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Chapter 166

Chapter 166 Price Reduction

The boys pretending to be businessmen returned to their respective shopkeepers and reported that the business had been negotiated. Shopkeeper Sun and others listened to the price reported by their servants. Although they were not satisfied with the price, it was still acceptable.

within the range.

So just wait for the agreed three days to collect food.

In the backyard of Juxin Grain Store, shopkeeper Sun was lying on a rocking chair under a big tree. Next to him were two beautiful women shaking fans, one on the left and one on the right. There were two small basins of ice on both sides of the rocking chair.

The chair rocked back and forth regularly, and Shopkeeper Sun hummed leisurely and tone-deaf while listening to his servant's reply.

"Huh, it's just tens of thousands of taels of silver. Once I buy the grain and sell it to the state capital, I'm afraid I won't be able to make any money back.'"

"Are you sure you've bought all their food?'

The young man who looked a bit nondescript in his brocade clothes quickly replied: "Don't worry, sir, I've bought them all. I even bought them in their store. Not a single drop is left."

Shopkeeper Sun was so happy that he rewarded the servant with silver with a wave of his hand, "Hahaha, okay, reward!"

Three days passed in the blink of an eye.

Qin Jin rented a village three days ago, and Jiang Zhiyue also filled the village with grain.

When the three days were up, the three traveling merchants who had negotiated with Qin Jin led a large number of people pulling carts and followed Qin Jin to Zhuangzi on the outskirts to haul grain.

The Taiping Grain Store in town also temporarily had a temporarily closed sign outside.

Feng San and Feng Si guarded the door, watching them carry bag after bag of grain onto the carts, while writing down the quantities. The village was lively for a while, with people carrying grain coming and going.

By the time they loaded the food onto the carts they brought and paid the money, the sky had completely darkened, and the yard was full of lanterns so they could see clearly.

Qin Jin held a stack of silver notes in his hand and said with a happy face: "It's getting late now. If you don't have a place to stay, this village can accommodate you for one night."

When those people looked at him, Qin Jin continued with a smile: "The price is negotiable."

The smiles that were about to rise at the corners of those people's mouths were awkwardly stuck at the corners of their mouths, and they turned around and said, "No, we have our own place to go."

"Okay then, I won't keep you here, everyone go slowly."

Qin Jin raised the banknote in his hand and waved to them to see them off.

Everyone was attracted by the thick stack of banknotes in his hand, and gritted their teeth and left.

After everyone left, Qin Jin grabbed the banknote in his hand and said happily: "Let's go back to the town and find the guy from the bookstore and Master Jiang and the others to have a good meal."

The Master Jiang in Qin's mouth was Jiang Yuchao. After packing up the house in the town, Jiang Yuchao moved here with several boys who were still studying in the school in the town and Ming Yuanqing.

In addition, Mr. Bai also came here with brothers Jiang Dalang, Jiang Erlang, Jiang Sanlang and Wang Hao. A small school was set up in the house for Mr. Bai to give lectures to Jiang Dalang and others.

Huang Ji's body had recovered, so he asked his family to come to the town.

Although it was completely dark now, the curfew time had not yet come, and these nearly two hours were enough for them to find a restaurant and have a good meal.

Feng San and Feng Si happily blew out all the lights in the village, closed the door and followed Qin Jin to the town.

In one fell swoop, hundreds of thousands of taels of silver were deposited into the account, and the three of them were very happy.

Feng Si retorted, "Tricking them to buy grain these days is much more tiring than working as a waiter in a shop."

Feng San and Feng Si used to be soldiers under King An, and they did things that were straight forward, but now they have to go round and round to deceive those people, which is really a lot of trouble for them.

Today, not only Qin Jin and the others were happy, but also those who were guarding the mountains behind Guhuai Village.

Thinking that the time had come, Jiang Zhiyue used the grain store as an excuse to ask Li Wen and many brothers to pull a lot of grain to the mountain while avoiding the crowds.

Li Wen knew that Jiang Zhiyue had a way to find food, and that he and his master had opened food shops in the town and other places, so he without any doubt asked someone to bring food to help his brothers improve their food.

Along with the grain, there were some vegetables and meat. When the things were pulled into the camp, everyone cheered for a while. "Master, is he rich? Why did he pull so much grain?"

One person grabbed a handful of grain, rubbed it in his hands, and said in surprise: "This grain is so good."

Li Wen smiled and punched him and said, "You have mistaken the wrong person. This is what Miss Jiang brought to us." Jiang Zhiyue asked him to take someone to pull the food, so it is equivalent to Miss Jiang giving it to us.


Li Wen felt that his idea was right. He smiled and asked everyone to carry the rice, flour, etc. into the room where the food was stored. However, there was too much food, so he had to free up another room to store the food.

Li Wen looked at the two carts full of meat and ordered: "Arrange the chef to cook the meat tonight, and send it to the brothers over there in the mine. It's hot now, and it will go bad after two days."

Everyone cheered again and said they wanted to thank Jiang Zhiyue.

Jiang Zhiyue had just followed him up the mountain, but as soon as he reached the mountain, he went to the forge in the camp.

Walking outside the forging shop, Jiang Zhiyue heard the sound of ping-pong-pong banging. In the forging shop, weapons were being forged in full swing, using ores mined from the mines.

Jiang Zhiyue pushed the door open and went in. Heat wave came out of the shop. Several old craftsmen who were giving instructions saw Jiang Zhiyue coming and quickly invited them in.

"Girl is here, come and see our batch of weapons."

Jiang Zhiyue smiled and took the long knife that was handed over to her. She turned her palm over and held the handle of the knife and turned it around twice smoothly.

The forge was full of high-temperature furnaces one after another. Jiang Zhiyue walked outside and waved the knife in her hand a few times.


Several old craftsmen all laughed, as Jiang Zhiyue's simple two-word evaluation was a great affirmation for them.

Jiang Zhiyue weighed the heavy sword in her hand and asked, "How many have you done?"

The old craftsman replied: "There are already more than five hundred. In more than a month, the boys in the camp will be able to have one."

Jiang Zhiyue took the knife and entered the house again to see the other weapons they had made.

In addition to knives, they also forged many exquisite crossbows and spears.

Jiang Zhiyue wandered around the camp before going down the mountain. Every time she walked a short distance, Jiang Zhiyue could spot people stationed on patrol.

Originally there was only one camp on the mountain, and the security was not that strict.

Now that there was an additional mine being mined, Li Wen sent people to patrol it every day.

Although no common people would come in this deep mountain, Jiang Zhiyue reminded him that there is nothing wrong with being careful in everything, and asked him to send people to guard him day and night.

If someone really breaks in, they will be lured away quietly.

On the evening of that day, those who, as traveling merchants, bought all the grain from Taiping Grain Store, pulled a team of carts around the outside of the city and then went to the village where shopkeeper Sun and others lived.

Shopkeepers Wang and Du looked at the high-quality grain brought back by their men, and finally felt less pain after losing tens of thousands of taels of silver.

When the grain was brought back to Shopkeeper Sun's village, Shopkeeper Sun was in the house chatting with his aunt who had just entered the house.

When I heard that the food had been brought back, I couldn't bear to leave the beautiful girl in my arms, so I went to the yard with the disheveled new aunt in my arms.

After confirming that all the grains were correct, shopkeeper Sun laughed and said: "Tomorrow, we will take these grains to our own shop and sell them. The price must be higher than the best quality grains in the store!"

"Hmph, I wonder what we can do if those people can't buy food and don't come here."

The next day when people in the town wanted to go to Taiping Grain Store to buy grain, they found a rare proof sign hanging on the door of Taiping Grain Store.

It wouldn't matter if it was only for one day, but for several days in a row, the same sign was hung outside the Taiping Grain Store without any movement.

Those who have no grain left at home can only go to other three liang grain stores to buy grain.

As a result, I found the same grains as Taiping Grain Shop in their store.

It's just that the price is much higher than the price at Taiping Grain Store.

The boy at the grain shop looked at the helpless people who came to buy grain. He didn't have a good expression at all. He almost had the four characters "I want to buy or not" carved on his forehead.

But the people who come to this place to buy grain have run out of food at home. Even if they are dissatisfied, they can only buy it. In their hearts, they hope that the Taiping Grain Store will open as soon as possible to extinguish the arrogance of these people.

In the few days since the Taiping Grain Store was closed, people kept discovering that the other three grain stores in the town were selling grain from the Taiping Grain Store, and the prices were all ridiculously high.

Rumors also began to circulate in the town that the owner of the Taiping Grain Shop was not keeping his word.

Rumor has it that the shopkeeper of the Taiping Grain Store did not keep the promise he made when he opened the store. He found a buyer with a higher price and was no longer willing to sell grain to the people in the town.

Since it is a rumor, some people believe it and some do not.

But the Taiping Food Store has not opened for seven days in a row, and those who didn't want to believe it are slowly swaying.

Just when the rumors were spreading more and more, the Taiping Grain Store opened again, filled with grains, which naturally put the rumors to rest.

And after the grain store reopened, the price of each type of grain was actually one penny lower than the original price.

The people who knew the news were happy, but the shopkeepers of the other three grain stores were not happy.

The price of the same grain at Taiping Grain Store is so much lower than that at other grain stores, even a fool knows how to choose.

The three shopkeepers all concluded that the Taiping Grain Store had no grain in stock. As a result, not only did it now have grain, but the price was also reduced!

They really couldn't tell the story of their suffering, and there was no reason why they even wanted to go to the Taiping Grain Shop to question them.

The shopkeeper, who had been simmering with anger and had nowhere to vent his anger, could only vent his anger on the boys who went to Taiping Grain Store to buy grain dressed as traveling merchants.

"A bunch of trash, didn't you say you saw the food being emptied out with your own eyes? What's going on now!" The boy who was kicked away was miserable, and he knelt on the ground with tears and snot flowing from his nose.

"Master, the young men really watched with their own eyes as they emptied out the food, even the food stores in the town were not spared."

Seeing that Shopkeeper Sun's huge body was about to hit him again, the boy quickly said: "Maybe that Taiping Grain Store doesn't have that much grain at all.'

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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