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Chapter 197 Debuff tactics, the new hypnotist!

When the three of them returned to reality, the two contractors were already on the verge of collapse. Although there was a burning flame in their hearts, after being forcibly charged again, they really ran out of energy and finally reached the end of their strength.

If Bailang can do another 'Truth Drift', he can kill both of them without even taking action himself.

After entering the truth for the first time, they never considered that the white waves would drift around the bend and return to this place for the second time. This was a complete blind spot in their thinking.

Any normal person would fall into ecstasy under the mental impact of the 'Gate of Truth'. No matter how careful and calm his mind is, he would not be able to consider this. After all, the cost of entering and exiting the truth is very considerable, even if he has the 'Philosopher's Stone'

High-level contractors would not waste it like this.

Therefore, when they entered the truth for the first time, they could not bear the huge temptation. After setting aside "travel expenses", they conducted a series of transactions and left reluctantly.

Subsequently, I was forced to drift for the second and third time. Instead of conducting any transactions, I was forced to charge continuously, which damaged the foundation and greatly reduced the threat.

This is Bailang’s ‘debuff tactic’!

He lowered his opponent's level by relying on his strength, financial resources, and intelligence. He was fair, just, reasonable, and legal. He worked hard and did a great job.

What Bailang didn't expect was that the price the other party paid was beyond imagination.

At this moment, the man with the sword can still maintain his sanity. Although his vitality is severely injured, he still has the strength to fight; the other young man, who is mentally unstable, belongs to the type of excessive consumption.

When he first came to the truth, he completed the transaction with the gatekeeper at the price of a certain 'solidified column' that he wanted to give up. He thought that he could 'wash points and trade', but the so-called 'equivalent exchange'

It's not as nice as washing it and emptying it.

The truth permanently dug away part of the foundation of the 'ability bar' from his soul. It was equivalent to the 'ember crystals' exploded by opening the key.

After the transaction, the young man's 'ability bar' was not cleared. Instead, due to damage to his foundation, his solidified abilities were in a state of 'paralysis, failure, and sealing'. Some of them were like the 'ripples' that could not be used after Bailang became a vampire, and more


The worst thing is that the destroyed 'ability bar' will permanently fall into a 'gray seal' state. Unless you return to the paradise and invest a lot of embers to repair it; or you pay a huge price, really wash your points and retrain, and cultivate a new ability to replace it.


But before that, in the world of this mission, it not only failed to display its basic value, but also occupied a "vacancy in the ability column" for nothing, destroying the opponent's power system. And he was forced to experience similar things three times, and now

It can be called 'the foundation is scrapped', a generation of useless people.

Fortunately, Bai Lang didn't know about the culprits behind the Gate of Truth, otherwise he would have felt sad for the young man.

A contractor only has five ability columns. How many times have you been poached? Can you still fight? Just commit suicide.

The moment they returned to reality, Bailang and the man with the saber had already realized what they were doing. They both entered the strongest mode and started fighting. The young man simply knelt down and screamed in pain.

"Ahhhh...my ears? I can't hear? No! This is impossible? Fake, this is not true, how could I not hear?"

After three consecutive compulsory tolls, the strongest 'Saber Man' had to bear the pain of destroying his foundation, and pieced together and permanently forgotten a large amount of unsolidified but truly mastered 'knowledge, skills, and experience' to scrape together enough travel expenses.

Keep your strength.

Compared with the title of 'Out of Truth', he can bear this loss. The next step is to kill this bastard!

Facing an enemy who was already seriously injured and had been forcibly charged three times, and who had even forgotten his mature combat mode, Bailang was fully activated, his muscles all over his body were bulging and knotted, and he accelerated towards him like a wild bull.


The man drew his sword and raised it. In an instant, the sword's light was like a waterfall, sweeping towards the white waves.

The vampire's keenness and agility allowed him to dodge like a ghost, and flashed in front of the opponent with the sword's light. He punched out like a mountain, forcing the man to return to defense. He held the knife in his right hand and held the blade with his left hand, blocking it in front of him.



Bai Lang's punch was fierce and violent, hitting the blade and bending it into an arc. The opponent relied on the rebound force of the blade to move back, but Bai Lang's ghostly claws even faster, grasped a deformed arm at the shoulder.

Refining the human body three times in a row was not just as simple as opening the door, Lang also tried to create a forbidden life, but of course this was impossible to succeed.

However, Bailang invested three pieces of 'human' material, and now they were simultaneously reflected in the bodies of the man with the sword and the young man with the gloves.

Their backs, shoulders, thighs, lower abdomen and other parts of the body have limbs and organs that do not belong to them. They are the product of failed training. They are attached to the flesh and blood, forming deformed tissues like Siamese people, and are not affected by their thoughts.


As long as they can afford the 'Philosopher's Stone', they can counteract this 'abnormal synthesis'. However, they are short of money during the second and third drifts, so they can only accept physical refinement and wait for their return to 'clear the abnormal state'


At this moment, Bailang caught the flaw.

The man's sword skills are superb and his body skills are perfect, but his extra uncontrollable limbs are his downfall.

Bailang tugged at the deformed arm connected to his body, bent it hard, and twisted it off. There was a crisp sound, and severe pain spread to his heart, causing his movements to become chaotic.

Afterwards, Bai Lang didn't give the opponent a chance to take action. He moved his fingers slightly and used joint techniques. Following the physiological structure of the "Fantasy Hunting Deformed Arm", he used force to subdue his opponent and force him to move in the direction of his own power flow.

The next moment, Bai Lang exploded with all his strength, his muscles were released, and he fully opened his horizontal exercises. The muscles of his arms quickly knitted together, and blood flowed through his body. His whole body turned into a purple-red monster, and he swung out his strongest steel fist to smash the opponent's head.

The enemy struck back with his sword again, but in a hurry he lacked strength and speed. Bailang's arm wavered strangely, leaving behind a series of afterimages. He avoided the blade, and although it was not a deep wound, he successfully hit the opponent's shoulder.


Under the fierce bombardment, the opponent staggered. However, the toughness of the man's body also exceeded Lang's expectations. His physique was very strong and very strong! There was some trouble.


Taking a deep breath, his chest swelled, and then his arms disappeared in an instant, turning into countless afterimages and whizzing out, like cannonballs fired continuously, setting off evil winds and smashing towards the opposite side, overwhelming and violent and domineering, sometimes mixed with knee strikes.

, whip kick, tease Yin Wushen kick.

The man with the saber was beaten to the left and right, and he retreated in embarrassment, gritting his teeth and bearing the blow.

"Ola, Ola, Ola, Ola, Ola..."

Bailang is nothing if not explosive. He wants to throw out all his cards when he makes a move. When he grasps the rhythm and outputs madly, he constantly transforms the 'IBM particles' into enchanted attacks, trying to penetrate the enemy's defensive barrier.

This man resisted extremely tenaciously. Although his punches were hard to the flesh, strange counter-shocks kept coming from the opponent's body, which constantly offset the strength. He only withstood a part of it, so he showed extra tenacity.

Unlike those aborigines, the elite contractors have solidified all kinds of strange abilities. Even if the other party is tricked by the 'Gate of Truth' three times, the remaining foundation may not be worse than him. Bailang's only Level 5 is just a white Henglian

, the opponent's core ability is definitely above blue, it is difficult for him to penetrate.

Thinking of this, Bailang became even more desperate and furious, not caring about his own damage. He wanted to overwhelm others with his strength, not giving his opponents any chance to resist, taking them away in one wave and crushing them to the end.

Boom boom boom boom...

His hands rotated, colliding again and again, with extremely fast attack speed and heavy force. There was no special energy blessing, only the purest power, which always had the upper hand.

The most cruel thing is that he ignores his own injuries and crushes himself again and again, and establishes a 'backlash link'. Every time the opponent resists and strikes back, the unbearable rupture pain in the bones of his arms is also fed back to the enemy.

Destroying and disturbing the opponent's rhythm again and again.

Although both arms were broken again and again, they were quickly repaired and broken again in the form of the 'Blood Demon Afterbirth'...

However, Bailang could feel that his opponent was also preparing for some kind of terrifying killing move in his forbearance. This power had been accumulated for a long time and was being compressed and compressed again. Once it exploded, it would be earth-shattering.

Suddenly, his opponent made a move, giving up his defense, leaving the door wide open. He exchanged serious injuries for an opportunity, allowing Bai Lang to smash the bones in his chest with one punch, and then slashed with his sword, trying to force him back.


In the horizontal refining form, Bai Lang stretched out his five fingers and faced the light of the knife instead of retreating. Holding the blade, the tough skin and fascia were cut open layer by layer. The opponent felt like he was cutting a tough rubber tire with a knife.

It is difficult to move deeper and deeper, and it is even harder to draw the knife.

Blood flowed along the blood trough. Bai Lang tightened his grip on the blade and refused to let go. The thorns hurt him, causing a sharp pain in the palm of his opponent's hand, causing his movements to deviate even further.

At this moment, he had an arrow on the string, and if he took even half a step back, he would be doomed. So Bailang did another roundhouse kick, and used the opportunity to block to take out the 'Hypnotizer Wrench' from the storage space.

Bang bang bang...

The next second, Bai Lang swung a 0.65m large wrench with both hands, and it collided with the man's sharp knife, causing a series of sparks to burst out.

"What a great way to wrench!"

Bailang shouted loudly, full of admiration for his 'Wang Po's method'.

The man's pupils shrank, and he thought to himself: What a strange weapon!

Today's wrench has been transformed by 'Truth (Paradise)' and turned into a 0.65m combat weapon. On the front and back handles of the wrench, the two words 'anaesthesia, bone setting' are engraved in Yamis characters.


In the truth, Bai Lang paid a high price to reshape and optimize this piece of 'equipment':

When whipped from the front, the 'Bone-setting Curse' will break out, and when whipped from the back, the 'Nane Curse' will be activated. If you choose to hit the opponent with the 18mm thick and heavy side, it will be a purely physical 'attack critical hit'.

Not only that, using the side to perform physical attacks also has a 'temporary probability accumulation' (accumulation of curse power) effect, which can increase the probability of triggering the curse.

In other words, from now on, the hypnotist is no longer a chaotic medical device that cannot distinguish between good and evil and is difficult to control.

If you want to straighten your bones, use the front blow; if you want to anesthetize, use the back to smash. If you use the most powerful 'side' and stack the heavy 'monkey wrench head', you can cause physical sudden damage, and the damage caused can also be

'Accumulate it in the form of 'curse power' to increase the curse trigger.

When Bailang practices medicine in the future, he can use this 'physical battle wrench' to kill two cows as sacrifices to accumulate enough 'curse power', and then slap the patient hard with the front or back, and the curse will explode instantly, and then

I poked it hard with a screwdriver, twisted it hard, and finally sewed it up quickly.

Ah! What a perfect, quick and beautiful operation!

This chapter has been completed!
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