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Chapter 587 I am really a boy with profound merits!

Bailang heard this and turned to look at his [Evil Energy Totem]. This is the most important and precious piece of equipment on his body. Once it is successfully strengthened into a 'Noble Phantasm', it will almost be used until death.'

The magic weapon of life'.

For such an important 'core equipment', the other party asked him to first destroy the 'evil spirits' inside and then rebuild it. It was easy to say, but how to operate it? But if something went wrong, who would pay the compensation?

Bailang said sincerely: "How to break and then stand? Master, teach me."

"What's so difficult about this? The evil spirit in the totem is in a state of eternal sleep and cannot wake up. This is also when it is the weakest and most unsuspecting. You only need to take another evil spirit and control the 'totem pole' to release it.

Turn on defense, and then use 'evil spirits as swords'..."

As he spoke, the tiger ghost made a knife with one hand and made a stabbing motion. "We will die together and completely destroy the core of the sleeping evil spirit. We can use the environment of Eden to integrate these resources and quickly create a spirit through the spirit creation ceremony."

A new spirit takes its place."

"There is another benefit to doing this. If two spirits collapse and die at the same time, the core essence that constitutes the 'evil spirit' itself is locked up by the weapons of faith. According to the law of conservation of mass and energy, these resources can be deeply reorganized with the help of the Rules of Eden.

, and become a more powerful 'evil spirit'."

Bailang understood his consciousness, mass and energy were conserved. He captured an evil spirit with mass B and made a knife, opened the evil energy totem, stabbed the sleeping "Jidu" with mass A in the back, then closed the door and let them both disappear.


Although Jidu is destroyed, its quality remains unchanged. If you use the rules of Eden's spirit creation to reshape it, you can get a new Jidu. Quality = C (Wandering Spirit) B (Foreign Evil Spirit) A (Old Jidu).

Bailang noticed the point of emergence and asked quickly: "Then how can we guarantee that we will die together? The sleeping evil spirit cannot resist. If a wolf is lured into the house and eaten, which strengthens the invading evil spirit and takes over the totem pole, won't I lose my blood?"


The supernatural expert smiled slightly: "It's very simple. When you capture the 'evil spirit', you must also get the 'offering'. When the time comes, you first use the evil spirit as a weapon to destroy the spirit of the totem, and then destroy the offering together. The offering

If it collapses, the evil spirit will definitely die. There is no second possibility. But there is one thing you must pay attention to!"

Bai Lang was confused at first, why he had forgotten this, then he cheered up and asked: "What?"

"When you choose an evil spirit, be sure to avoid evil spirits with multiple high-level clones. If you use an evil spirit with ordinary clones, you must get the real 'offering'. Otherwise, you use an evil spirit clone to redeem the totem.

After the spirit, before the newly created 'spirit' can cover and replace it, other entities of that evil spirit will sense it and come forcibly to seize your totem."

Bai Lang understood and thanked him sincerely: "Thank you, I understand."

Evil spirits without clones will be completely wiped out once the offerings are destroyed, and there is no hidden danger. However, evil spirits like the 'Martial Saint' have clones made from multiple 'offerings'.

If Bai Lang robs and kidnaps a 'clone offering', the effect will be the same as that of a 'single evil spirit', but it will attract the induction of other clones of the 'Martial Saint', rob the totem in reverse direction along the network cable, and occupy the totem.

In the same way, many senior lower-level spirits cannot find a highly suitable second offering, but they can use a 'token' with a blessing degree of 100% to create a clone. If Bailang uses this 'evil spirit clone' to explode the totem, the evil spirits may also be alarmed.

The spirit deity brings disaster.

After extracting the method to solve the hidden dangers of [Evil Energy Totem] from the mouth of the 'ghost', Bai Lang instantly felt relaxed and happy, feeling that the consultation fee was well spent.

Don't look at the other party just sitting still, saying a few random words, and getting a reward in vain. But the other party successfully solved the problems that had troubled him in several mission worlds.

At this moment, Lang wished he could stand next to the telephone pole covered with small advertisements, look up to the sky and shout: 'My family's fortune is saved!'

After consulting the last personal question, Bailang put away his faith weapons and was ready to leave with great ambition, but was suddenly stopped by the other party: "You are more interesting than I thought, and the reward this time is generous enough. I will give you one last gift."


Bailang was a little surprised: "Please speak."

"I see that your Excellency has a lot of energy and energy, and he should be a martial arts practitioner. However, he is full of evil spirits and is riddled with resentment, but he doesn't know it."

"Oh? Is there any danger?" Lang's face was blank. I, the Golden Spirit Outland, saved lives and healed the wounded, am I such a person?

"As far as the current situation is concerned, there is no real impact. But if it is left unchecked and accumulated, these evil spirits and resentments will accumulate more and more, and eventually become demonic."

The tiger ghost explained: "Contractors cannot avoid getting into fights. As long as their hands are stained with blood, evil spirits and resentment will form on their bodies. This is a normal thing. Ordinary people can use holy light to purify, nourish their hearts, etc.

, deal with hidden dangers. A warrior with strong qi and blood like you can wash away the invisible and intangible 'resentful evil spirit' that is attached to the whole body with just daily qi and blood flushing."

Bai Lang was confused: "Then why do I still have it? Is it because I am not good at cultivation?"

"No, your energy and blood are very strong, and you are at the top level among the same level. But in this situation, there are only two possibilities for you to be able to cling to the resentment entangled in you. First, the creatures you have killed are very

It is powerful. The soul of the dead cannot dissipate after death, and the curse attached to the body is corroded bit by bit. The second type... you should know the principle of ghost formation, right?"

Bai Lang, who had a strong desire to survive, opened his mouth to reject it: "Ghost? That kind of unscientific thing. It doesn't exist at all! The soul is just a magnetic field formed by the entanglement of electromagnetic waves of some kind of life, and ghosts are the negative life magnetic field after death.

Everything is science and we reject feudal superstition."

The ghost in the supernatural paradise has an expressionless face, and is not on the same channel as Bai Lang who suddenly had a convulsion: "After ordinary life, the soul cannot exist for a long time and will dissipate soon. But there are a very small number of people who have resentments, have been tortured, and are dominated by hatred.

The soul cannot dissipate, but condenses into a ghost."

"Your Excellency is full of evil spirits and resentments. Although they are weak, they are extremely numerous. Even if they are repeatedly washed away by Qi and blood, they cannot be dissipated. This shows how strong the hatred, despair, and resentment were when he died. All of these are tied by cause and effect, and they are tightly entangled with Your Excellency.

On the body, we can use the Buddhist concept of 'karma' to understand. Although these grievances are small, they will accumulate over time and eventually become demonic, causing backlash. It will be too late to regret."

Bai Lang shook his head repeatedly: "Impossible. I, Hunyuan Thunderbolt Hand Qiao Feng, have lived an upright life. I have been a hero, saved lives, healed the wounded, accumulated virtue and done good deeds. How can I be entangled in karma?"

"Let me take a look..." One of the tiger's eyes turned into a dark green, and he stared at Bailang for a while and said strangely, "Huh...? It's not a human soul. There are so many carp? There is also a thin one.

A small, ugly monster."

He suddenly withdrew his magic eyes, looked at Bailang with some confusion, and asked curiously: "What on earth did you do to them?" Are you a bt?

He couldn't understand how outrageous and cruel the man in front of him had done to make a low-IQ fish with a memory of only 7 seconds develop such unforgettable hatred, fear, and resentment for him, even if it was repeatedly washed away by his blood.

It is also stubbornly attached to the whole body and cannot be dissipated.

The offering [tiger ghost] he was responsible for in this mission is based on the tiger's teeth, which has the ability to 'serve the tiger' and recruit special evil spirits that absorb undead ghosts for their own use.

The man in front of me is an abridged version of the 'Tiger Ghost'. After the traditional tiger demon eats people, its own evil spirit has a protective effect on the 'Tiger Ghost', so that it can capture a group of 'Tiger Ghosts' and keep them around to work for itself.


But this man who calls himself Qiao Feng is a masculine person who specializes in dissolving and killing ghosts. As a result, these 'fish and monster resentments' cling to his body, becoming extremely weak, yet pure.

In the eyes of a professional undead ghost cultivator like him, this kind of 'purity' represents the high-quality torture that victims experience when they die. It is exactly the same as the evil spirits in the Garden of Eden torturing humans to create nutrients.

"Uh..." As soon as Bailang heard 'fish, little monster', he felt embarrassed and nervous as if his character had been exposed. He subconsciously wanted to deny Sanlian. He had never tortured or killed any fallen demon. That was just pure and innocent.

Great dedication to the cause of medicine.

“How should I clean up this ‘karma’?”

"No! There is no need to clean it up. This is a good thing. Such pure evil energy is unfortunately too small in quantity and too small in quality. I would like you to exploit your own advantages and start from the perspective of setting the ability of the 'evil spirit'. Don't let this down."

An opportunity."

Bailang immediately understood that his medical cooking behavior for Carp King, Sinking Demon, and even Tutu was like a small humanoid Eden, continuously creating food that could be used to feed evil spirits and wash away sins. No! It was to wash away him.

This medical merit!

This chapter has been completed!
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