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Chapter 286 Everyone, be careful, this is an extremely dangerous demonic space!

When Bailang stepped into the Central Hospital, the surrounding environment suddenly changed, and the light around him was extremely dim. This was not the darkness entering the room from the outside, but more like entering another unknown space, like the inner world of Silent Hill.

Through the window, he could see the outside world, but it was very unreal. Moreover, the outside light could not shine in. It was more like watching distorted three-dimensional pictures in a dark room. The garden outside changed.

It becomes another desolate, decayed, withered world.

The atmosphere in the hospital was very depressing, the concentration of the power of hell increased, gravity also became abnormal, and the flow of 'ripple energy' in his body slowed down, but the monsters connected by the belief totem became active.

This kind of 'activity' is a normal phenomenon that all hell creatures will produce after being exposed to high concentrations of hell energy. The monsters entrenched in the hospital have received far more blessings than Bailang's fallen demons. They are the real home battles.


At this time, the ground was covered with corpses of monsters. The smell of blood, stink, and turbid air were mixed together, making it particularly unpleasant. There were rows of lights above the corridor, emitting a dim red light, like driving on a highway.

The tunnel was extremely depressing; and the walls on both sides were covered with bright vascular-shaped fluorescent slime mold, mainly yellow and green, which mixed into a kind of luminous 'shit green', which was indescribable.


These slime-like ghost things will make a "sizzling" sucking sound after coming into contact with the blood flowing from the demon, and the internal blood vessel-like organs will also expand and contract, making them glow even more brightly.

Bai Lang signaled a mage to launch a small fireball, which hit the wall and scorched a section of the wall. As a result, a thin scream came from the corridor, like a weak harmonica, or like a child crying. It was not loud but resonated in all directions.

, making people feel uncomfortable, with goosebumps appearing on their necks.

"Damn it, this is mental pollution!" Bailang was overwhelmed by this harsh environment, his face was a little solemn, and he solemnly said to a few people around him, "I'm afraid you are already feeling the pressure, right? Please be more careful, it is very dangerous here.


He looked around. The smell of gunpowder smoke filled the air, but the hostile monsters had been cleared away, so there was no danger for the time being. In the past week, he had leveled all the monsters outside the inpatient department, but he was only unsure about this building.

Because this is no longer a normal 'real time and space', but a 'transition zone' that has been contaminated and distorted by hell nodes. The space is in an abnormal state, just like a demonic realm. It is not a simple hospital building, but has been distorted into a 'maze dungeon' state.

For a while I couldn't find the stairs to the second floor.

Yuan Xin and the other three also understood the power and nodded seriously: "Don't worry, we will pay attention."

With that said, the three of them, including Ophelia, took out their weapons, loaded them and moved forward cautiously. The monsters that were originally gathered in a mess in the center of the corridor also changed their lineup under Bai Lang's command.

He had rehearsed this routine repeatedly before. Of course, with the Sinking Demon's character of not forgetting to eat but not to fight, it would be impossible to complete it. However, faith is omnipotent, and he has devoted a lot of faith to this, and will be specially rehearsed.

The believers' folder of "Form" is repeatedly pasted into a shared folder "Phalanx".

Faith Arms is not a real computer, it is just a similar interface simulated according to Bailang's way of thinking.

When the memory fragments of the fallen demons about the "Phalanx" are fused together, a vague and crude "racial consciousness collection" is formed, which is a "pseudo-intelligence" named "My Military Formation.exe" by Bailang.


As believers prayed daily and uploaded relevant experiences, they slowly accumulated and formed several sets of rigid and mechanized 'phalanx routines'. After they were shared again for all the fallen demons to use, they burned money, but were very effective.

Array effect comes.

"Assault! Assault!"

Bailang controlled the monsters and moved forward again after changing formations. While clearing the rooms on both sides of the corridor, he was looking for the stairs leading to the second floor. The bloated team stepped on the enemy's corpses on the road that continued to lengthen, sometimes shrink, and change direction.

Pushing forward quickly, we finally found the ascending stairs.

Above the second floor and in individual rooms on the first floor, monsters are constantly pouring out to attack and block. It is difficult to dodge and move in a small space. This is a simple and rough fight to the death.

The good news is that there are very few firearms in the central hospital's reserve. Bailang, Ophelia, and Yuan Xin's storage spaces carry a large amount of ammunition. This is a harvest feast. Not only the enemy monsters have a chance to drop keys after they die.

, even after one's own Sunken Demon is defeated, a white key will occasionally explode. Feng Ying is like a little girl picking mushrooms, bending down to pick it up again and again.

Pushing forward all the way, the process was surprisingly smooth?

Being in the demonic realm, both the width and length of the corridors have been modified and strengthened, and a large number of mechanisms and weird blood-sucking vines are hidden. Thanks to the heroic sacrifices of the fallen demon warriors, the demon-killing team cleared the second floor.

At this time, the number of casualties was calculated through the 'Totem of Faith', and it was actually within the budget?! Bai Lang's eyes widened, and there were even 13 fewer deaths than his worst plan. He couldn't help but be surprised by this number.

Is there anything wrong? I am so strong! No, no, no, my fallen demon is so brave? I defeated a powerful enemy in an away game. What went wrong?

He clearly sensed that the monsters in the building were becoming more bloodthirsty and violent, but these weaklings, the fallen demons, actually killed them? Is this a victory for hot weapons?

"What's wrong, Xiaobai? Could it be that the number of fallen demons' deaths has exceeded the target, and the next battle will be more difficult? Don't be discouraged, we are also capable."

Yuan Xin noticed Bai Lang's unpredictable expression and comforted her. From the moment they arrived at the hospital gate to here, she and Feng Ying had no chance to make a move. They were protected by Bai Lang, the enthusiastic tour guide, and it was like watching an immersive tour.

'The monster's blackness will tear B-movies apart', it's extremely bloody.

"That's right! Don't underestimate us! I can come in handy too."

Feng Ying also picked up a machine gun, raised the muzzle, and fired at a group of twisted monsters crawling on the ceiling not far away. Fire spewed out from the muzzle.

Because the little Loli was underweight, her body was shaking wildly under the recoil. But she was rich in experience. She followed Bailang to shoot in the wild every day, and she could control and make use of this shaking to lock the shooting range in a small area.

In a small area, sweep the monsters on the ceiling into honeycombs.

They saw blood spattering and falling one after another, and then they were stabbed to death by the dung fork army below. Ophelia also summoned the 'New Four (Five) Kings', and each took out their firearms and began to use their weapons freely.

The half-elf's talent is really strong. In just three days, she opened another dark demon with the awakening attribute. After Bailang's "Ripple Initiation" training, she successfully advanced to the "Fish Vein Warlock" and was integrated into the "Second Demon" by her.

Ability column'.

I don’t know where the limit is for this zero-cost, cheating 'solidification bar' transformation method? Although five summons sharing a share of the origin is slightly malnourished, the number is equally terrible. Moreover, the innate vitality is insufficient, but it can be acquired the day after tomorrow.

Carp is here to make up for it...

At this time Ophelia looked at him with concern: "Captain, I won't let you down either!"

Bailang came back to his senses, expressed his helplessness at their overreaction, and replied in a state of laughter and tears: "Don't worry, it's really no problem, everything is within my calculation!"

He stretched out his right hand and made a "under control" grabbing motion, with a look of enchanted confidence on his face. Everything now was indeed within his calculations, and the effect was even better.

But the other three people didn't think so. Instead, they regarded this as Bailang's shameless cover-up and show of strength.

The team continued to advance, and after all 60 monsters were killed and most of the main force in the land reclamation were injured one after another, the team had already killed more than half of the third floor.

The structure of the Dung Fork Legion was intact, half of them were killed, and the remaining seriously injured soldiers could not keep up with the team, so they were digested internally and turned into 'keys' for recycling.

The Faith Shooting Team ran out of ammunition and were killed by various mechanisms along the way and by vines hidden in the walls and floors. But before they finally took their last breath, their heads were snatched away in time, and they were recycled internally without any waste.

'C4 Big Explosion B' was unexpectedly left, but a few of the Fel Warlocks died inexplicably. It was too late and they were gone. It was a pity. Yumai Tutuo suffered a lot of minor injuries, but there were no casualties.

Under Bai Lang's wise command, the main force of the fallen demons kept knocking open the ward doors one after another along the way. Before the monsters hidden inside poured out, they arranged for the explosion-proof heads to pick up the explosion-proof shields to resist. Then the commando team threw grenades inside to complete the bombing. Then

The caster group began to curse wildly, and retreated again. The shooting team rushed in and swept away, while Bailang launched the "Fel Totem" battlefield mode, burning money to activate positional suppression.

The effect of this wave of operations was surprisingly good. Anyway, he didn't feel sorry for the fallen monsters. He traded his life for his life, and the enemy monsters were surprisingly fragile. Occasionally, there were specially modified 'elite monsters' hidden in some wards. They were so powerful that they were extremely powerful.

Chasing the Haagen-Dazs he faced in the subway tunnel.

But he is no longer what he used to be. He directly dispatches the professional "Iron Rope Flying Dung Cha Team" for control. The "Dung Cha Troop" that was originally a group of four temporarily changed its formation and cooperated in pairs.

The two who act as the main hunters will tie chains between the two dung forks and attack with flying spears at the same time. They will use the chains between the weapons to temporarily block the opponent and gain a moment of opportunity. Then the other two dung fork soldiers will start.

The spikes in the center of the mechanism, the dung fork, shrink and turn into an 'explosion-proof U-shaped fork', just like the urban management beating a stray dog ​​into a madness, using the fork to kill elite monsters.

When the Dung Fork Team was on a desperate mission, there would be an eager old wizard who would jump up and down and throw curses at them, making them weak and blind. Then the Hot Weapon Team began to gather fire to whip the corpses... and soon the elite monsters were killed one by one.

Send away.

Of course, forking is an art that wanders between life and death. One bad thing is that all members are killed. At this time, C4 explodes B and comes in handy. A 'Carp King Akbar', incarnates light and heat,

Let C4 gather energy for me and open up the world...and then send the second dung fork army to fill the position.

The team quickly broke through to the entrance of the fourth floor. Along the way, Bailang kept emphasizing that this kind of demon realm was very dangerous. He no longer said anything about the dangerous environment. Everyone, be careful, because the battle loss ratio of his monster army has been magically reduced again.

, more manpower than he expected.

This is the first time he has encountered something strange in his life. He has experienced ups and downs in his life, and has experienced so many dangerous "paradise missions". He has never encountered a situation where it becomes easier and easier. This makes him very embarrassed, and he has no shame to tell everyone about it.

Knowledge about the 'Demon Realm'.

Even Feng Ying showed a look of suspicion that I despise you, you? deceived me. Just like the story of "The Boy Who Cried Wolf", no one believes that this hospital is a dangerous demonic space. Except for the corridors, it becomes a complex maze.

, besides being illogical, there is something abnormal!

Ophelia looked at Bai Lang with admiration as the enemy troops were wiped out in the midst of chatting and laughing. Brother Bai is obviously super strong but overly cautious. He must care too much about me.

Yuan Xin was extremely bored, so he took out his DV player and started filming. He stopped and walked all the way, watching the berserk demons going berserk, slaughtering all kinds of new types of monsters they had never seen before in an organized and efficient manner. It was really ridiculous.

fresh experience.

This chapter has been completed!
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