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Chapter 506 The Seven Skills of the Supreme Carp Knife

Faced with Bailang's proposal to ask for Magikarp and use it as a base material to jointly create a new "immortal product - Samehada", Orochimaru Ju refused.

After all, 'a carp lasts forever, and a carp lasts forever.' He would not give up his infinite future and destroy the carp king's potential to become a god for the sake of a tempting idea.

Bailang and Orochimaru had an agreement, and the two parties were equal partners. He invested the carp in the stock, and from then on the fish was no longer private property. The carp king was half of him and half of Orochimaru.

Since Orochimaru refused to return it, he couldn't force it and could only smile and leave.

So that night, Carp King was so angry that he chose to commit suicide.

The next day, Orochimaru, whose dream of becoming a god was shattered, could not accept the reality. He was angry and went straight to Bailang Xingshi to question him.

The latter looked confused and said innocently: "What? King Magikarp is dead! This is ridiculous. How could it die after it was so good? You must have done something evil (shameful) to it!"

"Me?" Orochimaru saw him arguing, and a sinister smile suddenly appeared on his face.

Although he took the opportunity to collect a batch of 'Curse Seal Gu', which was not a gain, he still could not accept the loss of the Carp King ascending to heaven where he was. This was related to his dominance of the gods, so he asked in a threatening tone: "Are you sure, this is not

What the hell did you do?"

He looked like he could break his skin at any time, forcing Bailang. The spiraling of Magikarp into the sky was obviously not a coincidence, but a hint and warning.

Nami didn't continue teasing, or tried to pass the blame perfunctorily, and everyone knew what happened. Orochimaru knew that Carp King came from Bailang, so he thought there was room for redemption, so he didn't break up.

Bailang didn't shirk, and pretended to say: "Ahem, take me to see you first."

...the autopsy is over...

"Nirvana?" Orochimaru had a strange look on his face as he carefully studied Bailang's appraisal.

Lang put down the huge level 30 fish carcass. This ingredient now belongs to Orochimaru's laboratory. He regretted that he could not use it for cooking and food supplements. He explained: "Have you heard of Nirvana and rebirth? It means when it evolves to a certain level, reaches the limit or

After the accumulation of hidden injuries is too serious, you will flourish and decline and fall into death. But this is not real death, but letting go of the old body, leaving the accumulation and achievements of the previous life to the new self, bypassing the mistakes and detours made before, and growing rapidly.

Become a more perfect version of yourself.”

When Orochimaru heard this explanation, his mood suddenly became complicated, and he repeated in a low voice: "Rebirth?"

Of course he didn't believe Bailang's description, but it made him feel perfunctory. However, these words also brought back his memories. When Orochimaru was training in the Whirlpool Organization as a child, he was lucky enough to meet a white snake, and was told that it was 'luck and rebirth'

' symbol.

Since then, the white snake that 'symbolizes rebirth' has had a huge impact on his young self, even affecting his outlook on life and guiding his future life trajectory. This is also the origin of Orochimaru's obsession with snakes and even his name.

Now that he learned that the 'Carp King' also had the ability to be reborn, whether it was true or false, he was filled with emotion and recalled everything he had experienced since childhood.

Since he embarked on the evil path of playing snakes, he has never seen the miracle of a white-scaled snake coming back to life. Today, when he heard Bailang boast about the carp king's ability to achieve nirvana, he couldn't help but be inexplicably touched, and even vaguely looking forward to it. This was something he had been chasing all his life.

Childhood dream. Bai Lang had a dream of being a scientist when he was young, but gave up before he reached adulthood; but Orochimaru's childhood dream has never changed.

If it comes true, the Carp King will be more in line with his dream than the white-scaled snake he has been chasing since childhood. If when he was young, he met the Carp King instead of the white snake, maybe he would take another path and change his name to 'Big Fish Ball'.

'Big carp balls', or 'carp balls'?

Bai Lang was fooled by the suicide of Magikarp. 24 hours later, he opened the fish for autopsy again and came up with a level 1 small Magikarp to deal with Orochimaru.

The newly born carp inherits the 'curse seal' and does not need the special environment of Longdi Cave. As long as it parasitizes enough offspring, it can grow quickly.

Orochimaru was still dubious about 'Nirvana', but he had to cooperate with Bai Lang and agreed to jointly carry out research on 'Carp-Samekin'.

On the one hand, the rebirth of King Magikarp eliminated his worries and he dared to give it a try; on the other hand, he was also interested in the 'Senior Beast Samehada' and was willing to participate; finally, he knew very well that if he did not cooperate, this project would

The reborn Magikarp may have mysteriously passed away in a fit of rage, and may not even be able to be 'reborn' again, completely ending his dream of becoming a god.

Before he could completely decipher the secret of Magikarp, he had to be manipulated by Bailang, who mastered the mystery of Magikarp's suicide and rebirth, to maintain the relationship as a plastic partner.

There is a tacit understanding between the two parties, and neither party exposes the other.

Bailang tacitly allowed Orochimaru to steal Magikarp's biotechnology and secretly conduct private research behind his back; Orochimaru also pretended not to know that the other party could control the life and death of Magikarp King, but instead became bolder, abandoned his worries and even more unscrupulously ruined Magikarp King, so that he could achieve 'Nirvana' anyway.


He must seize every opportunity to thoroughly study the secrets of King Magikarp and escape from Bailang's control.

After the new cooperation started, Bai Lang did not hide his secrets and directly handed over the drawings of the 'Samekin' to the other party. Then he took out all the 'Broken Sword Fragments' that he had collected so hard, and finally gave the other party the drawings of other ninja swords.

for reference and informed them of their plans.

Bailang didn't want to simply copy the same shark muscle. That would be too unchallenging, and it might not be able to surpass the original standard, so he wanted to do it in three steps.

First, retrain the reset level 1 Magikarp to at least level 30 of the 'Curse Seal Beast' level. Using such an ultimate beast as the base material may not be worse than the original 'Samekin'.

Moreover, once the 'Curse Seal Carp King' is made into a ninja sword and the 'Same Muscle Fusion' step is completed, the sword holder will be given an additional 'Curse Seal Mode' and become the 'Carp King Senchuuriki'. With this characteristic alone,

There is a possibility to surpass the original Samehada.

Secondly, Bailang tried to integrate the fragments of 'Broken Sword - Decapitation' into 'Ninja Sword - Carp King', giving it the characteristics of blood-sucking regeneration. On top of Samehada's original 'Chakra absorption' function, 'Vampire Regeneration' was superimposed.

It becomes a self-repairing Ninja Sword. The two special effects are superimposed on each other and will definitely surpass the original Ninja Sword.

This is not a fantasy, but there is a successful precedent, that is Wolverine's bare root! He originally had the 'regenerated corpse vein', but after being injected with Adamantium alloy, he changed from a sperm-anal wolf to a Wolverine. So Magikarp

Why can't it be injected with 'Yodeman Alloy'?

Finally, Bailang also hopes to imprint any kind of blood inheritance limit into the inside of the 'Ninja Carp King' through the 'Blood Sacrifice Ninja Sword', and try to give it explosion escape, ice escape, magnetic escape... and so on.

Super power. Once this step is successful, the 'Ninja Sword - Carp King' will no longer have one Ninja Sword, but seven! Or more.

If the 'Fairy Fish Shark Muscle Vampire Regeneration' is successful, even if Bailang succeeds in carving an identical second sword, they will only be the same 'Carp Ninja Sword'. But each 'Fish Sword' will have an extra blood inheritance.

Mark it and it becomes Fish Knife 1, Fish Knife 2...successfully collect seven different famous swords handed down from ancient times - the Seven Skills of the Supreme Carp Knife, and complete the professional mission perfectly!

After Bailang finished talking about his idea, this arduous and challenging mission fell smoothly on Orochimaru's shoulders.

This chapter has been completed!
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