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Chapter 361 Beaver

Ji Xun, Shen Yuyu, and Magistrate Sun were also on the boat, and a big rooster was hung on a strong bamboo pole with a rope.

The boat slowly arrived at the center of the river. It was almost noon, and the sun shone on the water, making it as calm as a mirror. It was impossible to tell what was hidden under the water.

"Put the chicken in." Magistrate Sun said.

A few sailors lowered the chicken into the water little by little. The rooster clucked and struggled in fear, as if it was afraid of going into the water. Once it touched the water, it flapped its wings desperately.

"Press it into the water." Magistrate Sun said again. Before his voice fell, the chicken had already been brought into the water by the bamboo pole.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the chicken entering the water, but the water was quiet. The chicken could be vaguely seen struggling in the water, but it couldn't be seen clearly. The river was deep and the visibility was not that good.

In order to prevent the chicken from drowning, I lifted it down shortly after entering the water, and then pushed it back into the water after recovering. I repeated this process for more than ten times, but nothing came to catch the chicken.

The people on the boat looked at each other in confusion, and became more and more convinced that the person dragging people in the water was a water ghost. Otherwise, why didn't the chicken drag him?

"How about trying another sheep? Maybe it doesn't like chickens?" Someone suggested.

Magistrate Sun was at his wits' end and nodded: "Then, let's get to the shore first to change the sheep."

"Okay." The man holding the chicken responded and was about to take back the bamboo pole in his hand when Ji Xun suddenly pressed his hand and said, "Wait a minute." Everyone quickly stared at the water nervously, but they didn't see anything after a few glances.

"It's not a water ghost, it's all bleeding." Someone said in surprise. Everyone took a look, and sure enough, the thing was slapped by Ji Xun and it bled.

This was at the bottom of the water more than ten meters deep. Just looking at this scene was enough to scare people. However, Ji Xun was not afraid at all. He held his breath and dived down, quickly grabbed one, and then Pull the rope immediately.

The thing was lying on the board of the boat, with pale skin, bare limbs, and a tail. It looked like a child without clothes in the water. After getting on the boat, it didn't look like that anymore.

Ji Xun began to dive into the water again, diving deeper and deeper.

"No need." Ji Xun shook his head, "There is no need to let so many people go into the water, I am enough."

"Did you see clearly?" Magistrate Sun asked, looking at everyone, and everyone shook their heads in confusion.

Although this thing has no hair and is larger than an ordinary beaver, it is definitely a beaver. The strange thing is where did their hair go? Without the hair, their bare skin is pale and pale, just like the legendary water ghost. A dime a dozen.

And Shen Yuyu has always wondered why these beavers have lost all their hair? Why?

Shen Yuyu looked around with doubts, and suddenly saw a tributary flowing into the river in front of him. Suddenly an idea flashed in his mind, and he asked the people on the boat: "Where does that river flow out?"

Everyone had no choice but to loosen the rope again and watch his movements nervously.

Shen Yuyu's mood at this moment was indescribable. She had seen a water ghost! It was really a naked thing. He even glanced at her in the water. His eyes had no whites, which was very eye-catching.

Shen Yuyu almost burst into tears.

"Is this a water ghost?" someone asked strangely.

Ji Xun rubbed Shen Yuyu's head: "It's okay, there are no ghosts in this world, believe me."

Shen Yuyu was still worried, so he tied three ropes around Ji Xun's waist, arms, and thighs before letting him enter the water.

"I don't know if it's water ghosts, but they must be dragging people."

But Shen Yuhu saw it. She saw it just now when others were careless.

Everyone looked at Ji Xun without saying anything. Even Magistrate Sun couldn't understand why Ji Xun was so determined. Almost everyone believed that the person in the water was a water ghost, but he didn't think so.

"It does look a bit like a child without clothes." Ji Xun said, "But I'm sure it's not a water ghost, it must be some kind of animal."

Magistrate Sun thought for a moment and said, "Well, send a few more people into the water and tie ropes around your waist. As soon as the rope is pulled, we will drag you up.'

"Tie a rope around my waist and I'll go into the water to explore." Ji Xun said.

"There are a large group of these animals in the water." Ji Xundao said, "These guys killed five or six people!"

The people above began to pull hard, and Ji Xun led the naked guy to the surface of the water quickly.

Everyone gathered around the object thrown up curiously.

"No, this is too dangerous." Shen Yue immediately objected.

Everyone answered: "Baijia Village."

It was the first time for everyone to see this kind of animal, and everyone was not sure why.

As it came out of the water with a splash, the thing Ji Xun was dragging struggled desperately, but was knocked unconscious by Ji Xun and thrown onto the boat, and then he was also pulled on board.

"I'm fine. When I pull the rope later, you can try harder," Ji Xun confessed.

After all, he was a man who crawled out from among the dead. He was not very courageous. Ji Xun opened his eyes and patrolled the water. As he slowly dived, he suddenly made a discovery. There was a row of naked guys squatting vaguely at the bottom of the dark water. Looking up, I saw at first glance that there was a row of naked children sitting there.

Shen Yuyu was untying Ji Xun's rope. After untying it, he came over to take a look and suddenly realized.

After Ji Xun entered the water, he swam on the surface for a while, but there was no movement. He dived into the water again and looked around, but he was pulled out of the water not long after he entered the water. Everyone was very nervous.

"Don't wait, it's useless." The man said and was about to pick up the pole. At this moment, there was a sudden force and the bamboo pole was dragged away and fell into the water. Then the bamboo pole and the chicken quickly disappeared under the water.

Seeing Shen Yuyu's worried look, Ji Xun promised, "I will definitely be fine, and I must catch that water ghost."

Sure enough, Shen Yuyu understood and said to Magistrate Sun: "This animal is called a beaver. It loves to build dams and make nests at the intersection of the two rivers. It must be that the river in Baijia Village has been polluted, causing the hair on its body to become polluted." It’s all gone.”

As he spoke, he stepped forward to check the blood flowing out of the beavers, "They are poisoned and have a violent personality, so they gather in groups to drag people into the water."

After hearing this, everyone suddenly understood, and Ji Xun also nodded silently.

Magistrate Sun could only shake his head and sigh: "The Baijiacun Iron Mine has done a lot of harm to people. Fortunately, it was closed in time, otherwise~~~" As he spoke, he looked deeply at Ji Xun and Shen Yuyu. If it weren't for them, I don’t know how many people that iron mine will harm. Your Highness, it’s so disappointing!

After looking around, Shen Yuyu stood up and pointed to the intersection of the two rivers, "They must have built a dam at the bottom of the water there, and the missing people might have been dragged there and used to build the dam."

After listening to Shen Yuyu's words, everyone drove the boat to the intersection of the two rivers, parked the boat, and then sent people who were good at water skills to tie ropes into the water. Sure enough, they found a huge dam made of tree trunks and branches under the water. , and there was obviously the body of a drowned person caught in the gap in the dam.

This chapter has been completed!
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