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Chapter 545 No2 and the Last Line

After the new wandering spirit was born, Bailang felt uncomfortable and did not want to stay here any longer.

At this moment, his perception of the fifth underground floor was filled with a faint deadly element. The disappearing 'spirit' posed a real life threat to him.

This is like when an ordinary person faces a spider that escapes from a pet box and has lethal toxins. Even if you have the power to punch it to pieces, you will feel restless and very uncomfortable thinking about being in the same room together.

I don't want to directly conflict with it. I can kill it, but it's not necessary, so I choose to leave.

The next best thing is, when you realize that there is a flying cockroach wandering like a ghost in this closed room, can you still laugh out loud while holding snacks? This is the situation in Bailang.

The 'Wandering Spirit' had similar senses to Bai Lang. In her own territory, a guy who could pose a serious threat to her own safety suddenly appeared, so she was particularly hostile to Bai Lang.

If Bailang suddenly takes action, no matter what means are used to damage and destroy the 'offering', the reborn spirit will also suffer heavy damage and fall asleep or directly collapse and dissipate.

In the end, Bailang chose to leave. At the same time, his 'newbie protection period countdown' was about to reach zero, and it was time to put some of his thoughts into action.

So I once again deposited Salve in the Pocky Building in Fukimaru, chose to hit the road alone, and headed straight to the subway station. I bought a ticket to District 13, ignored the gangsters who were watching eagerly along the way, and arrived at the monastery by a familiar route.

Find it among the many 'posted tasks'.

After Bailang left, Tanaka Fugui was also subconsciously influenced by "Must Die" and bound his 'identity card' to the 'offering'. On behalf of the group behind him, he tried to communicate with this new 'wandering spirit'.

Trying to investigate and find out what kind of abilities this new creature has? This is very important.

The status of 'spirits' in Eden is indeed high and superior to humans. However, the status of 'wandering spirits' in the evil spirit food chain is not strong.

For example, the area where this building is located falls under the control of a powerful "lower spirit". After the new "spirit" is born, it becomes the opponent's food reserve.

However, Fukimaru has already reached an agreement with the top management of this force. If this pocky's ability is valuable and worth cultivating, he will join the other party's system and gain protection. If this 'pocky evil spirit' is unruly or has no ability,

Value, Fugui Pill has the right to choose to give up.

Before building a nest, You Ling was like a young star who had just debuted. He still needed to rely on the resources of his manager, Fukimaru.

Silly fufu is not interested in 'evil spirits'. She does not have the burden of the eighth mother-in-law's bloodline. In theory, she can contract an 'evil spirit' to be her mistress. But the master doesn't like it, so she becomes 'hateful' and runs away.

Go back to your bedroom and continue watching soap operas.

When the time came to 11 o'clock, Bai Lang, who was immersed in searching and comparing various tasks in the Hell Monastery, suddenly received a new notice from the paradise:

[The first-level mission, racing mode, is officially launched. Please awaken the evil spirit in the ‘gyro’ within ten days. Current ranking: 2]


Bailang was surprised and shocked by this. He had done nothing since entering Eden, yet he was ranked second at this level? How many parallel importers were there among the contractors participating this time to set him off?

But as soon as I thought about it, I realized that this idea was incorrect. After arriving, the preliminary task was given a full seven-day time limit. If other contractors were dropped into any corner of the earth at the same time as myself...

Such an impulsive person will rush there as soon as possible after learning the information about the 'Garden of Eden' to gain a time advantage; while a thoughtful person like himself will not act rashly, but will arrive outside Eden in advance.

Control a party's power to increase your trump cards and take the route of occupying the magpie's nest.

It only took him one day to outsmart the 'Fuki Maru' and secretly master Pocky's resources. He also laid the groundwork and arrived at Eden calmly within three days. This speed should be far inferior to other second-level contractors.

Bailang never belittles himself. Although he is a pitiful, weak, and helpless ordinary person, he is well aware of his shortcomings, so he works harder than any contractor and firmly believes that hard work can make up for weakness.

In this second-level newcomer difficulty mission, with the blessing of the [Lord of Secret Treasures], he already has the strength of a second-level veteran. Obtaining the excellent result of No. 2 is not an accident, he earned it step by step! Yes, I

Such outstanding ordinary people.

"Wo proud!"

The paradise only gave the ranking of [No2], and did not display the information of the first and subsequent ones, not even the name of the 'offering'. He was not sure what kind of 'offering' others had? He was not sure how many there were this time.

People involved?

Judging from the 'offerings' he came into contact with, there were at least 5 contractors, but it was not ruled out that someone could move faster than him. He suspected that [No. 1] was the holder of the sixth 'offering', and he first

Entering the Garden of Eden in one step, the layout should have already begun.

Thinking of this, Bai Lang also felt a sense of urgency, so he took the time to search for the 'employment task' he wanted.

Unlike any other contractor, Bailang's bloodline destined him to be unable to be bound to the 'Ling'. He lacked an 'Operator' above his head, and without the 'Ling' as a terminal, he would not be able to truly adapt to and use this city.

power system.

Thinking that the newly born pocky wandering spirit polluted 0.5% of its own soul with just one 'glare', Lang felt a little embarrassed. The world in this mission is too unfriendly to him, and he must remove the 'Evil Totem' as soon as possible.

Just light it up.

What to do next?

Before going to bed last night, he thought of the lively Nicos and the experience of treating them. He had some ideas in his mind. At this moment, after investigating a large number of employment and recruitment tasks, Bailang also determined that the city had a great need for medical power.


Fights break out in this city all the time, accidents happen, and injuries are commonplace. For 'players' who participate in hunting, it is easy to treat injuries.

But for a large number of civilians, they can only enjoy the lowest level of treatment in clinics and private hospitals. Then there is a lot to be gained with your extraordinary treatment skills.

Bailang decided to take the low-end civilian route, promote Eastern medicine culture, and accumulate followers in a low-key manner. Once he suddenly rose up, he cultivated the goddess of Jidu who slept in the "evil energy totem".

Through investigation, it was found that Eden possesses several evil spirits in the "medical field". The strongest "doctor" among them is the middle, who is good at various hell transformation surgeries. The specific process is indescribable, and the patient's outcome is cruel and strange.

The 'Hell Surgery' charges a high fee and is settled in units of 'blessings'. After being cured, all patients generally gain powerful super powers. Some limbs or organs are permanently distorted and integrated with some 'tokens'.

This kind of transformation, just like Nico's 'bullet gene inheritance', will be permanently and passively retained, turning ordinary people into real 'superheroes', severely damaging the upper limits of ordinary believers' abilities, and being welcomed by all body modification madmen.

However, normal people would still choose to refuse.

After all, not everyone can bear to have their lower body sawed off and permanently pieced together with a wheelchair, completely losing the right to mate. Or having an eye gouged out and then having a red valve installed to permanently enhance it.

Shooting accuracy. (Self-aiming?)

Although this type of "hell surgical transformation" is powerful, such permanent superpowers cannot be brought out of the Garden of Eden. If these people return to Earth, they will become truly "disabled" or even die directly due to the excessive degree of transformation.

In addition to the biggest 'doctor', there are also several 'lower spirits' in Eden who also provide expensive treatment services. It is really profitable to do this.

There is no problem with Bailang's plan to integrate into the Garden of Eden as a 'doctor'. But if an ordinary doctor wants to go one step further and treat the damage caused by the 'evil power', he must visit the dock.

The medical technology of mortals in Eden can only treat the injuries of mortals, and it is difficult to be effective in the damage caused by the power of evil spirits. Moreover, after worshiping the mountain, doctors under different 'evil spirits' compete fiercely and cruelly with each other.


A doctor without a master is just an ordinary doctor. With a master, he will inevitably encounter malicious competition and assassination from his peers.

Bailang was confident that his medical skills were extraordinary. As a "lonely ghost", he blended into the circle of hunters and earned marks and blessings through free "blood therapy" without deepening the "hunting mark". It was perfect.


This was his opportunity to rise in Eden.

Finally, he selected three commissioned tasks. After repeated comparisons, he selected the target, then took a taxi and left, entered the subway station and went straight to District 9.

After exiting the subway, District 9 was in a yellow danger state. Bailang, who was not protected by evil spirits, was like a little white rabbit joining the hunt at this moment, feeling the omnipresent malice.

The ‘hunting mark’ on his head sends out a signal of ‘Come and get me!’.

Different 'marks' have different pertinences, such as 'natural enemies of black people, Jewish killers, Hispanics must die', etc... Bailang's 'marks' are not deep, but they are the worst kind. Open to all parties.

, being hunted at will.

In the game, he is a low-level slime monster. He is harmless to humans and animals. Anyone can get a critical hit. After killing him, he will definitely gain experience, will not be red-named, and has a chance of exploding equipment.

Another way of saying that the degree of marking is low is that he is weak and can be pinched by anyone. On the contrary, although the guy with a red name and a black name is experienced, not many people are willing to mess with him.

After leaving the station in District 9, Bailang felt vague 'peeping eyes' around him, but many people chose to give up.

He didn't pay too much attention. He took out his mobile phone and looked at the map. After confirming the direction, he speeded up and rushed towards the address. There were few pedestrians on the street, and the roar of the engine sounded in the distance, and then disappeared.

After turning a few corners, Bailang got off the main road. There were gradually more and more narrow roads like alleys, and the roads were no longer straight, but crooked. At the same time, he was sure that there was an additional follower behind him. He was different from those who peeked maliciously and then gave up.

The look in his eyes was different, this guy had been chasing me for a while.

Thinking of unrelated things in his mind, Bailang stumbled and entered a more remote path.

Not far behind him, a fat black man poked his head out from a hidden corner. He was breathing heavily and took out a counterfeit 20-dollar bill from his pocket, clutching it tightly.

Palms of hands, eyes fixed on Bai Lang's back.

This chapter has been completed!
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