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Chapter 912 The correct way to open the cute king Salf

With the fall of the city god, the balance between the yin and yang worlds in Qingping Town was broken. Hundreds of ghosts walked at night, and every morning someone fell silently at home and could not get up again.

The urban atmosphere was becoming increasingly depressing, and despair, fear, and pessimism began to rise. At this moment, two shops opened at the same time on the central street of Qingping Town, bringing a glimmer of hope to the desperate people.

These two shops are opened together, adjacent to each other. They are called "Bao Zhilin", an elegant medical clinic with a backyard, and "Baiyulou", a two-story hotel.

The former, 'Baozhilin', is a forest of Ganoderma lucidum (poisonous mushroom) that claims to be able to bring people back to life, and is inexhaustible.

The proprietor's name is 'Dr. Sha (Sha/Silly?)', and he is very mysterious. He has never shown his face since the opening of the medical clinic. His technique of diagnosing pulses with silk threads is miraculous. During consultations, he always hides himself behind a screen.

Without asking questions out loud, the 'Wang Wen Wen' almost didn't touch anyone.

Patients go in with a confused look, and then come out confused again, but in the end they are always cured by the medicine, and they praise it unanimously.

As famous as the "Mysterious Proprietor Online Xuansi", there are also various "Lingzhi (Toadstool) elixirs" that use very luxurious materials but are of high quality and low price.

This medical center lives up to its reputation as "Bao Zhilin". It indeed adds "Ganoderma lucidum" with strange shapes and colors into every package of medicine, and it is not included in the cost.

Other doctors and pharmacists who are jealous of the 'Bao Zhilin' business have calculated that the price of each package of medicinal materials is basically the cost price of other medicinal materials after removing Ganoderma lucidum. It makes almost no money. It is simply incomprehensible. No wonder the owner's surname is 'Silly'.

Whenever you buy medicine, you must give it away for free. It is absolutely not redundant. Instead, it blends perfectly with other medicinal materials and further stimulates the 'Ganoderma lucidum' that enhances the medicinal power. This kind of conscientious style greatly stimulates the patients' human weakness of being greedy for petty gains.

At the same price, wouldn't it be nice to buy a portion of Ganoderma lucidum for free at Silly Doctor? Even some wealthy people who are not sick are keen to come to this store and get a pack of aphrodisiac health medicine. The effect is good, after using it

All agreed.

The "Baiyulou" opened for business together with "Bao Zhilin" and quickly became famous, with more unique routes and more exciting operations.

On the opening day of ‘Baiyulou’, the owner Bai Dashan donated free porridge to provide relief to the disaster, bringing a touch of warmth to Qingping Town, where every street has a white road sign.

Due to the large number of ghosts wandering around at night, even though the "protective power" brought by the city's Yamen is still struggling to operate, as long as they are not bewitched by monsters and open the door randomly at night, it is difficult for low-level ghosts to actively invade people's homes.

However, when a group of ghosts pass by, their cries and howls disturb people's minds, and the excessive Yin Qi can penetrate the weak 'protective force' and absorb the Yang Qi vitality of the mortals in the house through the partition walls. The smaller the household, the smaller the population in the adobe house, and the more fearful it becomes.

The more yang energy the ghosts and monsters absorb.

There was even a poor scholar who couldn't stand the lingering and sad voice of the female ghost outside the house. He was so fascinated that he felt evil and fearful. He suddenly opened the door, panted heavily and stretched out his hand to pull the female ghost into the house, teaching her the words of a saint and tempering himself.

'Confucian supernatural power'.

During the day, the scholar bought three bowls of Ganoderma lucidum porridge for free at the entrance of the White Jade Tower. I didn’t go into details about that night, except that the next day, there was a rosy-faced, gentle and pretty girl who was proficient in music, but

A well-behaved daughter-in-law who doesn't like to bask in the sun.

In less than a year, because his wife managed the household well, the scholar did not worry about money and could study and practice in peace. Not only did he often eat and drink in Baiyulou, but his wife also went to Baozhilin to take medicine to replenish the kidneys. His body became stronger and his wisdom increased, and he not only became a scholar. Later he participated in the Qiu Festival.

Wei, I hunted a nest of white foxes and killed Juren.

Soon, the scholar returned home in beautiful clothes, and took into his home a beautiful concubine (white-haired Lolita) with white hair and a white hair. The family was harmonious, and the marriage was in harmony. The daughters-in-law were tamed and obedient, respectful to the elderly, and eventually they had more children and more happiness.

Of course, these are all things for later.

Due to the chaos caused by hundreds of ghosts at night in Qingping Town, every day at dawn, the residents in the city are generally mentally weak, physically weak, lack of yang energy, and often fall ill. Although they are not dead, they all feel as if they have been forcefully kissed by a 'dementor'.

The whole city was filled with panic, but they didn't dare to escape because it was more dangerous outside. In this case, the food at home was getting less and less. Then, the 'Baiyulou' suddenly opened, and the owner put up an awning at the door of the store.

, providing free porridge to supplement nutrition for those weak and hungry civilians.

This move not only adds to the reputation and reputation of our own store, but also serves as an advertisement for the 'Bao Zhilin' store next door. Because Ganoderma lucidum is added to the medicinal porridge!

On the opening day, the business of 'Baiyulou' was mediocre, but the porridge stall at the door was very popular. After all, taking advantage is a virtue shared by all humans in the multiverse. From the aunties who receive eggs from the Chinese dynasty to the zero-dollar Homie on the West Coast.

When they learned that they had been given medicinal porridge with Ganoderma lucidum added, even the dying old lady came to the queue with her grandson on her back and a cane. Many of them regarded the "Bai Dashan" as a fool, repeatedly robbed the rice, and took the lead in looting.

Or a scoundrel, a smelly aunt, or an old bad guy.

Although the owner of Baiyulou is willing to do good to thousands of Buddhists, he is not a fool who allows others to have sex for free. I saw a group of young men and women wearing blue fancy clothes suddenly rushed out of the restaurant, swarming up, waving sticks in their hands, ignoring men, women, old and young, and disturbing the order.

All of them were beaten violently and mercilessly, until their bones were broken and their tendons were broken, and they were wailing all over the place, then they reluctantly gave up.

The miserable end of the troublemakers was so tragic that it deeply shocked all those who engaged in prostitution for free. However, watching the excitement is also a human virtue, and with the temptation of prostitution for free, no one was willing to leave, so they watched and ate in a more orderly manner.

Not long after, the restaurant even heard the news, and the yamen clerk who wanted to extort taxes was also beaten to a disability. The floor was covered with blood, and it seemed that he would not survive.

Of course, there is a reason why "Bai Shanren" can be called this name. Next, it is a moment to witness the exchange of business blows.

Boss Bai gave the order, and the boys and girls in blue quickly carried the patient into the newly opened Bao Zhilin next door for first aid. In less than half an hour, a group of mummies covered with bandages were carried out.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! The person who was originally very angry, with all his bones broken, and bleeding from all his orifices, and who was about to die no matter what, now, although he was still lying flat and unable to get up, he became full of energy and uttered "

He screamed "Ouch!" and cried bitterly, confessing and begging for forgiveness.

This is how the two stores, which are closely related, gained their reputation.

Of course, there were doctors among the onlookers who suspected that 'Bao Zhilin' had used the medicine of tiger and wolf, which made the patients come back to their senses. In order to frighten other prostitutes into obeying the rules, Boss Bai hung these patients in the middle of the two shops.

On the railing, no matter the wind, rain or sun, it is for people to visit and pay homage to as a warning. A wooden board has been set up beside it, filled with introductions and explanations, just like the heads of death row prisoners hanging high at Caishikou.

Doing this not only serves as a warning to other people who want to take advantage of the situation, but it also serves as a publicity in the two stores.

They only need to hang for seven consecutive days, with wind and rain blowing every day. In addition to the two meals of medicinal porridge in the "Baiyulou" daily, they are not given a sip of water, and they are allowed to stand upright.

Seven days later, not only were the injuries all over the body healed, but they were also no longer attacked by monsters and ghosts at night. This not only shows that the two shops have a great background, but also proves Dr. Sha’s true talent and knowledge, as well as the magic of the food in Bai Lao Restaurant. A proper super-large advertisement


After the two stores quickly made a name for themselves and benefited the people, a mere restaurant still couldn't really meet the shortfall of nearly 30,000 yuan. At the same time, Bailang's opening of a store was not purely for charity, it had to be profitable. In the end, he overestimated

The quality of the residents in this town is so high that there are too many prostitutes.

The free porridge lasted for four days, and the patients hanging outside the store were not eaten by monsters. After the establishment of the two stores was initially established, Lang changed his marketing strategy.

From that day on, a group of young and pretty girls suddenly appeared in the streets and alleys of Qingping Town, wearing uniforms of blue and strange clothes.

The appearance of this group of people is obviously out of touch with the realistic style of human beings, and has a kind of artistic processing, as if they were painted, which is very inconsistent (inferior painting skin). After looking at it for a long time, you will think of people buried with paper, which can easily trigger

The uncanny valley effect.

But what do ordinary people in remote areas who have never seen the world know? In the capital of Chu, the real beauties and handsome young men all look like this!

These handsome guys and beauties from big cities also brought with them the most popular ‘blue uniforms’ in the imperial capital, with five conspicuous characters written on the back: [Are you starving to death?]

In order to prevent local residents from intimidating themselves, Baiyulou employees who wear masks ride on two-wheeled wooden cows and stray horses with a large food box installed on the back every day, walking through the streets and alleys, violently breaking into doors, and targeted poverty alleviation. Targeting the widows and widowers, truly

Vulnerable civilians in need of help shouted loudly: "Are you starving to death? Those who are not dead should say, I am coming in!"

Then he broke down the door and gave soup to the poor people who really needed help, bringing them back from the brink of death. And this exaggerated and pretentious shouting and breaking down the door also attracted curious onlookers from the neighbors, which was also considered a different kind of advertising.

In this way, the [Are You Starving to Death?] organization quickly gained a reputation, and there were countless people alive in the troubled times. The owner of the 'Baiyu Tower' also gained a reputation as a Buddha among thousands of families.

These [Are you starving to death?] painted-skin employees from the imperial capital, while doing daily routine precise and violent disaster relief work, the business of 'Baiyulou' is also booming day by day, and at the same time, a kind of 'membership card' is launched.

You can receive a cooked egg and a piece of spicy duck neck for free every day.

The former supplements certain nutrients, restores vitality, and is not troubled by yin energy at night; while the latter, if eaten at night, can feel a strong burning sensation, roasting the internal organs in the stomach, and lasts for half a night, causing

Comparable to the warmth of vodka.

It is enough to help the hungry and cold poor people survive the most difficult late nights, and the price is very affordable.

In this way, Bailang, the dragon crossing the river, successfully took root in Qingping Town in just one week. He not only found out the forces of all parties, but also explored the situation of the ghost cave 'City God Temple', as well as the division of forces and strength of the ghosts in the underworld.

Strong or weak.

The local yamen were just ordinary people. When he showed the lineup of more than a hundred blue knights in "White Jade Tower", the yamen, with a total strength of less than 40 people, decisively gave up the idea of ​​revenge and trouble.

For Lang, the biggest threat is the town's power to protect against demons by 'resisting, repelling, and suppressing' them.

This power not only resists this underworld ghost and becomes a demon, but also repels the [Are you starving to death?] employees who suppress him. Fortunately, on the eve of the opening, Salf successfully overcame this problem.

The way to crack it is Fufu's [Gourmet] (ability column 5).

The demons under Bailang's command, except for the old goat "Shuipen Wan", were all implanted with "magic circuits" by Fufu, transforming the demon body and completing the formatting of the power system.

The good news is that although the way of heaven in this world is mentally retarded, incomplete, bankrupt, semi-scrapped, and has system failures, it is extremely compatible, and the 'magic system' has also been recognized as a 'magic method'.

Even better news, because of the strength of the little monsters, the cost of transformation is extremely low. On average, a monster only needs to inject three 'magic circuits', and it can condense its muscles and marrow and condense the lowest quality 'whiteboard magic engraving'

, used to carry the 'secret medicine sequence' to form a unique 'secret medicine magic'.

The 'red stone' reserves in Sulf's body are sufficient, and 81 circuits can be restored every day (the maximum limit). After this round of transformation, the nature of the demons has not changed much, and the 'pollution distortion' in the body has not been reduced, but it has been replaced by Sulf.

The 'magic system' controlled and supervised by Erph regulates and hides 'pollution' and 'demon energy', and with the inferior 'paper-and-artificial-pen-painted skin', one can freely move around the city.

At the same time, this set of 'magic circuit baptism' also eliminates the possibility of the little monsters running away and gaining confidence to further their studies. If you want to continue taking the 'secret medicine' to master the 'spells', you must go through a round of 'magic system'

The magic transformation.

Therefore, their final interpretation power fell into the hands of Fufu and was completely kidnapped by Bailang. If you want to have a future, you can only work hard and work hard.

This chapter is not over yet, please click on the next page to continue reading! However, Bailang is not a garbage boss who blindly exploits employees with low efficiency. No one knows how to stimulate the subjective initiative of employees better than him.

Through the transformation of the [Gourmet] ability, they were labeled by Sulf, and could barely be regarded as peripheral dependents. The "Yan" monsters who already liked Sulf became even more fans of Sulf, and were attracted by her "extraordinary cuteness attributes"

, and became a fervent fan.

Lang, who has a deep understanding of his own leadership, decisively handed over the management of the "Are You Starving?" team to his daughter. And he prescribed "Lick the Dog, Farewell God" Shuiben Pill, and he is the senior member of Salv's fan support group.

Captain of the greasy pink head.

By monopolizing and distributing the snack bags leftover by Saff, it inspired hundreds of "little painted-skinned monsters" to deliver food crazily in the town, preach in a low-key manner, and spread the gospel of healing the gods.

By the way, in the week since its opening, "Baiyulou" has been providing a large amount of food at almost blank price, especially the eggs, which are all from the newly established "Qingyangguan Breeding Base".

Although the older generation of demons who were enlightened ran away to death, there are many wild animals with the potential to become demons in the deep mountains and forests. They have more or less traces of pollution and are on the verge of becoming demons.

Just by Bailang's words, countless monsters eager to get the snack bags signed by the little idol rushed into the forest with great fanaticism and captured a large number of birds such as pheasants.

Then, Lang continued to arrange the appearance of the little angel Sulf, hone the ability bar, transform them with [Gourmet], obtain the 'magic mark' of super egg-laying, and develop these ingredients into new fans.

Then, the food materials (poultry) in Qingyang Temple do not even need to build specially built cages. They actively eat very enthusiastically and orderly, go to designated areas to defecate, and then go to the rest area to lay eggs, and continue to supplement food and exercise.


In short, this group of poultry is also extremely involved. They just want to get the title of "egg-laying pacesetter" and get up close and personal with the idol Xiao Fufu.

Bailang was inexperienced at first, and some pheasants were viciously involved in each other. 996 laid eggs crazily, squeezing their vitality, overdrafting their essence and blood to activate the 'Magic Mark-Laying Egg'. Eventually, their energy and blood dried up, and the eggs ran out and the chicken died, reaching a record of 24 per day.

This sudden death caused Bailang to quickly chop up the 'demon food' stored in the temple and add it to the feed to provide them with enough nutrition so as not to dry themselves out.

Then the limit record successfully broke through from 24 to 36 per day, and no more poultry died. It really taught me the correct use of Salf.

This chapter has been completed!
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