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Chapter 552 This doctor is too brave!

Day 1 of the first ring mission countdown, 8:30 am. Area 9, yellow danger period, within the radiation area of ​​the Anubis branch of the Hall of Justice.

Bailang led the royal nurse Salf to his private clinic to check in.

After an overnight renovation, it was transformed into a small private hospital with "5 floors above ground and 2 floors underground", with a small and quiet garden attached. Common medical equipment inside was also assembled as required in a short time.

Now everything is ready, all we need is a miracle doctor.

Before Bai Lang arrived, some of the wounded who had suffered special injuries in last night's battle, but were not close to death, were transported in advance to recuperate, waiting for Dr. Bai's visit.

In Eden, every guy who dares to go out and fight in dangerous times must have accumulated a lot of points in his identity card, and even one or two complete 'blessings'.

In addition to the "spirits" offered to one's own family, these 'wealths' can be reasonably exchanged for 'superpowers'. Once you encounter life danger or physical disability, you can go to the 'monastery' in each region to receive emergency rescue or regeneration of severed limbs.

, regain health.

The Hell Monastery provides a series of 'treatment, repair, and health' services, and even sells death insurance in the form of 'resurrection coins', allowing players who dare to fight hard to have a chance to start over after suffering a fatal blow.

However, the pseudo-official channels like the monastery charge very high fees. For a high-end package, several years of hard work will be in vain.

As a result, there are many medical evil spirits in this city, and their followers roam around Eden to provide players with corresponding quality services at cheaper and more cost-effective prices.

Enshrined behind the back is a statue of a 'Sleeping Wandering Spirit of the Medical Department', the 'Jiao Jiao Strong Man', who is the best among this kind of wild doctors.

In the contract signed between Lang and the Three Saints, one article clearly stated:

Qiao Feng (pseudonym) has the obligation to provide "medical system-superpower" services to injured people. He can speed up healing and quickly restore health to those "injuries" that ordinary medical technology cannot cure or require a long time to recover.

However, no matter who it is, every 'superpower' released has a clear price tag, and must be exchanged with the spirit with a 'scale' or 'divine grace'. Just like the divine magic in DND, pray to the spirit you enshrine, and pray for the spirit you enshrine.

The tokens can be recharged with magical powers; or you can go to the monastery and use the scale to purchase the 'tokens recharge superpowers' sold by certain spirits.

Although the 'Jiaojiao Miracle Doctor' is closely related to the 'Sleeping Wandering Spirit', even if the other party is in a half-dead state, he can borrow the power of evil spirits and activate super powers to save people. However, these 'medical magic' themselves are not free or unlimited.

Therefore, the organization will reimburse Miracle Doctor Jiaojiao at a cabbage price that is acceptable to both parties.

Every believer who worships the "spirit" cannot blindly ask for superpowers. The cruel reality is that the more powerful and excellent believers are, the more favored they are by the spirit and given more "superpowers". Ordinary people can only get low-level "superpowers".

Keep the numbers, the more confused you are, the bleaker it will be.

Even the strongest believers have limited 'superpowers' stored in them, and they never feel that they are enough. Bailang is willing to treat patients for free for the organization, consuming his own limited 'treatment-type superpowers', which is an extremely extreme situation.

The behavior of suffering a loss can be regarded as a sign of loyalty.

But who told him to ask for help from others?

The organization will repay him with a minimum level of 'gold coins (scale)' based on the 'healing magic' he consumes. In addition, it will also provide 'safety asylum', allowing him to develop followers for his own spirit, and supporting and tacitly allowing him to reawaken his own spirit.


This treatment is quite unfair to any of the rare talents with "healing ability" in Eden. But Bailang really doesn't care, but feels that he is making a lot of money.

Because his blood healing has nothing to do with the gift of evil spirits. As long as your health bar is long enough (or the blood packs of the Rabbit Army are large enough), you can continue to use it.

And every time he saves a patient, he only loses some precious vitality.

Bailang has always used his own life to save others. He has long been used to it. He doesn't care what kind of price he pays with his life? Because life is something that is meant to be thrown away. (Blood-colored furry rabbit: "???

Shameless thief! You? How long has it been since you gave up your share?")

Today, he is still as enthusiastic about dedicating his life to saving lives and healing the wounded as he was in the past. This makes him feel that it is worth it, and his soul has been purified and sublimated. By the way, he can also exchange for Eden's hard currency 'scale (gold coins)', so why not?

If you collect 100 of these things and exchange them for 'blessings', you can trade them for everything. It's really worth it to trade your own life (Tutu: Are you sure?) for the scale.

Is this the happiness of making a fortune in silence? No, this is good rewards for good people! Doing good deeds every day makes me happy.

Do you think that if I exchange my quota for divine grace and then consume divine grace to save people, I can only receive the lowest quoted loss subsidy and fall into a vicious circle with no profit?

But! Actually! I am using the rabbit that resets every 24 hours to earn gold coins, and it feels great!

The Anubis branch is full of talented people. They speak well and spend generously. They also share houses, give secretaries, subsidize money, and provide protection. They help me quickly accumulate original capital. I like it here very much.

Bai Lang never shied away from treating illnesses and saving lives.

On the contrary, he updated his equipment before starting this mission and needed a batch of living sacrifices to verify the power of the [Lord of Secret Treasures] and try out the quality of the 'Electric Nail Gun' and 'Carp White Eye Detector'.

After a quick breakfast, he put on the title of [Demon Witch Doctor of Physics], put on the 'decorator's white coat' fashion shirt, held Sulf's hand, and both entered the operating room.

Later, Lang locked the door from the inside. Under the anxious gaze of the patient, he expressed comfort and then placed the screwdriver, adjustable wrench, nail gun, car battery... on the operating table in sequence.

Xiaofufu took out a bottle of high-purity vodka, disinfected the equipment, and poured wine to refresh Lang.

In the following ten minutes, there were strange banging sounds, knocking sounds, and crackling sounds of electricity penetrating the air from the operating room, followed by the screams of the patient like a slaughtered pig, and finally the sound of carpenters working on the interior decoration.

The sound of intensive firing of wooden planks.

This series of strange noises, which were insulated from the operation, made Megan, the life secretary who was guarding the door, turn pale and feel restless.

It's so miserable, it's so miserable!

Not long after, the door to the operating room was opened, and the first unconscious patient was taken out.

The other party's face returned to ruddy color, exuding a subtle "sea smell", which gave people a sense of vitality, and his cheeks were as pleasant as red apples.

Seeing Bai Lang come out with a pale face, Megan and a small leader of the Justice Hall came up to him at the same time.

The latter asked with concern: "How does Brother Qiao feel?"

"His injury is not serious. I will consume an extra ability to replenish his vitality. He only needs to wake up to recover."

Bailang didn't lie. Eden's superpowers are all kinds of weird. When activated, the level is very high, with an irresistible 'rules-based effect'. But when it is applied to humans, no matter aging, mutation, tissue distortion, or...

Disabilities or other conditions have become physical injuries that humans may or may not be able to treat.

In this case, Bailang's 'blood therapy' can also have an effect on the injury. Every time he saves a person, he earns a 'scale' (hard-earned) money in vain.

So after some basic operations, he knocked the patient unconscious, released the Carp King, and created an 'egg Gu' on the spot to parasitize and transform it.

Generally speaking, except for suppressing the energy and blood in the body to make his face pale, he basically suffered no losses. The patient recovered entirely by his own ability.

After implanting the 'Fish Gu Curse Seal', the opponent can consume his own 'spirit' and 'life energy' to synthesize 'Fish Vein Chakra' to transform himself and transform into a deep diver. What does a mere physical injury mean?

Not only was this injury cured, Bailang also gave him a set of 'Fish Vein Immortal Bloodline' for free. What a blessing! His body was permanently strengthened. No evil spirit could get him such a good thing.

Bailang urged: "Are there any patients? Hurry up, the patients cannot be delayed."

"Are you okay?"

Bailang said bravely: "No problem, I can still treat ten more!"

At this time, Meghan came up with a box in her arms: "Sir, someone just sent a package, and it was addressed to you."


Bailang glanced at it and saw the outer packaging of pocky snacks. He immediately realized what was inside. So he reached out to take it and nodded: "This is what I ordered. Next one!" Then, he entered the operating room without looking back.


Patient No. 2 was in place, and Little Fufu locked the door from inside the house excitedly, eager to try. She was born to be a medical assistant, and she had an instinctive pursuit of 'operating'.

Tigers and lions are born to be killers at the top of the food chain. There is no reason. This is destiny. And Sulf is born to be the top 'deputy' in the operating room! Yes, she firmly believes that Bailang is the best, she is just the icing on the cake.


Although today 90% of the workload of each operation and the most difficult part are performed by child workers, Bai Lang is the man who deserves to be in charge of the operation from beginning to end.

Yes... He has almost degenerated to the point where he is only responsible for the beginning and end of the operation. Occasionally, he will flick cigarette ashes, spray wine, throw a pair of surgical forceps, etc., to make trouble for Little Fufu, in the name of increasing her difficulty.

, to hone her experience and skills.

After all, Sulf herself is the crystallization of Bai Lang's extraordinary medical skills. Even Silly Fufu is my personal one, so who dares to say that the surgery completed by Sulf is not my Bai Lang's achievement?

When the cook cuts the cow, do you dare to say that it is not the cook but the knife that cuts the cow? When the author codes, do you dare to say that this chapter was not written by the author but the keyboard?

Over there, little Fufu stepped on a small bench and began to help the patient clean the wound.

Here, Bailang tore open the packaging box in twos and twos, and inside were three boxes of chocolate-flavored 'pocky snacks'. Different from the food that can be bought for a few dollars in the store, each box of them contains 'evil spirits'

The power' is a token given by the spirit.

"Just try the effect."

He opened one of the boxes, took out two sticks, put them into the patient's mouth, activated one to activate "Study Hard" and the other to "Suffer Suffering".

Immediately, he waved the shiny vibranium cold iron adjustable wrench and threatened: "These two chocolate bars contain 'supernatural power', they are very precious and can relieve the pain you feel. Don't have any distracting thoughts later, and

Don't resist. Just remember, be patient! Be patient! Then try to forget everything that happened here. Believe me, this is all for your own good."

After saying that, he showed a sinister and bloodthirsty yet somewhat pitiful and merciful smile, then raised the monkey wrench high and smashed it down, while also reciting the teachings of the Healing Church.

After surgery, language is used to divert the patient's attention, and repeated emphasis is used to strengthen the learning impression, so that the brainwashing effect of "hard study" can be lived up to.

Sulf, on the other side, also grabbed two wires and curiously touched the copper wires at the ends. A burst of electric sparks erupted, making a crackling sound in the room. She also screamed in surprise.

I heard from the owner that electric shock can also be used to stop bleeding.


"Wow wow...!"



The screams of ghosts and wolves were heard from the operating room again. Those who heard it were frightened and those who heard it were trembling with fear. The smell of burnt food overflowed and even the children next door were crying. In addition to her natural medical skills, Xiao Fufu also showed amazing cooking skills.

Artistic talent.

"Wang, Mr. Wang, can I not receive treatment? I suddenly feel that I can feel my legs and legs. I have some minor injuries and do not need Dr. Qiao's intervention at all." A man with a broken leg on crutches showed an ugly smile.

, he said to the person in charge like begging, he couldn’t wait to escape from here.

But how could Bailang allow the gold coins that reached his mouth to fly away?

"Ahem, look how rosy their complexions are? How peaceful their faces are? Come on, you will be next. I don't have many 'superpowers' I can use, so let's take advantage of the heat."

At some point, Bai Lang had pushed open the door and appeared behind the man on crutches, holding his shoulder with one hand.

On the cart next to him, there was a patient with a rosy complexion lying on the cart. Although the shouting in the operating room was earth-shattering, every patient who was pushed out had an indescribably weird smile on his face.

I don’t dare to think about this matter carefully, it’s weird everywhere, and the more I think about it, the more terrifying it becomes.

"Come on, don't be afraid. Shall I treat you to a pocky?" Bailang smiled and used his palms so hard that his shoulder blades almost broke.

With a slight exertion, the opponent's whole body stopped obeying him and turned around like a puppet following Bai Lang's movements. His eyes were frightened but he couldn't make a sound. He desperately followed Bai Lang's steps and walked towards the terrifying operating room.



With a happy smile on her face, Sulf cooperated with her father to close the door from the inside, making a loud locking sound that made people shiver.

"Ah ah ah... don't, don't, don't, ah... wow wow wow..."

This morning, Bailang saved four patients with special injuries in one breath. I won’t describe the specific process, as it would be easy to have nightmares. But with his true talent and practical knowledge, he won the recognition of everyone in the Anubis helm. He also made a lot of money.

The reward is about 13 seconds.

It's not that his abilities are limited and he can only save four people, but he is unable to do so. It's that he plays the role of the 'Sleeping Spirit Sacrifice' and risking his life can only go so far. If he continues to save, he will not be able to demonstrate his all-out efforts.

Good, but the performance is too exaggerated and will arouse suspicion.

Although he could only do this step on the surface, secretly, Bailang carefully selected nearby areas that were safe during the period, and began to go out for free clinics, specializing in treating civilians who could not afford the 'scale'. After a little practice on the way, he was about to be fooled.

Fu Yang’s useless battlefield first aid medical skills.

What he did was a complete conspiracy. His purpose was to win people's hearts and promote the "Healing Goddess Jidu" behind him without fear of being seen.

The monitor who followed him, the little secretary Megan, did not find anything wrong, but just lamented the ruthless determination shown by the "delicate and strong man" when rescuing people.

Too fast, his shooting speed is too fast!

Without considering the feelings of the injured at all, he poured wine on the bullet hole, inserted his finger into it, forced the wound open, and pulled the bullet out of the bone with his bare hands. The black man collapsed in pain, raised his hand and raised his gun before fighting back.

In just one second, he was slapped so fast by Qiao Zhuangshi that he doubted his life. His face was in a daze and he was severely concussed. The whole world was ghosted, and half of his face was swollen!

It was not until the end of the operation that a cigarette lighting match was used to ignite the wound that had been disinfected by strong alcohol, and a half-meter-high flame rose up to strengthen the hemostatic and coagulating effect. The black man was awakened by the severe pain of the burn, but soon after

Then there was another iron fist with a physical sleep aid, which made him spin and turn upside down, and his mandible seemed to be out of joint? But it miraculously made the other person get rid of the pain again and fell into sleep.

The miracle doctor almost managed to cast the spell painlessly throughout the process. Perhaps only such brave medical first aid skills can adapt to Eden's fast-paced and high-stress life, right?

The little secretary who was watching the fun didn't know that every time Bailang saved someone, he would leave a 'cursed fish poison' in their body.

This chapter has been completed!
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