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Chapter 671 [Open a coffin to make a fortune] and the Treasure Old Boy

Bailang temporarily stabilized Kisame with his acting skills, and Silly Fufu habitually rushed up to him for a hug. The elf standing behind the male god, waiting silently, was full of envy but kept restraint and smiled as tenderly as water. Tim has released the "Magic Farming Fighting Girl"

The form was back to his daily attire, but he was holding a sapper shovel with the bow tied off in his hand.

She turned her eyes and looked at the ownerless ninja corpses all over the ground. No key appeared, so she asked: "Senior, there is a lot of fertilizer here. Do you want me to grow some fruits to quench everyone's thirst?"

Although she had good intentions, she made everyone feel bad. Kisame, who was in a daze and thinking while holding on to [Must Die], also showed a strange look in his eyes as he recalled the previous scene.

"That's not appropriate!" Bai Lang shook his head and declined her kindness, but after she reminded him, he suddenly remembered something. So he tapped the fool's head lightly and decided to give it a try.

"∑(′△`)?! Huh?" Silly fufu looked at his father in confusion, why are you knocking me?

The next second, in front of Kisame, Lang followed the local customs and formed seals skillfully, and then activated the psychic technique. In fact, he secretly drove the [Lord of Secret Treasures] to summon a piece of 'Paradise Equipment' that was bound but not a Noble Phantasm.

"Psychic-Seven-Star Soul-Suppressing Coffin!"


A burst of smoke cleared, and a huge bronze coffin appeared in front of everyone. The elf's eyes were full of curiosity, and Kisame thought of a forbidden ninjutsu. Tim, who knew the inside story of the bronze coffin, looked thoughtful, and only Silly Fufu licked

He licked the corner of his mouth, showing an expression of endless aftertaste.


Before coming to the ninja world, Bailang had tried the [Material Extraction] function of the Soul-Suppressing Coffin. The object was a salted fish king, and he successfully decomposed and extracted a small bottle of 'essence'.

It looks like rough salt grains, about 10g. But when you pour it into a pot of water, it will immediately turn into a 'fresh (salty?) thick fish soup' with waves hitting your face. Use it as a seasoning for skewers, and it is a perfect substitute for table salt and adds a '

Skewers' a delicious fish concept.

Nowadays, these 'salted fish essences' have become a common seasoning at home. In Silly Fu's eyes, this coffin is not only used for sleeping, but also a source of delicious food. So she clapped her hands happily and shouted: "Sleep!"

The people around him suddenly looked at Bai Lang, and their eyes became even weirder.

Out of curiosity, he even took Fufu to take a nap in it. It must be said that such a magnificent coffin was more than enough for the father and daughter to step inside. After the coffin was covered, the all-round and absolutely soundproof peaceful atmosphere was very impressive.

Comfortable and relaxing, you can get the best sleep. And the eerie and constant "low temperature preservation" taste is very suitable for summer heat escape.

No wonder mummies, zombies, vampires, and Lucy all like it. If you can get rid of worldly prejudices and have a good coffin, you can bring the best sleeping experience. You can stay away from the distractions of the world and sleep very peacefully.

Reaching out and stroking the complex bronze pattern, Bai Lang pushed hard and pushed open the sliding cover of the coffin, revealing a dark coffin inside, which was covered with various crooked "Fu" characters (talismans), full of childlike interest.

Continue to pull hard and open the coffin board. It is empty inside.

Seeing this, Ophelia asked curiously: "Brother Bai, what are you going to do?"

"Transcendence." Bai Lang replied calmly.

Shenlang saves lives and heals the wounded and is kind to others. He is born with a bodhisattva heart. He is afraid of hurting the lives of ants by sweeping the floor, but he is not hypocritical and pedantic. In battle, he is never afraid of killing, and he will not retain unnecessary compassion with thunderous methods. But he loves peace by nature and hates violence.


Therefore, after the battle, a death mantra is often given to the deceased. Now that there are more professional equipment, it is natural to improve related business literacy and maintain one's own progress.

As he spoke, he frowned, threw the first ninja in, and closed the lid.

What I was thinking about was that this coffin had previously contained the Salted Fish King, and now it contained a dead person. It was no longer clean, so where would I and Fufu sleep in the future? Should I dig out the coffin and go directly to the copper coffin?

In the midst of confusion, he activated the ability 2 of this 'suit' [Transcendence]: directly absorb, decompose, and vent the resentment in the deceased's body, easily completing purification and salvation. The soul that should have flown to the Pure Land of Paradise was intercepted by the coffin.

Store it.

The next moment, ability 4 [Open the coffin to make a fortune] was activated. After successfully purifying the undead souls and analyzing the remains, there is a chance to obtain paradise certification materials.

While the material decomposition machine was running, a large amount of information and options flashed through his mind. In the end, Bailang chose the default 'ashes mode' and pressed start.

The soul-suppressing coffin began to extract his energy and ended quickly. When the coffin was opened again, a delicate small wooden box appeared inside, with a three-inch black-and-white photo of the deceased. At the same time, above the four words "Voice and Rong Wan Zai", there were

There is a small piece of translucent irregular crystal.

[You obtain the ‘Chunin Level-Water Release Related Practice Experience’, which can improve the Water Release Ninjutsu you have mastered. It can only be used in this world.]

Bailang took out the urn and accepted the crystal. This material is not considered an 'ember crystal'. It cannot directly master a certain water escape ninjutsu. It only peels off the 'water escape practice related experience' of the deceased during his lifetime. Moreover, it also depends on its use.

The basis of the deceased and the degree of overlap with the deceased.

This was the first time he saw this harvest, and he couldn't help but be surprised. Could it be that intelligent creatures still have a chance to develop skills after [opening coffins to make a fortune]?

Subsequently, he tried many more times.

[You gain ‘jounin level basic taijutsu and basic kunai overdraft related experience’. 】

[You obtain the ‘Special Jonin Level-Strong and Wear-Resistant Wave Cap (Medical Prosthesis)’.]

[You gain ‘jounin level - basic earth escape related experience’, pickled kidneys (soaked in wine or used as medicine)]

[You obtain the ‘Water Escape-Water Dragon Bullet related practice experience’, and you need to master the ‘Water Dragon Bullet’ to complete the prerequisites. 】

What is this? Seeing those two pieces of analysis material, Bailang felt like there was something wrong.

After borrowing Tim's engineering shovel and burying several exquisite urns, Bailang returned with a bunch of 'experience crystallizations'.

During this period, he tried to use one. He found that the relevant experience of this kind of hired ninja during his lifetime was very fragmented and lacked systematicity. There were only fragments of memories, and the arrangement was chaotic.

It doesn't make much sense to use it directly. It's like a messy trailer with very little effective information. Only those who have mastered the corresponding 'ninjutsu' in advance will be like small magnets, attracting and capturing the relevant 'first person' information.

Memories, or feelings', fill in the blanks of the corresponding ninjutsu to get fragmented experience.

The higher the degree of compatibility, the more harvest. But it is worthless to Bailang because it is too weak. Repeatedly stacking low-level garbage cannot make people grow. For him, only by killing the future Emperor Kai can he reach a slightly higher level of martial arts.

There is an improvement.

These ‘experiences’ can’t be better used on that group of newcomers!

After successfully rescuing Kisame, the Shirami team hibernated on the spot and took the opportunity to complete the blood inheritance enchantment on 'Same Muscle'.

Now that a large amount of information has been obtained, Shiranami has a comprehensive understanding of this vacation world. If the Sharingan is enchanted with the Sharingan, it will undoubtedly be able to exert its greatest advantage in the current world.

But you can’t be short-sighted and only care about immediate interests. As the core plug-in of [Rabbit’s Army], Seven-Handed Shark Muscle must also consider its future development prospects in other mission worlds.

The 'Sharingan enchantment' only has special advantages in the ninja world. Once you leave this world, you will lose this blessing. On the contrary, in more different worlds, the ordinary 'fire, thunder...' and other attribute powers

, the prospect is broader and the versatility is stronger.

After weighing the pros and cons, Bailang decided to give up. As for the unique advantage of the 'Sharingan' in the ninja world? He still has more than 90 rabbits!

When Lang devoted himself to perfecting the transformation of the shark muscles in his hands, he also continued to use the [Rabbit King Bodhisattva] martial arts will server to upload and summarize each rabbit's experience in practicing "Eight Gate Dunjia".

This method downloads martial arts experience into the soul of each new rabbit, continues to urge them to self-destruct in fancy ways, and spurs them to sum up a new round of experience on the shoulders of their predecessors.

This big data cloud sharing practice model that can break the barriers of the heart is very similar to Naruto's multiple shadow clones, but there are differences.

As long as Naruto can endure his mental will, he can use unlimited shadow clones to try and make mistakes. In terms of quantity, Bailang can't compare. However, shadow clone science has limitations and is only suitable for technical jobs such as 'ninjutsu'.

As for taijutsu that involve physical training? They usually explode after being hit hard, let alone deep training that requires a 'real physical body'.

Each of Bailang's rabbits is an entity, with complete demonized meridians. They support cruel physical training and deeply explore the mysteries of meridians. Moreover, they don't care about the endurance limit of 'spirit, soul, and will', and can destroy themselves and burn their souls as much as they want.

, explore the limits of the mysteries of martial arts, and taste various 'forbidden arts'. For example, the unique self-destruction ninjutsu of 'Eight Gate Dunjia'.

These are incomparable to mere false shadow clones, and they can't even open the door.

In addition, each rabbit has a different physique and has an independent will. Although they have low IQ, are cruel and bloodthirsty, they have different thinking circuits and can exchange their experiences and inspire more inspiration through the "dream network".

These are 99 'individuals' who are learning and progressing together, constantly exchanging core data with their hearts, and then using their souls to inherit the 'martial arts essence' left by their ancestors. There is no omission, and they can share completely different experiences with each other.

Stimulate each other, learn from each other's strengths, create more unknown miracles, and ultimately achieve the contention of a hundred schools of thought.

On the other hand, the shadow clone, under the condition of locking the inherent conditions, uses the same rigid thinking, continues trial and error, and finally reaches the destined 'optimal solution'. What is shortened is only the training time, lacks creativity, and falls into behind closed doors.

Within limitations.

Despite this, the rabbits' "martial arts progress" is still not fast.

The seven human-like people successfully opened 3 doors, but the 92 psychic magic rabbits were still unable to do so. It was too difficult to convert "Eight Doors Dunjia" from humans to rabbits, and each rabbit frequently changed tastes.

The structure of the demonized meridians is completely different from that of genes, which raises the difficulty again.

Bailang could only continue to increase his efforts in trial and error, trying to summarize the more universal "Eight-door Rabbit Escape Secret Technique" starting from the "Seven People".

In the past few days, Kisame was also deceived by Bai Lang and put on [Fukimaru Must Die], and was instantly marked by the 'Fukimaru Collective Unconsciousness-Evil Spirit Maishin Pill' invading his soul.

No need to say more, [Small Goals] let’s get started!

This time, Bailang set the core instruction for the '14th generation': 'Be loyal to the Immortal of the Lotus Pond and find a way to survive in the apocalypse for Kirigakure Village.

This is exactly in line with Kisame's deepest wish. What has changed are only some trivial details. The object of his allegiance has been replaced.

From originally placing the hope of saving Kirigakure on himself, he transformed into a desperate trust in the 'Sage of Scales'. As long as Renhuaike's actions did not break through Kisame's psychological bottom line, he was indeed fighting to save Kirigakure Village.

In action, he is still the loyal tool man and has no thoughts of rebellion.

However, once Bailang acts in conflict with "saving Kirigakure" in some places because of being too greedy or selfish, it will shake Kisame's "loyalty foundation" and awaken Tokimaru's "rebellious nature" and his original

The ability to think independently, get rid of the constraints of [small goals] little by little, and live out the second life.

From another perspective, this is a different kind of "other gods".

However, Bailang also estimated that even if he gave up the pretense of saving Kirigakure for profit in the future, it would destroy the foundation of the 'small goal' and awaken Kisame's sense of resistance. But by that time, the 'soul' of the 14th generation would have already been 'danced'

Kammaru' is completely eroded.

Even if you resist, it's useless. After you take out the first layer, the [Healing God System] is still holding the foundation, and you can't escape from the second layer.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading!…

Three days later, Bailang selected two of the 'Seven People' who had completed the Samehada upgrade, and asked them to transform into human forms, follow Miki Shifuki as his followers, and return to the Kingdom of Water together to visit locations in advance and collect intelligence to prepare for his future strength.

Return and prepare for 'Lotus Pond Construction'.

Before leaving, Bailang met Kisame, who was powerful and had a tenacious will. He was already a shadow-level warrior and had not been deeply corrupted by "Must Die".

"Do you feel that you are getting stronger these days?"

Kisame looked at the [Must Die] worn on the little finger of his right hand. There was a hint of fascination in his eyes, but he immediately became alert. Then, as if his memory had been deleted for a few seconds, he looked confused again.

Although he was confused, Bailang knew that this was the 'evil spirit-Wishenwan' parasitic in his subconscious, silently eroding and penetrating his will.

After wearing it for three consecutive days and constantly exploring the potential of the [Noble Phantasm], the evil spirit has taken root and parasitized, but has been unable to gain control. But it can paralyze his soul like a blood-sucking leech, and even shield it, eliminating Kisame's vigilance.

Sex, get rid of those 'doubtful thoughts'.

"I seem to have comprehended some strange abilities that are neither ninjutsu nor secret arts? It's somewhat similar to the Blood Successor Limit. Also, lately, I've always had an urge to dance in my heart?" Kisame said with a strange expression.

"Perhaps it's your hidden talent? You are cold on the outside and hot on the inside, so you may be a slut. Your potential has been stimulated by the artifact. Explore it to your heart's content. This is a treasure made by an immortal. One day, it will become

Become the 'power of God' that transcends the 'blood inheritance limits' and transcends the 'blood inheritance network'!"

Bailang didn't lie about this. Wushenwan's evil spirit rules are also "rules". They are not inferior to the power of six paths in terms of level, but they are not "powerful" enough and the system is different.

Kisame was an honest man and believed Shiranami's lies. He continued to communicate with "Must Die" and injected chakra to nourish him. Soon, something more came into his mind.

At this moment, he is like a bird, with an extra biomagnetic field that can determine the direction. It is somewhat similar to the magnetic field of the planet that senses true south and true north, which is used for migration.

This is a new instinct, a new "sixth sense" that transcends the five senses and the spiritual sense. It is interesting and wonderful, but it is not familiar yet.

When he reported it to Bai Lang, the latter immediately concluded that this was the awakening of the incomplete original stone ability [Dragon Hunting Technique]. This guy was already a qualified treasure hunting dog, but it was a pity that he couldn't take it with him.

A water escaping talent like Kisame is suitable for those mission worlds with a navigation theme, where he can be an ocean treasure hunter boy and search for sunken ship treasures.

After leaving Kisame and the two seven people, Bai Lang looked at his retreating figure and sighed: "What a treasure old boy. When we meet next time, we will take him to automatically guide graves in the ninja world and dig up the strong ones."

Tomb, and then [open the coffin to make a fortune] to accumulate foundation."

This chapter has been completed!
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