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Chapter 245 The Fire Is Burning

Chapter 245 The fire is burning

Shopkeeper Li has been coming to Zuixian Restaurant for more than half a month. He has watched with his own eyes how the restaurant is revitalizing step by step. It can be said that it all depends on the three main dishes and two side dishes provided by Miss Shen. But the new boss seems to be I want to kick Miss Shen out of the restaurant.

This is really unfair!

Shopkeeper Li tried to explain: "The recipes for these three dishes were provided by Miss Shen. Of course, the most important thing is that the water for cooking these three dishes depends on the spring water sent by Miss Shen.

Zhao Mo interrupted directly: "How much is the formula worth? Just buy it out." He thought in his heart that the formula is now in his hands, and the money for the buyout is saved!

He twitched the corners of his mouth and then spoke.

"What else? Spring water? Haha~~ Where is the spring water? This country girl is young and has many bad ideas. She can sell water for money!'

"Zhao Ke's brain, what kind of business are you doing? It's ridiculous!"

The shopkeeper had nothing to say. He was just employed by the Zhao family, so how could he have the right to question it?

However, he felt that if he had a falling out with Miss Shen, the future business of the restaurant might really be uncertain!

After mocking Zhao Ke, Zhao Mo looked at Shopkeeper Li and said, "Do you have the share purchase contract signed by the country girl and Zhao Ke?"

"Yes, boss."

"Go and bring the account books and the contract." Zhao Mo ordered.

Shopkeeper Li said hello and went downstairs to bring up the account books and the contract and handed them to Zhao Mo.

Zhao Mo first picked up the account book and looked through it. He saw that last month's profit was 160 taels, and 80 taels were given to Shen Yuyu. In small words next to it, it was written that Shen Yuyu was rewarded with a carriage. Zhao Mo couldn't help but sneered again. .

Zhao Ke was not only stupid, but also crazy. He gave all the money he earned to a country girl. He was really a prodigal!

This matter must be reported to his father. Not to mention this restaurant, Zhao Ke will never be allowed to participate in any business in the future, and he will be directly disqualified from doing business.

After reading the account books, Zhao Mo picked up the contract and glanced at it casually.

"Shenjiacun, I will go to Shen Yuyu tomorrow to find her and tell her not to send spicy cabbage and water to the restaurant. This contract is also invalid and cannot be counted."

Shopkeeper Li always felt that it was a bit unkind. If it weren't for the new dishes provided by Miss Shen, the restaurant would have closed down long ago. Now that the business is good, he would kick them out. It's really...

It really is true that there is no treachery or businessmanship!

Shopkeeper Li thought about it for a long time and finally plucked up the courage to say: "Boss, do you want to talk to Mr. Zhao Ke about this matter?"

Before he finished speaking, Zhao Mo interrupted coldly: "Does Shopkeeper Li not want to die here?"

Shopkeeper Li shrank his neck in fright, "I'm sorry for talking too much, but I'm going to go get busy." After saying that, he bowed his body and retreated.

That night, the boss of Zuixian Tower was changed to Zhao Mo, the second son of the Zhao family.

Zhao Mo was much more tactful than Zhao Ke. He went up to every table of guests in the restaurant to toast, introduced his identity, and soon had the restaurant firmly in his hands.

The business of the restaurant was much better than he imagined. It was busy until the end of the day, and he served at least hundreds of tables of wine. Although he only took a sip, he was still drunk.

The entourage has already tidied up Zhao Ke's room, and even the furniture has been replaced with mahogany furniture suitable for the legitimate son's status. The large bed with carved bird patterns is covered with a light green brocade quilt, and even the jade Pixiu paperweight on the table is Brought here from Lingzhou City, looking at this posture, you know that this restaurant will never be handed over to Zhao Ke again.

It was already time for Zhao Mo to finish washing and go to bed.

It was also around this time that in Shenjia Village, dozens of miles away from the county seat, a dark figure came out of Mrs. Wang's house in the northwest, carrying a pot of kerosene in her hand, and went straight to the peach blossom forest in the north under the moonlight. Next to Shen Yu's house.

This dark shadow was Shen Yu's evil uncle Shen Zuorong. Shen Zuorong had already walked past the spot during the day. Knowing that Shen Yu's horse was tied up in the yard, he sneaked into the yard quietly. The first thing he did was A packet of poison was poured into the horse's trough.

A fool actually owns a horse. How can he relieve his anger without poisoning it?

How did the horse know that the water was poisoned? He snorted and drank from the trough.

Shen Zuorong smiled sinisterly, tiptoed to the window and listened for a long time. When he saw the even breathing coming from inside and everyone was asleep, he poured kerosene on the wooden board little by little, and then blew out the kerosene in his hand. The demolitions were pressed against the wooden boards that had been poured with kerosene, and the house burst into flames.

It had not rained for a long time and it was an old house for several years. In addition, the kerosene was poured and the wind was strong, so the house quickly burned down. The moment Shen Zuorong lit the fire, he left the yard and ran towards his house.


It was already this time and Ding Xiaolian was still awake. All the servants were not allowed to sleep either. They were wrapped in quilts and kept watch inside and outside the house. The whole yard was brightly lit.

She is afraid!

Ever since Ji Xun stopped coming to watch the night, she was scared to death!

The most terrifying thing is that Shen Wen's wife deliberately came to Yingxue Residence to chat with her during the day. While chatting, she said that the house she lived in was a haunted house and that a murder had occurred here.

Ding Xiaolian knew about this, so he bought it because he knew it, and used the excuse of being a haunted house to hire His Highness the Night King to keep watch for her, so that she could find a chance to get along with His Highness the Night King.

Who knew~~Who knew that His Highness the Night King was so immune to women, that even such a good opportunity could not coax him into bed!

Now that the Night King is not here, how can she dare to sleep in such a haunted house?

In particular, Shen Wen's wife deliberately described Shen Xi's death to her vividly, and even said that Shen Xi had turned into a ghost and her mother had seen it before...

After hearing this, Ding Xiaolian wished he could escape from here immediately. Living in this haunted house was like a year.

However, the plan was about to be implemented, and she was really unwilling to do so, so she could only suffer like this!

At this moment, the servants accompanying her couldn't stand it any longer, they were lying down and almost fell asleep.

Even Hong Luan on the side covered his head with a quilt, lay on the edge of the bed and snored.

"Wake up, wake up." Ding Xiaolian had slept enough during the day. Now she was not sleepy at all. Seeing that the surroundings were quiet and everyone was about to fall asleep, she felt extremely scared and shouted loudly. stand up.

Hong Luan was awakened immediately and hugged Ding Xiaolian to comfort her.

"Don't be afraid, miss. There are people inside and outside the house. You can sleep peacefully."

"I can't sleep!" Ding Xiaolian held her head and looked in pain. As soon as she closed her eyes, she seemed to see a female corpse in pink clothes and red shoes with bulging eyes dangling in front of her eyes. It was so terrifying!

"Didn't you say that the letter has been delivered? Go and see if there is any movement tonight." Ding Xiaolian ordered Hongluan, thinking that the wind was so strong tonight that it might be a good time to take action.

"Okay, miss, please cover yourself with the quilt so that you don't get too cold. I'll take a look right now." Hong Luan said, tucking Ding Xiaolian into bed and leaving the room.

I stood in the courtyard and looked to the north for a while. It was pitch black with no firelight, so I prepared to go back to the house.

Before I turned around, the sky suddenly brightened over there, as if something was on fire. I stood still and kept staring with my eyes wide open. Something was indeed burning, and the fire became bigger and bigger, which was in the direction of Shen Yuyu's house.

Hong Luan was immediately overjoyed and hurriedly ran into the house and leaned into Ding Xiaolian's ear: "Miss, it's done, the fire is starting."

"Really?" Ding Xiaolian sat up and quickly put on clothes.

By the time she got dressed and came to the courtyard, the fire was already blazing from the north.

Ding Xiaolian's lips curled up with pride, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Shen Yue, you dare to steal my man. You deserve to be burned to death in the fire, hum!"

(End of chapter)

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