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Chapter 116 Hosta

Today, it was already afternoon when Jiang Zhiyue and the others came to Zhangjiacun to look for relatives, and everyone felt that the sun was starting to set before they even said a few words.

No matter how reluctant Zhang was to leave, she could no longer stay.

The Zhang family has built few houses, and there is not enough room for them to live in. If the Zhang family wants to live there, there will be even less room.

But now that I know that everyone is living well and knowing where they live, there will definitely be many opportunities to get together in the future.

Before leaving, everyone in the Jiang family kept all the food cloths they brought.

Before leaving, Mrs. Zhang took out the ten taels of silver that Mrs. Jiang had given her before leaving and handed them to Mr. Zhang.

Jiang Zhiyue also took ten taels of silver and added to it.

Mr. Zhang was not willing to ask for it, so he quickly refused: "What are you doing? What are you going to do if you give us the money?"

Jiang Zhiyue put the money into Mr. Zhang's arms and held his hand that wanted to refuse.

She said in a soft voice: "Grandpa, keep the money and ask your uncle and the others to go to the town to grab some medicine to keep themselves healthy. As well as my aunt and cousin, if there is anything missing, just buy it. We will come back to see you another day.


In the evening, Mr. Jiang and Jiang Yuqing came back and were very happy to know that Zhang's family had found them.

However, when Jiang Zhiyue and the others returned to Jiang's house, it was already dark, and they could only see the shadow reflected by the moonlight as they walked.

After returning home, Mrs. Zhang told Mrs. Jiang about the Zhang family's affairs, and the old lady also sighed repeatedly.

The days passed quickly, and it was the fifteenth day of the first lunar month in a blink of an eye.

Jiang Zhiyue has almost written all the plans she has made, and is ready to start them when the new year is over.

Everyone in the Jiang family also knows what Jiang Zhiyue is busy writing these days, but everyone only has a vague idea.

On the night of the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, the moon in the sky was extremely round.

After chatting for a while after dinner, the Jiang family decided to lock up.

Just as Jiang Zhiyue locked the door bolt, there was a knock on the door from the other side. In the quiet night, Jiang Zhiyue also heard the slight rising and falling of breathing.


After calming down his breathing, the person outside the door called softly.

Jiang Zhiyue heard the sound and immediately opened the door bolt again.

She opened the door and Ouyang Ming stood alone outside.

Jiang Zhiyue looked behind him and found no one.

Jiang Zhiyue asked: "Where are Li Da and Li Wen?"

Aren't those two his followers? Why aren't they here today?

Ouyang Ming was a little unhappy that Jiang Zhiyue actually focused on those two people, but he still replied: "The two of them went on a mission."

"Oh." Jiang Zhiyue didn't really want to know what the two of them were doing.

She turned sideways and said, "Come in quickly."

After Ouyang Ming walked in, Jiang Zhiyue locked and bolted the door again.

The rest of the Jiang family had either gone back to their houses, or were about to go back. When they heard Ouyang Ming coming, they inevitably came out again.

The old lady and the old man had already gone to bed, and no one bothered them.

Jiang Zhiyue asked: "Why did you come here so late? Have you had dinner?"

The fifteenth day is no longer the New Year's Day. In order to rush back to see Jiang Zhiyue, Ouyang Ming naturally didn't eat, but he said, "I just happened to pass by to take a look and I ate."

It was too late to talk. Jiang Yuchao looked at Ouyang Ming coming so late and couldn't drive him away.

I arranged for Ouyang Ming to stay in the same house as last time.

The rooms where Jiang Zhiyue and Ouyang Ming lived were next to each other. Ouyang Ming sent Jiang Zhiyue to the door of the house and handed her a simple small box when she was about to go in.

Jiang Zhiyue looked at the small box handed to her and reached out to take it. The wooden box seemed to be dug out temporarily, and there were still sawdust on the corners that had not been smoothed. "New Year's gift?"

Jiang Zhiyue remembered that when she met Li Wen years ago, he said that Ouyang Ming had prepared a gift for her.

It seems that this is the thing in front of me.

Ouyang Ming didn't know that the gift he had prepared had been leaked by that guy Li Wen a long time ago. His eyes were a little green, as if he hadn't slept well for many days in a row.

But at this moment, he was smiling particularly heartily, and he nodded in agreement.

Under the moonlight, the young master was as gentle as jade. Jiang Zhiyue could not associate Ouyang Ming with the murderous villain in her imagination.

If everything goes according to the original plot in the book, what will be his ending? Seeing that she was a little dazed, Ouyang Ming reminded: "Would you like to open it and see if you like it." "Yeah."

Jiang Zhiyue came to her senses, lowered her head and opened the small wooden box.

There was a jade hairpin lying quietly in the box. It was also decorated with several small pearls. She took the hairpin in her hand and raised some to look at it in the moonlight.

Underneath the hairpin, she felt a few small bumps, and she looked at them.

But it was too dark at night, so Jiang Zhiyue couldn't see clearly what it was, but it felt like two small characters to the touch.

This is already the second hairpin Jiang Zhiyue has received in the past two days.

But obviously, she still prefers the one in her hand.

She happily looked up at Ouyang Ming and thanked him: "Thank you, I like it very much."

Ouyang Ming also laughed. He could only sleep for two hours for many days in a row, and he had to take time off to carve this hairpin.

But now, listening to Jiang Zhiyue's voice and looking at her smile, it seemed that the fatigue had dissipated a lot.

In Jiang Yuchao's and Zhang's rooms across from this room, Jiang Yuchao was bending over the window and looking out.

He lifted the cotton curtain covering the window, opened the window a crack and looked into Jiang Zhiyue's house.

Mrs. Zhang saw him leaning forward and looking out without even caring about his image, and said amusedly: "What are you doing?"

Jiang Yuchao said angrily: "That boy came in the middle of the night, and he still bothers our daughter to not go back to the house."

Mrs. Zhang laughed and complained: "It's not like you don't know that Zhiyue and Xiaoming have a good relationship, but just saying these two words will offend you. 1

Jiang Yuchao didn't listen to that much. He just saw that Ouyang Ming had bad intentions, and the more he looked at him, the more disgusting he became. He pinched his throat, coughed twice, and shouted outside: "It's late at night, Zhiyue is coming soon."

Go to bed."

Jiang Zhiyue suddenly became excited when she heard Jiang Yuchao's voice. She obviously didn't do anything, but she felt guilty for no reason.

She reflexively put her hand down and held the hairpin in her hand.

Jiang Zhiyue turned sideways, looked at the house where her parents lived, and replied, "I understand, Dad."

After finishing speaking, she turned around and said to Ouyang Ming: "You should go back quickly."

After returning to the house, Jiang Zhiyue took out a mirror from the space, put the hairpin that Ouyang Ming gave her on her bun and tried it on. Then she took it off with satisfaction and put it in the box, and then put it on the table.

The table in Jiang Zhiyue's house is right next to the window. During the day, Jiang Zhiyue would open the window to get some air.

Early the next morning, Jiang Zhiyue got up and hooked the cotton curtains covering the window on both sides as usual, and then used two wooden sticks to prop up the window.

After setting up the window, she stood by the window and did a complete set of stretching exercises.

When she made the last move, she bent down and looked through her arms to see Ouyang Ming passing by outside the window.

Ouyang Ming frowned and asked, "What are you doing?"

She finished the last movement before standing up straight, her face slightly red from the congestion in her brain when she bent down.

She explained while moving her arms: "Stretching exercises help me grow taller."

Ouyang Ming nodded in understanding, looked at Jiang Zhiyue's height and said seriously: "You're not too tall anymore."

Ouyang Ming was not trying to coax her by saying this.

Although Jiang Zhiyue was less than his chin in front of him, she was already much taller compared to other women.

Jiang Zhiyue was a little dissatisfied. She used to be more than 1.7 meters tall, but now she is only 1.65 meters tall at most, so she still wants to grow taller.

However, she didn't dwell too much on this matter and wiped the sweat from her forehead.

Ouyang Ming's smiling eyes fell on Jiang Zhiyue, and he happened to catch a glimpse of an exquisite-looking box on the pile of paper on the desk in front of the window sill.

The box is open and there is a wooden hairpin inside.

Ouyang Ming knew that Jiang Zhiyue also had a wooden hairpin. He just felt that the wooden hairpin was not worthy of Jiang Zhiyue, so he carved a jade hairpin for her.

This chapter has been completed!
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