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Chapter 540 The father of the Creation God King Amei and the 16th generation of King of Gratitude!

Through the example of the Black Christ, Bai Lang gained a concrete and intuitive understanding of the evil spirits in the Garden of Eden, but he also had greater doubts.

"To be fair, every superpower in Eden requires a price. However, the 'bullet gene' can be inherited through reproduction. Although it is not obvious now, in the future, after generations of superposition, the city's

Don’t African Americans win at the starting line?”

Nick did not deny this: "Maybe so, but there are two points to note. First, the accumulation speed of the inherited 'bullet gene' is too slow. According to biological calculations, it will take hundreds of years to show the advantage. That is already

It happened a long time ago, so there’s no need to worry about it now. What’s more, the ‘bullet gene’ is just a cheap low-level superpower, and it’s easy to break it.”

"Huh? Is there a way to crack it?"

"Not only can it be cracked, but it's also very simple. Here, look at my teeth." The other party grinned, revealing a distinctive white tooth.

It's not that Nick's teeth are not clean enough, but the one he pointed out is particularly special. Its simple background color is different from other teeth and is whiter. In addition, it also contains some kind of special power, which is consistent with the fluctuation of the spirit.


Lang immediately recognized that the tooth in the other person's mouth was an evil spirit token. Like the 'Black Christ Gold Chain' he mentioned before, it stored superpowers.

"This is a 'Critical Fang' that I ordered in the Hell Monastery. The cost is only 10 ticks (gold), and it comes with a professional transplant operation, so you won't feel any pain. It is one of the most important items in the history of Amerika.

The God-King of Creation, the Father of America, the Evil Spirit in the Middle, the First President, and the token of George Washington.”

"The President can grant nine critical strike teeth to his direct followers. Every time the hunters of Eden kill a Black Christ warrior, knock out one of their teeth and install it in their own mouths, they can actively trigger 'critical strike'

Fang', which has a 10% critical hit rate in any attack. In addition, it has an additional 10% attack damage against Africans, and an additional 10% defense break. After the direct followers of the President have collected nine teeth, once they are opened

The ability will be blessed by the 'Black Nemesis', with 100% damage and -100% enemy defense. Black Christ's 'Bullet Gene' is a joke in front of this first-generation God-King! It is vulnerable to a single blow."

As he spoke, Nick suddenly sighed: "Unfortunately, I am not a warrior who is good at fighting, nor am I a believer of the opponent. This 'crit tooth' was only bought for self-defense. Non-believers like you and me

, you can only accumulate up to three Critical Fangs, and each shot lasts about 10 minutes."

Bailang originally thought that the 'Black Christ' was the lower limit of Eden, but he didn't expect that the creation god king of Amerika would refresh his three views again.

At this moment, he only had one thought in his mind: evil spirit, really? It’s an evil spirit! Of course he doesn’t know the allusion behind this ‘teeth’, but is this possible? It’s so exciting!

"So, what is this person's offering?" Lang already had some guesses in his mind, but he still wanted to confirm his judgment.

"Of course it's the genuine 'dentures' in history." Nick replied calmly, confirming Bai Lang's conjecture.


Because the answer was too crude, Bai Lang couldn't help but sigh: "The spirit is shaped by legends or deeds. I thought it would be a darkened version of a classic story about a generation that has been widely circulated and popular among the people. Unexpectedly

It turns out they are really a pair of 'dentures' and not a 'tomahawk'."

"Tomahawk? What tomahawk?" Nick was confused when he heard this, and recalled in his mind, did Ameirika's first founding god king have any deeds related to tomahawk?

The answer is no.

"You haven't heard of the allusion of the 'Luo Ying Divine Axe'?"

Bailang looked in disbelief. Are you a fake white man? This is a virtue allusion that I, Outland, learned when I was in elementary school! Only in that land of freedom and equality can we be born.

Such great people come!

Bailang is a distinguished guest invited by the owner of Fukimaru. As Lang's guide, he is naturally obliged to answer questions and provide the best answers. This is his professional quality that has been in Eden for nearly 30 years.

So he turned on his phone with a puzzled look on his face, entered the words "Washington, Luo Ying Shen Ax" and other words into the search engine, searched, and quickly found the answer.

"Axe? Are you talking about the story about chopping down the cherry tree? As an Englishman, I know that this thing is a fake thing made by licking smelly feet, but you actually believe it to be true? This kind of fake story has no authenticity, let alone it.

Lacking the 'horror element', it is difficult to be recognized by the Garden of Eden. Even if this story can really give birth to a 'spirit', there is no authentic 'offering' to be found to awaken the corresponding spirit."

There are billions of strange stories on this planet, and there are countless black fairy tales and black myths that have been circulated for a long time. But what restricts the birth of spirits is the 'offerings' that have no regular appearance. Without the offerings, there will be no more.

Wonderful stories cannot create spirits.

Nick explained: "That pair of dentures made from real teeth is different. It is a genuine product. The story about it is not only true and not false, but also has been beautified in many layers. If you really look into it carefully, the truth is hidden behind it.

, that is great terror, great despair, and great resentment that modern people cannot imagine."

"In comparison, this 'Cherry Tree' story is too thin, too false, and too ridiculous! It's so ridiculous that I even want to pee. It's not logical at all. One of the largest slave owners in history persecuted black people.

A pioneer, a guy who pulled out the teeth of slaves for his own use, massacred Indians on a large scale, cheated on his wife frequently, stuttered with a primary school education, was mediocre in foreign wars and harshly repressed at home. Do you really think he is an honest man who makes money without knowing anything?

A guy who keeps his word and doesn't lie? If this story is true, then tell me, what kind of twisted experiences did he have to go through after his wonderful childhood to become what he became later? "

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! "Uh..."

This question is so sharp and profound, what Nick said is so reasonable, Bai Lang doesn’t know how to refute it? Could it be that... my primary school textbook is false? So why did I, who was ignorant at the time, learn such a fake thing?

Isn't it good for him alone? Isn't it good for Wen Yanqiu to save Bo? Suddenly he can't look directly at Edison to save his mother! Save a big rubber ball.

"Even if the Spirit of Eden does need stories to condense its 'priesthood' and 'superpowers', adaptation is not just random fabrication. What's more, the most worthless thing in the Garden of Eden is the stinky hemorrhoid-licking little girl that blindly beautifies and touts it.

Stories, usually have no effect."

Bailang nodded, indicating that he had learned the lesson: "Is there any spirit that is the same as the Great God King?"

"Yes, there was a time when the capitalists in Amerika were crazy and obsessed with awakening the 'god kings' of the past generations, many of whom were the ancestors of these capitalists. But later, these people finally realized that 'spirits' and 'people' in history

They are two completely different things. The evil spirits will not care about any blood relationship. Later, this fanatical and mentally retarded behavior gradually stopped. In the Garden of Eden today, in addition to the 'Father of the Gods', there is also a 'Sixteenth'

The acting God-King-Abraham Lincoln', relied on Washington's wings to survive, forming a subordinate relationship."

Bai Lang felt unhappy instantly: "Isn't Lincoln not good enough? It has to rely on Washington's protection?"

Lang was very dissatisfied with this. Compared with the Great God King who had a lot of bad records, the 16th generation was a brilliant student. The greatest king in Amei's history couldn't beat a guy with a primary school education in Eden?

"It's the inertial thinking from the outside world again. You have to understand that spirits are different from people in history. Spirits are just 'products' that have been sublimated from a certain deed. The potential may be different, but the start after birth is the same.

, started as a wandering spirit. The power of Washington's 'middle spirit' lies in its powerful ability to kill black people. It is completely unstoppable. Although this evil spirit itself has many flaws, it is an outstanding 'super spirit'.

Ability' that all white citizens aspired to."

"After all, due to 'abnormal reproduction', the number of black people in the Garden of Eden has exceeded 1/3 of the total local population. A large number of new generations are growing and they are the group with the most potential. Therefore, some people call this place 'Black Eden'.

The blessing of 'abnormal reproduction' has given them unprecedented expansion capabilities. Because of the large base, Washington, who has restrained them, has become a popular spirit. Even if you don't believe in it, you will buy his tokens.

(Dentures)', recharge a few superpowers for self-defense. This allowed it to quickly grow to the 'middle level'."

Bai Lang interjected: "What about the sixteenth generation God King? Is his super power powerful?"

"As for Lincoln, he may have been more outstanding in history, but in Eden, the superpower he controlled was 'super-powerful special attack on Indians'. The capitalists of the beautiful country have tried many times to create the ancestors of the past emperors and gods.

However, there were always mistakes in the offerings, and the condensation of "Lincoln's Evil Spirit" failed many times. In the end, it reacted wonderfully with a legendary piece of the terrifying scalp of an old Indian chief that he had collected during his lifetime, and also condensed a terrifying "highly lethal attack."


"However, it is a pity that the Indians in Eden belong to a rare and vulnerable group. This low-level evil spirit has been unable to display his talents for many years and can only survive under the protection of Washington."

If when the Great God-King was formed, he only inherited the "special attack against black people" of his era; then when the sixteen generations of God-Kings were born, they inherited from the 16th century and continued until the 19th century, the North American continent was tirelessly cruel to the Indians.

The horrific legend of persecution and massacre.

This terrifying legendary power was ultimately inherited by the ‘Sixteenth Generation God King’, one of the four most outstanding Indian butchers.

The moment when the spirit was born, he represented more than just his own legend. At this moment, the first-generation Amei Ghost Father, the third-generation King Wannu, and the twenty-sixth-generation Meglu masters on Hokage Rock simultaneously crossed time and space and transformed themselves into

The great achievements of the massacre of India were simultaneously superimposed and given to him.

To put it in an abridged version, from the first generation of the Great God King to the 16th generation, and then to the 26th generation in the future, during this long period, the terrifying legends condensed by the resentful souls all over the North American continent were finally revealed by one person.

to inherit.

What a huge foundation for becoming a god? Mustache is basically a younger brother.

The potential of this 'spirit' was supposed to be that of a great emperor! However, the population of Indians in the Garden of Eden is so sparse that even a large area is not enough. In the end, the talent of this 'lower spirit' was buried and unable to be used.

Stuck in lower position.

If you blindly brag about the power of the 'clergy', it will lead to low performance and become a defective product; then, like the 16th generation, if you choose the wrong direction for the development of super powers, even if you have great potential, you will still waste your time. This shows the importance of filling in the major.


"What is this person's token? A scalp?" Bai Lang asked with his scalp numb. It was too stupid. In the 21st world, where can I get an Indian scalp?

No wonder the land of Eden appeared in North America. Is this a ghost place really? It has outstanding people and is full of sweet air. It’s so sweet, so sweet! I won’t do this task, I want to go home, I want to go back to the 404 Great Barrier


Nick shook his head: "That's not to say that the offering for the birth of the sixteenth generation of God-Kings was the 'old chief's terrifying scalp', but his token was a feather on the Indian chief's hat. Just rub the feather repeatedly with your hand and pray reverently

Say 'Thanksgiving' to activate."


Bai Lang was confused after hearing this. How could he be like this? Do you think I don't know the meaning of this word?

Thanksgiving Day.

He learned in English class that 'Thanksgiving' is a beautiful festival uniquely created by the people of the beautiful country and is full of beautiful meanings.

When the Mayflower arrived in this barren land carrying the first batch of immigrants, they received gifts from the Indians, the owners of this land, during the winter when they were hungry and cold due to lack of food and drink. The natives generously took out the food they had stored for the winter.

Corn and potatoes, as well as hunted wild ducks and turkeys, kept them alive.

This chapter is not over, please click on the next page to continue reading! In the following year, the immigrants ate the Indians' food and used theirs, and with their selfless help, they finally obtained a bumper harvest. So they established a day to thank God

(Chief???), and decided to thank the Indians for their sincere help and invite them to celebrate the festival together, naming it 'Thanksgiving', which means thanking the Indians for their enthusiastic help.

In this way, white people and Indians gathered around the bonfire, eating, chatting, and singing and dancing. The entire celebration lasted for three days, and the first Thanksgiving Day began.

In the following three hundred years, the white people enthusiastically waved their butcher knives and muskets, and repaid the owners of this land with their unremitting slaughter in the most sincere manner, thanking them for giving up their land, food, and wives.

The woman gave everything, and finally gave up her scalp and leather boots... Until the 1890s, the original owners of the North American continent dropped sharply to 800,000 people. Who knows how many people have disappeared from the world? The younger brother with a mustache shouted after seeing it

Expert! Envy drooled from the corner of his eyes.

The 16th generation dared to use 'Thanksgiving' as a spell, because it was he who declared this day to be a legal holiday. He abolished slavery, defeated the separatist forces in the South, and maintained the principle of universal human rights regardless of race in the territory of the United States.

And the great equal rights. And they slaughtered the Indians crazily, driving the black uncles into the flesh and blood factories in the north, and started a new life of 007's blessings.

Although you have lost your land, your home, your relatives and friends, and everything else, you have gained freedom (being massacred and exploited)!

"I've really learned a lot!"

Bailang sighed. Through the deeds and abilities of these spirits, he had almost figured out the rules of operation of "spirits".

The rituals, prayers, and doctrines are all imaginary, but they must be developed around the core concepts of ‘offerings’ and ‘spirit’ behind them. No matter what you design, the moment they are born, they become an iron law that cannot be changed.

In this process, the higher the 'guiding content' of the design is in line with the 'real attributes' carried by the offering itself, the better the quality of the resulting spirit will be.

In addition, a large and extensive B-blowing setting does not necessarily mean that it is powerful. On the contrary, it will dilute the potential of the spirit, resulting in a group of waste products that can fly well with B-blowing, but have weak actual abilities.

In addition, don’t go astray like the great 16th-generation God-King, resulting in the inability to display your strong foundation and being reduced to a lower-level spirit. Choosing a major is the most important thing!

If the sixteenth-generation God-King took the path of the "Lich King" and gave an order, the entire North American continent instantly crawled out of the hundreds of millions of undead warriors buried in the past three hundred years. What a spectacular scene it would be? Well, Eden

My superpower cannot interfere with the outside world, this paragraph is purely yy.

Bailang no longer dwelled on the dirty information about the past god kings of the Amei God system, and said to Nick: "Take me out for a walk. I want to see more spirits and their tokens."

This city is so terrible, like hell, endlessly churning to provide food for the many evil spirits that dwell above Eden.

This chapter has been completed!
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