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Chapter 334

The speaker was Dr. Liu, who had previously delivered the baby to the village chief's wife, Mrs. Wu.

The medicine hall opened by Dr. Liu is called Deren Tang, which is just across from Baohe Hall. In the past, shopkeeper Bai was too kind to his patients and would always give people credit. Not only did he not make any money, he also hurt Derentang's business.

After finally expecting Baohe Tang to close down, shopkeeper Bai to die, and De Ren Tang's business to gradually improve, now this girl came to cause trouble again, and he felt extremely angry.

It's normal to be angry. After all, his medical skills are not as good as Shen Yuyu's. What else can he do besides say a few strange words?

Shen Yuyu is too lazy to talk to him. The more you talk to this kind of person, the more enthusiastic you become.

"Axun, let's go in." Shen Yue greeted and entered the medicine hall with Ji Xun.

The medicine hall is not big, about thirty square meters. As soon as you enter the door, there is a row of tall medicine cabinets. Each small drawer containing medicinal materials is marked with the name of the medicine. However, many of the drawers have been pulled out and are empty inside.

Shen Yuyu looked around and found that the back door of the medicine hall was open. When he went over, he saw that the door had been violently pried open. Maybe some villagers who had no money to see a doctor crawled into the backyard of the medicine hall out of desperation and pried open the back door to come in and take it away. Got medicinal materials.

She wasn't heartbroken. She came here to open a medicine hall with no intention of making money from the poor.

"I just know how to deliver babies. Do you really think you are a doctor? Open a medicine hall? Huh~~" Dr. Liu stood at the door of the medicine hall with a mocking look on his face.

Shen Yuyu pretended that he was not there, walked over and opened the window. The shop had been closed for a long time in the spring, and there was a damp and musty smell. He opened the window to let some air in.

A man was holding a seven or eight-year-old child and was kicked out by the clerk in the medicine hall. The child was wet all over and his lips were purple. People onlookers said that the child was swimming in the river and drowned. When he was dragged out, He was still able to move, but now he was out of breath.

"What kind of disease can you treat if you don't have money? The medicine hall is not the Guanyin Hall that helps the suffering. Besides, this child is hopeless and has lost his breath. Let's go back and prepare for the funeral.'

"What kind of god? I think he's just a fool? He's still pressing his belly so hard when he's already dead. He's so stupid."

The man knelt down at the door of Deren Hall with his child in his arms and begged: "The child was still alive when I came here. Please, doctor, my son can still be saved. Really, please try.'

Doctor Liu said angrily: "My pulse is gone, how can I cure it? Even the gods can't cure me, so hurry up and hurry up, don't die at the door of my medicine hall, it's bad luck.'

Doctor Liu looked at Shen Yuyu and Ji Xun, snorted heavily, and left unhurriedly.

"Yes, people can't be resurrected after death, so let the children die in peace.'

"That child?" Shen Yuyu's expression became concentrated, and he quickly dropped the basin and ran out.

When I ran to the door, I saw a man kneeling there with a wet child in his arms. I could tell at a glance that he was drowning. There are so many children swimming in the river in spring. This situation is too common.

Doctor Liu was still talking in Yuanzi: "It's no joke to prescribe medicine to people. A little carelessness can kill people. If someone's life is lost, it's too late to make you cry."

Before he could finish his words, he heard the sound of crying. A man rushed into Derentang screaming: "Doctor, doctor, help me~~ help my child, woo woo woo~'

There are no more medicinal materials in the shop, but everything else is intact. As long as the medicinal materials are ready, it can be reopened.

He rushed over and said to the man: "I am the doctor from Baohe Hall across the way. Let me see if the child can be saved." He hugged the child to his body and felt for pulse and heartbeat, but they were gone.

"Okay." Ji Xun agreed, picked up the broom and swept the floor. The tall man in his 19's was about to become his wife's slave, and he only obeyed his wife's orders. While he was sweeping the floor, Doctor Liu's cold scolding came from Deren Hall across the street.

"Hey, Li Da, are you stupid? Just let this stupid girl torment your child's body like this? Are you not afraid that the child will die with his eyes open?"

"This Dr. Liu is really difficult to deal with." Shen Yuyu twitched the corner of his mouth, fetched a basin of water from the backyard, soaked the rag and started wiping the table, "Axun, let's do some cleaning first, and then we can recruit someone. The shopkeeper and two waiters.'

"This country girl~~ is just as good as Shopkeeper Bai, how can she know how to heal?" Dr. Liu sneered loudly, "Look what is she doing? She is weird, maybe she is sick?"

More and more people were watching. Someone asked Dr. Liu: "Are you sure that the child just died? There is no treatment left?"

When Li Dayi heard that the child could still be saved, he didn't care so much and immediately took a deep breath and helped the child get in.

Shen Yuyu happened to go into the backyard to pour water at this time. Not knowing what was happening outside, Ji Xun hurriedly went in and called her: "Yuyu, go out and save someone."

Shen Yuyu was afraid that her act of artificial respiration would cause public outrage, so she could only give instructions to Li Da loudly.

The man kept stressing beside him: "He was still moving when I came here just now, and he was still alive~~ Please save him, doctor."

Li Da was struggling, and Shen Yuxi pulled him hard and ordered loudly: "If you want your child to live, hurry up and breathe into his mouth, do you hear me?"

"Stop, I told you to pass the breath and then pass it again." Shen Yuyu said and started to press the heart again. After pressing for fifteen or six times, he directed Li Da to pass the child's breath and repeated this action.

"Get out of the way first, maybe the child can be saved." Shen Yuyu pushed the man aside, laid the child flat on the ground, pinched the child's chin and took out the waterweed from the child's mouth, then folded his hands and gave it to the child Perform cardiac resuscitation.

Everyone believed Dr. Liu's words and sneered.

Doctor Liu pointed to his nose, "How many years have I opened a medicine hall in Dahe Town? How can I still lie? That child did indeed die." After speaking, he added angrily, "How dare a stupid girl dare to If you don’t believe me, you don’t believe you can bring a dead person back to life. Could it be that you are a god? Hey~~”

Seeing that after struggling for so long, the child still could not be saved, Doctor Liu was secretly proud and pointed at Baohe Hall to warn everyone.

"You have to remember, this stupid girl is shopkeeper Bai's apprentice, she is a fraud, what kind of medical skills does she know? She also wants to reopen Baohe Hall, haha~~ Please don't go to her to see a doctor, otherwise

Someone nearby quickly responded: "If you don't go, you won't go if you kill me. You're a fool~~ How can anyone who has touched a corpse know how to get medicine?"

"It's just, it makes me sick just thinking about it.'

Doctor Liu showed a proud smile, "Isn't she just tossing the body vigorously now? Oh, is it a weird habit?"

As soon as Dr. Liu finished saying this, the child who was a "corpse" in his mouth suddenly twitched his hands and feet, coughed violently "cough cough cough~~", and then leaned over and spit a few mouthfuls of water. It actually came back to life.

This chapter has been completed!
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