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Chapter 342 Running Errands

Just as Shen Yuyu thought about whether the hired workers could be taken to the outside world, the system immediately read her question and the mechanical system voice sounded.

"You can't take the farm workers, the pharmacy workers out of the space.'

Shen Yuyu showed a hint of disappointment when he heard this, "Hey, I'm overthinking this!" However, the system's voice did not stop and continued to speak.

"After the space level reaches level 15 and the town is opened, there will be a hiring shop in the town. You can hire errand boys to provide you with services."

Shen Yuyu immediately became excited: "Run errands? Can I enter and leave my personal space when running errands?"

System: "Yes, but it requires a certain amount of gold coins

Shen Yuyu stood up suddenly after receiving this answer, unable to suppress the ecstasy in her heart.

If she could hire an errand boy to deliver the spring water from Kongwenli to the winery and restaurant, her business would no longer have to be limited to Wantian County, but she would be able to expand her business and make more money.

This is a great thing! Shen Yuyu was very excited. He was already at level 14. Let's see how much experience he still needs to upgrade to level 15.

It seems that the experience required is not much. As long as you harvest mature crops from farms and orchards, you will have enough experience to upgrade.

Shen Yue was a little excited, but the harvest was not that fast. It was unrealistic to sit here and wait. Shen Yue calmed down and left his personal space.

Shen Yuyu hurriedly congratulated: "Really? That's a great event. Congratulations, madam."

Sleeping until midnight that night, Shen Yuyu entered the portable space again. When he saw that all the crops had been harvested, the space level had been upgraded to level 15, and he was busy heading to the village with excitement.

"Hey~ Miss Shen, I haven't seen you for more than ten days. Are you back from Shenjia Village?" Zhao Erniang was tailoring clothes and raised her head with a smile. Shen Caixuan and other three sisters-in-law also looked over with smiles and called out Congratulations to my sister Eucalyptus.

During this time, they have been concentrating on learning their crafts in the clothing store. The sun has not seen at all, and they have all turned white. The eldest sister-in-law is plump and blessed, the second sister-in-law is delicate and dignified, and the third sister-in-law is beautiful and lively. Shen Yuyu likes them all.

Sure enough, a bluestone avenue appeared in the fog, with land waiting to be reclaimed on both sides of the avenue. Shen Yue walked along the avenue for a few minutes, and a small town appeared in front of him.

Shen Yuyu consoled her, "It's okay. Mengmeng is so smart and will be able to solve problems by herself. Madam, you don't have to worry about her."

Every time Shen Yuyu comes back, she will sigh deeply, Mengmeng is such a good girl, why did she end up in the prince's mansion? Alas!

Mrs. Sun's illness has been completely cured. Before, her face was sallow and skinny, but now she has recovered and found that she is a great beauty. No wonder Sun Mengmeng is so good-looking.

Ji Feng was going to have a bath tomorrow. Ji Xun finished explaining the matter of building the house and took Shen Yuyu back to the county.

The buildings in the town are also very exquisite, but I didn't encounter anyone. Except for the shopkeepers selling goods in the shops, there was no one else.

"I hope so." Mrs. Sun pressed the handkerchief to the corners of her eyes, and then smiled and said: "Our Xu Chu passed the Jinshi examination this spring and will enter Hanlin Academy."

"Mengmeng, this girl, I mention you every time I write to you. I must have no one to talk to in the Prince's Mansion. Who would treat you as a sister if they are all serving the same man? Alas." Mrs. Sun wiped away her tears as she spoke.

The three sisters-in-law were learning tailoring and it was not easy to be distracted. Shen Yuxi chatted for a few words and stopped disturbing them and left the clothing showroom.

The next day, Shen Yuyu's red and swollen lips were almost gone. After breakfast, he and Ji Xun went to the village chief's house.

Of course, you have to bring wine. Change the ones you bring. This time, I brought sorghum wine. As soon as Dean Yao saw Ji Xun driving the carriage, he rushed to greet him.

As soon as the village chief heard that they needed manpower to build the house, he enthusiastically went to work. He quickly found a dozen tall and strong farm men, negotiated the price, and Shen Hailin took him directly to the foot of the North Mountain to start. Construction has started.

"Axun, you go back first, I'll go see some sisters-in-law.'

"Okay, please pay attention to your safety." Ji Xun confessed and drove the carriage away.

However, Mrs. Sun's illness had just stopped taking medicine, so she was not suitable for traveling long distances. She thought about it and explained seriously: "Mrs. Sun has just recovered and needs to take good care of herself. Don't travel too fast along the way, and be sure to get a good rest at night." '

After coming out of the county magistrate's office, Ji Xun and Shen Yuyu returned to Fengming Restaurant. When they passed Xiuyifang, Shen Yuyu asked Ji Xun to stop the carriage.

I must go to the county magistrate's office every time. After getting along with him for a long time, I realized that magistrate Sun is indeed a good and upright official. After coming here for several months, he has managed Wantian County properly and people live and work in peace and contentment.

Shen Yuyu nodded silently. Ah Feng only saw her once every fifteen days. Sometimes she even thought about it and shed tears. How could she not miss her parents in the past few months?

"Er Niang, eldest sister-in-law, second sister-in-law and third sister-in-law~~" Shen Yuyu ran in with a smile and greeted the people in the shop.

Ji Xun took out the house drawings and explained them to Shen Hailin in detail.

Mrs. Sun smiled and said: "So I will go to Beijing in a few days to see the brothers and sisters. Alas, I miss them so much."

After chatting with Mrs. Sun for a while, Mrs. Sun specially took out Sun Mengmeng's letter and showed it to Shen Yuyu.

There are no plans to demolish the house at the moment. The main purpose is to transform the two fields on the Taolin hillside into a garden with a flowing water covered bridge and pavilion. Shen Hailin already knows how to build a house and can do it in one click. This matter will be left to Shen Hailin. Come to manage.

"Well, thank you for the reminder, Miss Shen." Mrs. Sun responded, and Shen Yue checked her pulse again. The condition has not recurred. As long as she is not overtired on the road, she will be fine.

As soon as he arrived in Xiumu, he would wait and look at the door of the hospital every day, blaming himself for being too greedy. How could he finish the wine before the time to deliver it?

"What good things did my old man do in my last life? I am so lucky to have met such a wonderful girl, no one else is lucky!!" Holding a jar of wine in one hand, he went in happily while boasting, and hurried back to cure his alcohol addiction.

Shen Yuyu walked around the town and found a hiring shop. The owner was an old man with a white beard.

"It's level 15, hehe." The white-bearded old man smiled broadly.

"Yeah, hehe." Shen Yuyu responded. In her personal space, every NPC that appeared was exactly the same as a real person. They talked, laughed and joked with a special warmth and humor, which made people feel that maybe this place It's another real world.

After chatting with the old man with a white beard for a while, Shen Yuhu asked him how to hire an errand boy, and the old man who owned the shop told her in detail.

The errands in this space are similar to modern "errands". If you want to send some flowers, cakes, documents, etc. in modern times, hire an errand to deliver them!

As for the 'errands' in space, you need to send some 'divine spring water' and some chickens, ducks, fruits and other things raised in the space to the real world. Then you can hire the 'errands' in space to deliver them to the real world.

This chapter has been completed!
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