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Chapter 29 Even if I die, I must die decently and with dignity!

 On the rooftop, Bai Lang struggled tenaciously all the way and soon reached the 'safe passage' of the factory.

At this moment, he faced a choice: it was obviously impossible to continue his parkour escape. The only option left was to hide in the factory and pray not to be discovered.

However, the problem lies here, how to create the illusion that he is continuing to escape? And eliminate the traces so that the trackers will ignore the possibility of hiding in the factory? Looking at the blood trail behind him, the answer is that it is completely impossible.

At this time, more and more flying monsters gathered and descended from the sky, grabbing the two corpses and attacking themselves provocatively.

Bai Lang suddenly had an idea and raised his gun to shoot. He wounded several of them without even aiming, and at the same time temporarily drove away the nearby strange birds. Watching the monsters falling to the ground, he waved his clothes and pounced on the healthiest one.

He quickly pulled it to his side.

Immediately, he took out a roll of bandages, a dagger, and a pack of green 'burning blood' from the storage space. He used the dagger to make a hole in the tightly sealed packaging bag, and the crystals slowly flowed out like a fine hourglass.

As soon as this thing was exposed to the air, it instantly aroused the flying monster's madness, and a large black cloud continued to attack his body.

Bailang gritted his teeth and pressed the package of medicine on the abdomen of the 'strange bird', and then repeatedly wrapped it with a bandage to fix it. Although it was ugly and bloated, it was very strong and could not fall off. Then he picked up a handful of 'violent blood' from the ground.

He violently stuffed it into the mouth of the strange bird, broke one of its legs, and threw it into the sky with a wave of his hand.

Under the dual stimulation of 'severe pain' and 'medicine', this strange bird flapped its wings crazily and flew high into the sky with the medicine package, scattering green crystals along the way, triggering an even more violent monster rage, and was chased and bitten by other similar creatures.

It merged into one piece in the sky and sprinkled more green crystals.

After doing all this, Bai Lang opened the passage door, leaned against the door frame, took out the second package of medicine, tore open the package, and threw it vigorously, all falling to the ground, covering the blood on the ground.

Then he closed the door tightly, gritted his teeth and used the 'Invincible Hot Wheels' along the stairs, rolling down at a very fast speed, which was much faster than walking with his legs.

After many bumps and bumps along the way, when he stood up in pain, the strange birds on the rooftop had already swarmed down, swooping down on the ground to snatch food from each other, fighting each other, and destroying all traces of his crawling.

Bailang was equally uneasy. With his IQ, this step was already the limit. He had to write cheat sheets for exams, so he never felt that he was a smart person. Next, he could only pray that the IQ of those 'demon hunters' would be better than

I am still too low to see these little tricks.

After rolling and stumbling all the way, I finally made it to the inside of the factory. The dilapidated window frames were covered with plants, preventing light from entering. It was dark and damp, there was a rotten musty smell in my breath, the floor was slippery, and mushrooms grew in many places.

He found a huge old machine, hidden in the corner behind it. It was very hidden and gave him a sense of security. He re-bandaged the wound and waited quietly.

Although I was frightened, I felt a little confused inside, and I didn't know what to do next even if I survived this disaster.

As the battle in the outside world came to an end, the deputy team successfully triggered the monster's rage by detonating the burning blood.

The monsters in this city are not monolithic, and the fighting among them is equally fierce and cruel, even more brutal than what humans do.

Demonized hunters are just a low-level link in the food chain. They have many enemies. At this moment, a large number of sheep-headed demons, fallen demons, pollution monsters, and mutant beasts cannot resist the temptation of "burning blood" and join in the fight. Only.

The skeletons and zombies were not affected, and they continued to take a leisurely walk around the streets like an old man.

The deputy team took the opportunity to slip away, and the leader, who fell into a frenzy, fought off the attacker with injuries. He retained some sense and did not forget to take his backpack with him when escaping.

When the leader took advantage of the chaos and came to the roof, he only saw two dead bodies that had been eaten by strange birds, an empty backpack, a large number of monsters biting on the ground and snatching green crystals, and various monster corpses.

He didn't know if the medicine had been snatched away by monsters. He didn't have time to think about it. He could only look for traces of the other three or two people who escaped in frustration and follow them all the way.

Later, the demonized hunters were also divided into two groups.

Most of them were calculated, inhaled a large amount of violent potion, and fell into a state of madness without reason. Relying on the strengthened and amplified primary demon body, they unscrupulously killed other monsters trapped in violent mode, venting their endless power.

This group of demonized hunters had no reason or control, and they were too devoted to killing. They were all injured and seriously disabled, and they may be disabled in the future. The other group followed the 'hunter leader' and tracked them to the top floor of the factory.

They relied on their sense of smell to follow the traces, and finally found that the ground beside the safe passage was already in a mess. The red-eyed monsters were engaged in a fierce battle, disemboweling each other, and the stinky blood spread all over the ground. The smell was unpleasant, covering and destroying the traces left by Bailang.

In addition, there were many green crystals scattered on the roof, which were eaten and fought over by strange birds and monsters that came after hearing the news. I can’t tell how many packages were damaged?

The 'hunter leader' who retained his wisdom was very angry and scolded several of his subordinates in an unknown language.

At this time, the man who diverted trouble to the east and attacked with grenades also packed his clothes and came to the roof. He kept waving the blade in his hand, killing each of the unscrupulous sneak attack monsters, and walked to the 'leader hunter'.

The disfigured man with horns on his head, but a body that could be called a devil hunter, yelled at the man, expressing his dissatisfaction.

But the other party replied: "I didn't agree in advance that I would help you get all the goods. And my information was correct. I also fulfilled my promise and even lost one of my men. Why do you question me? On the contrary, it's you, everything

Everything went smoothly as planned. Didn’t it happen that those stupid men of yours messed up all this? If Blood Crow’s people are only of this level, then I’m sorry, I will change my cooperation partner next time.”

The hunter leader roared angrily and waved his weapon to threaten, but the man remained unmoved. Finally, the leader pointed in the direction where the "leader" left and kept speaking in hell language.

"Okay, I will bring that guy's head back, including the things on his body. But...you have to pay more!"

The hunter leader nodded, and then ordered his men to divide into two groups to track the other escapees.

"Let me remind you, there are seven of them in total. Two are dead now, and there are five left." After that, the man ran quickly, then jumped to the top of another building and continued to move quickly.

After the man left, the head hunter scolded his men and went to track down a few members of the deputy team nearby.

And she herself, discerning the residual smell in the air, kicked open the passage door and walked into the factory... Sure enough, after walking a few steps, she saw the blood stains left by Bai Lang on the steps.

Tread! Tread! Tread!

The sound of footsteps spread in the quiet and empty factory. Bailang was shaken and showed an ugly smile. Sure enough, he was found at the door. He was sitting in a corner in the shadows, feeling groggy and unable to lift his spirits.

On the ground not far away, a backpack was discarded, revealing half a bag of blue medicine. He was holding a gun in his hand, breathing heavily, leaning against the wall, and sitting on the ground motionless.

The footsteps were getting closer and closer. Bailang held his breath, concentrated on it, and took aim with his gun.

Shadows suddenly appeared.

Bang! Bang!

Fire and gunshots erupted in the darkness. Bai Lang fired two shots in succession. The bullets shot through the air and hit an unknown place, making a loud noise like metal collision.

Before he could react, the dim factory was lit up with fire again. He felt his head shake violently, and then the picture in front of him quickly blurred, his perception was stripped away, and the whole world quickly moved away from him.

In the factory, an experienced hunter leader appeared directly opposite Bailang, holding a special pistol in his hand and looking coldly at this somewhat clever thief.

However, it is so quiet in this factory. Your breathing, heartbeat, and heat emitted all betray you deeply! Do you think our name of "Demonized Hunter" is for nothing?

At this time, Brother Lang held the gun in his left hand and fell to the ground helplessly. His head was drooped, hidden in the black shadow projected by the huge machine, and he leaned quietly against the wall motionless. His sitting posture was very straight, very upright, and very dignified.

Even death reveals two words - fastidiousness!

A hole the size of a bottle cap appeared on the right side of his forehead. The front skull was shattered by a bullet. The fragments and bullets were embedded in the brain, ending his short life in an instant. Blood and cerebrospinal fluid continued to flow out under the action of intracranial pressure.


After struggling tenaciously for so long, Brother Lang finally gave up, and the readers breathed a sigh of relief.

Once it enters the soul, there is not much pain, and the walk is very peaceful and dignified!

For a newbie, Brother Lang undoubtedly did his best. If he hadn't been so greedy and bold, followed the wrong team, risked his life and went deep into the dangerous area of ​​the city, and was hit by a bullet while running...then...

He would never meet such a strong opponent, and he wouldn't be able to defeat him so quickly.

After confirming that Bailang was dead, the leader of the hunter left this insignificant fish behind, squatted down with his back to him, and began to inspect the backpack that was used as bait.

However, as a legal cheating player designated by the park, how could Bailang wear such a light leash? Flag is invalid for him!

In the visual blind spot of the hunter leader, Bai Lang's body and wounds began to release "black smoke" invisible to the naked eye. A large amount of black smoke poured out from the bullet holes in the legs, body wounds, facial features, and the big hole in the forehead.

It lingers like a ghost, wrapping his body and carrying out the work of 'recasting' after death.

Resurrection? So_Easy!

Mom no longer has to worry about my filing.

Where to hang up? Where to read!

This chapter has been completed!
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