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Chapter 828 Captain Sulf arrives at her loyal Malinfando

There are more and more warships hanging the 'Righteous Seagull Sail', and the 'Blind Rabbit Pirate Flag' with the vomit rainbow as the background seems out of place. It is like a Chinese pastoral dog that has blended into a pack of wolves, even the husky's camouflage is...

Failure to do so will be recognized immediately.

Captain Salf had no idea about this. She saw the landmark building of the Navy Headquarters "Marinvando" from a distance. She hurriedly put on the latest mini skirt, held a small umbrella, and stepped on the bow statue of the ship in a show of power.

The boat sailed triumphantly, attracting countless curious eyes.

On the contrary, the vice-captain shivered under the scrutinizing gazes of batches of naval officers, and had to bite the bullet and steer the ship, direct a group of pink rabbits to adjust the sails, and start to dock.

After a period of sailing, Captain Salf, holding the [Invitation Letter], had a smooth journey and finally arrived at the waters of the Navy Headquarters, preparing to compete for the qualifications to participate in this 'Shichibukai Conference'.

During this trip, she encountered a total of 7 rounds of attacks. The last three attacks were especially difficult. In each group of attackers, there were shadows of contractors, who either indirectly controlled the pirate group, or took action directly.

In the end, only 121 of the "amphibious water rabbits" that came with Bailang's ship were dead. The "Rabbit Army" also lost 34 big rabbits, and has been successfully replenished. All seven people survived.

There are only two of the Four Heavenly Kings left to protect the way. However, two of the three deceased are about to end their cooldown and return. This makes Salf feel like she is shaking again. She is not at all interested in this 'Shichibukai Recruitment'

Ha scared.

In the last few naval battles, the remaining "amphibious water rabbits" prayed in dreams and collectively took office as the "Fish Vein Breaking Monks". They wore fancy Hawaiian beach cassocks, held salted fish swords, and hung egg-sized pearl beads around their necks.

, rich and powerful, shouting fanatically: "Namo King Akaba!", killing everyone on the deck.

Relying on the physical quality beyond human beings, he quickly tapped out the "power of blood", and then used the "Salted Fish Knife" to absorb the blood and life from the enemies and fallen companions, constantly performing the routine of "The Breaking Knife" over and over again.


But because the power was too great, he just turned a 'blood-sucking salted fish' into a death propeller blade. It was like a moving meat grinder. It would hurt you if you touched it, and you would die if you touched it. It was like a lawless god and a demon, and it caught the opponent off guard.


Excluding 'high-end combat power', the average quality of the 'Pink Rabbit Pirates' surpasses any other pirate group. There is no way, the shortest point is too high.

The "Rabang" thing can be compared to the "brown bear" in nature. Moreover, it is a beast with low-level wisdom and has been transferred to the "breaking monk" position. If placed in the Eastern civilization, it will become a spirit and convert to Buddhism.

, a monster with military training.

Of course, there are top-notch combat forces such as 'local ability users and second-level contractors' on the enemy ship, but Salf also has 'Uchiha Sinking Demons' who can draw blood from their eyes; some have been deeply processed by Bailang and dare to open eight doors to kill them.

There are seven people in the ballast coffin; there is also a 'Headless Sand Crocodile' in the ballasted coffin, which is suppressing the restless 'Dancing Heart'.

To be honest, this lineup is not weak. Even if it is a second-level attack, without knowing the detailed information of the "Bora Rabbit Pirates", it is easy to be played GG.

Although the Sinking Demon has stretched his hips, the 'Kaleidoscope Eye Technique - Uchiha Amusement Park' that was contaminated and transformed by evil spirits is a powerful control skill.

Behind Sulf, there are two evil spirits [Little Genius] and [Wishenwan] who are willing to serve as dry batteries. They can use the right eye of the Four Heavenly Kings to release a pupil technique that will pollute even the third level.

Coupled with the special location of the 'Naval Battle', the seven people used the 'Fish Pulse Water Escape' to extract seawater to sneak attack, and the water splashed and jumped one by one.

In this way, Sulf defied the odds and became famous as the 'Bora Rabbit Pirates'!

Even in the most brutal battle, she only paid the price for the suicide attack of 10 big rabbits. She performed the "Tianyuan Breakthrough-Magic Rabbit Teeth Opening Technique" on the sea, transforming into an [evil-proof tail wing, stable shell-piercing, armor-piercing self-explosion weapon]

Rabbit], punching through the enemy ship, leaking water like crazy, forcing the opponent to retreat.

The unknown Captain Sulf has since become famous.

Because no one could bear the humiliation of being defeated by the 'pink furry rabbit', those losers who had provoked her chose to leave in silence, never to humiliate themselves a second time.

Especially in the last three waves of attacks, the attackers did not fly the 'pirate flag' at all. Instead, they all chose 'anonymous attacks' in a tacit understanding, leaving themselves a way out.

Otherwise, just delete your account and take off your skirt! Can’t even defeat the ‘Pink Rabbit’? Do you still have the nerve to hang out at sea?

Speaking of which, the Furry Rabbit Pirates, all members of which are "marine creatures", not only occupy the "right time, place, and people". This "pirate group name" itself is also a great weapon.

No matter whether you take the initiative to attack the 'Mao Mao Rabbit' or be defeated by the 'Mao Mao Rabbit', it is a great shame. This also makes Captain Sulf inadvertently possess a shameful deterrent power. Before attacking her,

Think again and again.

If it weren't for the sake of seizing the spot in the "Shichibukai", who would be so full that he would take the initiative to provoke such a pirate group?

As the famous 'Pink Rabbit Pirates' docked in the past two days, a large number of nefarious people gathered at the military port of Marineford.

Some are curious about what this pirate group is like? There are also some female marines who have seen the photos of Captain Sulf earlier and are full of love for those big, fluffy and cute pink rabbits... I think

I have to get up there and touch it in person. Is it real? Or is it just a doll pretending to be a human being?

"That's the 'Pink Rabbit Pirates'?"

"There are really so many pink furry rabbits!"

"It's really like a doll. It's so cute and I want to touch it."

"Bang! I saw it in a magazine about exotic animals. They are a mutated pink variety."

"No, I received information here that these animals can talk and understand physical skills. They should be fur tribe!"

"That little girl is the captain? She's not an adult yet! She's just a child!"

"It's so cute. It doesn't look like a pirate at all. No wonder there is no reward."

"See the horns on her head and the tail behind her?"

"Could she be a demon? But she's so little!"

In the midst of the noisy discussion, Nami, the 'Vice Captain's Guardian Spokesperson', was following the pirates step by step under great pressure. She raised her head proudly as if visiting a scenic spot. She didn't know where to go, but she still

Behind the little captain who steps forward confidently.

She was originally an agent of CP5, someone who was organized to steal under orders, but she became the deputy leader of the pirate group inexplicably. Then she went deep into the tiger's den and voluntarily surrendered to the Navy headquarters. She was also responsible for her own "Captain Aba"

Become a spokesperson, bargain with military leaders, negotiate for the throne of [Shichibukai]?!

A month ago, she was just a country girl growing oranges in the countryside!

Feeling the eyes of all kinds around her, Nami wanted to cry. Is it too late for me to go home and plant oranges now? Is it okay if I don’t want all those gold and silver jewelry, fashion bags, and pearls? I just want to be a good person now!

When Nami was in intense mental activity, the navy, which had monitored their schedule early on, immediately arranged for professional guides to come and respond.

Because except for the captain and deputy captain of the "Fluffy Rabbit Pirates" who are human and female, the rest of the crew are "magical animals", so the headquarters chose a young, beautiful and lively civilian lady to serve as the receptionist.

Sulf also knew that she lacked the 'most basic communication skills' and could not forcibly 'intubate' the other person's brain stem, which would be mistaken for 'aggression'.

So she remained silent throughout the whole process, pretending to be profound, and posed in the front. And because of her delicate facial features and sweet appearance, no matter how arrogant her movements were or her expression was, she could only show her cuteness, which aroused the onlookers' bursts of admiration. This scene always makes people laugh.

I remembered the scene every time the empress came for a meeting.

Then, the deputy captain, who had no way to retreat, took the initiative to come forward and talk.

Captain Salve listened attentively, nodded from time to time, and then continued to say nothing, clasping her hands on her chest, imitating her father's appearance, looking here and there from time to time, and then nodded slightly, as if commenting in her heart.

He looks very calm and sophisticated.

Soon, the vice-captain learned through communication that there were still several days before the convening of the 'Shichibukai Conference', and the other 'Shichibukai' had not arrived yet, and were still on their way there one after another.

Therefore, the headquarters has arranged accommodation for Captain Salf and her party to rest and wait patiently. The senior management of the headquarters will give priority to testing her before the meeting begins to confirm whether she is qualified for the position of 'Shichibukai'.

Even if they fail, the navy still has plans to recruit the 'Pink Rabbit Pirates'. Because their behavior since their debut cannot be considered serious pirates at all, there is still the possibility of turning back and finding a way out of the sea of ​​suffering.

This chapter has been completed!
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