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Chapter 390 Zaozhuang

Chapter 390 Zaozhuang

Ji Xun glanced at a few people and saw that they were from Daqi.

Besides Shen Weiwei, who else can Daqi call out Shen Yuyu's name?

"Can Yu Yu go?" Ji Xun's gentle eyes looked at Shen Yu Yu.

Shen Yuyu naturally guessed who the lady the housekeeper was talking about, and asked casually: "How much is the consultation fee?"

The housekeeper said: "My lady said that as long as you can cure her illness, it will cost you one hundred taels of silver."

"Pfft~~ Is your young lady's life so worthless?" Shen Yuyu chuckled.

"This~~" the housekeeper cocked his head. In fact, what his young lady said was that Shen Yuyu's medical skills were only worth a hundred taels at most~~

Shen Yuyu recalled that he saved Shen Weiwei's life at Baohe Hall in Dahe Town, but Shen Weiwei was only willing to give one tael of silver for the consultation fee~~~ In Shen Weiwei's eyes, one hundred taels was already a sky-high price. Ha~~

"My wife is not free, so please let me go." Ji Xun refused coldly.

"Can't Ms. Shen think about this carefully?" the housekeeper asked reluctantly.

"Sorry, I won't go even if it's ten thousand taels." Before Shen Yuyu could finish his words, Ji Xun had already driven the carriage directly up to him, so the group had to give way.

Ji Xun drove the carriage out of Lingzhou City from the south gate. After leaving the city, he drove about ten miles to reach Zaozhuang.

"What kind of disease does Ah Xun think Shen Weiwei has?" Shen Yuyu asked Ji Xun with a smile.

Ji Xundao: "She has eaten so much fat, it must have something to do with it.'

"It must be serious." Shen Yuyu curled her lips and smiled. Being too obese could cause her to suffer from any disease, including diabetes, high blood pressure and high blood lipids. Any one of them could kill her, and she started The price is one hundred taels, what a ridiculous person!

After chatting with Shen Weiwei as a joke for a while, a sign appeared in front of her, "Lanling Zaozhuang", which is a village where red dates are grown.

In ancient times, dates were very popular, and logically you would never lose money. However, here we lose money every year, and the wages have to be paid by the merchants.

After the carriage turned into the path and walked for a while, suddenly there was a sound of beating and scolding from the front, "You are so young and your hands and feet are not clean. If I ask you to steal things, I can't beat you to death." Then came the whimpering and pleading of a child.

"Uncle and auntie, I stole something wrong. It's fine if you give me a good beating. But I beg you, let me take these potatoes home. My mother and brother are about to starve to death. I beg you~~ Woo woo woo.”

Shen Yuyu lifted the car curtain and saw that a pair of uncles and aunties in front of her had caught a girl stealing potatoes in the field and were giving her a lesson with a stick.

Ji Xun hurriedly drove the carriage to Yangzhi, and Shen Yuhu also got off the carriage.

"What's going on?" Shen Yue asked.

The uncle said angrily: "Didn't you see this, girl? This wild girl stole my potatoes, look what kind of ruin the field was like?"

Shen Yuyu looked at the ground. As expected, the ground was full of holes and dug into pieces. At first glance, it was really annoying.

"Why do you steal potatoes from other people's fields? Don't you grow them in your own fields?" Shen Yuyu squatted down in front of the little girl.

The little girl was thin and small. She looked like she was no more than seven or eight years old. She was dirty all over and she was holding a few potatoes tightly in her arms. "No." The little girl shook her head vigorously.

"Why didn't you plant?" Shen Yuyu asked. Emperor Qi Heng of the Great Zhou Dynasty was a rare wise king. Almost all farmers in paddy fields and dry land planted crops.

"This child is from Zaozhuang nearby. Where can we plant the land?" The aunt shook her head and sighed, "It's not that we are cruel. There are so many hungry people in Zaozhuang, and they come to our fields every day to dig potatoes~~ They planted them on us If the potatoes are peeled, how will our whole family spend the winter? We won't starve to death."

"It turns out it's from Zaozhuang." Shen Yuyu nodded and looked at the frowning uncle and aunt, "I'm the head of Zaozhuang. Let's estimate how many potatoes you lost. Come to the village tomorrow to collect compensation."

After hearing Shen Yuyu say that she was the head of Zaozhuang, the little girl knelt down towards her and banged her head several times.

"Master, please save us. Many of our farmers in Zaozhuang have starved to death. My mother and my brother may have died too~~~ Please, please save us."

Shen Yuyu said, "Why don't you get in the car quickly?"

The girl hurriedly climbed into the car, holding on to the potatoes tightly and refusing to let go.

The uncle and aunt looked at the carriage going away and wondered, asking them to get compensation? Is this really true? How can the head of Zaozhuang be so kind?

After getting in the car, the little girl was so hungry that she probably couldn't survive. She wiped the mud on the potatoes and took a bite.

Just as Shen Yuyu was unpacking her bag to get her some cakes to satisfy her hunger, she was already munching on the raw milk beans.

"How can you eat it raw? Eat this." Shen Yuyu handed the girl a few pieces of pastry, and the girl hurriedly thanked her, "Thank you, sister." Then she put the pastry into her pocket like a treasure and continued to eat raw potatoes. I probably want to keep it home for my mother and brother to eat.

Shen Yuyu's nose felt sour when she saw it, and she hurriedly took away the potatoes in her hand, "Sister, I have a lot of these pastries. I'll give them all to your mother and your brother in a while." She took a piece of sweet-scented osmanthus cake and stuffed it into the child's mouth.

The little girl's eyes turned red after taking a bite, "Sister, are you really the Da Dong of Zaozhuang? Aren't you really the living Guanyin who saves people in need?" In the eyes of children, the Dadong may not be a good person, but Guanyin must be a good person.

Shen Yuyu nodded with sour eyes: "I am really the boss of Zaozhuang. I am here to help everyone get through the disaster years, so that everyone has food and clothing, and no one will starve to death anymore.'

"Yeah~ Dadong is a good person." The girl nodded heavily, tears rolling down from the corners of her eyes.

"What's your name?" Shen Yuyu asked, "Who are the people in your family?"

"My name is Xiaoyi. I only have my mother and younger brother at home. My father got sick and passed away a few days ago." Xiaoyi said, pulling up her dirty sleeves to wipe her tears.

Shen Yuyu felt extremely sour in her heart, so she took a clean handkerchief and handed it to the girl. The girl waved her hand hurriedly, not daring to take it.

"How old is Xiaoyi? Do you know who the steward of Zaozhuang is?" "I'm eleven, and the steward of Zaozhuang is named Su."

"Why doesn't Manager Su give you food? I'm just watching you suffer from hunger?" Shen Yuyu felt angry in his heart. The eleven-year-old child looks like he is seven or eight years old. It can be seen that even if it is not a disaster year, There were no good days in the world.

Xiaoyi said with tears in her eyes: "Manager Su said that there was no food in the farm and asked us to buy it ourselves. But the Zaolin was hit by a disaster and everyone had no work to do. If there was no work, no wages would be paid. Where would the money come from to buy food~~ Just You can borrow it anywhere, but if you can’t borrow it, you’ll be hungry~~”

Shen Yuhu clenched his fists tightly, this damn manager Su~~ watched the people in the village starve to death without doing anything, it was really hateful and disgusting!

After passing a large potato field, jujube forests began to appear on both sides of the road. After the locust plague, all the jujube leaves were eaten away. This year, there will not be a single jujube left.

Fortunately she came, otherwise many people in the village would have starved to death this winter!

Just as he was thinking about it, a group of people appeared in front of him, standing in the middle of the road with sticks and blocking several large rocks. They saw the carriage approaching and stretched out their hands to indicate that it should stop.

(End of chapter)

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