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Chapter 768 [Seafood King] The invincible [Carp Village far away from the world]

[Raleye Seafood City: Portable Cave/Pocket Plane/Small World/Ayulong]

[Water system, deep sea environment, void pollution.]

[Volume, 20km diameter spherical space.]

After a brief moment of confusion, Bailang quickly realized. He had seen this 'real weapon' before. It was the [Roaring Nuraemon] left by Kitten's mother and inherited by Sulf. A bronze-level real weapon.


He was surprised at the beginning. They were all Noble Phantasms. How come the ones he created were called 'conceptual weapons', while the ones left behind by Kitty Man's mother were 'real weapons'?

What's the difference? Is it simply Bailang's discrimination? Or is he looking down on me [the Master of Secret Treasures]?

Now that he has made many Noble Phantasms with his own hands, and compared it with this time's [Raleye Seafood City], he discovered that the pot was originally here? The difference between [Seafood City] and the previous Noble Phantasms is that an extra piece of [World] has been added.


If measured by the Noble Phantasm in his mind, Lang would rather call [Seafood City] an S-level space Noble Phantasm, to compare with the [Avalon] in the hands of King Da Mao. It is a world of its own, far away from the world of 'Carp Village'


However, this time the synthesized 'S-level' did not appear, but instead became a 'silver-level real weapon'. This made Lang instantly get to the point: reality.

[Noble Phantasm] is just a 'conceptual equipment' formed by 'title equipment'.

The 'title' represents the relevant legends and influence left by a certain mission world, while the 'equipment' is more like a detailed data model at a low-dimensional level before the dimension is upgraded.

If the 'mission world' is regarded as a copy of the game on the computer, and the paradise is in the reality outside the box, then the 'equipment' is like a group of game data, which is the integration and upgrade of the 'legend and influence' that comes with the title.

A kind of 'conceptual weapon'.

When he put the dimension-enhanced [Fragments] into this Noble Phantasm, the 'Conceptual Arms' entered the dimension-enhanced state and were redeemed bit by bit, completing the reality and becoming unique. This is the [Real Arms].

After entering the fourth level, contractors also began to try to 'upgrade the dimension' and realize the power system. The same is true for the 'Noble Phantasm', and the 'real weapons' and 'conceptual weapons' are easy to understand. The former is the ultimate of the latter.


Judging from the feedback given to him by Paradise, this idea is established. The difference between bronze level and silver level is not the strength or weakness of the 'Noble Phantasm', but the erosion degree.

Those with a corrosion rate of less than 30% are bronze, and those with a corrosion rate exceeding this standard are silver. This is consistent with the 30% threshold for whether the 'mission world' is eligible for destruction and recycling. The watershed between silver and gold is 60%, which is also for fourth-level contractors and above.

Can we move from a 'low-end destruction game' to a 'high-end dimensionality enhancement game'?

Fufu's 'Bronze Arms' is obviously not a high-end product that is integrated into 'Fragments', but is the product of the third-level contractor pouring the power of dimensionality into the Noble Phantasm when he went through the 'Promotion Trial'. In other words, in the future, he

There is also an opportunity to recharge the 'conceptual weapons' and make them real.

After obtaining [Raleye Seafood City], Bai Lang couldn't wait to check the properties and functions of this 'noble phantom', and it was very different from what he imagined.

Then, he embedded the treasure phantom into the [Lord of Secret Treasures] career column on the whiteboard, and was prompted to open a new virtual career: [Seafood King]!

Let’s talk about the Noble Phantasm [L’lye Seafood City] first. Its essence is the synthesis of the ‘Elf Ball’ and the ‘Title’, and then melting and sublimation of a [Fragment].

The external shape has not changed at all, it is still an ordinary 'red and white ball', but the inner essence has been completely changed.

It can be understood as the "Mountains and Rivers Map" in the magic weapon. It is a world of its own internally, a small world that operates independently from the outside world. Well... the "Sheji Map" is too high-end, probably on the level of "low-end Dinghai Zhu".

The small world [Raleye] is not large in size, a spherical space with a diameter of 20 kilometers, filled with sea water and deep sea pressure.

What is 20km? It sounds small?

But when you are on the highway, step on the accelerator to 80km/h, roll down the windows, and drive towards the edge of the city, it will take you a full 15 minutes to drive from one end of [Laleye] to the other.

And this is just the diameter.

[R'lyeh] is three-dimensional, not a 'horizontal block' suspended in the void. It has depth and height, which is also 20km from top to bottom.

Use this spherical water world as a fish tank, enough to stock large deep-sea creatures, or use it to build a 'deep-sea city'. Therefore, it is called: [Laleye Seafood City]

The 'Small World' is cut from the deep-sea environment of the Shinobi World, with its own super-pressure, active volcanic eruption terrain, and an independent cyclic ecological circle that can store living creatures. However, the pure water environment is destined to only support marine life, and humans can only put it in it.

You will drown. Unless you join the glorious evolution of the Inspiration King and grow gills.

The 'King of Karpkarp', who originally lived in the Poké Ball, is now designated as the official spokesperson of [R'lyeh]. It is an innate companion beast that suppresses the luck of the small world.

If Bailang is regarded as Hongjun, the owner of [Seafood City], then the 'Carp King' is the 'Jade Emperor (Fish Emperor)' appointed by him.

Bailang tried to embed [Raleye] into the main position of [Lord of Secret Treasures] and started the [Seafood King] virtual profession, which has two forms, one strong and one weak.

If he is inside the [Laleye Small World], Bailang is undoubtedly the 'Seafood Taoist Master' who is in harmony with the Tao. He dominates all the internal rules of 'Laleye' and can call upon all the power of the 'Seafood City' at will.

It even went so far as to re-partition the three-dimensional deep-sea world with a diameter of 20km. For example, it was cut into four CDEF disks, and the pressure in different areas was adjusted to re-divide:

Disk C: Shallow sea area (above 200m)

Disk D: Deep sea area (200m-4km)

Disk E: Abyssal Area (above 4km)

F drive: Mermaid learning materials hidden folder

This is the well-deserved [Seafood King]!

Since [Raleye] is an independent and complete closed ecological bottle that allows the storage of living animals, Bailang can collect a large number of special fish from different worlds, breed them in Raleye, and then brutally kill and eliminate them, eventually forming a stable food chain.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! And use Magikarp's 'Gu Parasitism' to transform them with fish vein seals, quickly complete the bloodline evolution and violent attack stage, and create a psychic holy land. Every fish

, they are all dependents of the 'Brain God-Carp King', they are delicious and rich in high-energy nutrients!

However, after these 'foreign fish' immigrated to [Raleye] and were transformed by the local's unique 'void pollution environment corrosive fish vein curse seal bloodline', they were equivalent to gaining a new place of origin, and their souls were controlled by [Seafood City]. From then on,

Say goodbye to the old world.

Therefore, [R'lyeh] is usually 'only in but not out', because if these 'immigrant fish from another world' want to leave [R'lyeh], they will be rejected by the current world and regarded as an 'invasion'.

Therefore, once the [Seafood King] equipped with the Noble Phantasm leaves the home field of [Raleye Seafood City], he will be regarded as an ordinary practitioner with his own 'portable cave' in the mission world.

Bailang still maintains his original strength. [Raleye] has no connection with the mission world, has no blessings and benefits, and is even rejected by the 'inhibitory power' of this world.

[Raleye] operates independently and is equivalent to a country within a country, a virus cell that invades the body. Bailang can only extract power from [Seafood City] at his own expense to fight.

In combat mode, [Seafood King - Bailang] can drag the enemy into [Seafood City] to surround and beat them, crush them with the home field advantage, and launch the 'fish school tactic' to obliterate the enemy.

But this approach of drawing enemies into your own home will also seriously damage the ecological environment of [Seafood City].

Just imagine, you have worked hard to decorate your mansion beautifully, manage the small world smoothly, and the people (fish) live and work in peace and contentment. Then suddenly an abyss lord is brought in to fight.

In the end, the enemy was killed and the home he had worked so hard to build was destroyed. The loss outweighed the gain.

Therefore, another weakened version of the battle mode is the external battle in [R'lyeh].

[Seafood King] The profession still retains the 'immortal mode' and becomes an upgraded version of the 'Unity of Nature and Man' passive effect. Once activated, Bailang can establish a mysterious connection with the external natural environment with a diameter of 10km and passively enter the 'Unity of Nature and Man'

', mobilizes 'natural energy', and has a high affinity with 'water power'.

This is a reverse influence of [Raleye's small world] on the outside world.

Although [Raleye] is destined to be a 'little brother-level movable world' that is suppressed by the inhibitory force of the mission world, but based on the analogy of the law of gravity, even an apple or a lump of cake, as long as it has mass, it also has 'gravity'


However, they are too small to be compared with the earth, and their "gravity" is also ignored, infinitely approaching non-existence.

But no matter how small or younger [Raleye] is, it is essentially a 'high-dimensional fragment', far more powerful than a lump of cake! Therefore, it also has its own 'radiation gravity', and it cannot be ignored. It is enough to destroy Bailang's

'Immortal mode' expands the blessing to a considerable level.

Regardless of the world, as long as Lang turns on [Immortal Mode], he will continue to exist in a 'passive state' without the need to actively pay spiritual energy to maintain it, which is equivalent to a constant force field.

The strength of this 'field' is related to [Raleye]'s own quality, volume, and erosion, as well as the level, scale, and erosion of the current mission world. After complex conversions, it is expressed in varying degrees.

In the weak world of missions, Bailang is extremely powerful. He is the 'Void Seafood King' who invades the world from Shattered Void. He comes with hundreds of millions of his family members and strikes hard!

In the powerful and dangerous mission world, one of Bailang's weaklings is a well-behaved [Mo Yu Weng] with his own "little aura of delicious seafood", who only concentrates on selling fish.

This kind of 'unity of man and nature (immortal mode)' can be said to have been greatly improved compared to the [Scaly Immortal] period. However, it is also subject to new restrictions and restrictions, and is highly tied to the concept of water system.

In the world of martial arts, he appears as the innate master Seafood King. His breathing and exhalation are all innate carp true energy, and he practices 'water-based exercises and ice-based exercises' with additional bonuses. Even if he practices ordinary internal skills, he starts with the innate true energy.

And comes with 'water enchantment damage'.

However, if you practice attribute skills, the increase will be significantly reduced. The more it conflicts with the water element, the passive blessing will not only disappear, but will conflict with each other and be weakened.

For example, after turning on [Seafood King-Celestial Mode], it will be difficult for him to cook at a normal level and bring out the essence of [Extreme Lava Flow Cuisine].

In the training ground of the paradise, Bailang first embedded the [Seafood King] in the main position, turned on the passive heavenly mode, and after getting familiar with the passive blessing for a while. On this basis, he embedded the [Demon God Pillar] in the auxiliary position and arranged it around his body.

Next 'Position Area'.

The two amplify each other, and without any "evil spiritualization", they naturally project the "Raleye Seafood City-Environment" and construct an "inherent barrier-Seafood City" around them that is comparable to the "Devil Realm".

In his own 'advanced field', Bailang can resist the inhibitory force from the outside world, and summon the 'Void Seafood' who immigrated and changed their bloodlines, becoming a veritable [Seafood King]. The Rabbits are also in this 'Seafood'

In the field, it has been greatly blessed by the home field, and its evolution has become even more delicious.

He continued to change the environment of the training ground, simulating the world under different power systems, and found that the consumption of the projection [Raleye] was directly related to the external environment.

If it is a marine environment, the difficulty will plummet, the payment price will be greatly reduced, and the discount will be great; but if it is replaced by land or sky, and space... the power of [R'lye] projection is greatly suppressed, and the maintenance cost is extremely high.

This was determined by the properties of the Noble Phantasm itself, and he was not disappointed.

What really makes Bai Lang sad is that the paradise may not have any misunderstanding about My Palm World [Laleye-Seafood City]?

Why does it lack attack power? If there is any hidden core tone in the whole 'small world', then the abyss is the aggressive nature of chaotic evil, the void has the pollution that distorts everything, and its own [Seafood City] is better at cultivating living things

, making them more plump, delicious and nutritious.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! Yes, this [Noble Phantasm] is quite superior in terms of immigration and cultivation. It can freely modify the environmental status, and at the same time, it allows immigrants to quickly get rid of acclimatization, be quickly contaminated, and distort and mutate.

Rapid development.

It's like...a super scientific and advanced breeding farm? It exists specifically to cultivate food ingredients. But the increase in combat is very meager.

"So, is this my [Seafood City]?"

In the training ground, Lang who is in the state of [Seafood King] becomes more and more uncomfortable the more he exercises. If he has an 'Ice World' or a 'Magma World', then without mentioning anything else, he can rely on the basic quality of 'Small World'

Cut the grass and wash the floor.

In addition, in the attack-oriented small world, just like playing a game, you can cultivate designated 'arms' as combat tools. The seafood cultivated in your own [Seafood City] is like a 'farmer occupation' compared to a 'warrior occupation'

, the taste is really great!

In the future, he does not need to wait for Magikarp's "Daily Purchase", he can cultivate excellent fish materials in large quantities, and then "secretly prepare salted fish and grind fish".

As he continued to get more familiar with each other, Bailang paid for a 'Kisame sparring partner', and he and he competed in water escapes in the venue, and developed a defensive technique.

[Seafood King-Bailang] refers to [Avalon] and successfully uses the 'World Barrier' that comes with [Raleye Seafood City] for defense.

To put it bluntly, it is to use the durability and basic defense of the 'Elf Ball' to resist his unstoppable attacks. The price is the damage and destruction of the 'Seafood City Time and Space'.

Once the external attack exceeds the limit, [Seafood City] will be destroyed, which can be regarded as a pocket version of 'Mission World Collapse and Destruction'.

[R'lye] was destroyed by external forces, and the [World Fragments] melted inside collapsed and exploded, and were reversely integrated into the mission world. This is a completely free gift, and it can no longer claim for recovery, nor can it receive any blessings.

If [R'lye] is just the original [World Fragment], it can be used as a bargaining chip to invest and integrate into a certain mission world, deeply integrate with this world, and strengthen itself by absorbing the origin of the world. Bailang can also indirectly divide and master it through [Fragments]

Part of the authority in this world, but this requires a fourth-level threshold.

Now Lang has chosen to be backward compatible, integrating the "fragments" into his equipment, turning it into a treasure with its own independent time and space. He has also completely cut off the connection with the mission world. He is suppressed by the inhibitory force and loses opportunities for growth, but he can follow him into any world.

[Raleye Seafood City] If you want to continue to grow, you can only destroy the 'holy land' cultivated by others, or get more 'fragments' to feed, in order to improve the strength, quality, erosion, or expand of the seafood city.

internal space.

After the inspection, Bailang was generally quite satisfied with this King Explosive Noble Phantasm.

Although it is severely stretched in terms of 'combat power' and is not good at fighting, the 'Elf Ball' itself is not a weapon. [Seafood City] should be regarded as a 'small world simulator' with management, placement and development.


The unique ecological environment, combined with the Carp King's Gu parasitism transformation and the Inspiration King's void pollution, can create a large number of dependents for Dagon. Even though they cannot escape, they can provide the power of stable faith and recharge the entire 'Healing God System'.

It is equivalent to a portable kingdom of God and a power station of faith. This is where the soul is!

This alone is worth the price of admission. It is a well-deserved ‘super source’, a nuclear reactor that heals the gods.

Secondly, [Raleye Seafood City], as its name suggests, is an unlimited food production and processing base, enough for him to open a top-notch restaurant.

Although it is difficult for the dependents who have been transformed by pollution to leave ‘Raleye’, those who have died are not counted.

Bailang can carry unlimited ingredients for seafood cooking anytime and anywhere. As soon as he starts his sub-career, he will become the most beautiful "Seafood Cooking Master" in the universe.

Even if this Noble Phantasm is not considered invincible at the same level, it is undoubtedly a cheating artifact at the lower stages. And in the 'Great Channel' that is about to open, it will be even more lawless and do whatever you want!

This wave is stable!

On weekdays, it is the 'Seafood Faith Divine Kingdom Ingredients Base' of the healing god. When encountering force majeure, it hides in the 'Carp Village' and turns it into a shelter, resisting at the expense of the 'small world'.

Unless you can destroy Seafood City, even Jesus can’t kill me when he comes!

As for whether the Seafood City has other more high-end gameplay? You need to explore slowly and experience it carefully.

After leaving the training ground, Bailang took out [Fragment-Scarlet Dream] and tried to blend in, but was rejected by the Noble Phantasm. [Seafood City] cannot absorb all fragments.

In the end, he transplanted the empty shell of the heretic golem, which was too large to fit into the 'storage space', into R'lye, and planted the withered tree in the submarine volcanic mud.

Extra large storage space, perfect!

This chapter has been completed!
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