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Chapter 865: A grand finale: Deerimmortalhuman!

After packing and sealing the zombie Doctor Octopus, the remaining zombies in the enchantment circle were also wiped out by the "Seafood Team" who were eager to perform. In the end, less than 4 people were lost in the battle, and the performance was acceptable.

At this time, little Fufu also had enough to eat and drink. She patted her ordinary little belly with satisfaction and climbed back on her beloved little pedal. She put on the 'Little Genius Safety Helmet' that is essential for driving and said to her father, 'It's done.

'Ready' gesture.

Bailang also issued an order to have more than a dozen flexible suction cup tentacles pop out from the head of the [Baron], and put the many packaged and sealed coffins into the warehouse inside the submarine.

On this trip to Raccoon Island, in addition to taking Little Fufu home, he also had two small goals:

The first is to collect a batch of 'special zombies' for self-research to see if he can obtain a 'virus' and use biochemical technology for free. In addition, the immortality of the 'zombie' reminded him of the 'Black Mud Heroic Spirit' from the previous world.


Although the grade is much lower, it may not be impossible to develop a reusable 'zombie battery'. When installed inside the space-time tomb, one coffin is better than three coffins, and the [energy gathering activity] greatly extends the service life of the 'space coffin lid'.

This second visit is naturally about the issue of succession of the title of "Shichibukai". Now the progress has just reached [2/7], and there are still five "Shichibukai" to be considered complete.

It is both difficult and easy to collect all these titles.

Yi understood very well that Xiao Fufu is the real power of the Shichibukai recognized by the Navy. As long as she is still there and the Fluffy Rabbit Pirates can still fight and have value, then the Navy will recognize a 'Rabbit Cadre' as the Shichibukai


The difficulty is that frequent replacement of 'rabbit cadres' will create the illusion that 'the seven people are just like this, your Shichibukai will not be cooked!'

If he was so bullish, how could he be beaten to death? The only Shichibukai who had ever been deposed, how could he die in battle? He was too weak and too disgraceful.

Our headquarters can arrange for a third generation to take over, and then what happens next? Will he be killed again and then be replaced with a fourth one? With frequent replacements, where will the dignity of our navy go?

[Shichibukai] The selling point of this identity is its intimidation and B-level. Frequent substitutions will only lose strength, and even make people wonder whether the strength of the 'Pink Rabbit Pirates' is not as strong as advertised?

If people look down upon you, there is no deterrence at all.

Another point is that the powerful "Seven People" died frequently one after another. This does not exactly mean that the "Mao Mao Rabbit Pirates" is on the decline again. With these backbones falling one after another, how much strength is left in the "Mao Mao Rabbit Pirates"

?I’m afraid that the throne of [Shichibukai] has only been passed down to four generations, and Salf will be kicked out of the ‘Shichibukai plan list’ by the navy. (Reason for leaving the group: too weak)

Therefore, Bailang decided to personally take action and carry out a wave of operations. Not only did the "Seven People" successfully iterate for five rounds without losing the status of the crazy monkey, but he also wanted the "Mao Mao Rabbit Pirates" not only to not go downhill, but to become bigger.

Strengthen and achieve brilliance repeatedly, become the only designated 'model cooperative pirate group' by the Navy, and set an example for all pirates in the Great Waterway!

With everything in place, the 'Tiangang Carp Array' that the 36 tool workers of Group B had worked hard to maintain was opened, and once again mountains of zombies swarmed up.

This time, Bailang didn't want to fight, and returned directly to the top cockpit of the "Baron". He used his mind to control the ship and land, and three hundred arthropods in two rows on the left and right took turns to step out, like sharp steel giant spears, easily pricking the zombies on the ground into pieces.

Chuan Chuan, rushing towards the battlefield of the 'Mao Mao Rabbit Pirates'.

Sulf was one step ahead and entered the 'nuclear explosion mode' at the moment when the barrier was lifted. She pressed the horn and emitted a series of roaring electronic sheep bleating sounds, tearing a bloody path.


Five minutes later, the little captain risked his life and successfully lured away the super zombie octopus monster. The hero returned and the morale that had fallen into the low point was restored again.

Sulf didn't talk nonsense. She had already proven everything with her actions, and the surviving navy had no doubts about her.

The situation was critical at this time. A large number of soldiers were exhausted and could not even maintain their partial armaments. They could only rely on metal doors pried off from cars to form a phalanx to barely resist. Many people were scratched by zombies, and the virus spread along the dark path.

blood vessels spread throughout the body.

Sulf immediately took out the syringe and began injecting the patient with 'fel blood' first aid. She also ordered the furry rabbits to self-destruct in batches, and once again opened up a path of flesh and blood, giving all the miscellaneous fish hope.

On the other side, Bai Lang, who had rushed to the outskirts of the battlefield, did not come forward directly. Instead, he took over the [Rabbit Army] and ordered two of the five surviving cadres to activate the 'Iron Overlord Flight Mode' respectively, and fight the familiar zombie Wolverine and

The Green Goblin was led into the trap he had laid.

Sulf started to put on a show in tune with her father's rhythm, using a simple "Three Character Sutra" to cheer up the escape team, and kept shouting something through the loudspeaker: Follow me! Hold on! Gang Ba Lei! Ganlin Niang! Ollie


From the beginning of waving his little fists and making milky sounds that are soothing, to finally waving a wrench to beat and inspire his companions, his violent milking and foul language makes people feel warm, and he can mingle with the vulgar pirates.

Everyone was desperate to survive, with raging flames igniting in their hearts. They shouted the unknown "Oli Gei" together and charged forward! Every time they shouted, an inexplicable energy surged out of their bodies. The magic was catchy and the aftertaste was long.

Full of flavor.

Bailang, on the other hand, slowly and unhurriedly positioned himself at the rear of the team, secretly setting up a 'moving barrier', collecting, imprisoning, blocking, and controlling the number and density of the pursuers along the way. At the same time, he personally took action to intercept and seal the powerful zombie heroes.

Because they were getting farther and farther away from the core area of ​​the island, the number of high-threat "special zombies" was not large. Lang sealed the Wolverine and another unknown weirdo one after another, but found no results.

The green zombie that could fly, after witnessing Bai Lang blasting Wolverine with his 'Big Coffin Slammer' and swinging a giant black copper coffin to explode the opponent, causing the bones and flesh to separate, revealing a skeleton that reflected silver light, he could only stay away.

After firing more than a dozen micro-missiles from a distance, he decisively turned around and ran away.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! The next road to escape can only be said to be the 'road of acting'.

Bailang deliberately controlled the intensity of the zombie tide to keep it at a level where he was neither too desperate nor relaxed, but always on tenterhooks. During this period, he also created two large waves of double-difficulty sieges, which severely stimulated the nerves of the escapees.

Sulf, who wore a helmet to prevent people from seeing the details of her expression, also excelled in her acting skills. She risked her own life several times in times of crisis and dispatched self-destructing furry rabbits to save the outdated navy. She successfully won people's hearts by relying on the cruel trick.

At the end of this scene, Bailang didn't even have a powerful enough 'super zombie' to intercept the team at the end of the level, creating the most gorgeous curtain call stage for the Shichibukai's replacement.


Bailang in the captain's cabin looked at the three coffins that were "bang banging!" inside, and suddenly frowned. Wolverine lacked visual effects and was not strong enough to kill a Shichibukai. What should he do?

Suddenly, he had an idea, clapped his hands and shouted in surprise: "I have it!"

If there is no boss, then create a boss and let the rabbit cadre die smoothly.

He immediately moved out the coffin with the seal "15th generation of headless sand riches" from the bottom of the Baron.

The 'Natural Headless Zombie Mummy' is then injected with a super zombie virus, and then voluntarily gives up the 'Elementalization' without resistance, and the world's first 'Natural Zombie Drought King' will surely be born!

Only the predecessor, the ‘Zombie Shichibukai’, can kill the current ‘Shichibukai’ without losing his rank!

"I'm so smart!"

Bai Lang wrapped his right hand with the 'Fetal Hidden Barrier', not afraid of the threat of the virus at all, activated the power of the [Encoffiant Master], severely suppressed the zombie Wolverine, then successfully towed the heart, and then stuffed the extremely energetic 'Zombie Heart'

In Sha Fugui's chest.

As time passed, the 15th generation Fukimaru woke up in the coffin and completely lost control. He fell into a violent killing mode and completed the elementalization in the coffin. He created a large amount of gravel out of thin air to increase the internal pressure, trying to burst the seal and break out of the coffin.


Bai Lang frowned slightly, and was surprised to find that when he allowed the 'virus' to spread in Fugui's body, the 'fish veins' in the mummy's body were also infected and transformed, and then lost contact.

When [Inspiration King]'s 'Biological Template Law' faced the 'Zombie Universe Virus' produced by Raccoon Island, it didn't even show any resistance. It failed miserably?!

Now, he can only influence the behavior of this 'zombie mummy' through the [must die] connection with the evil spirit level of 'Bushen Maru'. As for 'Fuki Maru'? It has inherited the legacy of its ancestors, and is gorgeous.

He betrayed his own father and wanted to kill his master.

But Bailang was surprisingly lifeless, and even felt relieved that "the Fortune Pill is like this!"

Damn it, am I being stabbed in the back? I'm actually used to it. Sha Fugui is '(really) brainless' and doesn't know how to think. After being 'possessed by the God of Dance', he can cooperate with the 'Deer Power Immortal'

'Finish this curtain call.

Lang soon felt relieved. The virus on Raccoon Island must also be a 'rules-level' product, and it was more perfect and mature than the 'biological template' that [Inspiration King] pieced together.

The 'Fish Vein' cannot withstand the contamination of the 'virus', and it is not unacceptable for him to lose control of the 'Fish Vein Warlock'.

While he was thinking, several seafood knights beside him stuffed the violently trembling and shaky 'coffin' into the newly evolved 'biological jet cavity' of the [Baron].

This is a countermeasure that Bailang came up with due to the lack of medium and long-range artillery attacks on the 'Big Xianyu'. He uses the characteristics of the activated battleship to make the Baron grow a cavity, and then drives the internal pressure of the 'Boiling Shark Muscle', and finally

'Cannonballs' are sprayed out.

At this moment, the Baron launched the coffin from a distance of two kilometers. Bailang also opened the barrier early and released a large number of zombies to warm up the final curtain call.

On the other side of the battlefield, the survivors who had seen the coastline in the distance, with tears in their eyes, turned around and saw a large number of zombies chasing after them after hearing the vibrations from the ground.

However, what is more terrifying than the tide of zombies is the 'sandstorm' that suddenly rolls up in the wind, covering the sky and sun, forming the outline of a huge skull. The unprecedented natural zombies make everyone's hearts fall into the abyss.

The coercion of the natural system was too exaggerated, and it possessed the power of laws connected to the 'Planet Will'. This coercion made their spiritual defenses unable to hold up any longer, and directly broke through the defenses, causing each one of them to cry helplessly.

They were so exhausted that they couldn't even move their legs, and could only kneel on the ground in despair. They had clearly grasped the tail of hope, but were about to be beaten back into the hell of despair. This situation was devastating.

No one could have expected that after the death of Sand Crocodile, his fruit would be reborn on Raccoon Island, and the first 'natural overlord' in the history of zombies would be born. Bailang also did not expect that he would go along with the flow and kill his own [Deer Power Immortal].

His perfect plan ended up being a match-fixing game between one of his own people?

Is there any law of heaven? Is there any law of the king? Is it possible that our majestic Raccoon Island can’t find a zombie that can kill the “Rabbit Cadre”? It’s up to outsiders to make up the numbers.

At this time, the Shichibukai's [Deer Power Great Sen], who was the second spiritual pillar, stepped forward, looked at Xiao Fufu with a determined look on his face, and nodded fiercely.

Then, with the increase of the friendship bond of [Poverty Fruit], it sublimated and burned its life to the maximum, opened the eight-door armor in mechanical form, released a dazzling blue flame, and used the aftermath to wash away the defeated dogs around it, soaring into the sky.

, turned into a meteor and shot into the yellow sand skeleton in the sky, choosing to repay the favor with his life.

The ‘Deer Power Immortal’ rushed into the sandstorm desperately and shouted with all his life’s strength: “Little captain, go on bravely, I hope I can be friends with you in the next life!”

Then, with everyone moved to tears, it battled with the "Shasha Zombie Mummy" for more than ten rounds, and the sound and light special effects were fully enhanced by the talent of "Fukimaru".

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! This time Sha Fugui did not dance (headless, does not understand people's hearts), nor did he choose a backup dancer. 'Fugui disco' was presented with a grand and gorgeous visual special effect.

In front of everyone.

(The light ball was blocked by sand and dust. Passers-by could only see the magnificent colors changing like the aurora from a distance. Instead, it was particularly spectacular and beautiful. It was mistaken for the visual special effects produced by the boss battle, which greatly enhanced the B of this battle.


Everyone was attracted by the decisive demonic battle, and the Hokage's eight-foot BGM could be faintly heard in their ears (Mishenmaru played the mental pollution BGM)... All the witnesses were fascinated by the sight, clenching their fists tightly,

A boy who looks like a primary school student looking forward to Aotuman defeating the monster.

Finally, Bai Lang, who felt that the heat was about the same and that the 'Zombie Sand Fugui' was becoming less and less affected by him, gave the ultimate self-destruct command to the 'Lu Li Daxian'.

Immediately, in the eyes of everyone moved to tears, it brazenly "eight-door nuclear explosion". It hit the Iron Overlord mechanical engine with an eight-door armor formation, triggering a small-scale nuclear explosion, lighting up the dim sky, and completely killing the pursuing zombies.

It was cleared and the completely out-of-control 'Zombie Sha Fugui' was blown up at close range and seriously injured.

At the same time, with the help of this wave of nuclear explosions, the area blockade on the edge of the island was also torn open, allowing the gloomy and dark sky inside to reveal the clear blue sky and white clouds outside.

Bailang took the opportunity to sense the whereabouts of [Must Die], and then the 'Open the Door' flashed, suppressing and sealing Sha Fugui's severed hand, and retracting 'Must Die'. At the same time, he also deactivated the [Big Salted Fish Baron] and escaped alone at light speed.

The Sanctuary of Raccoon Island.

On the ground, [Evil Spirit-Shirakawa. Genius] quietly turned on the eye protection function of the 'intelligent learning helmet', turned on the small eye protection screen mechanism inside the helmet, and dripped eye protection fluid to Fu Fu.

Finally, Sulf took off her helmet, cried bitterly under the stimulation of borneol eye drops, and shouted loudly: "-Deer-Immortal-Human-!"

The little captain lived up to the sacrifice of his "Krypton Gold Friend" and led the survivors (witnesses) who were also moved, staggering out of the sanctuary and seeing the light of day again on the beach, where they supported each other and escaped.

This chapter has been completed!
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