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Chapter 728: After five games in a row, we can still be buried again!

The aborigines in the auditorium of the stadium, accompanied by poor electronic music DJs, heard waves of sound, and the noisy and enthusiastic scene was about to overturn the non-existent ceiling.

Looking at the increasingly boiling scene, Bai Lang finally breathed a sigh of relief, finally meeting his psychological expectations.

To be honest, this was the first time Bailang was not used to holding a large-scale funeral reality show in a stadium-like place, and his performance was also not in place, with many omissions.

Although it was not a complete disaster on the spot, it exposed two flaws that seriously affected the effect of the ‘ceremony’.

First of all, he lacks experience in hosting related large-scale stage programs. After getting on the stage, his ability to mobilize the atmosphere of the scene relies heavily on the title effect of [Funeral Master of Ceremonies], and he directly uses the temporary modification of [Wedding Master of Ceremonies] in his memory.

Yes, there is a sense of disharmony in honey.

Not to mention Bai Lang himself, even the audience in the stands were weird. Looking at it, they inadvertently acted out, feeling like they were on some special day. Seeing that lonely bronze coffin, I always felt that there was something wrong with it.

?It would be so romantic if we could be buried in pairs.

Bailang has never organized such a grand funeral event on site. The rhythm, expressiveness and appeal are all flawed.

Prior to this, his most successful lavish funeral was last night's 'Pink Electronic Music Festival'. The success of this ceremony was essentially due to the fact that no outsiders participated.

The people responsible for the background crowd are his own pink furry rabbit and the vegetable man trained by his girlfriend whom he does not recognize. The participants are his daughter, apprentice, uncertified girlfriend, and various summons. Therefore, there is no unfamiliarity, stage fright, or control.

There is no need to adjust the rhythm or atmosphere. Who dares not to give face to the boss?

But today, it's very different.

As for another fatal flaw, Bailang's [Charm] attribute is too low.

This thing is a flaw, not to mention far lower than the contractors of the same level, even lower than the average level of the first level. This greatly affects his "funeral hosting effect" and makes it difficult for the audience to have a sense of empathy.

Of course, if [Villain Charm] is turned on, he will also be very cool. But anyone with a bit of brains will understand that the people who came to watch this ceremony are all aborigines. This is the ninja world, not Gotham, ordinary people

Where do common people come from as "evil people"? Therefore, not only are they immune to the infection of "evil people's charm", but they are even more hostile, vigilant, and resistant.

Therefore, from the opening to the end of the fourth program, Bailang's "funeral effect" was mediocre. I once had self-doubt. Isn't this a bowl of rice suitable for me?

Fortunately, although his personal charm is not as good as that of a normal host, the quality of the programs at hand is excellent: Seven People Carrying a Coffin and Dance with Ghosts (Ninja Rabbit Version), Sinking Demon Classical Funeral Band (Four Heavenly Kings), Little Tiangang Arhat Formation (

36 Maomao Rabbit), if you want to look pretty and filial on the catwalk...

These were new programs that the residents of the shinobi world who lacked cultural life had never seen before. They were full of curiosity and had the courage to continue watching. The buffering of each scene allowed them to gradually accept Bailang's "funeral style" until...

It wasn't until Salf was called upon to perform in person in the fifth show that she performed the fatal wind instrument "Kazoo: Kikusashiro's Radiation Sickness", the audience was finally captivated by the charming and cute little face on the big screen.


Even though she played an unheard-of fatal magic sound, the audience still fell into fascination and intoxication with painful faces, and chose to forgive amid pain and joy.

After all, she looked so cute, almost like an angel, how could she have bad intentions? The sound of the flute was so heartbreaking that it fully allowed us to understand the anguish of the bereaved family members when they suddenly heard the bad news.

Xiao Fufu's solo ended with great success. Bai Lang, who dominated this 'funeral', clearly felt through the title feedback that the 'funeral amplification effect' began to increase steadily, and he immediately found the trick.

Next, the naturally beautiful Ophelia took the stage to sing, and then the hard-core agricultural fitness Lolita took the stage to box, finally igniting the atmosphere and making the scene exciting.

In the second half of the funeral performance, after careful consideration, Bai Lang directly used the "Nightmare Demon Realm" in public at the home court of a strange force to carry out large-scale group suggestions, activate mental pollution and brainwashing, and completely control the audience's emotions.

Coupled with the "Great Wail and Three Sorrows and Demonic Sounds", the frenetic and restless atmosphere can be integrated into your own "funeral ceremony".

The final song of the movie version "Pure Land" firmly suppresses the "heroic spirits of dirty soil" in the coffin. The "soul-gathering monument" engraved with core values ​​​​will be dropped heavily, scattered, isolated, and cut off the "heroic spirits of dirty soil" and "

The connection between the Black Mud Pure Land will completely transcend it and turn it into ashes.

The obliteration of the filthy heroic spirits caused the sense of oppression that was steadily releasing and spreading outwards to disappear. It was like purifying the hearts of the audience, no longer heavy but becoming relaxed, followed by bursts of cheers.

This 'funeral', which was rushed to the shelves, ended successfully with his full preparation. At the same time, the title of [Funeral Master of Ceremonies] he wore was also slightly enhanced.

Time went back, and just as Bai Lang gradually found his feeling, from being unfamiliar to being proficient, and mobilizing the ready-made spectators to cheer together, the information about him was quickly placed on the desk of the 'White Dwarf Team', and was accepted for discussion.

The first thing to be dug up was naturally his experience in Konoha, which was mainly related to the 'Physics Blood Witch Doctor'. Many low-level paparazzi who worked in Konoha had information manuals about 'Uchiha'.

Tea tree mushroom' information.

No one can imagine that such a professional who can purify the dirty earth and heroic spirits can actually be an excellent doctor? The contractors responsible for the discussion had to lament that the paradise's miraculous craftsmanship can always cultivate some extraordinary talents.

Immediately afterwards, a more secretive and explosive secret was unearthed. It turned out that his extraordinary medical talent was just a disguise, and his true occupation was a heretic in the belief system [blasphemous priest]!

Moreover, the last time Outland appeared in the ninja world was when he was kicked out of the "Takigakure Village". At that time, he had been seriously injured, and he was no different from a dead person. He deserved to return to paradise. Unexpectedly, he would return to the world in just ten days.

, and it is no different from healthy people, no! It has become stronger!

What is it that makes a dead man who has been severely injured and completely destroyed come back to his glory and return to the top? And what is it that makes him continue to develop cross-border and three-dimensionally on the basis of 'Doctor Sacrifice', and in 'Purification and Elimination of Demons'?

'Field, reaching the 'supreme realm' that the world cannot reach? Even the evil in this world can be purified!

Is this a distortion of ___ or a corruption of ____?

As the investigation deepened, there were so many questions and doubts about Bai Lang that they scratched their heads and couldn't figure it out. In the end, all arrows pointed to the "dream magic" he performed in the second half of this super-large on-site funeral ceremony.


Although they admit that the contractor of 'Otlander' is very outstanding and can reach the level of proficiency or even seniority in the fields of 'medicine, martial arts, theology, folk funerals', etc.

But a mere second-level newcomer, no matter how defiant he is and has a background, should have a limit. He can't just send away the helpless 'Black Mud' who is at the peak of the third level with his strength, right?

So, what is it that makes a useless person come back to life and shine so brightly that even black mud can transcend it?

There is only one answer! It is his extremely rare profession [Profane Priest].

After being abandoned by the god he believed in and reduced to a useless person, this boy's luck was unlucky. In despair, he was once again chosen by a mysterious, generous and powerful new god to become his spokesperson.

Only a miracle can resurrect a dying cripple with full blood, just like Brother Su was resurrected three days later. Only a higher-level god can give the spokesperson the power to extract the evil in this world.

This can also be confirmed from the ‘funeral scene’ held by Bailang.

The essence of a 'funeral' is a 'ritual', and the essence of the ritual trajectory lies in sacrifice. Bailang's actions in the secret residence can be understood as his [blasphemous sacrifice] using seemingly alternative methods (rituals) to call out

Connect with the gods behind them and hold a large-scale ritual in the form of a 'funeral' to gather strength to obliterate and save the 'heroic spirits of dirty soil'.

Only this inference can solve the mystery, and it is well-founded and logical.

In the conference room, all the contractors were discussing:

"What a lucky dog. Not only did he recover from his injuries, but he also met a god who specializes in restraining the 'dirty earth heroic spirits'."

"Yeah, I'm really lucky."

"This profession is so amazing. It can continuously change the system of the core source. In just one task, it can switch multiple professional systems continuously. Each of them is comparable to an expert. Even the 'evil in this world' that cannot be restrained by the third level

It can be cleared."

"But the hidden dangers and shortcomings are also huge. His core source is just a castle in the air, with no foundation to support, and relies on charity and rewards from the gods. There is no problem at low levels, but when it breaks through the fourth level, it is just a beautiful display. Everything else

The contractor is a big tree, and he is just a vine climbing on the tree."

As the investigation deepened, the members of the White Dwarf cluster who were responsible for observing Bailang were surprised to find that after his "large stage funeral show", he not only super purified the "Black Mud Heroic Spirit", but also connected the data behind it

, the database has also been permanently deleted.

At first, this member didn't believe it and thought he had made a mistake.

But soon, after communicating with Bailang, he decided to use the remaining holy relics of the 'Filthy Earth Heroic Spirit' to conduct another 'Filthy Earth Summoning'.

As a result, even if the 'Holy Relic' was used, there was no second 'Dirty Earth Heroic Spirit' to respond. This result once again refreshed the team's understanding of Bailang.

All those who were mourned by him were not only purified and transcended themselves, but even the data behind them were permanently erased from the database of the Hall of Heroes, making it impossible to summon another heroic spirit with the same concept.

It can be said that: to eliminate the root of the problem, to avoid future troubles. This is simply a rare genius in the world of mother burial!

At noon that day, the team held Bailang in their hands like a treasure and signed a series of thoughtful cooperation terms.

Bailang then had detailed communication with this team of contractors and decided to choose a new location and not hold a concert-style funeral in the 'Big Arena'.

This kind of 'stage funeral' makes it difficult to give full play to his talent. Compared with this kind of 'stage show funeral', Bai Lang prefers and is more proficient in the 'oriental traditional close-range interactive funeral'.

The White Dwarf team was also eager to eliminate the 'black mud hazard' and naturally obeyed his request. Not only did they provide a large number of idle natives as spectators, they also actively recruited a large number of 'food ninjas' who were proficient in cooking to prepare for the 'funeral'

It adds a part of the sublimated soul of "serving food and having a feast".

In the following time, Bailang frequently switched titles, and with the cooperation of this team, he launched one 'funeral' after another. Not only was he burying the heroes in the dirty land, he was also trying and making mistakes, collecting data, experiencing the rituals, and perfecting the steps and processes.

He treats the 'funeral event' as a 'transcendence funeral ceremony'. The purpose is to mobilize the enthusiasm of the audience through step after step, unify their thoughts bit by bit, enhance the sense of involvement, let the audience participate, and bring that feeling

The 'recognition influence' is purified and twisted into one through ritual, and transformed into the 'funeral power'.

If the complicated and cumbersome process fails to make the 'audiences' feel involved, then the final step of 'serving the food' can undoubtedly stimulate the audience's simplest mentality of taking advantage through their appetite and gain happiness.

Even if the food doesn't taste that good, the feeling of being able to take advantage of it is still there.

If the food is not only delicious, but also the funeral process is tedious and takes a long time, then each participant will be starving in the end, and then they will be fed and satisfied, which will definitely stimulate recognition and satisfaction to the greatest extent.

After this positive emotion is collected and processed by the 'ritual', it is transformed into a power that can suppress and resist the 'counterattack of the undead'.

In the second, third... and fifth funerals, Bailang not only sent away the heroic spirits with different customs of funeral rituals, but also understood more "funeral principles" and deeply lamented the loss.

In the funeral business, it was as if someone had cut off his arm.

If he can get Fukimaru to help him at the 'funeral', then once the [Magic Taunting Girl Transformation] is activated, he will instantly become the focus of the cemetery!

Forced eye-catching and passive viewing can be the finishing touch to the 'funeral'. Bailang no longer has to rack his brains to mobilize the emotions of the scene to infect everyone. Fuguimaru's wave of 'taunts', no one can turn their heads and glance away, it must be forced viewing

. Moreover, Fugui is proficient in dance, acrobatics, has his own BGM, special lighting effects, and magical transformation, which is even more soul-stirring.

With such a talent on stage, he danced on top of a grave and danced to a disco. The audience was in a state of shock. The ‘funeral power’ behind this couldn’t have been more explosive?!

Bailang already has [Evil Spirit's Great Wailing Heaven - Magic Sound Rules], and Fufu has [Evil Spirit Baichuan's Genius - Dynamic DJ Rules]. If both of them can be blessed with 'Wealth' at the same time, it will naturally be a strong alliance.

Perform a "self-written, directed and performed" hard-core funeral punk song that shocks ancient and modern times!

In short, without [Fuguiwan] and relying solely on Bailang's own funeral, it cannot be considered a truly complete body.

After five funerals, Bai Lang, who had made a small profit of 1,000 embers, was eating the 'white feast' cooked with chakra by the cooks, feeling that he could fight another 500 battles!

At the same time, he sighed: "With the help of wealth and honor, even the six realms can be buried!"

This chapter has been completed!
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