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Chapter 3 Welcome to the Fire Paradise, now is the exclusive cheating session for the protagonist!

 After 'rescuing' Bai Lang, the man no longer paid attention to him, but crossed his hands in front of his head to protect him. Facing the sharp blood lines that were as dense as a shower, he rushed towards the woman. Then, a protective shield composed of purple flames floated in front of him.

Barrier, go up against the odds, break through and set off the bloody wave.

The distance between the two people got closer and closer, and finally they collided violently, and then broke out without any worries, fighting fiercely with all their strength, the momentum was like two monsters fighting against each other, and the passage was covered in blood and purple.

The aftermath of the attack turned into purple air blades, hard blood-red broken lines, spreading in all directions, cutting the ground, smashing seats, blowing up walls, shattering light tubes, and accidentally injuring passers-by who had not fled far.

Boom boom boom...

The wiring on the ceiling was cut off, the lights suddenly went out, and the entire passage became dim. The remaining lights flickered on and off, and combined with the terrified screams of passers-by, the place was completely out of control and became chaotic.

With a series of dull and loud noises, the two monsters hit the edge of the wall.

The silver-haired woman controlled the bloodshot threads to wrap around her opponent and pin him to the wall. Then she punched out, turning into an afterimage and hitting her head. The man twisted his neck to dodge in a thrilling way, and the strong wind brushed his face. Half of his arm was embedded in the thick wall, and the impact

It exploded, and the waves shook the hair violently, and a circular pit with a diameter of two meters was sunk into the vertical wall.

Then the passage shook, and the ceiling above began to collapse.

Bai Lang, who was huddled in the corner, endured the severe pain and began to save himself. He had already pulled out his palm and the dagger from the ground. But strangely, no blood flowed out of the wound on his right hand. Instead, a large amount of dark purple unknown substance continued to emerge, like a living thing.

The arms spread...

He felt something bad in his heart. He gritted his teeth and pulled out the dagger, but it could not stop the spread of purple at all. They once again condensed into that irregular ring on the inside of his wrist, where the infusion needle was inserted?

The passage began to collapse, and the ground on his feet trembled violently. Bailang leaned on the wall, stumbling forward while observing the changes in his wrist. Traces of residual fire appeared on the edge of the ring, lighting up little by little in the darkness, like a fire that was about to be extinguished.

The sun is shining brightly and I can’t feel any temperature.

As he moved against the wall, his spirit and even his soul were gradually attracted by the 'circle'. The attraction became stronger and stronger, and even his will could not resist, and he even forgot the pain of a broken arm.

Bailang's eyes gradually became dull, and a voice in his head became louder and louder, tempting his will: "Come in! Come in! Come in quickly!!!"

Gradually, his eyes began to become trance-like, his perception gradually separated from the outside world, and he was immersed in his own world. His body was breaking away from reality little by little, becoming blurry and illusory.

In the real world, a dark shadow spread under Bailang's feet, and then a suction force broke out, pulling him in and disappearing from the underground passage.


The man who was running away from the pursuit of the woman in embarrassment, with his clothes torn and blood hanging from the corners of his mouth, looked very embarrassed, suddenly laughed. Then he smashed the wall with his foot, used his strength to escape, turned around and was about to run away.

The woman's attack movement also stopped abruptly, her body remained still, and she murmured to herself: "Failed? Disappeared!..."

Immediately afterwards, she giggled, the temperature of her body dropped sharply, and the ceiling above her head began to seep and drip with blood. Her lowered head and shoulders kept shaking with nervous laughter, giving people a sense of

The illusion that suddenly got out of control and went bad.

The mouth, which could not be covered by the falling silver hair, began to crack and extend to both sides, revealing a mouth full of sharp and broken teeth, forming a bright smile: "Liberation!"

The man's expression changed drastically: "What kind of monster are you?!"


When Bailang woke up again, all the fatigue and pain on his body disappeared, and his condition returned to its best.

At this moment, he was in the darkness, with nothing below him. But his body did not fall, but was floating. He waved his arms subconsciously, trying to catch something, and then he was shocked when his left arm was cut off.

The arms have grown back again?!

Wait! Could it be that everything that just happened was just a vivid dream?

But the pain is too real. The weird subway station, the sudden attack, being constantly tortured and fought for... It's like a dream within a dream. Then I should 'wake up' now, right?

But when his eyes fell on his right wrist, his body froze and his pupils shrank violently. Everything was true!

At this moment, on the inside of the right wrist, the ring-shaped brand burned little by little, and the lines of fire were connected end to end, emitting a dim red light, lighting up the darkness.

After he looked carefully, he saw that the 'edge' of the ring was not a line, but made up of countless densely packed small runes, which lit up one after another, burning with faint light, like a dim 'black hole' that was about to go out?
Huh? An inexplicable sense of déjà vu arose in Bai Lang's heart. He always felt that this thing looked familiar. Where had he seen it before?! Why was my heart suddenly so sad and uneasy?

"The 'Dark Ring' brand is detected, the judgment is passed, and the contract number is issued... Welcome to... Fire Paradise!"

Mo De's emotional voice sounded in his head, which surprised him. However, when he looked around, he still couldn't see or touch anything.

"Fire Paradise? Ring of Darkness!"

Bailang stared at the brand that was burning like a dynamic image. What did he suddenly realize? An ominous premonition suddenly came to his heart!

No wonder it’s so sad and sentimental? So restless? That’s the pain that Brother Lang doesn’t want to remember in his life, the demonic and majestic shadow of Teacher Guda, the king who persuaded him to quit, and the shame of being unable to pass the level for 5 hours.

Subconsciously, he wanted to shout: ‘I’m not going to spread this fire!’

Immediately afterwards, the rigid voice ignored his attitude and thoughts and sounded intensively in his mind one after another. The 'ring of darkness' on his wrist also lit up and burned fiercely at this moment.

Bailang felt that something in his body was being continuously taken away by the brand.

"It was detected that the 'Lord God Space Debris' was carried in the target's body, and forced recovery began..."

"'Space debris' analysis, lineage type, starting to read the information database..."

"The information database is seriously damaged, data is missing, re-searching, rescue in progress..."

"No., you have made a significant contribution to the space, and you will start to make compulsory compensation. You will choose any one of the following bloodlines to bind:"

"a Jenova cell (incomplete, unknown risk),

b Black light virus (advanced, including memory implantation and self-awareness recalibration),

c mutant x gene library (incomplete, 7 items in total, customizable),

d ghoul bloodline (perfect, average potential),

e Asian bloodline (complete, special category)


Rows of information are constantly refreshing in the brain, and the corresponding screen bars are also projected on Bailang's retina, and the screen is being refreshed crazily...

He felt that he could operate through will. When his mind stayed on a certain option for a long time, the corresponding window would pop up, and an extra detailed explanation of bloodline would appear in his mind.

This scene full of 'game style' made him a little confused whether he had been kidnapped? Then he was stuffed into a coffin filled with nutrient solution and conducted a virtual reality test of a brain in a vat?<


In short, the messy bloodline options gave him a little courage, and it was not the "shaking m soul" he imagined. However, before he could continue to think about it, the condensed screen in front of him suddenly burst into garbled characters, and the image appeared in his mind again.

Cold and rigid voice:

"The system program is disordered and has been interfered with and tampered with by high-level apostle authority. The priority is being judged... The judgment has been passed and the compensation process has been suspended. The Jenova cells have been locked... and the redemption was successful."

Following this prompt, Bailang watched helplessly as his option a disappeared!


Immediately afterwards: "Blacklight virus is locked... Redemption successful." Option b also disappeared...

"Mutant genes..."

"Wait!" Bailang shouted, shouldn't this be my 'exclusive cheating time'? Why is this?

After several rounds of forced interference by the outside world, and forced transactions to take away the rewards that belong to you, the violently changing screen gradually stabilized. Although it was still being attacked and invaded, the garbled characters were disappearing little by little.

However, the dozen or so options originally listed have been reduced to single digits.

The one at the top of the list is the solitary 'e-Asian bloodline'. Looking further back, most of them are either in a 'mutilated state', or there are only some orcish bloodline, two-headed ogre bloodline... obviously.

It's garbage that makes people stay away.

So he had no choice, and even ignored the pros and cons and directly used his will to hit item 'e' hard.

A quick hand is enough, but a slow hand is not!

Sure enough! His reward page crashed again, and the few remaining 'bloodline options' quickly disappeared without a trace, and were forcibly redeemed by other high-level apostles.

It can be seen from this that if he is not quick enough, he may not even be able to get the 'orc-level' compensation.

"You have confirmed the compensation for 'Asian Bloodline (Complete, Special.)'. This service is a free exchange. The bloodline column is being opened for the 'Contractor'... The bloodline is being strengthened... The remaining time and space energy and bloodline abilities in the target have been detected.

A deviation has occurred, the effect is unknown, and cannot be stopped...Transforming..."

The white waves floating in the darkness first felt that something in the body had been taken away? Then new substances were injected into it. The whole body felt warm and comfortable, but other than that, there was no other change.

As for the continuous beeps in his head, he consciously blocked them out and was immersed in the comfortable experience to make up for the psychological damage caused by previous torture and abuse.

"The transformation is over, you have obtained the 'Asian bloodline'. Compensation is completed, please explore with confidence for details. The first round of trials is about to begin, good luck."

His vision went dark, and he traveled through time again.

This chapter has been completed!
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