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Chapter 555 The inspiration for the second spirit creation experiment

After [Entering and Entering the Truth] expired, Bailang fell out of that mysterious "third-person perspective" state of indifference.

At the last moment of the disconnection, he seemed to see the sleeping 'Old Jidu' suddenly swallowing the fully developed 'New Jidu'. The evil totem's newly established 'network cable level' connection with the Garden of Eden was also cut by invisible scissors.

Cut off.

After the new souls evaporated, the believers in the basement were drained of their energy and spirit, and collectively fell into a state of depression.

Anyone who concentrates endlessly day and night will be drained of their energy. Especially when Bailang ignited their "evil blood" to squeeze infinitely in the last 8 hours, it was even more extreme.

God knows how many more rounds this group of drug scum can last? This failure is such a pity! It can no longer be described as a failure. It is clear that they have succeeded, but the fruits were forcibly stolen.

Bailang calmed down, suppressed the regret in his heart, and checked the 'Evil Energy Totem'.

Although the 'New Jidu' that has been cultivated so hard has evaporated, it would be a surprise if the sleeping 'Old Jidu' can be awakened... x, fuck you, isn't this a lie?!

As soon as he touched the evil cross with his hand, his fingers turned into fists in an instant, and he punched the black suffering werewolf girl Oppai in anger, causing a faint pain on the face of the fist.


Always 100%!

The 'totem evil spirit' that should have awakened long ago is still stuck at 99.99% like a Thunder movie. No! It clearly shows that the download is 100% complete, but the file is translucent and damaged and cannot be decompressed.

The ‘original evil spirit’ in the totem pole is this virtue.

As early as a few missions ago, it was gestated and matured under Bailang's strategy of carefully sending eggs to develop followers, but it just couldn't wake up. And it is always 100% mature. If you have a good appetite, you can always swallow more new things.

The power of faith, soul, and flesh and blood life provided by believers.

This situation reminded Bai Lang of Nezha, who had been sporadically renewed and recharged for two years and eight months after being pregnant for ten months.

Do you think you will give birth after ten months of pregnancy? No, you have been pregnant for three years and six months.

Do you think she was Nezha in June in three years? No, she gave birth to a ball.

On the fifth day of the racing mission, in the evening, the first experimental plan to create a spirit failed due to unknown reasons.

The old evil spirits inside the totem are still sleeping and cannot be awakened after devouring the new ones.

Although the spirit creation failed, it was not without gain:

First of all, the background of 'Lao Jidu' has been greatly strengthened. If it was still 18 months pregnant before, it has been recharged for at least 10 months this time, which is a good thing.

Secondly, although the 'new creatures' evaporated, the 'faith weapons' that did not originally belong to this world established a vague connection with this world after swallowing and digesting the new capital.

Bailang, who originally had nothing to do with the evil spirit system in the Garden of Eden and could only use his own small and large sources to activate his abilities, now uses the 'totem' to indirectly perceive and operate the city's 'evil spirit power system'. This relationship provides him with

Open up many new ideas.

Bai Lang clearly sensed that the 'evil spirit seeds' in the totem pole and the 'evil spirits' in Eden had many things in common.

‘Totem – the power of faith’ and ‘offering – the power of evil spirits’ are originally two completely different powers with highly similar sources.

To explain in Bai Lang's words, the "power of evil spirits" in this world is like the internal strength system in Jin Yong's universe; and the "evil spirit" in the evil energy totem is like the Kung Fu in Huang Yi's universe.

Although they belong to two different universes, the principles of internal strength and weakness are different. However, the basic foundation of the power system remains unchanged, or even the same, and is by no means comparable to the 'chakra, fighting spirit, and super powers' next door.

Bailang put his hand on the totem pole again, carefully sensed the feedback information from the equipment, and concluded: "No loss, but no profit either!"

The efforts of the past 24 hours have not been in vain. The 'New Life' is more like a system upgrade and update package, allowing the 'Evil Totem' that was originally incompatible with the Garden of Eden to smoothly integrate into this system.

But the totem is still not an 'offering', and the 'Lao Jidu' inside is not an 'evil spirit' recognized by the city. Even if it is recognized, it is a 'plant spirit' that is unconscious and unable to fight. Bad review!

By this point, it was already the evening of the fifth day. Bai Lang hadn't slept all night, and he was highly nervous and concentrated throughout the whole process. At this moment, he suddenly relaxed and felt completely exhausted. He felt extremely tired and just wanted to sleep.

He estimated that when he woke up tomorrow, most of the first phase of the mission would be over. With only four and a half days left, how many more attempts could he make?

The failure of the spirit creation this time brought a certain amount of pressure and psychological burden to him. After the failure of the "Ji Du Awakening Plan" that was originally a sure thing, he was a little unsure about the spirit creation ritual of "Gyroscope" and was afraid of failing again.

"How about we try again before the Gyro?" Bailang picked up Little Fufu, who was looking concerned, and murmured.

His idea is very simple. The 'gyro' is a mission prop and is very important. He is not afraid of creating a garbage spirit, but he is afraid of failure. He was not afraid at first, but after the first attempt failed, he suddenly felt that he was not a leader.

I have a feeling that my gyroscope will also be damaged.

Secondly, he considered the multi-person competition for this mission. If he created a Gyro-Evil Spirit that was too rubbish, even if he passed the first-level mission, he would probably suffer a loss in the second-level mission and be overtaken by others. Even if it was rubbish.

, it can’t be too bad, it still needs to be rescued.

So... take advantage of the last moment to try again?

Even if you fail the second time, accumulating more failure experience can reduce the chance of failure the third time (gyro).

If you succeed and accumulate successful experience, you can make the third time more successful.

The silly fufu smiled and touched the wave, and asked: "What's wrong with the fourth (test)?"

"Let me think about it."

Bailang narrowed his eyes and recalled the whole process of 'Totem Creation of Spirits'. At that time, he had some contact and communication with the roots of the Garden of Eden during the ceremony by relying on the [Truth of Entry and Exit].

A superficial communication, but I passively acquired a lot of fragmented information, which I began to organize in my mind at this moment.

Suddenly, he realized a new problem that he had not paid attention to: although the 'evil totem' was magical, it was not an 'offering'.

It is true that the wave condensed the "new life" with the help of the body of the "cross", but this does not mean that it is an "offering".

'Faith Arms' itself can breed 'evil spirit seeds', so it is also compatible with the 'spirits' of the Garden of Eden. But if it is not an original 'offering', it will be difficult to give birth to a regular 'spirit' under the rules of the Garden of Eden.


"Totem poles are not 'offerings', they just have the effect of 'offerings'. If 'Old Jidu' hadn't forcibly intervened, the last step might have failed. In Eden, the orthodox spirit creation steps must use offerings as carriers. I

Do you still have such an offering on hand? Even if you do, can the 'spirit' created through the ritual be used by me?"

Bailang fell into a deep spiral of contradictions.

The fundamental purpose of his first choice of 'evil energy totem' to create a spirit is not because 'Eight Po's' severe rejection of all evil spirits prevents him from integrating into the 'power system' of this world.

As long as Ba Po did not reject the evil totem, he had his first experiment, and the spirit creation failed. If he successfully found a new 'offering' and created a spirit, could he use it for himself? Does Ba Po reject it?

Bailang stepped on the Carp King's back, and a biological tentacle emerged from the scales and pierced his ankle. The biological computer was loading. He started the Zerg network with all his strength to help him sort out the information received in the past 24 hours, and gradually he had


The offerings are all ordinary items, but on top of the ordinary items, they also have special meanings. First of all, they must be unique items, and secondly, they must be related to strange stories.

The most abundant type of offering in Eden is usually the murderous object in a well-known murder.

When a murder case is twisted into a strange story, the once unique 'evidence' is likely to carry relevant legends and condense a 'spirit' in Eden.

Similar attempts are made every day, but among the many 'offerings' that have been carefully selected and cultivated for a period of time, the chance of being genuine is less than 1%.

When Bailang was sorting out this information, he noticed one thing: legend!

Behind any offering, there must be corresponding rumors. What is a rumor? Of course it must be spread. Isn’t this the ‘legendary’?

The only item with legendary attributes can be an offering, so the equipment on it can basically be eliminated. Even the 'Evil Totem' has no corresponding 'story' in this world.

So the offerings can only be items from this earth, or... Noble Phantasms?

With this thought, Bai Lang immediately took out his mobile phone and started searching, and then found the answer that confirmed his idea.

On the earth outside of Eden, there are many studios and even companies, large and small, that specialize in creating, writing, and disseminating and promoting news. To put it bluntly, they are just driving traffic and advertising.

There are even relevant professional reports, which are heavily advertised, promoted and built in the outside world, and have metaphysical bonuses for cultivating ‘offerings’.

Bailang contacted Fuguimaru again and inquired about the relevant content. Before the box of 'pocky snacks' was delivered to Eden, the company behind it reported the old news that had been dormant for a year and a half for two consecutive weeks, and they just re-hyped it and established

Related beliefs, the Pocky Killing Girl idol group, also conducted several 'sacrifice' at the shrine, just to increase the chance of the 'Schrödinger Offering' coming out.

Once linked to the 'legendary', Bai Lang's available 'offering options' dropped rapidly, and in the end there were only two left: [Fukimaru must die] and [Pink Furry Rabbit's Army] (scroll).

After being integrated into the titles, these two 'Noble Phantasms' have their own 'legendary' attributes. The Noble Phantasms are condensed by legends. When Bai Lang brings two Noble Phantasms into any mission world and uses them, the effects will turn into causes.

, edit and add related legendary entries in the 'Akasha Catalog' of this world.

Before using [must die], this earth does not exist and must die.

However, once it was put on Tanaka Fukimaru, Fukimaru was born! As a legendary treasure, this world must have the legend of "must die", so in a certain area of ​​the planet, in the minds of some humans, there will be

Suddenly some stories about 'must die' emerged.

These people will not doubt or care about this, because it is not that these things suddenly appeared in one person's mind, but a group.

When one of the more sensitive guys suddenly realizes why such a strange memory appears in his mind and raises questions, his friends and relatives will also dig out vague fragments from their past memories, and then a group of people

Suddenly I realized that it was a legend that was quite popular back then.

After sighing, people forget about it. Even "must die" will not only appear in the distant memory of human beings, but also appear out of thin air in some books, materials, and records.

Even several meters deep underground, a stone tablet about "Must Die" appeared out of thin air, turning its legend into history, and continued to trace its origins against the timeline, and finally appeared in the Jurassic Era.

After investigation by the archaeological team, humans have successfully proved that as early as the Jurassic era when dinosaurs were rampant, the legend of "must die" has been passed down orally among the Tyrannosaurus rex group. This piece of carbon-14 dating is fully engraved.

The ancient stone tablets in Simplified Chinese can prove it!

"The only thing with the potential to offer an offering is a Noble Phantasm!"

Sulf, who stabbed the small arrow into the back of Bai Lang's head, also read her father's thoughts. She touched Bai Lang's face with her little hand and encouraged: "Then do it!"

"Yes!" Bai Lang nodded and began to design the specific process of the 'second spirit creation experiment'.

The Noble Phantasm, because of the [Lord of Secret Treasures], has long been deeply bound to him, and it is definitely not an ordinary equipment. If the 'Noble Phantasm' can replace the 'offering' to give birth to a spirit, then this 'spirit' should also be subject to [

Lord of Secret Treasures] is under the jurisdiction, so in theory, he won’t be rejected by the eighth wife.

Lang nodded and said to Sha Sha: "It's worth a try!"

Silly clenched his little fist: "(??_?)? Come on!"

This chapter has been completed!
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