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Chapter 361 Technological breakthrough, factory supervisors token, becoming an immortal

Three days later, Bailang and his party left the boundary of Huguang and hurried towards Poyang Lake.

In the past few days, they encountered several waves of assassination attacks by "green forest heroes", all of which were blocked by the young brother Gui Lin Pingzhi with a pair of iron fists. Several attempts were also mixed with many masters fishing in troubled waters, but he was also almost in danger.


Subsequently, the Bailang team fought and retreated, leaving behind corpses one after another, showing their haste and difficulty, which further confirmed certain rumors. It was fascinating and attracted a large number of snoops with malicious intentions to follow.

Those cannon fodder abandoned by the team were mostly test subjects who were forcibly captured while committing crimes along the way. Under the influence of the 'Fish King's true blood and boundless power', they were brainwashed into religion, reformed, reborn, and passively evolved for mankind.

Dedicate yourself to a great cause and accept the transformation of Hua Tuolang's "Fish King Wheel".

During this period, Bai Lang was distracted by two things: he was trying to figure out the new sound wave martial arts on the road, trying to combine 'evil evil and string sound' to create a new internal skill; while resting along the way, he secretly summoned the 'Lonely Little Swan' to study.

Uncover the secret of the half-step innate root chakra Gu.

After being free in the wild for many days, a generation of flower-picking thief Tian Boguang died silently. The 'gu' that ran rampant in his body, backfired, and took away his body, took over this body and transformed into a demon to replace him. The sword poison that parasitized the root chakra has covered everything in his body.

The meridians become half-step innate monsters.

But unfortunately, the monster not only wore the 'Must Die' pill before his death, but was also given the title of 'Everything Can Be Wealthy Pill' and crowned as the 'Ninth Generation Eye'. In addition, before he transplanted the sword Gu, he also secretly received the 'Fish Vein'

Warlock's transformation, belief binding, stem part binding, etc...

Even if he is completely dead and cold, he is still judged by Paradise as the "Kyudaimu. Fukimaru". He cannot escape the clutches of Bailang and is tamed and submissive.

Bai Lang conducted inhumane and in-depth dissections again and again, carefully studying the direction of Gu parasitism and demonized meridians, and then asked Xiao Fufu to activate the 'Neurosurgery Talent' to suture, supplemented by 'Blood Therapy' to accelerate healing, and put it into a desperate situation.

But Kurodaime just relied on his persistence and enthusiasm for dance and his tenacious vitality. Not only did he not get cold, but he crawled back from the gate of hell again and again, dragging his tired body and continued to dance wildly in the woods, fields, and streams.

Flying, it is indescribably touching and inspiring.

(In the second half of this year, please pay attention to "Swan King: Dance of the World" in the ninth generation of the film.)

With the selfless dedication of Mohua Tianwanwan, Lang gained a deep understanding of the complete form of 'Sword Gu', and gained a glimpse of the true meaning of 'Fish King Wheel Gu', and officially entered the clinical stage.

Those cannon fodder who died in the waves of attacks were all victims of the 'Fish King Wheel Gu', a low-end version of the Demonized Fugui Pill. Due to various flaws, they were already dead. It was used to show weakness in a show.

get more.

Bailang's team seems to be constantly losing members and fleeing in panic. But in fact, instead of being weakened, it is getting stronger. A new force that can shake the martial arts world is brewing.

The team embarked on the journey again, this time choosing a remote trail and walking quickly under the leadership of Lin Pingzhi.

The owner in the carriage seemed to be affected by the atmosphere, and no longer emitted the soul-rending music, but fell into a long silence.

In the carriage, Bai Lang didn't show any worry at all. Instead, he and Xiao Fufu crowded together to eat snacks. A plastic bag filled with melon seed peels was playing with an exquisite token in his hand.

During this period of time, he opened all the treasure chests. The ordinary keys were not of high value, and he harvested a total of four martial arts ranging from white to light blue. Only the old eunuch's key brought him some surprises, but it was not a surprise.

In addition to 80 points of embers, a total of four items are available:

["The Fragment of the Sunflower Book", ember crystals, inner strength and mental skills, light blue. "Nine Yin Divine Claws", ember crystals, martial arts claw methods, light blue (Fragment of the Nine Yin Manual). "The Feathering and Ascension Sutra",

Manuscripts, special items, medical secrets, gray (no grade). Imperial envoy governor Dongchang official school eunuch, equipment, token, light green.】

The last token was the most valuable. Unexpectedly, the old eunuch had a great background and was actually a factory supervisor. No wonder he was so strong that he almost forced himself to death.

However, the Admiral of Dongchang is only a dispatcher, not a formal official position, and has no rank. He is appointed by the emperor and is usually held by a close associate. His official position can be big or small. It does not have to be a ceremonial eunuch or a eunuch, as long as he is a trusted lieutenant.

That's it. If the other party can become an admiral, he is naturally very strong, but he may not be the strongest father-in-law in the palace.

Therefore, the generations of 'factory supervisors' are not valuable. What is valuable is this token passed down from generation to generation. It has extraordinary meaning in itself, and even condenses a certain degree of legend, and its use is also very special.

[Imperial envoy governor Dongchang official school service eunuch. Light green, special equipment, token, contains a small amount of "legendary", not activated. Prerequisites for use: Complete a palace entry ceremony in any mission world where the eunuch system exists,

Obtained official canonization. After use, charm -2.】

[Effect 1: Identity implantation. After arriving in a mission world with an Eastern palace background, you can install an official special identity and inherit an official position. In a non-eunuch system world, you can also upgrade your special identity background. 】

[Remark 1: Special evolutionary routes such as real girls pretending to be bosses can be opened. Charm -2 will be reversed to -(-2) = 2, and the accumulation cannot exceed the 15 point limit. For details, consult Cute Paradise - Cute Boy Paper Template

,Witch Paradise-**** template...]

[Effect 2: Title strengthening. When the match between the token and the title exceeds 45%, the title can be strengthened into a light green-level ‘Boss Template Series’. There are 3 cadres and a total of 20 people. 】

[Effect 3: After using the token, you can browse the current world root directory 'Royal Arsenal', select a martial arts with an upper limit not exceeding 'Dark Green', and convert it into a paradise-certified skill. Once the ability column and career column are solidified

'Ancient martial arts', in any ancient martial arts power system world, are regarded as aborigines and are not subject to inhibition.】

[Note 2: All you need is a swing of the knife. 】

This is the first time Bailang has seen equipment targeting 'titles'. The function is somewhat similar to that of 'The Mastermind', which directly reshapes an ordinary title that has a certain degree of compliance into the 'Boss Template Series', but the price is also very heavy. I don't think so.

Become a boy!

If the body is repaired, then the 'Boss Template' cannot be used. But if the road goes to a dead end, then in some cute paradise or witch paradise, after completing the job change, you can even reach Charm 2. It may not be a dead end, but there will be many

It's only right that people follow you.

"Hiss! This is a royal way."

Bailang thought about it carefully and realized that this thing has endless business opportunities and it is too easy to sell. It is absolutely marketable and priceless, and the supply exceeds demand. Once the news gets out, countless people will come to fight for it.

The token cannot bring about an intuitive increase in strength, but it indirectly enhances the hidden strength, and it increases dramatically.

Although the "legendary" contained in the equipment cannot be extracted, its use can greatly improve the "title quality", and it also allows the contractor to be regarded as an aborigine by all ancient martial arts system worlds, which is of great value. However, there are also disadvantages. Using this

After blocking tokens, all non-'ancient martial arts system' worlds will be more vulnerable to attack.

In addition, this token can also cause bugs. If it is used in a high-level ancient martial arts world, it can select a "dark green martial arts" from the "royal arsenal" in that world for solidification.

Compared with his own 'behind the scenes', the highlight of the boss template strengthened by this token is that it has strong control over eunuch subordinates.

The control is so strong, it's like brainwashing, just like the vampires do to their first descendants, beyond Bai Lang's 'behind the scenes'. But Bai Lang has long used the 'power of faith' to kidnap his subordinates, develop them into fanatical believers, and then use '

The evil fish blood's control is no worse than the token.

In short, this token is the most valuable, but he doesn't use it, but it is very easy to sell.

He vaguely guessed that the 'title' was very important to the contractor, and this kind of equipment that could enhance the 'title' must be very precious.

In addition, the 'Sunflower' has the lowest value and is the remaining original in the imperial arsenal. Only 40% of the content is retained, and the finishing touch of 'cutting the chicken' is not missed. After several generations of eunuchs completed it and integrated it into several top martial arts, there are

Today's 'Sunflower Rapid Response Force'.

The internal strength is top-notch, but it is still unsatisfactory. It is not a unique skill, and it is not as good as the original Sunflower Core. Therefore, the imperial court has regarded the Demon Cult as a thorn in its side since a long time ago, and has designated the "Sunflower Book" of the Eastern Cult as a sure target.

This internal skill was ignored by Bai Lang, and was sold together with the token as a set.

"Nine Yin Divine Claws" is derived from "Nine Yin Manual". It is a martial arts preserved by the royal family. It has complete contents and powerful moves. However, Bai Lang was not interested in it, so he sold it and made it into a three-piece Factory Supervisor set.

"The Sutra of Ascension to Immortality" surprised him. It has no grade, it is just an ordinary manuscript, but it records the content of the most mysterious "cocoon voodoo" after egg voodoo and insect voodoo. It is also the first-class master in the world to break through the innateness and become an immortal.

The key point.

Top-notch warriors have at least three kinds of 'insects' transplanted into their bodies, and they are deeply integrated with the body, surpassing humans in all aspects. On the one hand, they use the true energy to suppress the activity of the poisonous insects, and on the other hand, they use the true energy to nourish and reconcile, forming a harmonious whole. For'

I have been very familiar with the control and operation of Gu' for a long time and can be called an expert.

If the 'Gu Master' wants to break through the last shackles and enter the innate world, he must go through the step of 'breaking out of the cocoon and becoming a butterfly'. Completely control all the Gu insect tissues and demonized meridians in the body, and 100% integrate with the human body, and finally be reborn and truly awaken.

, instead of losing your mind and becoming a monster.

To do this is not only difficult but also dangerous. The key lies in the 'cocoon'.

Bailang has cultivated 'insect voodoo', planting an 'egg' into the body of a designated demon, completing its development, swallowing the demon's essence, and then breaking out of the body. This kind of 'insect voodoo' is somewhat like the relationship between a facehugger and a small alien.

', condenses the essence of a demon, then implants it into the body of a warrior, fuses and assimilates with flesh and blood, and feeds the demon's power back to humans, completing symbiotic evolution.

'Cocoon', on the other hand, goes against the grain, cultivating an egg with its own essence and blood, implanting it into the spine, using the thoughts of a top warrior to destroy the will of the 'egg', and then controlling the egg to reversely devour the contents of its own body.

The 'demon tissue', based on the most important spine, develops again and reversely erodes the demonic tissue in various parts of the human body, occupying the magpie's nest.

The so-called "breaking out of the cocoon and becoming a butterfly" is to devour the mature Gu tissue in the body, kill the insects one by one, swallow them all, feed back the "cocoon" in the spine, and finally complete the great unification. After one cocoon transformation, the physical body is gestated for the second time.

The Hunyuan is as one, and then breaks out of the cocoon and becomes a butterfly, and there is no risk of the Gu insect backlashing.

At that time, only when humans and ghosts merged into one, heaven and man became one, and became immortals, could they be called "Gu Immortals".

In the manuscript of the old eunuch, a method of 'cocooning' is recorded. It is too difficult to directly challenge the Gu Immortal, which requires extremely strong martial arts will and spiritual cultivation. Then, if you choose a peak warrior and then cultivate the '

The egg is implanted into the opponent's body, draining everything from the opponent, cultivating a 'cocoon', and then implanting it into one's own spine for fusion, greatly reducing the risk of 'cocooning'.

However, because the energy of the 'cocoon' is stolen from others, the essence, energy and spirit do not match, causing conflict with one's own spirit, and also conflict with the perfect Gu insect organization in the body, so this evil path is called half-step heavenly being.

This chapter has been completed!
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