterimages connected into one, and they fought bloody battles in all directions.

The power of the ripples was transmitted to the vampire's body, and the opponent immediately screamed. Although it was not a vampire spawned by the 'Stone Ghost Face', the 'ripples' still had a restraining effect.

All vampires are afraid of the sun. However, the sun is fatal to some vampires, and is just disgusting to some vampires.

And for some Vampires who were hit hard by the Blood Madonna integrated into the power of ripples, black smoke began to emit from their wounds, and they were even unable to heal.

Jidu was ecstatic in his heart! Everything was right, the 'Sun Ripple' refined from blood + the 'Holy Kill' specially used to restrain dark creatures, after mixing, it was a perfect vampire nemesis.

Although after exiting the vampire state, her 'speed and strength' have declined. But at this moment, she burst out with 'ripple + horizontal refining' and entered a short-lived squandering mode, still keeping up with the enemy's rhythm.

"Watch my celestial ripple sword dance!"

The demon hunter Ji was filled with fighting spirit, and he immediately took it out from the space... took it out... Huh? Where is my big sword?

call out!

The least injured Vampire swept his leg with a whip, and she quickly crossed her arms to parry. The calf hit the 'Blood Virgin', and the force was removed. She was unscathed, but was also blown away and flew backwards several meters before stopping.


The two-handed sword at this time, because she had just died and was recast, randomly fell into the blind corner and cried silently.

In the storage space, the bloodthirsty man laughed wildly. He turned to the wrench beside him and showed off: "Brother, it's not me who is abandoned this time! Look, it's the turn of the Lionheart King with his two-handed sword, ha ha ha ha ha


Emerald evil energy dances wildly!

Discovering that the two-handed sword was missing from the storage space, Ji Du was determined, and a heavy bronze cross appeared in his hand: Evil Christ!

The next moment, after turning on the horizontal refining, her quality was temporarily strengthened, enough to grab this heavy weapon like a flail.

I saw a 178cm tall girl with a well-proportioned figure and beautiful appearance, and her bodybuilding exuded a wild flavor. At this moment, she was swinging a 1.6-meter-high eyebrow-length bronze cross, setting off a storm of evil energy in the barracks, smashing various instruments into powder.

The vampire who was severely injured by the black thorns and was lying on the ground trying to recover was hit by the dancing and spinning 'Evil Christ'. He was immediately ignited by the power of God and screamed, turning into a ball of green flames.

The Virgin of Blood in her right arm holds the evil Christ, and mother and son join forces at this moment!

When Jidu injected the 'exorcism power' generated by the Blood Virgin into the 'Evil Christ', the evil energy fed back from the cross also flowed into her body, bringing about a temporary 'evil energy increase', just like injecting 'burning blood'


Although they were two conflicting and hostile forces, under her control, no conflict broke out. Instead, they overlapped and harmed each other, acting on the vampires at the same time.

Boom boom boom...boom!

In the empty barracks, violent explosions and impacts were heard again and again, as well as the earth shaking violently.

Several vampires drew their weapons and launched an attack. Ji Du cleverly used the bronze cross to block, and Christ's arms, neck, and head to block the attack... Then he used the left and right arms of the cross as heavy hammers, struggling to swing them.


She followed the sword dance technique, constantly turning her body, and using inertia to control the 'Christ' to draw a circle around herself. The statue wearing a crown of thorns burst out two strands of holy light, 'emerald evil energy and bright red blood light', mixed together.

Miss Jidu seemed like the Son of God had descended and was with God. With the irresistible power of fate, she smashed the heads of vampires one after another!

When everything returned to peace, Jidu, who was seriously injured and exhausted, stacked the four vampires like a arhat, penetrated them with the 'Evil Christ' in one breath, and inserted them into the ground for sacrifice, just like a string of KFC bones and flesh.

The blood of four people flowed backwards along the cross, into the eyes, nostrils, and mouth of the evil Christ... It also flowed along his cheeks through the crown of thorns, continued to flow upwards, and merged into the blood hanging on the cross of destiny.

In 'The Blood Virgin'.

At this moment, mother and son dine together, the family is neat and happy, the mother is kind and the son is filial, they are in harmony, and they share the happiness of family.

Jidu, who took the initiative to save his life and killed eight vampires in a row, had run out of gas and energy, and the ripples in his body were exhausted. He took out the bloodthirsty and stabbed it into his shoulder, and started to activate blood therapy for himself. Then he sat on the ground and twisted away.

A small wine bottle and started drying it.

More remains of soldiers in the camp also slowly flowed out lines of blood, meandering on the ground, flowing towards the pair of "Evil Christ and Blood Virgin" from all directions.

They crave more food.

This chapter has been completed!
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