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Chapter 707 Dream Memetic Infection, Uchiha Pure Love Paradise

After logging into the Kingdom of Water, Bailang quickly took over the intelligence network of the 14th generation and became busy.

On the one hand, Kisame Inakisaki covers the sky with one hand, acting as his umbrella of evil forces, secretly controlling ANBU ninjas to serve him, and obtaining various privileges. On the other hand, tool man Orochimaru also reluctantly and energetically throws himself into the 'selection' work, launching

The Familia are looking for ninjas who have the potential to give birth to Mangekyō.

Soon, a large number of well-known, healthy and wandering ninjas looking for a way out of the Kingdom of Water disappeared inexplicably. Some third-rate teams who came to the Kingdom of Water to work on projects also discovered that the ninja leader they had trained at home had been kidnapped, and they became suspicious.

He was overly alerted. At the same time, Toki Samemaru also abused his power and cooperated with Shirami to send out Kirigakure elites in batches, and then his whereabouts were unknown as expected.

While Orochimaru was trying to catch people everywhere, a kind of "ichthyosis" that had never appeared before began to spread along the coast. It first appeared in "fishermen", then spread from person to person, and quickly spread inland.

At first, ordinary people who were sick did not notice anything strange. However, the contractors who settled in coastal cities and planned the 'erosion project' realized that something was wrong.

The patient is not physically weak, but is more energetic, stronger, has sharper senses, and can dive longer...Only fish scales appear in secret places such as the neck, behind the ears, and under the arms. Gradually, he begins to like a humid environment and controls it every day.

Drink a lot of water constantly, take frequent baths or soak in water, and fall in love with the bloody taste of raw seafood.

Then, my spirit gradually became unstable, and occasionally I would lose my mind and come to the beach involuntarily. I would sit on the rocks and look at the sea in a daze, listening to the sound of the waves and muttering to myself, as if there was a mysterious call hidden in it, and I was communicating with an unknown existence.

When this phenomenon was discovered by outsiders, the praying people who were deeply ill could not be awakened. They insisted on praying in a way that was difficult for outsiders to understand, uttered a series of strange words, and tried to lie down on the sand. The scene was horrifying.

As the number of 'sand-sleepers' increased, it finally attracted the attention of the contractor. After several days of investigation, the inference that 'it was transmitted through eating specially contaminated fish' was ruled out.

After the investigation deepened, a 'trainee investigator' from Paparazzi Paradise discovered that this was a very typical and familiar textbook-style 'meme spreading incident'. It was related to a great dream called 'Lotus Pond'. It was like

...A variant version of Innsmouth's chakra.

Contaminated fish may be the 'cause & trigger', but as 'ichthyosis' spreads, they are no longer important. Patients can be infected through 'body contact and verbal conversation'.

As long as the listener comes into contact with a patient with 'Ichthyosis' and is satisfied with knowing a series of keywords such as 'Dreamland, Lotus Pond, Dagon, Immortal of Scales, Glory Evolution, Avalokitesvara...', he can conceive any version of it in his mind.

The triggering conditions for the deep sea secret scenery of 'Raleye Crystal Palace' have been met.

There is a chance that in a midnight dream, you can accept the inspiration of the "Great Being", swim in the deep sea secret realm "Lotus Pond", listen to the gospel of "Heavenly Father-Dagon", and gain the power to fight against fate and escape the end of the world.

As their faith becomes more pious, believers will gain the "Power of the Deep Sea", transform their bodies bit by bit, complete glorious evolution, surpass the limits of human life, leap into a more perfect "Guanyin", and join the Deep Sea Divine Kingdom "Raleye Crystal Palace"

'Enjoy the wonder of eternal life and escape the end of the world.

Nowadays, the 'doomsday theory', fueled by the contractors, has already become very popular and has a very strong market. There are many churches in the country of water, and there is no shortage of similar scenes in the water country. The emergence of the 'Lotus Pond Faith' will undoubtedly appeal to the fishermen who rely on the sea to eat.

, was accepted as it should be, and spread quickly.

In addition, the 'fish vein worm' spreads easily, and a large amount of cursed seafood carrying diluted evil energy floods into the market, which is very friendly to novices. Bailang has not sent eggs for many years, and now, he consumes several tons of 'evil energy' every day

Seafood has flooded into coastal markets, prices have plummeted, and every family can afford it.

As long as you eat fish, you are my good friends.

Other contractors, being harsh and mean, only train those chakra-carrying ninjas.

I, Bailang, am different, forthright, and a close friend of the poor. I send seafood, strengthen my body, and join in the glorious evolution together. The Deep Diver is awesome!

As a result, copycat versions of 'Innsmouth' appeared one after another along the coast of the Kingdom of Water, injecting a lot of new vitality into the 'Dream Demon Realm' that was recreated in the ninja world.

One after another, the panicked and helpless low-level believers clung to this straw, offered their faith to 'Dagon', and contributed their own dreams as servers, allowing the 'dream' of [Evil Spirit-Jidu] to expand rapidly, further

Spread the gospel of 'Inspiration King-Dagon' and form a positive cycle.

In the land of water, the mountains are high and the emperor is far away. There are only a group of third-rate teams trying to make ends meet. The pressure plummets, so Bailang unscrupulously preaches in his dreams and does whatever he wants.

This blatant act of robbing business quickly aroused the hostility of the team of contractors who founded the cult in the Kingdom of Water. They became entangled one after another, hired paparazzi who were good at "criminal investigation work", and began to track them in reverse, and finally sighed with regret on the sea.


The enemy is very insignificant, hiding in the deep sea and unable to come out.

They are just like the monkeys whose numbers have been cut for 500 years. When they were learning Buddhist scriptures from the monks in Bao, every time they met the boss who lived at the bottom of the river or pool, they clearly had also been water monkeys in the East China Sea, and then rode to the sky, Pantao.

Seven fairies stopped in the garden, and even shot them in the palm of the Tathagata's hand, making the sister-in-law beg her uncle to come out of her body quickly, and a batch of them were released.

But now he is helpless and weak in the face of the water. His combat power in the water has been reduced by 80%, and he feels that his body has been hollowed out. Even the kappa who lived with him and was lying on the sand in the mudslide, as well as the marshal of the navy headquarters, have all been eaten.

Like a devil fruit, it becomes soft in water. Water battle collective debuff.

This group of contractors is very powerful and has the confidence to confront the mental pollution of any 'contractors', but the deep sea suppression is too strong.

So they planned to change their strategy and destroy each other's "belief path", but they found that this was not the mainstream "Ponzi missionary" and had no offline physical industry, but a more high-end and hidden "dream online communication".

They destroyed association strongholds, assassinated missionaries, and slaughtered evil gods, but they just couldn't get into the deep sea. They were extremely powerless in the face of the 'dream infection'.

It's not that it can't solve the problem of 'dream pollution', but it's very costly and low in performance-price ratio. You pay a small price and only purify one 'civilian' without getting any benefits.

To cut off the 'dream infection', at least tens of thousands of civilians in the incubation period must be purified. The price is too high. Moreover, it is discovered too late, and new cases are increasing every day, making it even more difficult to purify.

Finally, after being attacked several times by the 'scapegoat Orochimaru', these contractor teams were warned, and after some thought, they gradually gave up the trouble of looking for the 'Lotus Pond'.

It's not cost-effective, too troublesome, and a huge loss. Instead of destroying the other party, it's better to concentrate on bewitching more uninfected civilians. The Water Kingdom is so big that one family can't eat it.

Bailang's operation is another round of front and back care.

The top strongman among the aborigines, 'Orochimaru', became active again and appeared in the sight of the contractors. He was suspected of kidnapping and captured a large number of 'ninjas' for an unknown purpose. It was also closely related to the newly emerged 'ichthyosis' and was very likely to be related to

The 'Grass Contract Team' from a certain paradise merged to develop the 'Lotus Pond', a traditional real estate project that has been deployed in the Land of Water for many years.

This information not only successfully tied Orochimaru to Lotus Pond and attracted attention for himself in the public eye, but also showed it to Takigakure in the distance.

The contractors are divided into two camps, each with its own platform for information exchange, so the news can easily spread. Orochimaru's activity, in tandem with Takigakure's attack, is enough to explain a lot, and he once again exonerates 'aka Blood Witch Doctor'.

And further strengthened the setting behind the "Inspiration King", which is a high-level professional team of a certain park, and also dug up new information "Lotus Pond" for everyone to imagine.

In one fell swoop, they transformed from a "crossing dragon contract team" that had just entered the ninja world and had no foothold in the ninja world, to a "senior team" that has been in place for 9 years.

The third-rate team trying to make a living in the Kingdom of Water instantly stopped causing trouble to this suspected ‘established organization’.

On the one hand, Bailang relaxed restrictions to expand believers, recharged the drained [Demon God Pillar], and tied up Orochimaru; on the other hand, he also secretly reopened the [Uchiha Eye Opening Paradise] and asked Fufu to summon the 'Uchiha'

The Four Heavenly Kings of Bo' serve as instructors.

After the first batch of 'qualified people' arrived, he took out the 'Three Magatama Sharingan' gifted by Orochimaru, and as a [Physics Demon Witch Doctor], guided the little Fufu to complete the eye transplant surgery.

Then, the 'cursed seal Gu parasitism' was completely integrated into their bodies, creating demonized meridians to regulate the internal circulation, giving them a body that was not inferior to the 'Uchiha clan's blood inheritance limit', making them completely incompatible with the 'Sharingan'

The ordinary body becomes adapted. This is the most important part of awakening the 'Kaleidoscope'.

It is extremely difficult for non-Uchiha people to open their eyes, but after the adjustment of the 'Yang Release-Fishbone Vein', it is completely different. It is like the Wood Release opening the eyes, like a scumbag touching green tea, like glue and paint, and they become one.

With the built-in fish pulse support, you can directly connect to the 'Carp Network', intervene from the outside, connect multiple people to the network, and provide 'Yin Escape - Mental Power' support.

This was not enough. As eye-opening experts, the Four Heavenly Kings logged in one after another and opened their own 'Magic Eyes-Kaleidoscope-Roller Coaster (Pirate Ship/Big Pendulum/Jumping Machine...) Youth Edition' within the 'Carp Network', creating something similar to 'Tsukiyomi'.

'Single player copy of Fantasyland.

Today's 'King Carp' has been upgraded to [Evil Spirit - King of Inspiration], and the evil spirit network has strong performance. The Four Heavenly Kings open 'Kaleidoscope - Small Copy' once, and with the support of the 'evil spirit network', they can copy ten or more at the same time.

Identical copy.

Let these conditioned 'qualified persons' enter at the same time and accept the stimulation and baptism of the 'Uchiha Eye Opening Amusement Park'. How the Four Heavenly Kings were tortured by evil spirits and were forced to open their eyes again and again. This

Pain is now imposed on them.

During the period of feeling the pain, the 'Jidu', which continuously absorbs nutrients from the 'nightmare', will also superimpose the [evil spirit dream] into the 'evil spirit network'.

This time, it is no longer an ordinary 'Kaleidoscope Illusion', but an enhanced version after the intervention of the 'Nightmare Evil Spirit'. Isn't the secret of Uchiha's eyes opening the 'Yin Escape Excitement'? Is there anything better than the 'Evil Spirit's'?

Is the power of spiritual pollution a more Yin escape?

In essence, Bailang didn't care about the quality of these 'Kaleidoscopes', as long as he could open his eyes and use them to synthesize better quality 'human piles'.

So the power of the 'Eye-Opening Paradise' was fully activated... Those who qualified were continuously tortured by five different types of 'Single Evil Spirit Amusement Park', accumulating infinite shadows and mental pollution in their hearts. Then, the half-blind Four Heavenly Kings joined forces to launch the Combination Eye Technique

:A real amusement park, further intensifying the torture.

When 'Jidu' was supervising the operation of the Four Heavenly Kings' kaleidoscope, they were also trying to steal the rules left in their eyes by the five 'amusement park evil spirits', trying to transport these 'rule fragments' into the dreamland to create a stable

The 'independent scene' can be used on more believers.

Jidu discovered that using the [Dreamland] priesthood to create 'nightmares' to torture those who established contact with her can harvest a large amount of 'raw materials for the power of evil spirits' other than 'faith'.

So when the unsatisfactory Four Heavenly Kings ran out of pupil power and turned into one-eyed dragons, completely blinding their right eyes. She started from the 'Eye-Opening Amusement Park' and referenced Bai Lang's memory to try to create a second 'scene', which helped more and more people.

Many 'qualified people' will warm up and open their eyes.

After rounds of attempts, Bai Lang had to admit that the awakening of the Uchiha clan could not be achieved simply by 'extreme torture and extreme hatred'.

For paranoid and extreme negative emotions, the chance of opening one's eyes is 30%, while for breaking through the kaleidoscope, the chance of opening one's eyes is even lower. In contrast, when the emotion of 'love' reaches its extreme and then is destroyed, the chance of opening one's eyes will soar to 50%.

This theory is also true for many "qualified persons" who have been transferred. Therefore, after hundreds of rounds of "nightmare tests", Ji Du, under the guidance of Bai Lang, designed a set of quite mature "forgiveness and eye-opening scenes"

', including all kinds of popular dark scenes, such as extreme tauren, my current crime... are just the beginning.

After this wave of operations, ordinary ninjas who were originally not very powerful all collapsed one by one and sublimated in pure love (crazy). It was very similar to Obito who was unable to accept reality and suffered a mental breakdown to escape reality and awakened the kaleidoscope.

Your own 'kaleidoscope of forgiveness colors'.

Generally speaking, the eye skills are all kinds of weird, mainly based on the pure love type of 'self-hypnosis, self-escape, self-fantasy, fantasy girlfriend...', while the other part has become a darkening type, which is quite rich.

I won’t describe too much about 404.

Perhaps because of the 'evil spirit network, mental pollution, dream interference' and 'quick success', these 'kaleidoscopes' are generally of the 'illusion system' and are generally not of high quality, but they are more than enough to be used to synthesize 'human stakes'.

According to his investigation, so far in the ninja world, there has not been any extravagant project using a 'kaleidoscope' to lay the foundation. Of course, it does not rule out the possibility of something similar. Because even he can do it in batches, and other teams have strong backgrounds.

, the same can be done.

But one thing is certain, my own 'Lotus Pond' may not be as large as 'Takigakure', but in terms of foundation laying, it can definitely catch up with a large number of projects of the same level, and it is a good starting point!

This chapter has been completed!
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