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Chapter 325

Chapter 325

After hearing Shen Yue's words, Ji Xun's eyes suddenly narrowed.

Prince Wei Yuande came to Wantian County to see a doctor? The matter may not be that simple. The iron mine was closed down, He Shaoyuan lost his post as the general of Chiyanying, and Ding Lezhi, the Minister of Industry, died to apologize. In order to protect himself, Prince Wei Yuande lost two generals. , how can he not raise suspicions about the iron mine case? Is this an unannounced visit to see a doctor?

Ji Xun said calmly: "It seems that Yu Yu's good medical skills have been spread to the capital. It's okay. If the prince comes, just take a look if you can. If you can't, just tell the truth. It's okay."

Wei Yuande's disease was brought from the mother's womb, and there was nothing anyone could do about it, but he was not here to treat illnesses in the first place, so it shouldn't be difficult to deal with it.

"Okay." Shen Yuyu agreed and asked Ji Xundao silently, "Does Xun know what kind of person the Crown Prince of Zhou is? Good or bad?"

Ji Xun thought for a while and felt that there were some things that he couldn't hide from Yu Yu, so he stopped the carriage and showed Shen Yu Yu the letter Zhang Neng had written a few days ago.

After reading the letter, Shen Yuyu said angrily, "The prince of the Zhou Dynasty is actually such a person who cares about the lives of the people! Sister Mengmeng really married the wrong person!"

After being silent, Shen Yuyu suddenly thought of something: "Isn't he here to investigate the Baijiacun Iron Mine case?

"It's possible." Ji Xun responded calmly, "But don't be afraid, Yu Yu, he won't find anything."

"Yeah." Shen Yuyu nodded, she believed Ah Xun.

"It takes at least twenty days to get to Wantian County from the capital, and it's still early before we get here. Don't take this matter to heart, just let it take its course." "Okay, let's leave him alone. He comes here as he pleases. I can't cure him anyway. His illness is good." Shen Yuyu smiled and put the matter behind him.

Returning to the backyard of Fengming Restaurant, Uncle Shen hurriedly greeted her: "Girl Shen, Ah Xun, you're back~" The uncle was no longer hunched over, he had gained weight, and he was smiling brightly.

Shen Yuyu smiled and said: "Well, I'm back, hehe!" After saying that, he entered the yard and saw Aunt Zhou and Aunt Bai making spicy cabbage, so he ran towards them.

"Two ladies, what are you busy with?" He rushed over and hugged them both, laughing and joking.

"Look at this girl~~" Aunt Zhou and Aunt Bai stood up. They both regarded Shen Yuyu as their daughters and were naturally happy to see her. The three of them talked for a while, and then Shen Yuyu and Ji Xun entered the restaurant.

Seeing them coming in, shopkeeper Li and Shen Xingwang came over to greet them and talked about business matters for a while.

"This newly brewed Maotai liquor is so popular that it has even reached Daqi. Hahaha, Miss Shen is awesome." Shopkeeper Li smiled broadly.

Shen Xingwang also said: "Yesterday, several merchants from Daqi wanted to order at a high price. I heard that they left without disappointment."

"It's limited edition, how can there be so much? If you want to taste our wine, you can only come to our restaurant to eat, hehe."

After chatting for a while, the guests who had reserved lunch came one after another. Shen Yuhu and Ji Xun came to the reception room on the second floor to drink tea. Before they had a few sips, the waiter led Mrs. Zhang from the house next door. .

"I heard Miss Shen's voice in the yard, and she came back as expected." Mrs. Zhang said with a smile.

"Mrs. Zhang, please sit down." Shen Yuyu asked Mrs. Zhang to sit down and poured her tea.

After Mrs. Zhang greeted Ji Xun, she said to Shen Yue: "Didn't Miss Shen tell me before that she wanted to buy my house? I specially kept it for you."

"Your husband is in high school? Congratulations." Shen Yuyu's face was filled with surprise.

"Is that so? A second-class Jinshi." Mrs. Zhang also had a bright face, "I'm going to sell the house and take the children to Beijing."

"Madam, I'd like to give you a price. How much is it?" Shen Yue asked. She and Ji Xun were planning to build a house in the countryside. They didn't need to buy it in the county, but Uncle Shen's family needed it. Once the three brothers got married, they would definitely have a restaurant in the backyard. There is not enough room to live in, and we urgently need to buy a house.

Mrs. Zhang said, "Four hundred and eighty taels of silver, three in and three out, including a front door and all the furniture."

This is a fair price. If you rent it out, you can earn seven or eight taels of silver a month, or hundreds of taels a year.

"Okay, let's buy it." Shen Yuyu agreed with a smile, and then said to Ji Xun, "Axun, go down and tell Aunt Zhou and come up to sign the contract."

"Okay." Ji Xun went down, and soon Aunt Zhou came up with the money box, and the two parties signed the contract.

After that, Mrs. Zhang took everyone to the house to hand over the goods. The house was emptied of everything except furniture and cleaned thoroughly.

Mrs. Zhang handed the key to Aunt Zhou, said a few words of farewell and then left happily.

That afternoon, everyone scrambled to open a door on the wall shared by the two houses. Several brothers and uncles and aunts moved into the new house that night. Aunt Zhou insisted on letting Aunt Bai live in. Aunt Bai refused.

"There are so many empty rooms in the backyard. It's convenient to live here." Aunt Bai happily refused.

She provided food and accommodation in a restaurant and received ten taels of silver per month. Her uncles, aunts, and brothers respected her. Shen Yuyu and Ji Xun even treated her as their own mother, and Shen Yuyu gave her all her clothes and shoes. She bought it and felt that she had enjoyed the blessing of her own man and had such a good daughter.

The next day I went to pick up Jifeng from Qinglin Academy. Ji Feng had grown taller again and was top-notch in all subjects.

I originally wanted to take Ji Feng back to Shenjia Village for a day trip, but unfortunately the weather was not good and it started to rain. The continuous rain was really not good weather, so I gave up.

For lunch, Shen Yuyu cooked it himself. He made a dish that was not available in the restaurant, "shabu-shabu hot pot", in which beef slices, mutton slices, potatoes and enoki mushrooms and other vegetables were rinsed in boiling red oil. It was so enjoyable.

After lunch, Ji Feng pestered Ji Xun to play chess. The little guy's chess skills improved so quickly that even Ji Xun was not satisfied.

In the evening, the clean little guy was sent to the academy again with his baggage on his back.

That night, after all the guests in the restaurant had dispersed, everyone discussed the issue of widening the alley in the backyard. There were too many guests and there was no place to park the horse-drawn carriages. It was recommended that everyone walk to the restaurant to eat. Of course, it would be best if there was a place for the horse-drawn carriages to park. It would be more convenient. Drunk guests leave.

Ji Xun drew a drawing and gave it to Shen Xingwang. All he had to do was follow the drawing and construct it.

There was nothing to do in the county. After staying for two nights, Shen Yuyu and Ji Xun decided to go back to Shenjia Village. Uncle Shen and Aunt Zhou left the backyard affairs to Aunt Bai, and they bought a bullock cart as a gift and prepared to go to Shenjia Village. The appointment in the village was a day that had already been chosen. Logically, the three brothers should go together, but they couldn't get away, and everyone understood.

So after getting up and having breakfast, the two carriages set off one after another and returned to the village in more than half an hour.

Shen Yuyu and Ji Xun came together to do the betrothal. They could avoid all the tedious procedures. They handed over the bride price to the girl's parents. Once the betrothal was completed, they could choose a good day to get married directly.

At Mrs. Wang's house, Shen Yunlai fell drunk on the bed. Two days ago, he went to Daohua's house to ask for someone but he didn't come. They beat him up with a hoe and a broom and kicked him out. He said that he had been there for two days. Just come back and leave, live this life

Mrs. Wang, on the other hand, was holding the box containing six thousand taels of silver notes and did not dare to close her eyes day and night, not knowing where to hide it. That night, she was holding the money box in her arms in a daze when she suddenly heard a noise.

"Who?" She yelled at the door, but the sound stopped again.

Mrs. Wang hurriedly stuffed the money box under the bed and moved a table to block the door.

(End of chapter)

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