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Chapter 566 IQ Online Salf makes great achievements

Under Bailang's expectant gaze, Sulf looked hard. She looked around in the warehouse, looking anxious.

Bailang: "What's wrong with you?"

Sulf continued to patrol back and forth and said distractedly: "Looking for a token."

When Bailang heard this, he got it immediately.

The power given to believers by the spirit always needs a 'medium' to carry and trigger it. The evil spirit born from the gyroscope naturally needs its own 'symbol'. He guessed that it should be the same gyroscope, just like pocky depends on pocky.

, so I have prepared a bunch of them a long time ago.

"Here, here you go."

After receiving the modern handicraft gyroscope, Sulf put her hand on the offering and communicated with the 'spirit' again. After receiving it, her expression became disappointed, and then she became weird again.

Bailang asked with concern: "Why, can't it be done?"

"Yeah!" Sulf nodded, frowned her little eyebrows, then her eyes shone, she quickly opened her medical kit, took out a bottle, and touched the offering again, with a happy expression on her face.

Lang guessed the answer from her actions and said, "What is its token? A bottle or medicine?"

"Pills!" Xiao Fufu raised her head and emphasized, "It's white."

Bai Lang: "The limit is white pills, but there is no restriction on the type of medicine?"

"Yeah, yeah." Sulf nodded repeatedly, and the medicine bottle in her little hand was quickly entangled by an 'evil power', becoming something different, "Here."

After saying that, Fufu handed Bailang the 'medicine bottle' blessed by the evil spirit, as if you were praising me, please come and praise me.

Lang: "What capabilities does it have?"

"Well..." Silly Fufu was speechless and simply pierced the back of Lang's head with an arrow to communicate.

Under the interference of Bailang, the newly born wandering spirit has two abilities: [distortion of time and space] and [reversal of life and death]

[Distortion of time and space] is specifically manifested as: dizziness in the sense of space and confusion in the sense of time, subverting the six senses of human cognition.

By taking one or more replenishing ammunition, you can hold back and accumulate one or more attacks to launch against any target within 5 meters.

He asked Fufu to give him a shot, and the world was spinning all of a sudden. He felt like he had lost his sense of direction and balance after spinning three hundred times on the spot. After being drunk, he could not tell the difference between north, south, east, and west. His brain felt dizzy, and when he woke up with a hangover,

The lack of time and confusion of 'who am I, where am I, what time is it now'.

As for [Reversal of Life and Death], it manifests itself as a kind of spiritual, highly realistic self-paralysis.

Reversing life and death cannot reverse anything in this world, but it can temporarily heal the soul and reverse life, death and health in the spiritual world.

For example, a disabled person who has been amputated will fall into a real fantasy after taking medicine. His limbs are intact and he feels extremely satisfied. A person who is in severe pain from a gunshot can take medicine to numb himself and deceive himself, reverse the injury in the spiritual world, and forget that he has been injured. But

In reality, they are useless.

Just before the little match girl froze to death, she felt unprecedentedly well-fed and well-fed under the illusion of life's running lights. This was probably the supreme expression of 'reversing life and death'.

Bailang's only comment on it was: "Absolutely awesome!"

He really cut the gyroscope into a dog. No matter the 'power of time and space' or the 'power of life and death' were gone, only the false illusion remained. He was completely relieved. He was really a little wandering spirit without any threat.

Before Bailang could be happy for a long time, Xiao Fufu pulled his sleeve, pointed at the gyroscope, and said: "It's very angry!"

"Angry?" Bai Lang tilted his head in confusion.

With an anxious look on her face, Sulf touched her little horn and said, "Ouch!" Then she gestured with her hands to ask Bailang to squat down and eat her tail.

Bai Lang complied decisively, and after brainstorming, he was amazed that the offerings provided by the paradise were indeed very special. The evil spirits created actually had a certain 'intelligence', could communicate, and had the flavor of an old grandfather.

If you think about it carefully, this is indeed the hidden help provided by the paradise. No matter how strong the normal contractor is, as long as he works hard to awaken the 'spirit' in the offering, even if the base of believers is very low, he can still get an 'evil spirit' that has brains and is willing to take the initiative to communicate.

'Guide and cooperate.

Naturally, I can quickly adapt to the Eden environment and receive guaranteed benefits.

As for the main task of the contractor, it is to train this officially issued 'spirit' to be white and fat, and look like a Pokémon trainer master.

And the "spirit" with wisdom will not destroy the behavior of the collaborators to strengthen themselves like the unintelligent pocky. In the end, they will naturally collude with each other and enter into a tacit state of rapid development.

The above is the correct way to open this task.

After Bailang calculated this, he suddenly felt that he had lost 100 million.

A partner (spirit) who, although posing a fatal threat to himself, was willing to seek common ground while reserving differences, and who worked together in collusion and developed into a dog, was turned into a dog by him. Then he could only make up for it by working hard on his own and earning another 200 million.

Wounded soul.

"It's a loss, it's a loss."

Through Salfu's message, Bailang called this new wandering spirit 'nameless'. It questioned Fufu, asking why it took it upon itself to change the definition of its existence and add the concept of 'distorted life and death' to it.

However, although 'Wu Ming' was very angry, he surprisingly did not mention revenge, intimidation, threats, or non-violence or non-cooperation. Instead, he looked like 'even if he is very angry, he can still communicate rationally', and silently accepted Bailang's passing through Sulf.

Brainwashing enlightenment delivered.

Judging from the feelings that Fu Fu shared with him, there was a bit of indifference in the anger of 'Wu Ming'. It was like the kind of person who clearly promised to have pure love, but when the pure and cute loli childhood sweethearts were no longer the same, they were pushed along by the tide.

A sexy big sister from the sky gave me a strong recommendation.

Then, even though he kept saying "no", his body accepted it very honestly. In the end, he just muttered a few words and let it go.

‘Wu Ming’’s attitude towards ‘reversing life and death’ is pretty much the same.

Bai Lang judged from this, could it be that 'reversing life and death' is not only a burden and drag, but also has a benign side, which makes the 'evil spirit' so easy to talk to? Or is this 'unnamed' really lacking in IQ and a fool who is easy to deceive?

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! Through Fufu's continuous tentative mental communication, Bailang discovered that 'Wu Ming' has an IQ at the primary school student level, which is comparable to Fufu, and there is no 'Eden Evil'

Ling's paranoia allowed him to communicate normally. Even if he suffered a round of losses, he still expressed his willingness to cooperate and proposed to use more believers as compensation.

There was indeed something wrong with the offerings in the paradise. The 'spirits' they cultivated all looked like they were highly educated and could reason. Bailang sadly discovered that the 'Dancing God' he cultivated with the Noble Phantasm [Must Die] was just a person who liked to dance.

The two fools.

Not long after, Fufu, who had been communicating with Wuming for a while while holding a 'gyro', summoned her own 'Four Heavenly Kings' on the spot and reached a contract with the wandering spirit.

These five hellish monsters with the 'Uchiha Demonic Eyes of Fish Vein Warlock Bloodline' are far more nutritious than mortal believers. Hellish creatures are born with huge negative energy. If a mortal was a leek, it would take hundreds of them.

Half full, each 'King' is like a New Orleans grilled wing.

Wu Ming, who has breasts and is a mother, designated Little Fufu as his 'sacrifice' on the spot. He also promised to add more followers to bring her greater benefits.

When Silly Fufu, under the instruction of her father, obtained information from the other party, Wuming, who had a limited IQ, did not hide it too much. He said that he was a body of thoughts pre-stored in a 'gyro', which could be understood as a 'weapon spirit'.

, Artificial Intelligence'. Only when the evil spirit is created, it will awaken and give the 'spirit' a certain intelligence. At the same time, it also stores teaching materials on how to cultivate the 'spirit'.

Unfortunately, it overturned at the beginning. After the concept of "distorting time and space" that was somewhat unusable, it added "reversing life and death", and it was already a useless spirit.

Bailang secretly said that it was all planned. This mission was very conspiracy-laden, like a working dog being exploited by the capitalists. The paradise wanted me to work for free, specifically to serve this offering, and also created a competition model.

, let a group of contractors start to eliminate each other?

Where's the bait? What's the bait?

Bailang tilted his head and thought, and motioned to the silly girl: "Ask it, will 'reversing life and death' destroy its foundation? Are there any benefits?"

Little Fufu's eyes flashed with a ray of light, and she immediately understood her father's thoughts. Through prayer contact with the evil spirits, she asked in a roundabout way.

‘Nameless’ doesn’t have too much caution. It exists to answer questions and help ‘sacrifice’ to better cultivate themselves. This question is not beyond the scope.

Its formation is different from the evil spirits in Eden, and is the product of premeditation. The offering 'gyro' is also different from the wild offerings in this world, and is also specially treated in the paradise.

When all evil spirits are born in the Garden of Eden, the bigger the B is blown, it will inevitably lead to a decrease in expression; but from another perspective, the bigger the B is blown, after the priesthood is finalized, it also means that the spirit has greater potential and broader prospects.

Just like when you start with 1 million, the smaller the building area, the easier it is for the building to take shape. As subsequent investment increases, the building is luxuriously decorated with various built-in furniture, turning it into a luxury villa, which is sold for hundreds of millions.


The larger the area, the limited investment can only dig deep pits for the foundation. As subsequent funds arrive, at most an underground parking garage will be built. As for the future? It doesn’t exist.

The 'population resources' of the Garden of Eden are simply not enough to support the growth of the top B-cell evil spirits. The population of 5 million is divided up by countless evil spirits, and only evil spirits with a limited scope of priesthood can win.

Bailang immediately understood that the 'Wu Ming' he had trained in this mission was not only to show off his evil deeds in Eden, but also to have greater prospects in the future after leaving this mission world and entering a broader paradise.

Distorting time and space has revealed great ambition. I would rather reduce the expressiveness than give up this 'concept'.

On the contrary, even if the 'Dancing God Acrobatic Pill' enters the paradise and Bailang gives him enough resources, he will still be just a piece of iron waste.

When Silly Fufu was willing to sacrifice a precious "Four Heavenly Kings" every week, she got the promise of "Gyro" as a charger.

In the eyes of 'Wu Ming', every 'Fushi Sinking Demon' is of very high value, and this is indeed the case.

Sulf's Sinking Demon has been cultivated to blue level 5 and is placed in the graveyard. It is also an average level for a second-level veteran.

Level 5 monsters have two enhancements in their body, the 'Fish Vein Warlock Bloodline' and the 'Uchiha Sharingan Demonic Eye' on the magic side. The quality of the hell creature's bloodline is also enhanced accordingly.

Although their body shape is still petite and exquisite, there is no change, but their quality has been improved to the level of 'Medium Devil', and they have obtained the temporary account of 'Xingyue Universe'. Although their ability development is extremely low, their value remains unchanged, and they can be used to feed the evil gods.

Couldn't be more appropriate.

Silly Fufu is willing to sacrifice the Four Heavenly Kings, which is definitely a great benefit to the newly born 'Wu Ming'.

If Sulf's [Sumbling Demon Summoning Technique] had not been modified by Ophelia's raw stone, she could only have five such excellent little red skins at most, and if one of them died, one would be missing.

There is not even a 24-hour reset. When they finish strengthening the 'Fish Vein Demonic Eye', only two or three may die. Such summons that have been solidified into the ability bar have the opportunity to be replenished, but every time

Replenishing one is expensive.

‘Unnamed’ didn’t know about Little Red Skin’s recyclable properties and was deceived by Silly Fufu.

This chapter has been completed!
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